Here’s an idea for a new Rocko’s Modern Life movie on Netflix.
Rocko and Sheila are getting married.
Here’s an idea for a new Rocko’s Modern Life movie on Netflix.
Rocko and Sheila are getting married.
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Get a job Timbox
I think that's a brilliant idea.
We can tell Nickelodeon about that.
I support Rocko x Rachel
Stop samefagging Timbox
i don't remember who shelia is. I forgot Filbert had kids too though to be fair. I knew he got married tho
Who is timbox?
She is from Wallaby on Wheels, remember.
And this is what Sheila is.
>A Fox right.
Anything notice to you.
I'd fuck Sheila
Just make rocko gay and join a gay fetish club where he gets DP'd by those two gecko guys like in that hammytoy animation
Well what other girls in Rocko's Modern Life would you prefer?
Rocko is already married you chumps.
I'd fuck Nosey.
Who is Nosey
>Featuring music from The Smiths
NO! Rocko is only for Rachel!
Boy! I sure hope this doesn't derail the thread
Raccoon talk show host turned news reported.
He should marry Hippo lady
>ed can hear rachel screaming "yeah rocko" from next door
Too far.
But he or she a toad.
I mean she is too fat.
>Not like the hippo lady from Fantasia
No way, just pick Shelia instead.
what the fuck lol
That is so weird.
We are in fucking clown world lads.
This is a brilliant idea! Infact lets fine tune this idea more by making it Sheila is actually a lesbian and Rocko helps her ready for her wedding but WACKY HIJINX occurs
Any day /pol/ seethes is a good day.
On the frist Netflix film of Rocko.
How dare you.
Yeah, it really need something romantic then telling a love story.
Does he look good in this?
Who’s lives in O-Town in 1993?
Make that K-I-S-S-I-N-G
She was a rollar derby dame.
You know they're gonna make her leave Rocko for some gay Taco
Rocko is for [Spoiler]Rachel[/Spoiler]
Make that into a pizza toco please.
She was waifu material
Nice comic strip.
This is kinda what I wanted Super Fuck Friends to be. Sexy Slapstick
Maybe this could be if there married.
this is hilarious, totally saving. Source?
Rachel needs a boyfrog, not a wallaby. Dumbass
Fuck That response
He’s or She’s a toad.
Well how about this.
Rocko x Filbert.
If we're posting gay ships I'd like to propose: Rocko x Heffer
What about that one girl from... France, I think it was
Well I don’t know her name either.
weirdly fitting.
Rachel and Sheila should get married.
No, way!
Boyfrog needs Rachel, now that she's a woman. Wallabies aren't they type, you can't make her marry to Rocko, that's not science!!
Man, Fuck yo opinion!!!
Yeah although I think that was just lust, not real love.
AllVeryHushHush on twitter
Naw if it were Modern, Rocko would become a bitter MGTOW after Sheila took half of all his shit in divorce. Represented by a gag of his house being split in half, right down to his beloved TV.
What does MGTOW mean?
Dating tonight
How does it feel having your website suffer its final unceremonious death?
>My sweet chocolate angel
What do you think of Sheila's new dress.
Hey, I'd pay for it.
>lewd comic mimics the source material perfectly
Good stuff.
For a prom.
I mean a promo
>I support Rocko x Rachel
honestly yeah I wouldn't be against that, it's kinda cute
But user, male and female couples are bad, only gays and trans desserve to be married
But Male and Female Couple are good, that’s why it’s called hetero.
Fuck you motherfucker, sit with it. Trans and gays always die at the final.
No No No *Rich Homie Quan voice*
She's still waifu material
Netflix is against heterosexuality.
No, Netflix is against everything. Including homosexuality, Netflix axed & killed 20 Lgbt shows way back without remorse.
That’s just nonsense. I don’t believe in any of that.
Actually feels in tune with the show.
hell yes
One Day at the Time. What happened to them? killed making it as number 9
One Day at the Time. What happened to them? killed making it as number 9
Lgbt characters are bullshit, that's why it's not worth it to include them, they being used as an propaganda amulet for money and political points. How's that representative?
Netflix is set to cancel and kill She-Ra sooner or later? Admit it and get real, Netflix don't care about anyone nor anything.
I hope all show will be safe.
Those are already burned down and not willing to come back. Netflix and the People who works at it are Heartless. We Can't trust nobody neither any industry nor stream and network.
So bring Shelia back to the series.
What the actual fuck.
Dr Hutch is the only worthwhile Rocko waifu
I feel your plight waifufag, but I am convinced this movie will be like The Jungle Movie or Serenity: made to conclude an old unfinished show, but won't be leading into anything.
Face it, Rocko is now finished for good.
If Heffer married a elk.
Now that i think about it if they continued rocko it would just become regular show