They don’t look or act 12 at all
They don’t look or act 12 at all
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause the show is written by adults with agendas
It's implied that Reggie might be autistic, the others might just be retarded, Idk.
I want to cuddle and kiss Reggie
Stop shilling your disgusting lesbian propaganda
So I keep hearing this show has a tranny in it.
Which ones the tranny?
None, Yea Forums has lied to you
Reggie is kinda OK as a retarded 12 year old refusing to grow up. the other 2 have no excuse though, they act like young adults the whole thing.
That's a lot of blue pink and white, hmmm
The ginger looks and acts twelve
Middle schoolers aren't all as immature as everyone remembers.
Although I've never witnessed the over-achiever kid type in real life that's featured in a lot of cartoons like Esther. But what about Todd doesn't have him act like a 13 year old.
Reggie is CUte and fUNNY
yeah they're at least 14
riley still being overly childish is reasonable if she's still a 6th grader
it really only started getting weird when you're actually in high school
should have been fourteen forever but i guess in some cultures you're an adult by 13, but never 12
>as everyone remembers.
are you fucking retarded? everybody was a teenager, and everybody know how retarded and uneducated they are. You on the other hand probably built yourself a fortress of denial where you were "too smart for the others" when you reached adulthood and wouldn't tolerate the shit you did yourself.
they do act like they are 12, every 12 is not a complete moron. 6th grade is old enough to have a 40 hour a week job and a car in some countries.
Reggie acts like a really autistic and socially retarded twelve year old. She's cool.
Todd's fine as a thirteen year old.
But I've never seen a kid like Esther, even the overachieving ones in my classes still acted like kids.
Esther's like a little adult and knows a bit too much about societal issues for someone her age.
Kids don't want to watch shows about kids acting like kids. They want to see kids acting like cool teenagers.
The one that sounds like it.
>officier this one is really smart and totally gave me consent ok
T. pedo.
They just had to replace basedboi Shane with two mutts for muh diversity. Sick of this generation.
He wasn’t that great.
shane didn’t look or act 12 either
True, he looked at least 14. The only one who looks and acts 12 is Reggie, and she acts more like a power-consumed 7-year-old on crack if anything.
if they acted 12 you guys would call them autistic and say you hate the show
Man he was the only reason i wanted to watch the show, where are my qties with glasses
he's essentially the same character so it's weird that they just got rid of him like that
maybe he was creators boyfriend or something and they broke up
When are we going to get the sexual harassment arc
>Connelly using Reggie’s crush to encourage her into a threesome
Todd and Ester are basically Shane's traits split into two characters.
They're not that bad.
Reggies gonna have to grow up one way or another, soon or later Butt Witch is gonna cop a feel
Reggie starts going to endless alone to get molested by Butt Witch all the time
You’re the one who thought of pedophilia from a completely innocuous statement. Seems like you’re projecting.
Name one cartoon character who actually acts appropriately for their age
THIS. Shane was a cute, I have no reason to watch now he is gone, not even the mega interested me when it dropped
I’m no pedo you fucking incel. Enjoy your life of no sex retard.
>getting this defensive
Sure thing bud, I be lots of pussy
What the hell is wrong with black girl's right arm? What are these proportions?
>Being so dimwitted you can't even post a reply without fucking up
Best get back to that cartoon porn user, at least they won't tell you to get your life together
Sure thing pedo, just don’t go targeting any real kids.
Todd is cuter than Shane, and his attitude is a lot more fun.
Shane was too passive.
>not wanting a shy boy to bully and play with
gay ASS
>user is so blind in rage he starts shitting on someone defending him
many layers of projection come into play here
I want to be Esther's heteronormative BF!
So like, if reggie just stayed in endless to long would she go insane and become another resident?
>Butt Witch keeps reggie locked up until the madness takes her, turning her into a happy servant
That’s nothing special anybody could do the same in the real world with a basement, some rope and a camera.
Can somebody get rid of those awful cornered chins?
Didn't the show juts lay out how staying on the island for long lengths of time makes folks go crazy? Like those guys were there for 5 days and were already too far gone
His Body looks like 2d from the Gorillaz.
Tuff Luck Slenderman
Diversity is our strength, and the black chick is actually interesting. Costume sucks tho but nothing a upgrade cant fix.
Shane suxs and Todd and Esther are actually more likeable than Reggie.
yeah, they're better than the MC. the absolute state of Reggie.
No one gave a shit about this guy when the pilot was still regularly discussed, where did all these fans come from?
they’re just mad about the fact that brown people exist
Seriously. There was nothing special about that guy
muh white genocide
>wanting a girl
Just jack off to Reggie
Shane stood out in a good way by not being affected by Endless. He had no costume and he had to get Twelve's permission to play "make-believe" for his powers to work. He was a nice bridge between the real world and Reggie's fantasy one.
Esther and Todd get too sucked in and can't play the same role that Shane did.
They just liked Shane's design. Maybe he lookedl like them when they were in middle school.
What's Futaba doing in a cartoon?
shes annoying and not my type plus im not gay like that
>What's Futa doing in a cartoon?
it's the self insertation forcibly removed.
I'm a shanefag till I die, but only because the original character dynamic fit the idea of Reggie growing up more
Shane being the sole person that she confides in feels better because the idea that Shane is a mature tween who can hang out with someone who is the most childish person around and still have a good time shows that he cares more about personality than looking cool, especially because apparently he abandoned the rest of his friends to hang out with her--which means that he empathized with her enough to be the sole friend
I admit, I do like the idea of Reggie gaining more and more friends, but she didn't actually get too many more friends nor did that actually change how she acts
it feels like they really REALLY could have forced her to grow up a little bit, even when facing the buttwitch they could have shoehorned some sort of "you don't always get your way, the world doesn't actually revolve around you--but it's okay because the people around you make life more fun" sort of deal, but they didn't
it feels like they recycled shane's character into the potential love interest, which is cool, but the dynamic just isn't the same
but honestly, fuck everyone who is hating on the new characters for no good reason
What I don't understand is why did they even get rid of him? Why not give her more friends with more characters to bounce her off of in dialogue and plot?
If they didn't have Reggie to bail them out yeah they probably would've ended up like Doctor Champion.
Brief glimpses of their past lives before the long descent back into madness.
Dumb buttwitch fags. Reggie is the waifu of this show. She is cute and funny
only Todd replaced Shane, Esther was eventually going to join the group.
Shane looked like too much of a wimp anyway, I can't imagine him telling off Reggie like Todd did in Audition Forever.
And cuddly
Yeah they do
Esther was that kid with the fucked up parent teaching her bullshit buzzwords
the others are just normal. Granted Todd should have a moustache by now assuming he's arab or hispanic or indian, but he's gonna have one soon. Unless he's southeast asian or something. he doesn't look it.
me too, user. Me too. she needs love.
I don't think any show in recent history has pointed out just how badly kids need a dad in their lives. Todd's big brother fills in for his, and he falls apart once he leaves for college.
She’s probably just echoing things that her parents talk about, without fully understanding them. Or her parents pressured her into learning about them despite being too young to fully understand.
the irony is that would actually be less degenerate than what we got..
I really appreciate how fed up Todd and Esther were with Reggie's shit.
Like yes. If continue to act like an immature cunt you're eventually gonna alienate everyone around you.
You gotta learn when "being yourself" is appropriate and when it's not.
Most shows today have "be yourself, no matter what" as the end-all-be-all and that's potentially damaging.
Here's an idea for an episode that's relevant to today and also very bold for a cartoon of today:
Hero Forever
>Reggie has just defeated Butt Witch in battle again.
>All the Endless inhabitants are cheering for her, carrying her around, etc. and she's loving the attention.
>Sadly Reggie has to return to the real world, school waits for no one.
>As the gang are sitting through another boring English class, an alarm goes off. A fire drill perhaps?
>No. There's an active shooter on the premises.
>She and her classmate pile to the back of the room, behind the desks. The door is locked, the lights are off, and soft mumbles and shushes fill the air. Everyone is terrified.
>No one really has any clue what's going to happen, what could even be done. Even Reggie is visibly worried.
>But she rallies. Something can be done.
>She bolts out the door to the protests of everyone and runs down the hall and around a corner.
>The shooter saw her. And he's coming.
>She hides around the next corner, behind a trashcan.
>As he rounds the corner she grabs his ankle and with her key in hand whisks him off to Endless
>He's dazed, unsure of what just happened, but Reggie is ready.
>She tackles him to the ground and lands several strong punches, knocking him out. She grabs the gun and throws it into orbit.
>She then brings his limp body back to the school. She bolts into a nearby bathroom just before an officer rounds the corner and finds the shooter there.
>Word spreads of how the shooter was found beaten to a pulp in the hallway. But only Todd and Esther know the truth of how he got there.
And absolutely positively spergy.
That’s what makes her super cuddly and in need of protection.
Surely the cameras would catch her and she'd have to come up with a cover story.
Given that this is early 2000's, it's possible her school doesn't have all that many security cameras installed.
Though an alternative ending I did think of was to have the shooter come the the classroom door, and in a last second decision, Reggie, Todd, and Esther all grab their classmates and teacher and bring them to Endless to save them. But I felt that Reggie learning to do what's right, regardless of who knows and praises you for it would be the better lesson and fit more with theme of her learning that life isn't just about her.
She's also unhygienic and smells really fucking bad.
>Bad Future where Reggie becomes a serial killer who dumps her victims in Endless
Are Todd's lighter skinned twin sisters supposed to be the kids of his dad and dad's current GF or all they all from the same dead/deadbeat mom?
does anyone have a high quality copy of the pilot? only thing i can find is the crappy cn uplaod with the bad audio and kisscartoon sites i cant download from
Sounds like something a filthy fragging adult would say
It’s on YouTube
Which is why i want to fuck Reggie. After dating of course, and asking kindly.
Describe your first date then
link? im aware of the cartoon network upload but the audio is bitcrushed to fuck
Thank you for your service.
>butt witch and big deal in the real world
I will draw 1 (one [uno]) Endless Islander.
Are you the user who wrote the cunny story? I might draw some scenes if i feel like a degenerate and don't give in to my alcoholic problems.
You don't know what she smells like!
Sorry dude but the CN version is the most reliable that I can find
He's not, no but I'm semi- monitoring the thread, why?
If i draw some ill upload it on the booru
Guy Pleasant?
But at least he looked white
There's a booru?
Am i a pedo for liking fictional characters who are under 18?
Not him, but the Yea Forums booru.
Unless there's a Twelve Forever Booru I'm unaware of.
I assumed there was, my bad. Ill upload it on r34 when i get the chance.
Probably not the best, given she's on the cusp of puberty and has poor hygiene tendencies. But she's definitely tolerable enough to sit next to and watch Saturday morning cartoons with.
I don't think she's that dumb. They'd get powers and she'd have to stay away long enough for them to go insane.
The rules are different in this iteration, Endless is bigger the Reggie supposedly. I liked his design better than Todd’s due to how his face isn’t a box but otherwise it’s fine.
Todd is the type of kid who will grow up fast because of how he fills in as the parental figure for his sisters. Problem is though Todd will be at risk of shutting down or become overwhelmed and I’m sure they will expand more on that in season 2.
>Guy Pleasant
But I'm warning you: I'm slow.
Can confirm from experience.
Reggie's gone to Endless in the middle of the hall before IIRC
Oh okay
Not really but for the sake of scaring away the sensitive fags, yes.
He's already slammed Reggie a few times for not dealing with stuff,
I am underwhelmed by this show. Endless just isn't very interesting or creative. Yeah it's some kid's imagination but I still have to watch it.
Just because you were the retarded one doesn’t mean you can project on to others.
I like Endless, but anything dealing with the real world tends to be more hard-hitting.
What episode are you on fren? It gre on me few episodes in. Initially i thought it was awful.
That's not what that means
Both of them are obviously from parents of the same races
Oh yeah, in Locked Out part 2.
I guess she'll be fine, then.
Reggie is the only one who acts her age.
This. I think there's definitely some balance issues with this show. Shane was a good straight man to deal with Reggie's wacky spaz shit, while still not being overly-bland.
I know this was already referenced, but I'm posting it anyway
Why is Esther so heterophobic?
it should have been Pretty Please ;_;
I miss Shane
The hell does that even mean.
It's precocious pretentious preteen prattle.
Pedo? No. Degenerate? Yes.
It's an idiotic race-baiting buzzword. Who cares WHAT it means?
esther is so so so extremely straight the entire show ie: spends 80 hours on a strap of guy pleasant, immediately pairing up with a random dude at the dance, you guys are just mad that the joke "12 year old says something extremely precocious for her age range" included lgbt terminology
preteens copy people they look up to and esther probably watches youtube vlogs to try to broaden her horizons and learns words from that.
>you guys are just mad that the joke "12 year old says something extremely precocious for her age range" included lgbt terminology
Actually I'm just mad about that joke in general. Who the fuck thought "Precocious Child" was endearing? You'd think Lisa Simpson would be enough to kill the idea dead, with Allan Gregory to be touted as an example for why dead is better for decades to come.
Pushing girls into liking boys and only boys, since the game only has boys as an option.
I kinda hope season 2 goes darker. That world has killed and will kill again, I want to see them dealing with that.
Also the bunny is the best character with Darla being a close 2nd
I really enjoy Darla.
She's so eager to help people, but having knives for hands kinda limits her usefulness.
damn, you really hate kids that are smarter than you huh
>Mindbreaking Reggie into a fucktoy
I’m hard as a rock.
oh GOD, user, not THAT image
There isn't any, that info was from a storyboard artist on the show tweeting "guys, Reggie is totally trans!". They got fired.
Reggie might be a dyke, but it's hard to be sure given the massive amounts of spaghetti spraying from her pockets.
I did, but he was also a sperg and would cry if he failed to get an A+ on something.
Where's the one with glasses
Checks out.
You mean they don't act like 12-year-olds in the early 2000s, which this show is supposed to represent
Todd, Reggie, the girl Reggie has a crush on and her friends totally act like kids I knew in middle school. Esther on the other hand really doesn’t act like a middle schooler.
kind of the point. Esther is a high strung, over educated kid that is too concerned with dumb things like the lines that /pol/fags shat themselves over. Her saying those things is part of her issues
>driveby baiting
Why do we get these every thread?
Esther has a dad. So does Todd.
>this entire time, reggie ditching school in the middle of the day to fuck off to endless has been captured on camera
>for months
>nobody has bothered to review the footage ever because lazy security guards
She just has to teleport them in, crack their necks before they realize what just happened, then bury their bodies on the island. Boom. More new islanders.
I hope she pairs up with someone with guns for hands.
Esther's parents are distant and demanding
Todd's mom ran out on them and his father is in the this nigga literally just died his hair red phase of midlife crisis
>shane was the only reason for user to watch the show
>a weak long armed faggot whose power was being totally dependent on the female protag to do anything
Is this bait or are you truly this sad?
Doesn't change the fact they have a dad in their lives. Stop moving goalposts.
A father existing doesn't equal an effective father, we were pointing out that strong parental presence is necessary and at least in Todd and Esther's case, they might not quite be receiving it. That's not moving goalposts faggot
>Use big words
As an Aerospace Engineer I can proudly say: FUCK BIG WORDS. Be concise and know your audience! Speaking in a way nobody can understand you doesn't make you SUPER SMART it makes you SUPER ANNOYING and a BAD SPEAKER.
>kids need a dad in their lives.
Your words. Imagine being this mad over how wrong you are.
That's already been acted out in the offices of the show.
Look, I'm sorry that he went for cigarettes and never came back, user, but you shouldn't take cartoon discussion so personally
Be honest, anons. How many of us would like to give Julia "Loose Hands" Vickerman a court order of their own?
>nononono I said things, praise me OR ELSE
Well, Reggie being crazy immature is part of the whole point of the show.
Not me. I don't like being touched, period.
This. I hate that this generation acts like you have to start planning your 401k as soon as you become a teenager.
I knew so many kids in my class like that.
Like, dude. No one knows what the fuck you're saying.
Get to the point.
Esther's chin gives Darla's knives a run for their money.
awkwardzombie? is that you?
>a 12 year old that takes an acoustic guitar to school
I'm glad this obvious self-insert is gone.
Wait, WHAT IS A 401K?
Of course user is a pedo, pedophilia isnt just the attraction to children its a deeper admiration of innocence and naivety. And Riley is the embodiment of all these qualities.
That sounds like it'll go extremely wrong.
Anything could happen, from having a bunch of Doctor Champion-tier insanoes to having all those bodies somehow fuse and come back as some horrid vengeance seeking amalgamation.
Something's bound to go fucky.
>I've never witnessed the over-achiever kid type in real life that's featured in a lot of cartoons like Esther.
I knew a couple. One was even a black chick. I think she still organizes our highschool reunions.
dont worry user, ALL 12foreverfags are pedos!
>Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.
Even the ones that just want Butt Witch?
Every kid in a cartoon show is just an autistic CalArts student. That's been the trend for a while now.
I swear, Buttwitch's form it takes in the show isn't really their true form. From my personal understanding and their dialogue, Buttwitch is like some kind of deity or demon who's main ability to shapeshift means it can be anything it wants to be, when it noticed how upset and frustrated it made Red, it just chose to keep the form to get a kick out of how she reacts to it.
I wonder if we'll ever learn Butt Witch's real name.
Is this the rumor i read in other threads? Wtf is it. And is it why the show isn't being promoted?
Probably ancient and nameless entity, unless they go with the Butt Witch once being a real human bean
Yes, but Reggie's especially autistic and that's part of why I love this show.
Her refusal to change and consider other people's feelings actively causes problems and pushes people away.
It's to show how she needs to be selfless and learn that the world doesn't revolve around her.
Most other shows would've said "be yourself, everything will be just fine!".
Nigga what? She wants to be pressed into a big white and fresh black sandwich so bad am appalled theres no smut of it already. Acknowledging something isnt the same as agreeing with or justifying it, which desu is a good lesson for kids and Yea Forumsmrades of all ages to learn.
It means you have to have sex with a transsexual or else you'll be labeled a bigot and exiled from society at large for the rest of your days
Don't bother, user.
He clearly hasn't actually watched that episode and probably hasn't watched the show at all.
>Pushing girls into liking boys and only boys, since the game only has boys as an option.
Thats it. I couldnt put it in simpler terms
Well, on /int/ we use it to make fun of American """white""" """"""nationalists""""".
They're obsessed with race, so it offends them.
still waiting for the reggie emergence edits.
the what
It's when you pander to heteros to the exclusion of everyone else.
That's because that's what alot of middle class people do. Or people who are lower class that don't want to stay lower class. More and more kids act like that now then normal kids. So when people act like Reggie they think there is something wrong with her mentally.
>Reggie is having lunch with her friends
>They are serving spaghetti with meatballs
>She likes it so much she actually puts some on her pocket for later
>Her crush pass by and says hi
>Reggie spergs so hard she tumbles off her chair and the content of her pockets drops out
If I ever see a "Spaghetti forever" title card my sides will fucking explode.
Thus show isn't based in early 2000s it's the current year. Why do you think everyone is so woke in it. Plus I don't get why people spasms about Reggie liking a girl. Most of her friends on landless are gay males. The island she is on was made by her own mind. The butwitch is her own puberty. If Reggie acts on her feelings for her crush. Then the butwitch will get stronger.
Holy shit, I wanna see this now.
>Why do you think everyone is so woke in it
what is even fucking "woke" aside from the basic existence of gay
Yep, seek help.
So basically, kids nowadays are growing up too fast?
But I'm only into fictional characters, since i was a kid. Now that I'm 20 i still haven't changed from that.
Well I mean, she is just a women waiting to bloom, Butt Witch just needs to raw that women out
It's okay, user.
We're all mad here.
>high forever
I don't understand why we couldn't have both. Todd and Shane being bros could have been cool.
>Middle schoolers aren't all as immature as everyone remembers.
Yes they are.
Source: My neighbors.
I can also vouch that they are indeed immature as fuck.
Source: younger siblings
Good God did Shane look awful. They made the right call
Literally how do they act mature? Because they don't use baby words? Reggie acts like she's 9 (that's the point) and the other two act like teenagers. I'm really not seeing any maturity
This line won't get them an emmy for that. In Fact, glaad would rig the votes by letting SU Win again and again against them. Twelve Forever might as well unplug itself and report it Cancelled Forever.
I’ve seen 12 year olds on the internet write smarter and more sophisticated things than I have my whole life
Which is jarring because when I look back on shit I scribbled in journals as a 12 year old, it’s like I literally had brain damage
It's natural to be attracted to cartoon preteens, a lot of people are. Most men are attracted to inexperience and virginity, as it biologically means a women has had few partners and is more likely to be, when fucked, impregnated with the spawn of her current partner. This translates to men finding younger women more sexually attractive then older women. I guarantee you, whether they will admit to it or not, most guys are attracted to high school girls.
Although you normally would see a 12 year old as just a kid it's easy to see her as an impregnatable women on something like a cartoon.
With all that being said you're still a degnerate fuck if you think fucking underage girls is okay
With this show either you grow to love it or you never like it imo
I mean, you're not wrong.
>is more likely to be, when fucked, impregnated with the spawn of her current partner
I don't think that's science.
Alright got it done.
Sorry it took so long, I fell asleep then had to get ready for work as soon as I woke up.
Maybe next time, user.
Pretty Please is pretty cute.
>this generation acts like you have to start planning your 401k as soon as you become a teenager.
>mfw 35 and still don't know what a 401k is because my job doesn't offer one
I don’t even know what that is. I have to save 401,000 dollars?
I didn't know till Teen Titans Go had a episode about having a 401k. From what I got, a long term saving plan so when you're old and retired you have enough to live off.
Esther is so cute.
It's nice seeing some of the islandsers get some art.
Everyone's so enamored with the Butt Witch.
W... Will... Will you go out on a date with me?
I'm in love with Reggie and Esther. Love Big Deal's fuck ups and desperation.
I don't trust this nigga, don't let his charm deceive you
Dr. champion keeps him in check
Yeah, I didn't expect to like Esther but she's pretty a'ight.
I only saw screenshots like and thought she was gonna be some "woke" mouthpiece or whatever, but she's actually pretty cute and I like how over-analytical she can be.
I was kinda shocked that her desperation for friends led her to a complete social retard like Reggie.
Also she's canonically thirsty.
She just straight up started dancing with some random boy she never met.
user, I don't know what your definition of "in check" entails, but I don't think it's the same as mine
Guy is a Good Boy. Look at his paws.
Is the person on the right some trans character?
Yes, she's still transitioning to human from a shovel
But she's precious and good
She could just whisk away as many people as she can into Endless until the heat is over
How persona 4 of you.
im 21 and act exactly like reggie
Doctor Champion is the only choice.
Nah, she's just a girl with a really, really pointy chin.
What’s that?
Are you female? You better be, otherwise that’s something worth killing yourself.
yes, faggot.
I'm laughing already.
>that Todd
Jesus Christ how horrifying. Not a one of his transformations aren't creepy as fuck
Pretty much. People in lower income brackets have to start worrying about more adult stuff much earlier.
Hm...I don't know.
I'd think Reggie would want to keep Endless as much of a secret as she possibly can, so bringing in the shooter to wail on him and bring him back out would keep Endless as low profile as possible.
It'd be less she'd have to explain and she could just say she really had to use the restroom or whatever.
Plus it would go into user's hypothetical lesson of doing the right thing regardless of who's around or who praises you.
Why is that boy wearing a skirt? He looks good in it though..
The main bad guy's M.O. in that game was throwing people in an alternate reality where they were ripped apart by shadow monsters.
>you can clearly see BW's giant butt over the horizon
This artist has their priorities straight.
to be honest I would've preferred him and that other dude with Reggie, if you know what i mean.
I doubt Todd would be into it.
She has a jawline that could rival the dude's on the right
I had a strong kek at that part
>Oh no the autismo is hitting on me what the fuck do I do
I know from experience how awkward that can be
great now todd has lice
Reggie's body is far too toxic to host any sort of parasite
Small storytime?
I remember someone drew a pic of her with a rounded chin and it was cute.
I wish I saved it.
That's awful. Are you still alive?
Anyone noticed his gem glowing in "Spring break Forever"?
Better than Shane's. At least Todd's transformations aren't human colored.
Is it me or has Reggie become uglier?
No? You mean she was cuter in the pilot?
Did Toad saw the Jennifers in her?
I don't know. Todd's is the mature one of the group after all.
I get that Todd wanted to take a break from his home-life, but no middle school boy would go to a female classmate's house when they just met without romantic intent.
If it wasn't for the fact Ester isn't a complete sperg, her sheer passivity would render her in a worse spot than Reggie.
isn't this the guy that did homestar runner
You know something like that would happen. It should happen.
Just watched Guy Pleasant Forever and Spring Break Forever to get a comparison and the gem looks the same in both episodes.
Must've recalled differently.
>Costume sucks tho but nothing a upgrade cant fix.
Man, that would be great. It'll be cool if Todd's outfit will change on account of his age.
Anyone feel like Butt Witch is pretty immature herself?
Shortest of short. she nearly tore my cheek open with her nails trying to pull my head down because she wanted to kiss me
Mega-version tier list
>Cool guy tier
Doctor Champion
Butt Witch
>Generic Kaiju tier
>Blatant muscle fetish tier.
Pretty Please=Tatar Tot
I want yuge Pretty Please to crush me to dust between her thighs
Fucking ouch, dude.
I can agree with this.
Also, something I really like is that Colin was the first one to step in and try to save Reggie and co.
Yeah, he prolly would've died if it wasn't for the pink rocks but I at least appreciate his bravery.
This show looks cute and funny
It is. There are some sad moments and a unique message for this period of time. I recommend seeing it.
Yeah, and don't forget the cunny.
It's surprisingly pretty good.
The MC tends to get on some people's nerves but she's usually endearing and when she's not the show brings that up and ties it to its message.
Go ahead and give it a try.
objectively yes, but this is Yea Forums so who gives a fuck
I just wanted to fuck him t.b.h
This guy looks 100% like a friend of mine so i might be a little biased on him
You don't know what you got until it's gone.
Though no one's saying thing about Tristan.
She IS the parasite.
Probably for the best. It doesn't really feel right having regular villains in Bethune. Kinda screws up the message.
>Well, on /int/ we use it to make fun of American """white""" """"""nationalists""""".
Based chad WN triggering /int/ into a shoot for the nth time once again!
Guy just wanted to drink his soda.
>wearing someone's clothes without their permission
>stretching out and ruining said clothes
>eating their specially marked yogurt cups and the LIDS
Garrett confirmed for bottom-tier roommate.
If it's fictional who gives a shit?
Doctor Champion is so special.
Warning: This image speaks of degeneracy.
Yo remember the time they had a Violence Jack reference in episode 3.
Shit dude, I love this show so far.
shes a succubus, i bet she'll end up being evil
I really grew to like the Islanders in a way I never really did with say, the candypeople in AT.
God I wish that was me
We are able to overcome our barbarous urges through reason.
Can we get Shane back for season 2?
>he's so hot!
>he's so fluffy!
Good to see who's got their priorities straight.
Vickerman can't keep getting away with this.
While one could act as if his mind is governed by reason, those urges will never truly disappear. In fact, the more you try to suppress them, the heavier damage you should expect from when they finally overpower all logic and let the world know of the beast within.
I say let your imagination run wild without shame, for it’s the most harmless way a man’s true nature could be channeled.
This logic is the reason our society is so degenerate. It is our sacred duty to suppress our baser urges.
>sacred duty
Yikes! Your neckbeard is showing.
Though the islanders and the candy people are both retarded, at least the former are retards that try and bring comfort to Twelve.
He's made redundant by Ester and Todd though.
My beard is quite well groomed thank you very much.
is it okay if I do not wish to fuck the little girl, I simply wish to be the little girl?
No what that's worse
Man, I hope there would be a episode where Todd and Ester are forced to listen to Reggie's poorly done, somewhat homoeoritc fanfics.
Furry Threesome?
Nah, Reggie wouldn't be into it. Ester however....
Is Todd a closet metrosexual?
Reggie probably doesn't even know what sex is and would most likely not be into it.
She just wants to pet Guy's fluffy fur and paws and ride on his back.
Esther would probably take the knot, though.
I like that Buttwitch actually has a soft spot for Big Deal.
Its faint...but its there. Her liking to him reminds me of Reggie's crush on Conelly, as I don't think both really understand their feelings towards this other person.
Do you think Conelly and Reggie is going to be a thing or will Reggie experience heartbreak?
Well not Reggie. I was thinking more along the lines of
The series will end with Reggie finally getting medication for her untreated ADHD and turning into a normal husk of a girl.
You know, I don't get why people think this is some SJW show. Though this show has a abundance of gay characters, it doesn't really seem to align to progressive politics.
That'd be sad.
I still want her to be creative and full of energy, just have more empathy, learn when it's appropriate to "be yourself", and just be less of an ass in general.
I don't want her to be dead inside.
Because apparently having gay characters=SJW/"woke" or whatever.
That, and the "heteronormative" comment Esther made that keeps getting passed around.
Green-shirt campers could probably already be 16+
>thinking the people who scream "SJW!!!!" have actually watched the show, or will even consider watching it
Black female character who's throwing around words like heteronormative. Julia is actively fucking with /pol/ and playing with fire, the madwoman.
>making Yea Forums fap to Matt Barry
>giving /pol/ an aneurysm
What board is going to be next in Vickerman's endless desire to ruin?
Sir I respectfully decline your interpretation and remain with my own.
Uno you should leave the discord. You're very annoying.
She could expand on Reggie's eating habits in season 2 to piss off /ck/.
What would be worse, Reggie becoming a goth or becoming a full-out weeb?
This turns me on way more than it should. Am I a bad person?
yeah sometimes you are just enamored with someone. it's normal for that to not be someone you want to fuck, there ARE other kinds of relationships and admiration
fuck sometimes you just meet someone and want them to be family.
this became a show? I remember watching the pilot a few years ago. I don’t really give a shit about it but at least the buttwitch porn is good.
You should give it a chance. I find the show well. See if you're into the first episode. It's a generally good indicator you would like the rest of the series.
Nice jokes, user. Acting like the world doesn't revolve around Reggie. Haha.
I have collected over several dozen pictures of her in the last three days. I need help.
I wonder if this show would dwell into some atypical stuff for a cartoon. The existence of the Butt Witch and how they talked about puberty in the first episode says to me they'll would be open to pulling a period metaphor somewhere.
>I’ve seen 12 year olds on the internet write smarter and more sophisticated things than I have my whole life
>12 year olds
>smarter than user in his entire life
>Also she's canonically thirsty.
Don't forget her grabbing Guy's chest and immediately lusting for his dog knot just seconds after meeting him. She's desperate for love and affection.
I remember it glowed during the concert part.
Man, I'm more into Reggie but Ester is admittedly perfect material for lolicon.
Nah, it stays the same throughout the entire episode.
Weeb Reggie seems like a more natural progression for her.
Yeah, especially if she was regressing inward to retreat from something massive, like being rejected by your crush in front of the school or something.
Yeah, but would that be more annoying?
I want to see Reggie get beaten up for being gay. She would be so confused as she lays there wounded because she has no idea what that even means. Reggie can barely grasp the concept of romance as it is.
I mean, that would be dark but I don't think the show is really aiming for a typical villain in ghe Bethune side of things. The closest I can see something like that happening is her mom not understanding why can't she like guys or something.
Isn't reggie, like, ALREADY a massive weeb?
I don't mean like saying baka to your teacher level of weeb. I mean like dressing up as a magical girl and naruto running in the halls kind of weeb
wait the show takes place in the early 2000s
She already dressed up as a superhero
I'm positive Reggie has done all those things already, we just haven't seen it.
it's not clear exactly when but yeah that's what they were going for
you can see it in the technology like corded phones and bulky CRT computers
Yes and its mainly do to people forcing shit on to them.
She did dressup as her endless persona
that was before she ever went to endless
It's not desperation but how she was grown by her parents. They have been making her to do a lot of shit she doesn't want to so she lost respect to her own desires. So when Reggie tells her "this party sucks, we are leaving" she thinks "why am I enjoying lame party? what's wrong with me?". Esther is kind of fated to do things told by people who are more dumb less competent than her but have a spine.
That's true. Reggie is being called out on her bullshit because people feel threatened about her assertive energetic attitude. It's worse for Esther because society doesn't consider conformity as a flaw because it's only harmful to Esther herself. So she can't escape it unless she finds someone who genuinely does care for her.
Nah I wouldn't go THAT deep
She knew WHY she was enjoying the party, she just didn't have the self esteem or whatever to stand up to the much more domineering Reggie. So it's honestly worse that she'd be forced to leave something she was really getting into, right in the middle of a dance. Reggie blueballed her to oblivion
s-someone post that pic of reggie with the vampire fangs
i need it for my podcast
>"I don't understand my daughter why is she a social shut-in/pariah and not very girly?"
>also calls her Reggie
>also gave her a name that rhymes with vagina
This dumb bitch condemned Reggie for life before she even got a chance.
What kind of ESLs infest this board that we keep having the Regina rhymes with vagene meme pushed. It don't
you think that will stop children?
Can I be on your podcast?
I love this show
I want to fuck Buttwitch while xhe berates me.
I can't believe Shane fucking died.
The episode where Reggie reveals she has trauma relating to watching him get run over his going to be heartbreaking.
Why is everyone in this show so incredibly fucking homo?
>Expressing non-gay attraction.
This was strange and probably won't happen again.
There are two gay characters in this show, Mack and Beefhouse. Oh, and Reggie's aunt, I guess.
Everything else is projection
Imagine the reaction if it turned out Shane is fucking DEAD and she'd just repressed all memory
You think Yea Forums would lose their minds?
Nigga you what
>Reggie's aunt
Also Reggie may not have realized she has the homo yet, but come on
>mack and beef house
>galaxander and pink shark
That's it. There's actually more gay male characters than gay female characters for once, too. You think the faggots would stop bitching about too many dykes in cartoons instead of soft boys they want to push their dicks into. But noooo. They will never stop crying.
I kind of like to imagine the shark guy showed up having no idea what was going on
>told the gateway could probably annihilate his very being
>leaps right in
Pink Shark wasn’t gay he obviously got catfished into a gay date thinking it was a friend thing
No worries, user. I fixed it.
Not so much a real world villain, more like a show of force that represents society at that era as a whole. It could make for an interesting lesson on how some social norms are good while others are not so good nor really helpful at all. Also I just really want to see Reggie get her shit kicked in the real world. She is cute and is made for bullying.
Reggie reminded me of myself in this scene.... I would've responded the same way. I still would, even.
Cathy isn't her aunt, if that's who you mean. She also isn't gay. Look at how she was eyeing up Judy's date while Judy's back was turned. Bi maybe.
>esther is fixated on looking into his eyes because she is a romantic and innocent soul
>reggie is trying to locate that doggy dick
She can't keep getting away with it!
I would punch my 12 year old self in the face if I could.
>Thus show isn't based in early 2000s it's the current year.
Except it is, because that's literally what the executive producer said.
Galaxander is just that bad of a date.
On the note I really like Pink Shark. He has one of the most cutsey odd designs but his personality is just normal guy.
Is he also one of the ones who could have been human?
He's too normal to have been
Would you?
>asking this seriously
plenty of people liked Shane, he was the mature and reserved counterweight to Reggie's imaginative and impulsive personality.
I could imagine them just outright bring it up. They already mentioned it when reading those puberty magazines.
On the whole this series has a vibe of 2000's shows like As Told by Ginger crossed with Adventure Time.
I dunno user, Reggie has more fans than I was expecting before I looked at this thread.
Waifuposting is good but I'm not feeling creative today.
She's already got that anime opening mixtape, it's too late for her.
She certainly was.
>no /SS/ art that I can find
I just don't get it
Do you mean hot-topic emo or actual goth?
It's a crying shame.
She already dressed up as a superhero when she first got to school, and I'm pretty damn sure she would've ran down the halls in her costume if the kids hadn't already made fun of her when she got there.
I want to see Butt Witch's adult wonderland.
Someone needs to make an edit of Reggie dancing like a retard at the school dance, set to fast anime battle music. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment just thinking about this.
The pilot character designs looked less refined. They flow way better now and Reggie looks cuter and more expressive. You have shit taste.
I think she just saw Reggie and Todd being good friends having fun in class and wanted to be part of that.
They might have been the first kids she saw getting along really well in her classes.
She even tried to get into detention to join them.
And nah, she knew why she was enjoying the party.
Reggie just dragged her out of there and she didn't have the guts to tell Reggie "no" like Todd did.
Good, that garbage is /ss/hit
How is it strange?
She's clearly really into boys.
She has a whole board game about dating multiple boys and she straight up danced with some random boy she never met in the dancing episode.
Is asking a stranger to dance such a strange concept to some people? Particularly given that she was new and all that
What do you suppose the island looked like when it was "hers"? I realize the likely answer is that it was probably full of kind of dry, boring stuff that a child would think is "adult". But my headcanon is a bit more fun.
Who else is supposed to be the subject of BW's desire in art/fic/etc? I know Big Deal exists, but he's not very erotic. You've basically only got the kids.
He's also a brap enthusiast.
This is a small deal.
Big Deal in my heart.
Given she's the manifestation of a child's idea of growing up it was most likely had stuff like offices, paying lots of bills, teaching, wearing suits and carrying suitcases, etc.
Stuff they would've seen they parents do or the adults at school and other facilities.
>I know Big Deal exists, but he's not very erotic.
This feels like a line from the show if it was pushing it.
Round chin Esther is best Esther.
Don't forget to cuddle with your shapeshifting demon enchantress today.
Was that because of the potion or was that his real voice?
I think it was the former the latter is funnier
I highly doubt Reggie even knows what homo-stuff is.
She's not even into romance in the first place.
Could be his real voice, with the potion giving him the hypnotic effect
cause only manchildren who are in their late 20 and 30s watch it.
they are probably the last generation who grew up with american cartoons
It’d manifest as stuff she sees as just cool action stuff but has clear erotic undertones
Like Reggie’s self insert character getting put in frequent leglocks by villainesses and showered with adoration by demure rescued maidens
Maybe I'm blind because between the pilot and the series she looks pretty much the same.
The fact him and Tasty Joe were doing everything to keep the kids there until the effects were maybe permanent have me believe tat Endless itself is a type of predatory dimension.
And anything created there is simply it's puppet.
Adults without a sense of imagination will simply die and go poof after losing their sanity.
I believe these were humans turned islanders.
Notice no Guy-Pleasant or Tasty-Troy?
>And if this dead titan isn't the source, is it another victim of this dimension?
Troy you useless dip
Tasty TROY
>Shane is actually FUCKING DEAD only lives on as a grotesque caricature of his former self created by Reggie in a time of grief.
>he dwells deep within the bowels of endless because he's so messed up even Reggie couldn't stand being around him anymore
God I hate that soft faced faggot even more each time I see him. What 12 year old brings an acoustic guitar to school?
Anyway here’s wonderwall
Galaxander's just that boring.
All he does is show his dates pictures of his family.
I'd want my atoms scattered into a million pieces too if it meant getting away from that yawnfest.
I think the researcher was probably just another creation of Endless messing with Todd and Esther to keep them from finding any answers.
Tasty Troy was already there before Reggie and Tod buried the toys.
He gave Reggie a birthday Balloon.
>try to act like adults but still have baby brains
>make bad choices despite the fact they should know better
>have difficulty controlling their emotions, always awkward.
>think they're always right, especially when they aren't
Yeah they do act like a lot of adults.
Why do you want to hurt her?
If she was, her cloths would have went with her.
My theory still has merit till, and big IF next season..
You know, the furball was actually cuter as a Monster then as a critter if you ask me.
making her jawline round actually makes her look like a girl, who would've thunk?
>Oh, you're handsome
Even Borbo would agree.
Although that's probably just him being dumb.
I think it would be that, but Butt Witch perpetually cumming from it. Like creaming her pants from filing taxes and dicking herself with a stapler
Jesus Christ Esther has some freaky long arms in this picture.
> dicking herself with a stapler
Any artfags around right now or
Amazing how much better this looks. I can go either way on the eyelashes since I think the point is she's a kid who doesn't wear makeup, but it looks cute.
eyelashes are just shorthand for feminine, not nessecarily for makeup.
That's true in most cartoons but this show's art style doesn't seem to use them a lot. I'm kind of relieved they didn't end up keeping BW's lashes from her early concept art, she looks better without.
agreed, though that said she doesnt need any help to convey her feminimity. Obviously her body proportions are part of that but her skull shape and hair, too. You dont need to see the rest of her body to realize she's female.
fuck, I like it
Much better, yes.
Happy couple.
Show was surprisingly likable and low-key and organic with representation and virtue signalling. The only thing that was really on the nose was the Beefhouse and Mack which is fine.
Esther is cute as fuck
Dr. Champion is my spirit animal.
Buttwitch is hot
They're precious. I'm devastated that season 2 is kind of unlikely. I wanted to see more of both of them.
Good opinion gang. Where the heck are you guys getting all this good art? I've trawled Tumblr and a few art sites but come away pretty empty handed.
We have our sources
You're a life saver thank you
What would you tell Dr. Tenders if she was your therapist?
I jack off to Twelve too much.
That would fit Reggie.
Being gay without knowing she's gay.
Same, I hated them at first but they grew on me. I feel like they introduced the worst ones first and let better designs in over time. Dr Champion, Galaxander, and fish waifu are my favorites.
I always considered the endless folks as genderless/gender neutral like Digimon. Pretty Please and Tater Tot taking part in guy-day being a good example
>butt witch is canon hot as fuck
>anons focus on an autistic child
Fuck you guys I’m going to the Garfield thread
>Pretty Please's parts are detachable
>Like Elmer's
Oh my.
> prefers some old hag over delicious loli
It's needs to be a little less pointy, the square hair-line makes her face look too triangular.
are they all real people that decided to stay in Endless forever?
Hope you like eating scabs!
>who took this photo?
Made me legit laugh. Matt Berry's line delivery was great throughout the whole season.
I actually do.
What female voice out there would be as good or at least half as good as Matt Berry?
But she doesn't eat scabs like I thought she was going to do she just collects them in a scrap book.
And then makes a garden out of them.
Honestly it would have been way less gross if she just ate them.
I dunno, man.
Matt Berry just fits so well, it's astonishing.
I can't even imagine BW with a female voice now.
For me the voice doesn't read as male too much anymore because it's coming out of such an obviously female character.
I'd say it's a mix of some that were created (like Brown Roger or Mac an Beefhouse) and those that used to be human (like Elmer and possibly Doc Champ).
Esther freaking out during that memory was one of my favorite moments in the show. Just the shear panic as she realises what's happening.
I don't get it. It may be not very aesthetically pleasing but that cartoonish reaction is just so much over the top.
tell that to your regular therapist and see how that goes.
so, apparently the AO3 audience didn't like the cunny story as much as the Yea Forums audience. thats not to say they didn't make me laugh though.
the spanish says something along the lines of "isn't this criminal? she is only 12 years old."
>showing this to anyone outside of Yea Forums
Portuguese, actually
Is Yea Forums secretly Endless?
because there is very little 12 forever fanfiction and there was none that was explicit posted, so i kind of wanted to be first. plus its already on my pastebin so why not also have it on my AO3, i guess? i dont like directing people to pastebin for things if i dont have to.
Dude, that's gross as shit. Even I cringed a little, I was expected her to just eat it. Her reaction doesn't surprise me that much.
She's such a non-character
well fuck you too!
It's fun to watch the west be so scared of sex they're willing to classify fiction as a criminal offence punishable by jail time and even wish some of the most horrendous acts of violence and death upon the person that made that piece of fiction. Such kind and righteous souls
>there was none that was explicit posted
Gee I wonder why
Did you properly tag it though? Or are the comments pic related?
Could you give more details? I'm interested enough to know about it, but not enough to watch it.
its rated explicit and tagged with everything thats in the story.
>used has a means of escape for some, a second home for others
>bunch of retards in one place
>stay here too long you'll become one of them and forget how to act like a normal person
>can never leave, no matter how much you try
Yep. Yea Forums is just a magicless, cynical Endless.
Honestly I have no idea what he's implying. There's nothing of degenerate nature except for threats of handholding
Also watch, you might like
Yea Forums forever brother
Buttwhich is a woman, she just had a deep voice.
A sexy full figured female witch with a deep, middle-aged British guy's voice.
It's absolutely wonderful.
literally right here my dude
That's neither straight nor shota, my dude.
No trannies.
Just a fantastic looking woman with an amazing voice.
Buttwitch's voice is male only for fun, comedic purposes and subverting expectations rather than to imply the character is trans or anything. In fact everything the character talks about and does, in regards to sex, is related to womanhood and never anything about being a guy or "trapped in a different body" or any other crap like that being implied.
Plus it somehow just works because the voice actor is really good.
>Ooh! Rose gold
every time
Thread closing theme.
Oh neato, I've wondered if there was a full version ever since it premiered
Reggie definitely does and Esther just seems like she's grown up with a lot of pressure to be mature, but Todd inexplicably seems like mid/late teens. Especially strange since the girls should have started maturing sooner than him
>season 2 is kind of unlikely.
What's in the way of a second season? Do we know for sure?
>Although I've never witnessed the over-achiever kid type in real life that's featured in a lot of cartoons like Esther.
I knew several. I imagine they all cluster in the honor roll classes and most at least present a mature face. A lot are very fragile under the surface though.
>two mutts
Esther is pure dark chocolate you pleb
The weeb path is inevitable
She's already a major weeb.
She reads manga, makes anime drawings, and has an anime OP mixtape.
She's too far gone.
She and Reggie contrast each other in really funny ways.
I don't want there to only be one season when they so clearly set up for another season
She also says "baka"
This show has some hilariously disturbing scenes, it's great
If they don't get another season I'll be saddened, but not surprised.
I'd really like to see more of endless and Reggie to start acting more mature.
And Gwen in Endless.
Doctor Champion's a riot. I love him.
How long we waiting until next thread?