Ghost Rider vs Lobo is on Youtube:
Death Battle: Ghost Rider vs Lobo Is On Youtube
lobo loses
Looks like Zarathos ended the streak.
We saw the episode on Monday via MEGA
Yes, however
Nice episode
Honestly that's a pretty hype fight
They’re just using Kiryu I think
>they are nerfing mechag while using boom dragonzord
Well shit he's fucked
Shit, it's out. Thanks.
Yeah - the prediction blog is just using Kiryu as the other MechaGodzilla are too different to fully composite them. Also Kiryu has by far the biggest arsenel
Someone in a previous thread made an argument for Kiryu by scaling him to Composite Millennium Godzilla and Heisei movie Spacegodzilla (since he fought a comic incarnation)
I'm sorta iffy on that since I don't think Death Battle composites like that
It'd be like Injustice Green Arrow beating Injustice Doctor Fate would allow him to beat Prime Earth Fate
I know one was made by those monkey aliens. Guess it’d be like compositing Megamen.
Heisei Mechag Crushes dragonzord so I'm not sure why they aren't including him.
Someone on /m/ is ranting how its rigging for the Dragonzord's favor since Kiryu isn't the most powerful incarnation (that'd be Heisei) and Ben's popularity poll led to Composite winning out
Doesn't he have the less appearences in all media despite having the best feats via scaling in his primary canon?
I personally think they're just being lazy not compositing, considering how they composited godzilla fully back in 14
Godzillas at least have enough similarities for a composite to work reasonably (outside of shit like Zilla and Earth)
Every MechaGodzilla is too different
Brutal As Fuck. Perfect for these guys.
>Godzillas at least have enough similarities for a composite to work reasonably
One of the Godzillas is a composite ghost of the dead from WWII wreaking vengeance upon Japan. Another is a multistage lifeform that reproduces by budding into an army of human sized lizard monsters. Also it has a second head in its tail and can split its fucking muppet jaw down the fucking middle for MAXIMUM ATOMIC BREATH.
The fuck are you talking about most of the Godzillas are fucking similar?
Dude, you know the DB came before that movie right? They were talking about in general.
Yeah, Godzillas tend to be more similar to their different incarnations then MechaGodzillas. At least they are not using Anime MechaGodzilla
his point on GMK godzilla still stands
DEATH BATTLE have changed their rules quite a bit from S2 - i think the analysis for charcters such as Link and Godzilla would definetly be different
Based Swan
He did mega man Royale, GL vs Ben 10 and Ghost Rider vs Lobo
3-3 all correct
Their other researchers suck
I think they changed around season 4 when they got a new opening.
If they were done today
Mecha stomps
They’re just using Kiryu so closer fight. Also they’re using Boom! comics.
As a former Screwattack forum member which swan posted a lot in, I can tell you this guy knows his shit and doesn't pull any punches
Shame the streak ended with Lobo losing but it was one of the best fights
Also someone on the DB crew has an inflation fetish
I know this wasn't the first time a character blows up after being inflated
How would Godzilla had been done differently? With Earth being a thing it's an even bigger stomp now
Dig Dug and Charizard too I think.
I would say that they would have focused on the Showa version
Nah, Sam and Nick have written some great episodes before. Sam's likely going to be busy playing Classic Warcraft
I enjoyed it
Comment by Sam aka ScrewattackSam:
""We've actually had A few WarCraft and StarCraft characters slated for fights in previous seasons but they always fall through the cracks.
I think season 3 had a dragon battle royal with Deathwing, but all the other dragons were wayyyyy to small to even compete so we scrapped the idea."
Bomberman was fucking robbed
>Lobo can take a lot of pain but he doesn't enjoy pain so the stare can finish him off
I never though I'd hear a more retarded reasoning behind PS than that it can off people just because they don't like pain regardless of their ability to tank the damage but there it is.
Was he? I don’t know much about either.
He has some universal shit
I don't think that one was used
they specifically showed him in Godzilla's section. They only excluded zilla
They don't research for verdicts IIRC
Just write episodes and they need familiarity for that so they do have to research
Nick suffered from Blazblue being his first episode
Tanking damage or having a high pain tolerance doesn't mean you enjoy experiencing pain.
scaling to characters that damage the omni cube which is a universe level mcguffin
>Poor Ragna having to be thrown at Sol Haxguy
Guy can't catch a break
I don't blame Nick getting frustrated by Blazeblue, the series is extremely complex for all the wrong reasons.
Yes but just not enjoying pain doesn't mean the penance stare kills you and vice versa just liking pain isn't suppose to make you immune.
I'm not even mad about it working on Lobo but that is the most retarded reasoning for it.
How complex is the series? Kingdom Hearts tier?
The thing destroyed his soul.
It's Kingdom Hearts Tier easily
Skip to 4:02
Ben thought, they're fighting game characters
How bad can they be?
I agree that their reasoning comes off poorly sometimes, but they're usually right in their picks.
This is no exception and a graceful way to end the streak.
Yah and it was a good fight but somewhere in their research they managed to head-cannon an entirely new way the penance stare works contradictory to all the other half a dozen ways it supposedly works and that is baffling.
Yeah, i like Ben - but he seriously underestimated how complex Blazblue and GG was
Eh I don't find BB all that hard to get. There's wacky shit sure but not too difficult to follow with the summaries and stuff
Good episode. I was surprised as I thought Lobo would take it since DC guys are so OP, but they did some good research.
Also watching old videos and I still laugh at the rage from the jojo fans from the Jotaro versus Kenshiro fight. They just didn't seem to understand how fucking insanely broken Kenshiro is.
That was a fun one, saw it before getting into Jojo, so didn’t really cared who won.
Fighting Games are also really hard to get feats from, so most of the time one has to look at other media (manga, anime and other such stuff).
Best part is that the Research Team is full of Jojo fanboys
really wish they went back to not having avatars.
yeah, the avatars suck ass
He also did Ultron vs Sigma
It is I, the worst Death Battle in history!
you mean pony vs starscream.
>toph vs gaara
>wonder woman vs rouge
>link vs cloud
>ganon vs bowser
these are all objectively the worst death battles so far
Time cube tier.
This was definitely the worst offender in regards to blatant shilling. Toph VS Garra was the most offensively wrong though
I hope they do Meta Knight vs MAX
>They're going to kill my boy kiryu
Real talk, who is the most popular MG incarnation?
kiryu easily, not sure why they didn't use the most powerful version of mechagodzilla
Could Utrom Shredder beat Composite Human Shredder?
I think a poll.
i know nothing about TMNT, what I'm saying is they should have gone with the most powerful version of mechagodzilla
Poor Nightmare, dude got robbed for a bullshit reason and no one cares because everyone was rooting for Guts
What’s the best? TJ Combo vs Balrog? Or Ryu vs Jin?
Stacy Tifa losing to some loser becky like Yang.
Those are pretty good but not sure if I could call them best.
Wolverine vs Raiden
Optimus Prime vs Gundam
Fuck, I had no idea Ghost Rider was so broken. Even IF the stare or the hellfire doesn't work, I forgot Zarathos can literally just eat your soul. As much as I love him, Lobo doesn't have a fucking defense against that.
If I remember correctly Jean Grey, while Phoenix, said one of the few beings she feared was The Ghost Rider
With Turtles Forever Upgrades? Yes.
He also gets amped by sin and can’t be physically destroyed
He is the Spectre of Marvel
>Even with the best feats he has, Dragonzord has nothing to counter the Absolute Zero Cannon.
I’m thinking Kiryu has this one.
>Implying death battle will put fucking mechagodzilla under gundam epyon
That was a season 1 episode so you can’t be too harsh on that. Remember how they had Rouge beating Wonder Woman?
Doesn’t Epyon see the future?
Godzilla vs Gamera will always be my favorite. But Optimus Prime vs Gundam has to be a close second.
It takes too long to charge and Tommy can just have the Dragonzord rocket out of the way or teleport
If Dragonzord Battle Mode is used, expect the drill to jam the cannon as its charging
Has teleportation ever been used in battle?
Epyon destroyed a massive space station and can anticipate future events
Doesn’t Battle Mode also have an ice Ray?
Have you seen the calculated power output of the absolute zero cannon? It outclasses what epyon did to that spacestation
Its more akin to Silver Sakurai's usage in that he uses it to enter and retreat
Closest thing is would be a recent issue of GGPR where it teleported to fire missiles at a monster and then quickly retreats as the monster was getting back up (Green Candle was taking place) and before it can attack
All it has is a massive drill staff and a head laser that doesn't even work right
It should scale to the Megazord though and be superior to it
Best feat the Megazord has is busting up Alpha-1 who just barely survived an exploding moon
*Silver Samurai
To be fair their reasoning of "Guts deals with shit like Nightmare every fucking day" was sound
The Megazord has an ice ray and it uses the same Mammoth.
That reasoning is poor as fuck though, Guts couldn't beat something like Zarathos just because he faces beings more powerful than him, they should have brought up shit like Guts far outspeeding him rather than Nightmare loses lol because Guts faces opponents stronger than him but not as strong as Nightmare
There's kind of an issue with that
The Megazord never displayed the Mastodon's freezing capability itself and for all we know it could work with VLD rules in that there are things individual lions can do that Voltron cannot
I really enjoyed this episode, wanted Lobo to win, but i am not mad, the fight was cool and the veredict makes sense.
The cannons firepower is mitigated by the fact that it takes too long to charge up
None of Kiryu's other weapons come close to that power
Hell, in a fight I can see Epyon just dodge the thing and cleave Kiryu like butter afterwards
DB screws up half their fights, but this one has to be a no-brainer for MG.
The maser triple cannon shit put down Godzilla who can tank nukes
They’re just using Kiryu
How durable is Dragonzord?
Anyone else thought that the ending was extremely creepy in a good way
Hell yeah, Zarathos dragging Lobo with hellfire chains was metal as shit.
Some people say he may be moon level through scaling, but that seems like an outlier to me.
Aren't real life nukes only up from town to small city level outside of the Tsar Bomb?
Moon level via Alpha-1 scaling
City to Mountain level with direct feats from the show (mainly it being thrown into a small mountain hard enough to pass through it)
Large Planet with Vsbattles "logic"
Yeah - love how they embraced the metalness of the charcters as well as the creep factor with Ghost Rider
Checked the vbw page for Kiryu out of curiosity, have him at large continent level.
Shame it cut out the music, playing 3:14 would have been nice for when Zarathos suddenly stabs him with the chain
It says large country
Dragonzord loses
Only thing he has over Kiryu is more endurance and raw speed
Kiryu has better damage output, combat speed, striking strength, range and durability
Fuck my memory is shit, as is VBW
Someone never saw the Rocky films.
I’m gonna be salty as fuck when kiryu loses
If you're the same guy who scaled Kiryu to Millenium Godzilla composited, my issue with that is that its kind of like saying Injustice Green Arrow beating Injustice Fate would be like saying he could beat Prime Earth Fate or Origins Mega Charizard X could beat Manga/Movie Mewtwo
Guess we really are in dire need of a /yt/- "youtube and e-celeb faggotry" containment board.
>Yea Forums is heavily team kiryu
I’m hoping there’s stuff from the comics that gives him the win. But other than that I’m expecting him to lose.
There's Spacegodzilla scaling but it might fall under
It doesn't though, Spacegodzilla zipped across galaxies in seconds in the comics, and Kiryu scales to him due to being part of the same continuity
They’re web animations deal with it
It’s a cartoon.
Can't he only go that fast in space?
He could probably go that fast around Earth, pretty sure it’s more flying than running.
I asked that question because Godzilla stats have always made that distinction between "space speed" and "atmospheric speed"
The movie Spacegodzilla is listed as speed of light in space but Mach 3 on Earth
Gigan follows this rule as well
Rewatching Lobo vs Ghost - i loved how they call back to the line GR says in the beginning
"Lobo of Czarnia, i am here to Your sins are innumerable! I am here to w-"
Then at the end of the fight GR is like
"LOBO OF CZARNIA! Your sins are innumerable! I am here to wreak vengeance! UPON YOUR SOUL! "
Hoe much was Grimace worth?
Not sure, billions?
I remember the retardedness of their logic for Toph, what was the logic behind the others?
WW vs Rogue was one of their first ones. They reasoned Rogue could absorb Wonder Woman because she was wearing such a skimpy outfit.
Even Ben has said that the early DBs are bad
They apparently had bigger plans for Kratos vs Spawn that didn't make the cut
Original ending was Spawn dragging Kratos to Hell and having them fight in a pit of fire and demons
Eh, Season 1
If IDW is taken into account, Kiryu should have it on lock. Gigan and Ghidorah flew from Jupiter to Earth in at least two years, which would put them anywhere from mach 30 to mach 50+ - but if that's not enough, Gigan in the same IDW comics, Gigan flies from the moon to the upper atmosphere of Earth in a matter of hours, meaning he'd be going anywhere from mach 50 to mach 100.
Why's this all significant then if it's Gigan, not Kiryu? Because these feats of Gigan firmly place him far above anything the Dragonzord has demonstrated in raw speed, and Kiryu, while damaged, was able to intercept a full-biltzing Gigan. Kiryu is not as fast as Dragonzord, but DZ's speed advantage won't matter as Kiryu will be able to tag him anyway.
How does this guy play into it?
Dragonzords speed was the biggest advantage, because Kiryu easily, EASILY deals with far higher levels of power when it comes to energy output and durability. DZ will simply be unable to do enough damage to outscale Godzilla, isn't faster than Gigan, and isn't going to be able to take hits from a being who trades blows with Godzilla on the regular.
>They're usually right in their picks
Since it's popular on YouTube, their picks have to be at least 30% wrong every time or they wouldn't get promoted. Being just a bit retarded in a bad way is key.
Except Godzilla canon usually interprets space speed different from atmosphere speed
Coin toss
Tommy never piloted it by himself but they did allow Mega Tigerzord in Epyon vs Tigerzord
plenty of universes handle physics differently but that's never stopped DB from considering them the same as real life, see Kirby and basically 90% of comic shit that defies physics in the first place
Have they ever done that. Have someone go again and exclude something they had before?
death battle and consistency are not good bedfellows
Granted I'm not sure if Kratos returned he'd have any Greek weapons outside of the Blades of Chaos
>Positive Death Battle discussion on Yea Forums
Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Let’s say he does have it, how much a difference can it make?
Well it might make him concretely moon level (if you go by the Alpha-1 stuff) in destruction since it should be superior to the Megazord
Otherwise, not much
It doesn't really give anything new outside of an unreliable head laser and a drill staff
Doesn't get screentime in the comics either
Damn. Leaning towards Kiryu but if I remember he kinda has to work on a time limit.
Damn this was a good episode.
>Every website I go to has the vast majority of people on team kiryu
Oh man if DZ wins everyone is going to be PISSED
Yeah frankly I thought it was going to come down to Penance Stare so hearing they only brought up the times it's failed against Frank and not the four other times it didn't work had me uneasy.
Wasn't aware Ghost Rider had two other ways to get get straight to his soul though regardless.
Dragonzord is pretty nuts. But Kiryu was made to go toe to toe with fucking Godzilla. And one of the few monsters to force a tie.
>toph vs gaara
It's not what they said, but what they didn't say. They failed to take Gaara's massive speed advantage into account.
>wonder woman vs rouge
They said that Rogue could drain WW easily because of her skimpy outfit. They also decided that since WW is a trained fighter she'd punch Rogue in the face, thus initiating skin contact, and that split second of contact would be enough for a power drain, even though Rogue's powers usually take significantly longer than that.
>link vs cloud
They gave Link a wide variety of equipment and Cloud nothing but his weapon with no materia, not even common store-bought materia like the kind he starts the game with. They also said that Z-Targeting would let Link block all of Cloud's moves (it's not infallible even in his own games), that the Golden Gauntlets would cancel out Cloud's strength advantage (they're only in one game and only allow him to lift heavy objects with no increase in attack power), and that the Master Sword being the "blade of evil's bane" makes it super effective against Jenova cells (Cloud isn't weak against Holy and the Master Sword is just a strong sword except against foes that are otherwise invincible).
>ganon vs bowser
Ganon wins because he's completely invincible except against special evil-slaying holy weapons. Bowser is a Star Child which makes him some kind of chosen one, but he doesn't have any special holy attacks, so he had no way of defeating Ganon. This one makes sense, but in a way that renders the entire battle pointless.
>Implying they aren't going to do MG dirty in order to sate salty PR fanboys
Except its explicitly stated that Gigan and Ghidorah don't reach those speeds under Earth's atmosphere
They can react to those speeds yes but they can't move as fast they can if they're not in space
Also if you're gonna go with that you might as well use the Dreadfeather shit as well despite how nonsensical it is
Please let's not pretend anyone in these threads is here for the animation rather than discussing who wins and talking about the people behind the channel. I'm sure there's a subreddit just for this shit so why not go (back) there?
>This one makes sense, but in a way that renders the entire battle pointless.
The research team disagreed with Ganon being only killable by holy weapons because he has been harmed by shit like the Biggoron Sword in the past
They argued if Galactus showed up and squeezed Ganon's head like a grape, he'd be fucking dead
And to quote Swan "That's like saying Tupac can only be killed by drive bys"
Had they had the same promotion that gives them full decision on episode outcome back then, Ganon would've lost
Well that leak was a lie.
Snake VS Sam Fisher.
Like how they were going to do Darkseid dirty to give Thanos a win? Or how they were going to do Billy dirty against Carol? Or how they were going to do Hal dirty against Ben?
Power Rangers never won a match and a franchise going 0-3 has never happened in DB history
Until now.
They wouldn't dream of going back on the Link vs Cloud result. It would upset too many Zelda fanboys.
It bugged the shit out of me that they said they were characters to the equipment they have in the fighting games and then gave Link the Pegasus boots anyways.
You should have seen the salt when Peach beat Zelda. Or Meta Knight beat Link in a DBX.
>TFW vsbattles own stupid logic makes them agree with Link vs Cloud's result
>Large Planet Level power rangers
Jesus christ how horrifying
Why are people fussy over DBX anyway, until until recently, it was random.
>TFW the next one is Link vs Trunks
Wow I fucked that up, meant to say giving the characters the equipment they bring into fighting games.
Why do they bother putting DBZ characters in DBX? Most people who are into this kinda shit are DBZtards so of course they will win the polls every time
>Zeldafags vs Ztards
If this on the actual main show, it would generate so much fucking salt.
They just started the voting thing I think. Only the second time. I think it started with Gohan vs Superboy.
Apparently the alternate endings that keep losing are more brutal than the ones that win
There are people who legit think Link is Universe level.
They refuse to recognize Hal Jordan and have no Guy Gardner page. It sickens me.
>solar system level
what the shit
Like how a character has never lost two separate times? Goku, Charizard and Mega Man would like to have a word with you.
They have a very strict guideline for Big 2 characters
Which basically means disregarding anything that surpasses Solar System
>tfw they ignored Hal’s killing of Krona with the Emotional Entities as PIS
Remember when they straight up admitted that they are wrong about multiple comic characters but refuse to change it because it messes with the scaling?
And meanwhile every FoTM and DBZ character gets wanked into oblivion
Fuck me
>Goku has a single universe level feat.
>VsBattles: Obviously that means he’s universe level!
>Superman has a laundry list of feats that put him at Universe level and Multiverse level.
>VsBattles: Those don’t count. We’ll use his lower end feats instead.
It boggles the mind.
Here's my rule on it
If its significant to the overarching story, it should fucking count
flavor of the month
Flavor of the Month
lurk moar
Guts vs. Nightmare was pretty great
>Black Bolt is only Massively Hypersonic+ because he is listed as fast as Spider-Man
>Even though he has fought Gladiator a character who they themselves have at MFTL+
VsBattles isn't good when ranking Comic Book characters stats at all.
Surprisingly good fight and acceptable result.
That looks cool...wished they used that.
In the anime movie I mean
>still no Super Sentai page
Super Sentai never gets any love and is eternally cucked by Power Rangers which is itself further cucked by MMPR
They seem to just be massive weebs.
That makes me wonder how they considered the other times when the Penance Stare didn't work, like when he tried to use it in Captain Marvel. But for what i can see, this one comes down to who can kill the other one, and Lobo could possibly only kill Johnny Blaze, since the spirit of the Ghost Rider can only be killed by God.
I could never quite hate VsBattles because I find it's blatant powerlevel shilling of what's basically two idiots arguing about murders incredibly entertaining.
lobo was in injustice, injustice is a fighting game just like street fighter
It's possible they figured it was for the same reason, I can see him not wanting to kill Carol, but then the question is why use it in the first place.
Ghost Rider was in MvC3 and Infinite, Ryu was present in both games as well and has actually interacted with Ghost Rider.
Who else /tinfoil/ for the next match here?
OBD has Kiryu in city level
vsbattles has Kiryu at large country
Ryu beat Jin Kazama from Tekken, so no they don't.
I like both and am calm with this.
So if Holy Weapons can hurt Ghost Rider, and Lobo is the head of a Church and can sense weaknesses, why the fuck couldn't he just sanctify his weapons?
His church isn't a Christian one.
no one cares about what those faggots think
I think Tommy has more experience
He does
Its probably his biggest advantage given Akane only piloted twice
yeah but ghostrider was AGAINST ryu on that game
so as some one that would beat ryu ghost rider won because they hate street fighter
They do say it’s the man, not the machine.
He wasn't against Ryu in Infinite they were on the same side fighting Jedah.
based DB hates Street Fighter poster
They may end up bringing the berserk mode into this. If they do, wouldn’t that even the experience category?
Kiryu goes berserk DZ/Tommy only expecting an everyday giant robot get btfo'd by a dead Godzilla
Well it’s the original Godzilla, he got destroyed by the Oxygen Destroyer, didn’t even fight anyone of his size.
The worst death battle that isn’t toph vs gaara
Why did they use composite link against cloud with less items and abilities than he has STARTING the game?
+Durability (arguable but I’d say yes)
+Damage output
+Battle Speed
+Variety of weapons/tactics
-Raw Speed
Why should Kiryu lose? Zord have an ace up it’s sleeve?
Does Kiryu have anything that scales to moon levels of damage and durability?
There's the Cayan Tower feat that might be heavier than the average skyscraper
I can picture them trying to math it or research info (which is fucking hard since chances are its in Arabic)
That moon feat is pretty dubious. But for arguments sake, he has the Absolute Zero Cannon which should bypass that durability advantage.
Nah Toph VS Garra was worse. At least you can somewhat argue Scout VS Tracer even though Scout definitely got robbed
Early Death Battle was inaccurate shit full of stuff like that prior to the research team getting promoted.
Except its charge up gives Tommy plenty of time to dodge via rocketing or teleporting
Kiryu can't even move while charging outside of using its limited flight reserves
Yeah kiryu lifted or launched Godzilla hundreds of feet through the air multiple times
Tanking millennium Godzilla Atomic Breath
Doesn't Kiryu have cables to draw him in and/or immobilize him to fire it then? Could be wrong but I recall hearing something like that
This is rigged. They are using Boom! feats vs. a specific iteration of MG that barely has any exposure in the comics. It's completely stacked.
Alpha-1 barely survived an exploding moon (the fact that he wasn't atomized is impressive enough)
We know from the panels that he wasn't in a ship since there wasn't any additional scrap around him and we know he needed a protective shell when fighting the Megazord
They even point out he survived that shit after the Megazord defeated him with two of the Rangers skeptical if the blast even killed him
Compositing Millenium Godzilla specifically for Kiryu's feats against one incarnation is like compositing Mewtwo for Origins Mega Charizard X taking down a weaker incarnation
The reaction timing gap should be closed sincr IDW Kiryu did dodge Hedorah's laser up close
>The charge up gives Tommy plenty of time to dodge via rocketing or teleporting.
As was mentioned earlier in the thread, Kiryu has tagged opponents who move faster than the Dragonzord. Also, the Dragonzord has never used its teleport during a fight.
>Kiryu can’t move while charging.
It absolutely can. You mentioned the jets, but it was able to move using the tri-maser cannon. A weapon with similar power usage and location to the AZC.
It's another faster than light estimation
My problem with the moon feat is that there isn’t really much on that level in the rest of Power Rangers. The closest thing I can think of is in Lightspeed Rescue when the Omega Megazord destroyed an asteroid that would have wiped out all life on earth. But even that’s only country level. I could be wrong, but that moon feat seems like an outlier.
Oceans count
Couldn’t Kiryu wrap dragonzord up with its wire and fire the triple mazer or zero cannon at him while he was immobilized?
Not even Godzilla could break out of that shit
Also, Serpentera destroying a planet. But even there, that was presented as something that only that particular zord could do. Also, the superior Thunderzords were shown to be far weaker than it at low power.
Can I just say I’m honestly surprised at how chill Yea Forums is about Ghost Rider beating Lobo after the GL-Ben 10 shitstorm? Even in the wake of Darkseid vs Thanos, from what I can tell THE most accurate and convincing DB bar none, had a minority arguing in Thanos’ corner. Granted, I’m pretty sure I was right when I said unlike say-Ben or Goku Lobo has no actual fans.
This thread is fucking uncanny.
Nah, Lobo has fans, it’s more like uh, I can’t really disagree with soul destroying.
Sonic vs Mario Rematch
>universe level simon belmont
holy moly
All life on earth includes oceans. They are the majority of the planet.
>most of the fights SF should have won they lost
>most of the fights SF should have lost they won
wew lad
>Mfw their Mario vs Sonic redo invalidates their Luigi vs Tails episode by proxy.
It was presented as a extinction level event similar to what killed the dinosaurs. The Omega Megazord destroying the asteroid would be a country level feat.
Yeah they took away Sonic's feats from outside media and only pulled in some gameplay feats
>Simon Belmont could beat DC Heralds, Goku and Ben in a snap
Absolutely based
>Mechgodzilla 2
Kiryu’s the one they’re using, user.
They’ll probably ignore the comics and games while using them for DZ
Also, even if it were earth surface level, that’s still less than moon level.
Yes he used the cables to hidden lotus Godzilla into the ocean
i'm not familiar with the comics only the movies, but is that jet jaguar piloting kiryu?
yes, jet was a HUGE mary sue in rulers of earth, to an unfunny degree
It is.
Kiryu tagged ghidorah who flew across space really fucking fast
It’s because it’s the first time in awhile they didn’t wank stats to decide a fight and used their brains
That’s what I’m saying. Kiryu has tagged monsters who are way faster than the Dragonzord. It should be able to hit it with the AZC.
Fair enough. Yeah pretty much, when I try to figure out capeshit fights on my own the first question I usually ask is “can this guy hit the other guy in a way he can’t dodge, block or tank”? It took me a while to figure out even though Marvel generally has more well advertised and documented such options, it is harder to do this to DC than I used to think way back in the day. But obviously not here, in this case.
And apparently Link is higher than solar system tier with rings.
I was pretty surprised when I remembered Heaven and Hell only determines where your soul goes.
Man if we’re talking about surprises I was surprised to find out Heaven invaded Earth once and Superman wrestled an archangel. Not Michael Demiurgos, that shitter Gabe or the Morningstar so I guess Heaven had shitter mook archangels at the time.
>Angel of vengeance created to eat sinful souls
>Eats the most sinful soul in DC
Not surprised.
Samus vs Master Chief, how will they skew it so Chief, wins?
That's because even normies have seen Ghost Rider BTFO Galactus. They know he's OP as fuck while normies think Hal is pew pew laser man.
>Didn't wank stats
Zarathos was mostly a scale-job vs Mephisto and Galactus.
They scaled Lobo to Superman
The speed feat for EXE was retarded, but EXE should still get the win because of all the bullshit combos he can pull off plus easier time recovering.
This fight was a lot more reasonable and you can't really debate the core concept. Also they didn't ignore how Penance Stare actually works. It's less that nobody likes Lobo, I like Lobo, it's just that it's understandable when Lobo has no real defenses against this kind of attack. I have seen people disagree though, for the record.
Got any good stories?
Yes he fucking was, but it was season 1 so I forgive them.
Someone has a ryona and inflation fetish.
Ouch. Poor bastard.
For normies? Probably Showa because the showa films were commonly shown on Sci-Fi and TNT.
For fanboys? Kiryu because he's literally a Godzilla Eva.
Chief is lucky as hell but I don't think he could beat an endgame Samus. I'd rather they have them fight other characters. But screw using them in a fight anytime soon, when's Duke Nukem vs Serious Sam?
>no MC vs DG rematch with the release of a new Halo and Doom game coming soon which gave Doomguy a massive durability feat
What was it? Never played Doom.
Lobo has plenty of fans
It's just comicfags actually know the characters unlike Benfags who have never even looked a GL comic in their lives.
Realistically, GR v Lobo could've gone either way, it tipped more towards GR and based on the feats who are we to argue?
Doomguy shot himself through a BFG10000 into a space station at rather high speeds, I don't think anyone has calculated it though
Hal vs Ben was a perfect storm of a vastly popular property (that didn't seem all that popular) losing to a character commonly perceived as a joke. I doubt we'll ever see it's like again in a pure Yea Forums vs Yea Forums match until they do Mickey vs Bugs or if they use Elsa against another Yea Forums character.
Great, it's a blatant liar.
>Wonder Woman will punch Rouge in the face
>Not throw her into the sun with the lasso
It will never not be retarded.
VSBW is CNN. Anime is their Clintons and Capes are their Trump.
Where's the lie?
Lobo's soul is banned from Heaven and Hell but there's nothing saying his soul can't be destroyed.
Then even if he could resist the Penance Stare like Venom or Thanos did, there's still other ways he could have his soul destroyed.
you say this every time the subject is brought up you autist, not everything is political
You have to go back
The entire post. And I really hope you don't think Zarathos getting compared to Mephisto is at all legitimate.
Okay, what protects Lobo from soul destruction?
Swan saying GR "likely spared Punisher" was him politely saying that modern Marvel writers should be ignored.
He's just saying they have a bias for anime and against superheroes. Calm down autismo.
Rogue would beat Wondy though that was dead on.
It is. Mephisto sealed Zarathos in the first place because he feared him. He's at the very least in the same ballpark as Mephisto.
Lol no. It would go about as well for Rogue as her vs Gladiator.
That's not even the first time it's failed though.
Deathbattle has been at it for such a long time. You gotta hand it to then at this point they are making a living of this.
And they do always try to upgrade the quality whenever they can.
Been awhile since we had a good 3D rendered fight though.
Mech vs Dragon will probably be the one.
I don't disagree with Lobo not having resistance to soul destruction. But Lobo is much much faster and much much stronger than GR. And requiring holy weapons to kill him is pretty much NLF, which Deathbattle tends to get into a lot. I'm not going to rule out the possibility that Lobo could die to soul destruction and I do agree that Penance Stare from writers who know what they're doing would work on Lobo.
Joker vs Sweet Tooth was by far the best
>Is pretty much NLF
No its not. We see him and the other riders respawn out of nothing in order to fight Zadkiel.
No holy means they just come back because they're angels.
Wonderwoman has jobbed to Harley Quinn and Catwoman. Rogue would win.
Jotaro vs Kenshiro was my favorite even if I wanted Jotaro to win.
Isn’t fucking Magik of all people in the same ballpark too? Really Mephisto is in a weird place powerlevelwise when I try to picture where he’s at, he can hang with cosmics but then the shitter fake Dr. Strange was kicking him around with some looted Avengers powers in Aaron’s run and in Journey into Mystery he more or less admitted Hela was a peer to him. Also Doom and Strange together wrenched Doom’s mom’s soul back from his hell. What the fuck is your powerlevel, Mephisto?
Those Mcnuggies alone are worth a few thousand.
How strong and buff are amazons in DC anyway? I remember Grail was somehow winning against the entire Justice League sans Superman but including Shazam by herself, and then tanked said league plus Luthor and with Superman back on the team while holding a baby long enough to do a backflip.
Oh, I’m not disagreeing. I like the show, it’s just a lot of it gets shat on here.
Well she’s half New God
SPD had a planet exploding IIRC
Ohyeah, I forgot Earth 2 showed even half-New God, half-Amazons of a shitter like Steppenwolf can just push into alternate universes like how Dadseid himself reached into the prime one from Earth 2 to grab Constantine. Funny how despite all her other asspull powers Grail never used that.
Except they don't move that fast under Earth's atmosphere
>not Scout vs Tracer
>shitty research that used Tracers in and out of lore feats but not all of scouts
>Shitty fight between two speedsters where one of them never fucking moves and has a blatant lack of understanding in how TF2 works
Shattered Grid bullshit makes the moon exploding look tame in comparison
Captain Falcon vs Johnny Cage was pretty fuckin hype.
As for worst, it's a tossup between Starscream vs RD, Zelda vs Peach, Luigi vs Tails, Deadpool vs PP, and Carnage vs Lucy for me.
Why Carnage vs Lucy? That was decent to me, mainly the theme.
>even the people who supported overwatch said the fight was just to shill the game and wasnt fair to scout
The worst fight was Kirby vs Majin Buu
That was some bullshit
I second Carnage vs Lucy not for the outcome necessarily, but because of what a weird damn pairing it was.
>TFW Kirby will be 3-0 once Meta Knight curbstomps Sparkster
Kirby IS bullshit
They were having trouble finding a suitable match for Carnage (they heavily implied they're saving Mercer for Cole) and one day one of them suggested Lucy
For the sake of the argument, we can say Lobo is on a level of power where they still just revive from injury. DB implied he'd figure something along these lines out and go in pursuit of a holy weapon, but he wouldn't be fast enough to get one in time. I still disagree with the notion that only a holy weapon could destroy them when you're dealing with somebody that has wrestled down holy, but this shouldn't be relevant to the fight if retrieving holy weapons was allowed.
The matchup just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean, you can squint to see how characters like Venom and Bane are similar, but Lucy apparently has some qualms against killing, while Carnage just goes all out.
kirby fights cosmic evil all the time though
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul would have been a better matchup.
Also, the fight animation was kind of boring. It was Carnage jumping around and Lucy tearing apart Carnage until she decided to nuke him.
Will Ryu fight Kyo next?
On one hand SNK vs Capcom is the Marvel vs DC of fighting games (unless you're a Burger)
On the other hand its climax is just gonna be Mu no Ken Ryu firing another massive blast and Kyo either surviving or dying
Ben actually acknowledged that I think
IIRC he didn't use him because Lucy's vectors can just nuke him and can grow big enough to be seen from space
They need to stop using Ryu, throw out Gil or someone who is actually strong as shit.
Ryu vs Kyo works the best though
Even the marketing pairs them up against each other
I mean got Batman got used three times
Speaking of SF, Akuma needs to be used again and if Cammy gets another shot it should be either against Leona or Nina Williams
Gill could fight Orochi
Akuma definitely needs to be used again. Not sure against who though.
I'd just like to see a different SF character before Ryu goes up again that's all, they definitely do need to use Akuma again, I'd like to see where he's at now that they're doing better research..
People say Shao Kahn but it ends predictably with Shao Kahn taunting and leaving himself open for a Shun Goku Satsu and they have nothing in common outside of another MK vs SF match
Genjuro works theme wise but he'd get shitstomped
>Normies mad was that Kirby was more powerful than they thought
This happened to Superman too. Most people knew him from the movies and cartoons and didn’t know what he was capable of. They thought the Bruce Timm “I get hurt by wires and electric shocks” Superman was super weak and couldn’t contend.
Dumb Buufag
I'm starting to think the reason why Test Your Might is valid is because Kirby minigames are considered valid
Aw he’s adorable.
I don't get why they did shao vs bison instead of akuma, that one makes way more sense to me
Of the original SF2 cast, these are the ones who haven't fought yet:
Jax Briggs or Ralf Jones are obvious. They'll probably curveball with some meme character though.
Probably Voldo (crazy, effeminate, blade-wielding noblemen) but I want it to be Johnny Cage (heroic Hollywood narcissist vs. evil anime narcissist).
They won't put him in a DB, he has no fans.
I really can't think of a matchup for him.
See Sagat.
Kirby is deceptively fucking busted
Her surviving the home run and scout barely moving were fucking stupid
Kahn and Bison are both tyrants trying to take over the world, Akuma as long as he's not provoked will keep to himself
Fits better than Shang tsun
Shang Tsung should've fought Rugal (evil tournament host of the first game) or Rose (soul powered fighters though she could also fight Chizuru or Zafina)
Give me Rugal's stats and feats
Doesn't matter Buu is indestructible and can one shot Kirby with candy beam or just by globbing him.
Getting shot into the sun by his own attack wouldn't even kill Buu it would just blow up the sun.
With DC's win streak smashed, what other series now are holding on to streaks? Reversely, which ones are suffering from losing streaks? What matchups could possibly reverse them?
Power Rangers I know has a losing streak going so it'll be interesting to see if they go 0-3 against Godzilla
Rugal scales to Kyo Kusanagi who is city level
He's only been in one canon game so he doesn't have much in terms of feats
Keep telling yourself that Ztard.
Buu lost, cope with it.
>Buu is indestructible
Only loser that got killed by the genkidama
DC scored a whopping 7 win streak. I'm not sure anything could ever reach it. What the hell has 7 characters that could win back to back?
So far recurring franchises that haven't lost
Kirby, Metal Gear, SNK/KoF, Avatar, TMNT
A quick scan over past DBs shows that the ONLY franchise on a streak is Kirby, and that's only if you count 2 wins a streak.
Its like saying someone tagging a plane as it struggles to move underwater is the equivalent of someone tagging it when its flying in the sky
Dragonzord loses.
I don't think they have more than 2 wins each though. I personally don't consider it a streak until you make a hat trick first.
Boom dragonzord only has speed. that's it.
What about Omega Rugal?
That and experience
If they assume he's more durable than Alpha-1, it might turn the tide
>Green Lantern won
>Wario, Johnny Cage and Lobo lost
Damn, this is not a good season for my personal favorites.
Any theories on how fast Dragonzord was going at this moment? We don't really have take on speed.
Wario should've won that match.
I'm glad GR won cause if Kiryu lost, it'd be three in a row with Ed where of my absolute favorite characters in my favorite series lose, and my personal favorites also have a pretty terrible record in DB (Venusaur, Daredevil, Thor, Knuckles, just to name a few)
They'll probably give it the standard calc for escaping the earth's atmosphere like Metal Sonic
Wasn't Rita threatening to use the other Zords to make the entirety of Earth surrender within 24 horus?
Chances are they were in a hurry and the Dragonzord did fly all the way back to retreat from the Black Dragon
*within 24 hours
Also I just checked
That was the case
Genkidama destroys evil and Buu was pure evil.
If Kirby had used the Star Rod to kill Buu it would have been more believable.
Soul Calibur hasn't won a match
Voldo vs Vega would fix that
Maybe Dhalsim vs Chin Gentsai or Zenyatta?
I was saying Kaneki vs Carnage would have been more interesting. Two crazy dudes with tentacle powers (and Red, Black and White color schemes) that love tearing people apart.
I’ve heard some people suggest Kaneki vs Danny Phantom.
Thing is something like the penance stare would be nothing but a highlight reel for him, only thing Ghostrider really has going for him is he's magic based similar to Etrigan which hes lost to the most but lacks all the tricks and dirty fighting like Etrigan does to usually win.
Lobo’s got nothing that protects his soul from being destroyed.
Yeah one of the better episodes
Also the best theme yet
I think the stare just disorientated him so he couldn't escape the chains before being chomped. It was just worded weirdly since Zarathos eating Lobo finished the fight, not the stare.
Banned from death, even erasing and overwriting of continuity hasn't seemed to stop him before.
Granted hes only as powerful as the writer wants him to be
>can make Superman bleed with a simple punch
>can take on Hal, Carol, Sinestro, Atrocious, and Dexstarr by himself
>snatch a massive robot powered by a super dense sun inside it outta the sky with nothing but his chain
>take a roadtrip through hell and heaven with Etrigan and a Minotaur and leave chaos in their wake
Now that I think about it I think Lobo did loose his soul In hell at on point and still was up alive and kicking
Hes just a hair short of being a murdering loony toon
That punch wouldn't have killed Carnage, and he barley used all the tricks he could have to win
I skimmed through the issues
>Rita announces she gives Earth 24 hours to surrender or she'll unleash the Dinozords (who are under her control) to raze cities
>Triceratops and Sabretooth are explicitly shown in Japan at night time
>Dragonzord rockets to the moon
>Next issue and its still night time in Japan
>During all this, the Dragonzord is fighting the Black Dragon
>Tommy and Jason retreat back to Earth
>One panel shows the countdown to be at 4 hours and 36 minutes left by the time they came back
I got a calc of Mach 33.784
Granted I didn't consider the time between both entry and exit (the fight itself happening on the moon) and just went with the remaining time subtracted by 24 hours and divided by two to accommodate both trips to get an estimation that each trip would take 9.725 hours. And then I divided the length between the moon and Earth with said timeframe and convert it to Mach to get my answer.
Keep in mind its still a lowball
We don't know how long the fight on the moon was
>just a hair short of being a murdering loony toon
I swear I've seen something like that before