>Sorry user we can’t have our date night, batman called and he needs my help finding the Joker.
Would you date a hero Yea Forums?
Sorry user we can’t have our date night, batman called and he needs my help finding the Joker
>implying that's the reason you'd have trouble dating Babs
Nobody said that about her and supergirl tho
i would friends with benefits a hero
I do, as often as I can
No I hate attractive nerdy redheads
She canonically fell in love with Braniac
This but ironically
>Implying that wouldn’t be hot
Sure. I dated a police officer in the past which is similar. She was fun when off duty. My only worry was that she would get shot or something happen to her.
Did you ever bang in uniform? That's the only upside
yes but not that hero,fuck barbara
>You're Fucking him aren't you. I know you and Batman are just going to Fuck on the rooftop afterwards.
We literally just had this thread
Did anyone save the greentexts from last thread?
Yes, she would roleplay as a cop arresting me. Used fake handcuffs rather than real ones as anyone who knows anything about real handcuffs. They are not to be fucked around with.
She was a wild one. Loved to have her hair pulled and be spanked. Was clingy as well until she put on the uniform and changed personas entirely.
We broke up after five years together. Proposed to her and she said no. As I wanted a family and she wanted to not have kids or get married.
You dogded a bullet user
I know, you're right. Everyone who knew us while we dated said the same thing.
>Hanna was married to the job, you were her piece of normalcy
Been three years now and it still hurts to think about. You know?
Sorta. Still single going on 27 but the few gals I think I had a chance with didn't want to settle down
Don't worry girl, I'll help you find the Joker, and after I'm done with him, maybe we can have some fun together too, what do you say?
Sure, I dont need to dominate her time 24/7 but shes still a hell of a catch
Not Batgirl, mostly cause I don't feel like getting cucked by Batman, Killer Moth, and Supergirl
When did the "Gordon wants Batman to rape the Joker" meme evolve into "Gordon wants to fuck Batgirl"?
remember that time he wanted her to lick his ass?
good times
>Would you date X?
Yes, stop asking pls.
No. Too much cuckoldry.
>>Hanna was married to the job, you were her piece of normalcy
I'm sorry do you live in a Law & Order episode?
>finding the Joker
>implying she's not going to bully a single dad who wears a moth costume
And get kidnapped by her archenemy to be tortured/killed? No fucking thanks.
>tfw no Barbara gf
It really hurts, bros.
Also, has there ever been a superheroine who just has a normal bf not really involved in the plot?
Neither of those characters are lesbian.
I've been stuck in SVU for the last six years, please for fuck's sake somebody find my Getting Out of TV Shows Machine
You mean we don't?
*dun dun*
>Would you date a hero Yea Forums?
Wouldn't we not know? Very few heroes are open about their identities unless you're dating Tony Stark or something. If you were dating Barbara she'd come off as cold or flaky because she's always disappearing or ignoring you with no clear reason.
Get fucked normie
Pretty much every hero tells their true love their identity in an overly dramatic scene
>Would you date a hero Yea Forums?
I'd become her arch just to spend time with her and make her feel important.
Maybe you accidentally witness them switching their costumes in an alley or rooftop or something. Maybe you’re new to Metropolis, and Supergirl didn’t see you standing on the roof of the Daily Planet.
>You get tired of lonely cold nights as your superhero GF is off saving the day
>So you start flirting with girls in the apartment/bars to take away your loneliness
>Get pretty good at it, start going on dates with a few
>Nothing serious, you just want some companionship really
>Until one night you meet her, you both hit it off right away, both of you have so much in common and enough different to get chemistry going
>So you start to meet her more often, you even make excuses to your GF so you can meet the new girl
>Finally you get in bed with her, and it felt so good, you couldn't remember the last time you did it with your GF
>Turns out the new girl is the arch nemesis of your GF
>She doesn't know you're dating her arch enemy
>As the weeks turn to months the two of you grow closer
>You meet whenever you can get away from your GF though that isn't too much of a problem with how much she worked
>Your big break came when she'd be gone for over a month because of some crisis across the Galaxy, leaving you and your secret GF all alone
>The two of you had sex everyday, some times several times a day
>You trotted the globe to all the places you always wanted to go to thanks to her powers, money and connections
>But the good times had to end some day
>Your GF returned, and changed
>She had a number of close brushes with death that made her reevaluate her life and relationships, especially with you
>She now wanted to go out and be with you more often, which ran counter to your plans with your new secret GF
>Needless to say you weren't to pleased with her newfound affection which soured your mood seeing as you couldn't meet your real GF as often as you'd like
>She was worried about you and why you were growing distant
have sex
Would you mind if she just randomly jumped you in her costume without telling you?
>God damnit babs I just got dinner out of the oven. It’s the third time this weekend! Fine, just go. Be with Batman.
Thanks, I wonder if he'll come back to finish them
> "Ever heard of roleplaying, asshole!?"
Give me names and I draw the character designs when I get home
>Why would I think of that when the only roleplaying I ever get is roleplaying I’m single while you’re skipping another date to go fight killer croc or some other fucking freak? Huh Barbara?
GF is a Super/Power Girl analogue
Archnemesis is a nerdy girl that transforms into a curvy witch in a magical girlfashion
>I know your entire race is gone forever but at least you’ve got a neckbeard loser bf!
> "I have responsibilities, user! How is browsing Yea Forums all fucking day any kind of responsibility? I don't see you risking life and limb on the computer!"
>Fuck you babs! Someone has to call out the pedophile faggots who run the world that YOU protect. I bet Batman took Robin to Epstein’s island a million times.
> "Calling them out!? How about hacking into their sick shit they call "Family memories" folders, and handing them over to the cops!? And clearly, you never met Catwoman. Though I bet you wish you could!"
>Maybe if you were around more often I wouldn’t
> I can't do this right now. I have to go. Have dinner without me."
>”Like I do every night. Enjoy “work””
"Later. Keep everything locked."
Bitch btfo'd
>I love you, please be careful.
I love you too. I hope I come back.
I use to but that dude from the Boys who got his dick froze off gives me pause
Not the one that got his head crushed?
I'd rather die than not have a dick.
Yeah I don’t think that’s the point
So, a crazy sexy athletic redhead, that isnt constantly bothering me with her presence, but comes back regularly for her fix? Sign me up.
Plus, while she's gone I can fuck one or two side bitches.
>Plus, while she's gone I can fuck one or two side bitches.
That can only end well
Superhero because she gave me kryptonite and I can kill superman with it
Supervillain, easily
She'll either be a human trainwreck and the sex will be wild or she'll be "misunderstood" and seeking human connection.
Either way I'd be a grounding influence
I made this,I can change the colors if you guys want tho.
What's her name Yea Forums?
dick please
Bad-Girlfriend Woman
>I stole forty cakes just for you
And she's prefect.
The Witch should be very beautiful but with a single wart on her nose for funny
Solar Flare
Ultima Girl/Woman
>Boy I cant wait to see user again!
>All this time I've been a bad girlfriend, leaving him alone s often
>But when I get back to Earth it'll be different!
Bad witch lady
I thought about giving her a Spider motif.
Nah, I'd get kidnapped and killed by a supervillain eventually. Not worth it.
Gotta say I like the spider vibe
>Be Witch
>Finally find out you Archnemesis' secret identity
>Can't really seem to beat her in battle and it's gotten tiring
>And outing her identity is so old hat and would just be un fun
>Snoop around her place and find out she's been neglecting her normie boyfriend
>*Lightbulb goes on*
>Decide to steal her BF to ruin her
Who hurt you, that you insist on starting this thread over and over again?
Nice. Thought about calling her Green Lynx?
I guess Donna Troy with Terry Long, but he's not a well-liked example.
He was a creepy old man self insert
He's still the closest I can think of.
I’m just saying why he’s hated.
That was sweet as hell
It was worth it for for the story
The thought of Commissioner Gordon unknowingly hitting on his daughter by flirting with Batgirl is really amusing and hot to me.
What if he finds out and keeps doing it?
Sounds perfect until the last sentence. Yeah, that'd be a deal breaker for me too. Shame.
That's my fetish too user
Y not tho? Shes too busy with all thst investigation stuff anyway. Also, she likely is smart enough not to ask dumb questions like "Who did you go to the concert with?"
She knows she's hardly ever out there for me, so she has no right to privatise me. Also, she knows she cant have a normal relationship, and the best she can hope for is a guy to fuck her out of her worries and tell her it gonna be alright.
> sorry bout my superstrength
Never thought of it. Imagine super gf cumming. Her muscles go tense, entwine ur dik and press it harder and harder. You start to scream, but she can hardly concentrate and the contraction is involuntary. Pain is unbearable, you pass out. When you come to, your crotch is bandaged, your mutilated red slush of a dick is in an ice filled container
> im sorry user, that happens. I will take you to Dr X soon and he will give you an uncrushable cyber dick
>We broke up after five years together. Proposed to her and she said no. As I wanted a family and she wanted to not have kids or get married.
You're an absolute retard, you know that? You should have just enjoyed what you had instead of letting hypothetical brats be a dealbreaker.
>tfw your superhero gf starts getting more possessive of you
>tfw she voices her objection to you interacting with any woman but her
>tfw after an argument in which she threw a car into a lake she agreed that its not fair, and agrees to the condition that you may see female family members at least.
Kys dumb nihilistfag
That’s terrifying
More women are ok with such things than you think. Just dont tell em how much you love em and wanna have a family together. Make it all about having fun time together and they will keep coming back.
But user she loves you! She's letting you see your mom and sister, at least. She can be reasonable!
Its not like last time when she went to the woods alone to work out her feelings by punching trees into debris
>"I'm his, he's mine! No one else can have him! Stupid whores everywhere, would be so easy to smear them all into a fucking pulp!"
>""that jerk thinks I'm a freak! He's terrified of me! Why can't he see I'm normal? Woah, that one split right down the middle! Could use that as fire wood."
>batgirl as a gf
>have to deal with her hanging around Nightwing all the time, insisting he's just a friend
>Batman and his kid sidekick constantly spying on you
>having GCPD spying on you because her dad is the police comissioner
I'd rather just be friends. She can pass my number on to that Huntress chick she knows though.
I like it.