Aaron Davis VS The World!
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9 Storytime
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AC: Separation AnxietyAmazing Spider-Man: Dr. Strange: Fantastic Four: Gwenpool: Powers of X: Silver Surfer Black:
>Ultimate Goblin
Oh no
At least it’s not the Red Goblin. I’m down for the next run.
Is that Ultimate Pym in the background?
I misread that as "Alan Davis vs the World!" and was hyped for some really great art.
Nigger man nigger man
Does whatever a nigger can
Can we jump up a fence
Yes he can because hes a nigger
Watch out here comes the nigger man
It's nice that Aaron is going to be a part of this again. Just hopefully he doesn't die again.
Real good. A nice team up at the end. I guess quantum and the assessor are going to be dealt with after the Ultimate event.
>Plus he's a young black man, the cops...
Oh come the fuck on
This is actually pretty cool
>Support the Official Release at your Local Comic Shop.
>Silver Surfer Black
Yes. I think it'll go back to tha Jocasta project that was mentioned
If you get tired of hearing about this watered down version of racism, imagine how tired people are experiencing the real thing.
>our chiquito
>not nuestro pequeñito
mierda, que asco da el spaniglish, people don't talk like that
Wait, could this all be connected to that one issue Miles was in Iron Heart's book?
What laws or policies are in place that explicitly targets non whites?
He just made a list of his storytimes, Norrin is a treasure.
How are Ultimate characters back? I thought the Ultimate Universe was reborn and in it's own little world
>that filename
this hurt
Deny it all you want you bitch ass faggot, it doesn't make it any less true.
Will we finally get closure as to whether Miles remembers 1610 and his friends that didn't make the jump? I know they're fine now but still.
We will find out next month
>asked for proof
>fuk yew bitch!!
This is why the majority of society ignores you people and keeps you at arms length
Thanks for proving my point cunt.
I wonder if that's just one of the random Giant men left in 1610 that didn't die. Or maybe it's Ultimate Cassie Lang. That'd be neat.
Why does the suit have toes?
No, it's some new character called Ultimatum.
There's a ton of proof, and your bitch ass knows it. You just pretend like you don't because you're a piece of shit racist.
Nobody falls for your bullshit.
"Where's the proof?"
>Immediately after asking he confirms what the guy he's arguing with is saying is true
Wow. You people really are that stupid
>There's a ton of proof
Then post it faggot
Bendis, stop roleplaying as black dudes. None of us actually say "Bitch ass" in every other sentence.
That's the 2nd alternate Norman's running around 616 recently.
>Into the Norman-Verse
So you can claim everything is a made up and then post your heavily skewed "sources"
You just confirmed it dickhead when you said there's a reason it happens
Now fuck off. You're blocked. You get no more (you)s you piece of shit racist
You're a cracker.
Isn't Miles' mom Puerto Rican-American? She's way too dark on this page to be Puerto Rican
No it isn't, that Norman is fighting Ock and doesn't have the Ultimate Gobby look. This is Ultimate Goblin.
Anyone else annoyed how the only Ultimate character who never gets used is Ultimate Peter?
Because there's no such things as brown skin Puerto Ricans right?
Do any of you ever go outside your shithole?
That cop line is legitimately embarrassing.
There's the Norman!Spider-Man who came to 616 after Spider-Geddon.
That one is currently fighting Superior Spiderman in his book. He also has multiple arms. It's not him
Please continue to prove my point.
No laws or policies exist that directly target brown people. Deal with it faggot.
Wait, I'm confused. There will factually be two alternate versions of Norman Osborn in 616 once the Ultimate Goblin comes in, why are you saying otherwise
Puerto Ricans are usually tan, but not that dark...
Idk what that triggers you so much
Disregard what I'm saying, I misread your original comment. My bad
>Do any of you ever go outside your shithole?
Wouldn't the places with Puertoricans be the shitholes actually
I'm a different user from the first one. I'm fully aware Ultimate Gobby isn't the Spider-Geddon one, I'm just saying that Geddon!Norman is in 616 IN ADDITION to the Ultimate one.
Would it be worth it even though she's a psychotic killer
S'all good, holmes. Did you play the PS4 game? I fucked loved the Norman in that one
>I can't prove you wrong so you're racist
Did you intend to prove his point or are you just retarded?
>Tell them the truth, Osborn!
>You're a doughy faggot who was only worth anything when you were working for me!
Based as fuck, I cannot WAIT for the Goblin.
>This is why the majority avoids you people
>Totally not racist though!
Looks like it might be Harry with the symbiote
I liked Harry too, even with the small amount we got. Sweet, fragile, and he managed to sell his and Pete's friendship despite never sharing a single second of screentime.
ayo spidanigga be fire emoticons af nigga cuz he black i don even care if he a racist af portrait of black culture cuz he black what yall wh*toids just mad af cuz MUH DICK cuz he black
hey, spaanon... are you a nuyorican like Miles' mom is?
they speak that shit different in NY. just curious.
they have no interest in such trivialities such as needing to defend their unjust way of life as their society systemically ensures that they are protected no matter what. as such, the only focus for these people is to litter the internet with rhetoric designed to harvest (You)s from the enraged, rally them from fellow agitators and above all else collect data for out Advertiser overlords.
You people refers to you liberals. Who said you were black?
Well it’s funny cause this issue has the second prowler running around (last few friendly neighborhood issues has the original running around) Miles seems to be relegated to always having another of something rather than anything of his own
everything's a personal attack when you're black
The victim complex gets tiring.
well the alternative is taking responsibility for your own actions and that's not going to happen
I find it hilarious that you bitch and moan about race yet will be the first to make something about race when there was zero insinuation of race.
So progressive.
>progressive = good
get woke bro it's not
To be honest, this happens even to whites whenever they do slighly something that cop sees as bad thing.
To be fair, a lot anons are the same with blaming everything on the system so it is just not a black thing.
It's almost like it's what you do and how you react to the police more than it is about skin color.
Imagine that.
alright fair enough but let's not pretend like it's not seriously broken
bruh why the fuck does everyone else have to convince you. Can't you do the basic research yourself?
Like idk man, black kids are being left and right and you're just digging your head in the sand.
Yeah but those whites didn't act like retards and just did or said something that police though was worth of shooting.
>why the fuck does everyone else have to convince you.
Because I've yet to see a law or policy that directly targets non whites negatively. If there's one I'm missing than feel free to point it out.
It's almost like those cops shot people regardless of race.
Imagine that.
>black kids are being left and right
Rather that up and down?
The problem isn't the laws specifically, it's that the police ignore the laws and their own procedures to justify prejudices
Like shooting a 12 year old with an airsoft gun
Or shooting a father who calmly informed them of the gun he was legally allowed to own in the car
If either of those people were white, they would never have been shot and you know it
i think the issue is more that they don't know how to zig zag
I can point out anecdotal evidence for anything too. What about Antifa members who assaulted a right wing journalist? Does that make all liberals militant socialists? No.
If you are so concerned about black lives being slain, you should be more concerned about black on black violence because that greatly outnumbers the number of white on black violence.
You mean they can't flim flam
Digital maybe
There's only so many times you can call situations like these (which there are many more of, and many more that almost certainly went unrecorded and unnoticed) anecdotal before you notice a pattern.
I don't give a fuck about some right wing writer who got roughed up and then was fine a week or two later. If you can show me consistent examples of anti-fascists murdering people or attempting murder you'd have an argument. But you can't, and you don't.
It ain't embarrasing if it's true
Not that user but it shows how retarded chicanos sounds
>There's only so many times you can call situations like these (which there are many more of, and many more that almost certainly went unrecorded and unnoticed)
You mean all the black on black deaths in places like Chicago or Detroit due to hang violence. Yeah. It's fucking awful. I don't understand why you can have like 5 shootings in a weekend and the news never will say anything about it.
>I don't give a fuck about some right wing writer who got roughed up and then was fine a week or two later. If you can show me consistent examples of anti-fascists murdering people or attempting murder you'd have an argument. But you can't, and you don't.
I guess you missed the point where I said anecdotal evidence DOESN'T help support this type of claim. It's cool though. And just like you don't give a fuck about a right wing reporter who got roughed up, I don't care about some fat black guy who, repeatedly, illegally sold cigarettes and then died in the ensuing scuffle when he resisted arrest.
But I rest my case. There aren't laws or policies in place directly targeting non whites negatively. There's anecdotal evidence supporting your argument sure, just like there's anecdotal evidence supporting an argument claiming something like, say, black people are incredibly violent. Doesn't mean it's right.
You only "notice a pattern" because youre so retarded you unironically fall for MSM propaganda, that blows up every white-on-black officer shooting, and reports on it non-stop until its revealed that the officer was 100% justified, then drops the story completely.
If they reported on every incidence of black on white violence in the same manner, you're the kind of person who would be out there lynching them yourself.
Awesome seeing Aaron as the Prowler again, but why the cape?
>Is it to much to as to be in a thread with someone of dark skin for it to not turn into a dumb pol thread
As a African American I know first hand that the police have bother me and my father because we are just black and existing. I’m a fucking skinny nerd yet they ask me where I’m going on a OPEN CAMPUS! I don’t expect anyone here to relate to this, because that implies that anyone on this god forsaken website can relate to someone who isn’t them.
Really? Police have gone up to you and said "I am going to bother you because you are black"?
>I’m a fucking skinny nerd yet they ask me where I’m going on a OPEN CAMPUS!
Did you just tell them where you were going? Did they give you a hard time? I've had the same thing happen to me and I'm white. My brother too. This isn't exclusive to black people contrary to what you think.
I've had niggas demand to inspect my wallet when I was in a bathroom and have almost been jumped multiple times by dumbass kids looking to get in a gang. I have no doubt that you have faced problems with cops who have forgotten what their jobs are but you have to admit that african american culture is short sighted and toxic
Congratulations, you are 14 years old.
>i am very upset by this
tbf you could've stopped that easily, but you let it happen because you and your people define yourselves on the negativity you perceive
Absolutely based.
How do you cunts like this shit? Seriously?
I don't see anyone liking it.
>Those shitty gradients in the art
Digital coloring was a mistake
>I was shocked but not surprised
He flipped his shit when he found out. I think he told Miles that Miles is the reason his wife died, then ran away while Hydra was taking over America (Back in Ultimates)
I am not upset. I just keeping this thread alive.
Fucking this.
So there's just 2 prowlers now...
Yeah. Okay. This is fine. There's 30 Spider-Men as far as I care.
There are currently 3 spidermen two scarlet spiders three spiderwomen. Though I thought that Aaron was trying to be the iron spider, I know marvel doesn't have editors but you'd think that someone at the office would've talked about which characters were being used where, I know the hobi and aaron are different characters but dang I didn't expect hobi to come back before aaron and I certainly didn't expect them both to be in comics this month as their alter egos
>until its revealed that the officer was 100% justified
this never happens.
there has never been any incidents where an officer has been 100% justified in murdering black women and children.
>So there's just 2 prowlers now...
I dont see this is a bad thing, we could have to prowlers war type of stories. Where hobbie brown will fight Aaron Davis to the death.
Gonna be a shame when that favor gets called in and ruins this. Honestly, I want to see Aaron mentoring Miles from the other side. Showing him tricks that shady villains might use and how to combat that. Lot of potential here.
I dont think it's bad either. Just like other user said it's just odd they've both been used this month and we still havent addressed this issues that they both must have existed during the same time for a while since miles got half ass pasted into 616.
Wasn't the cop who shot Mike Brown found to have been justified?
616's Jefferson is a ugly motherfucker. Why don't synergize the handsome fella from the cartoon movie?
Spider-Verse improved the designs of literally everyone, from Miles to Jeff to Aaron.
Aaron especially. God damn he's sexy.
Why couldn't this SHIELD shit get retconned out when they brought Miles over
Why couldn't Miles just have a cop dad and a criminal uncle
Why did Aaron have to be the Iron Spider instead of, I dunno, the Iron Prowler
I know none of this shit came from Ahmed but it's irritating to see it stick around
Exactly. It's been retconned out. Now his wife never died.
>this never happens.
Technically it always happens, nearly 100% of the time, because dead men can't contradict the "we found sprinkles of crack from his resisting arrest" narrative
Because Ahmed is a petty writter. He didn't want to recognize the good ideas from the movie and instead want to force what he things is the better option.
>Iron Spider instead of
That was a terrible idea, they should have gave him new persona and new history.
That doesn't make any sense at all. Editorial are the ones that force those types of decisions, not the writers.
Imagine if the end of the issue was Miles finding out it was all just another trial
The same people complaining about Miles's comics not being rewritten to be like the movie can be found complaining that Peter Quill and Gamora finally hooked up in the comics. There's no pleasing everyone.
>you and your people define yourselves on the negativity you perceive
Man, every time something like this is said I'm reminded of /r9k/