Death And The Speed Force Part One.
The Flash 076 Storytime
That's all. Hope you enjoyed this book.
Well, sounds like this problem's taking care of itself.
hooo, sandoval's art is fucking great. plus i might be into this arc. williamson's been chugging along fairly consistently huh?
dat ass tho
Gee, that was short
Well atleast it isn't Barry dying again. Thanks for the story time OP.
This is fucking BULLSHIT! Did he just PUNCHED him? Speedsters die only by touching him.
Williamson, I know you are reading this: go fuck yourself and never write a comic again.
Lord, now he can speak...
It’s not like Barry is particularly different from other speedsters, oh wait, he is! He generates the Speed Force, thus the Black Flash.
So it’s likely BF affects Barry differently.
This was kind of overdue wasn’t it?
That's gay Tarpit
New suit sucks. I don’t mind more upgrades for Snart, just stay on color scheme
>Introduces new fundamental forces
Oh Williamson you cad
Suck is a strong word imo, it’s okay. His classic is still much better though.
He should. New Forces was a dumb idea
But it is. It’s incredibly bland looking and looks like he’s from Tron. White beard, absolute zero gloves to go with his gun? That’s fine. But he needs his blue/white trademark colors back
Black racer Flash (New God) Vs Black Flash
A guy can dream
The only real problem for me is the color scheme. Seems we’re in the same boat.
Len needs a poofy hood.
Last issue's Captain Cold looked fantastic. Hope he goes back to that at the end.
Damn, I was actually caught off on his return.
Seems obvious in retrospect.
Did he just set up shop in his own freaking museum?
Hidden in plain sight nigga
lol, statue to the man who killed a dozen heroes
great job Flash
Damn Barry got huge
Barry generating the Speed Force is not a thing anymore. Unless you're Hitch, I guess. If that were the case Wally wouldn't be faster than Barry as his powers would derive from him.
They're really freaking dumb. Better to cut it out early than stick with a bad idea.
100% agree with the guy