Bendis does it again folks
Lighting Lad is now Black
Great, more Electric Niggas
Gay Legion
I'm getting so fed up with this trope....
between Marvel and DC, who has more?
Isn’t this a bit of a stereotype?
>Electric Niggas
Why is this a thing? It's hilarious. I mean I get that Black Lightning was/is cool, but this is just ridiculous.
Always ALWAYS the red heads. Can we just call this racist now?
They literally pulled this book from shelves because dc forgot which character they race swapped. It’s not going to be lightninglad
but he's not black in that pic, OP
>the character from a jungle planet is now black
>and they dance around naked all the time
Bravo Bendis
I don't know. He looks about as tan as most of the characters and there's a lot of lighting behind him. I'd need to see another image to really compare.
The lighting powers character is black
Bendis going for the two for one cliche I see
And look, he even put another self insert character in.
Oh wait that's just Bouncing Boy, nevermind.
So he's Black Lightning?
Some of them are references to Black lighting sure, but others like Black Vulcan where made so they didn't have to pay the creators of Black Lighting their share of the money.
You can't be racist against white people tho, user. And even though gingers are less then 2-6% of people in America, they still aren't a minority cause they whyte. Now black people are 12%, and most importantly, they're are not white, so they're more of a minority than the roughly 4% gingers.
It's just simple math
>Implying Bendis does research on any character
It's a vicious cycle. People who loved Black Lighting created Static. Now people who loved Static will create the next generation of electric black guys
I am far more upset about that horrendous, horribly awkward dialogue. Also haven't we seen Ayla and she's white?
Not even space gingers are safe.
They were both white in the concept art and in the original covers.
They're black now in the interiors
he's not black, it's his hair
the hair is different
Electric niggas and flaming honkies, it has to stop.
Keep in mind, this also means that Lightning Lass and Lightning Lord will have to be black too.
Is it the shading or is he black? Looks like he is still him but the shadowing makes it look race swapped. Bendis generally doesn't race swap he just makes a new OC that is obnoxious and in your face instead. Like the half a dozen ones he has already made for DC in less than a year.
The fact Grath had now a boring brown color hair means he is a nigga.
Color theory. And no I don't mean "colored theory".
DC. In Marvel, the electricity users are gay.
>you can't be racist against [insert race]
just replace white people with niggers and you'll see the problem with that statement.
>kept him a redhead
So he's mixed then.
They're charred.
Can't you fucking understand basic sarcasm?
so Lightning Lord?
What happened?
Really? Was this needed? Not the raceswap, but another black person with electric powers?
Actually, are there any white electricity users left in DC?
I don't care that you collect black children like Pogs Bendis. Stop doing this shit. You are terrible at writing black people anyway.
Hell at the very least he could have made one of the non-lightning based Legionaries black since at least that wouldn't have been so pathetically obvious and overdone.
Yeah but DC wants these issues destroyed. They claim it because of cover branding, but I'm hoping it's because they thought twice about the cliches this swap perpetuates.
I don't like Bendis but I was still on board with this book. If Garth and Ayla are truly race swapped then it's a no buy for me.
He can get away with it because Legionnaires die so often it is hard to tell if it is a temporal replacement or someone fucked the timeline again.
Fucking Michael Bennis :D
Those two were literally the only redheads in the 30+ cast of characters from the original legion.
The Reboot added Kinetix, and that made three
Could black Lightning Lad be a different person since he was white recently ?
Livewire is still white.
Wasn't he a ginger?
Holy crap, what's with people and their hate for gingers? Gingers are gorgeous.
Garth was the first Livewire.
Ayla's been shown in a Light Lass style costume and has also been black.
Livewire as in Leslie Willis.
Jo has been consistently shown to be ambiguously brown (I'm thinking Indian or Paki). That sucks but it doesn't bother me as much as Garth and Ayla.
Every character with electric powers needs to be black
Probably some twitter thing since it wasn't a diver enough cast.
Honestly there should have been a riot about those horrible hairstyles.
You've got to wonder if they just do it on purpose now.
Of Fucking course they are. You think it’s a coincidence every god damn black character has electric powers? It’s like a running joke at this point. Even miles who is spider man has electric powers
absolutely seething
careful you might develop electro powers
no not anymore
Jews are still seething about Esau.
He must be stopped.
I'm so fucking angry right now....
Poor Dawnstar.
What'd they do to my girl?
This is more like them giving black guy to the electric powers.
The problem isn't really that he's randomly black now. It's the fact that the comics where recalled to edit and change his race from what was originally marketed on Twitter. These drawings clearly started him out as a white guy, but now have cheaply digitally browned him. (Which would explain why he looks tan rather then black as intended.)
What this should tell us is that right off the bat this series is being VERY poorly mishandled.
I'm not bothered by Black characters with electricity because most of the Universe is powered by it.
Electricity plays a more significant role in the Universe than is generally accepted
Gravity plays a significant and important role, in the appropriate regime.
The Sun and stars are powered electrically by external currents (see Electric Sun theory)
Planetary surface features such as some craters, dendritic structures and rilles are caused by super-lightning (see electrical scarring)
Certain cosmic phenomena are electrical in nature, including:
Comet tails (See comets)
The plumes of Enceladus
Martian dust devils
Galaxy formation and dynamics (circumventing the need for black holes and dark matter)
>These drawings clearly started him out as a white guy, but now have cheaply digitally browned him
His hair's totally different. He has a mohawk everywhere else. also the post doesn't make any sense? they marketed him as a white guy, then digitally darkened him, but are recalling it to make him white again?
Like I agree with the troubling signs but the post is strange
>False advertising
>Alienating redesigns
>Offering cheep plastic collectable Legion rings with first issues
This will do just fine...
I'm mostly referring to this.
Gingers have no souls
No they recalled it, TO make him black. That's what their saying I think.
Only the gingerfros are soulless
he's black in the recalled comics though!
Black on the inside.
Yeah, that's what really makes this weird. Is it someone else? Or did someone manage to fuck up the story so badly that it would have ruined so many things that even Bendis would have noticed it?
Gingers are seen as expendable.
If he did that's fucking hilarious.
Why would anyone read American super hero comics in this day and age? Masochism?
To be fair, all of this in general is confusing. Literally who knows what's DC is doing anymore. I thought Ayla was black too but she's white again in the new promo group shot, but Garth is still black in it.
She's black here
>Want to create more diversity
>Let's give the electric powers to the black kid
Honestly, with Bendis I just never know if he is taking the piss or not.
>but now Garth is 10 times lighter then the black design
I pirate all comics online and I haven't purchased a comic book in the last 7 years
I want the industry to die
more animation less live action capeshit
He's still black, but his hair is completely different. This could just be the shifting artstyles of the different artists putting their own spins on Sooks designs. But this feels like a mess.
Hopefully a new writer comes along and retcon this shit like they retcon Adam Strange.
>thinking it's about his kids
Bendis wants to be black, that's why Luke Cage was basically his self-insert. Bendis has issues.
Why is Timber Wolf (?) fat? Why does Blokk look like The Thing? What the fuck is going on with Triplicate Girl? Why does everything about this suck so much? Bendis, the terrible designs, god fucking dammit I hope this version of the Legion is straight up obliterated down to the man in the next big multiversal crossover.
Oh and look, another BMWF pairing by virtue of race swapping Lightning Lad too.
Trip is CMYK minus black coloured now. Because themes or something.
They don't know what the fuck they're doing because Bendis plans nothing out. I mean it's obvious he doesn't plan his story arcs out and just wings it but I don't think he even plans out an issue either. He starts off with an idea then just starts writing until he's hit the requisite page numbers and if the issue is what was advertised then that's a bonus. If one thing is advertised or he says this or that but then 1/4 of the way through writing the issue something else comes into his head he just does it and turns it in and because he's Bendis everything has to change to accomodate him instead of an editor stepping in to slap him down and tell him to cut the shit, organize himself and do what was pitched.
I seriously hate Bendis. He's straight up the worst comic book writer I've ever seen and an unprofessional hack. Remember that he almost ran Johns off of Avengers early in his run because he killed off Scott Lang in Alias without regard for what Johns was doing with him and when Johns threatened to walk he was forced to go back and change it into being an illusion.
Timber wolf probably is those thick bone type guys. They look fat, but are muscular underneath. But a design like that really doesn't fit him at all. Since he's usually has a limb gymnastics agility teen wolf bod in the older comics.
So he's one of those trans racial niggas?
I'm really surprised that we haven't seen either Invisible Kid (yet?). I mean, one's black and the other is gay, seems like Bendis would at least pick up on one of them.
I personally don't see him as THE worst writer in comics. But I'm completely dumbfounded by how much power DC is letting him have over half of their most popular profitable characters.
If lighting lad is black, does that mean black lighting is the ancestor of him?
I like most of the designs but I hate fat Brin.
They're gonna get it either way. On this solicited cover for Millennium #2 you see Garth is white and Chuck is black. So either Imra or Luornu gets enriched.
Probably, Bendis would do something stupid like that.
I give it 4 months before DCfriends are lapping the Legion of Super-Woke up, and denying every taking the piss out of Marvel for going half this far.
"It's the 30th century, of course pronouns have changed significantly in all that time, It's like you can't even grasp DC comics." Screencap this.
There's already a small but growing trend of previous transgender youths de-transitioning. Cause "whoops, guess it really was a phase and I'm just really a socially awkward gay teen and not the next evolution of a agender humanity." So Bendis will end up making the Legion out dated in a couple of years like Mark Waid did with "Eat it Grandpa" edgy rebels drama. Although the Legion tackling gender identity wouldn't be the first time (Erin). It is a world that exists with aliens that probably come from cultures with different gender norms.
I don't see a single already establish black legion member in this image. Thats how I know it's shit.
>it's another ginger changed to black episode
Ok, seriously, is this some kind of conspiracy?
What the fuck is happening with LL's hair there?
Yes, to get you to stop reading comics and go procreate.
He's in a late 90s cartoon.
He's turning into a human Frylock
According to Rich aren't the issues where he's black ordered to be pulped by DC? So was it a mistake? I mean, we've seen LL since the New-52 and he wasn't black, how/why would he suddenly be now? Surely even Bendis wouldn't be that crazy to just suddenly have him be black with no explanation?
Taking the piss, Legion of Superheroes was Hickman's passion project at DC and this is Bendis' revenge on Hickman for all those years of Hickman bullying him and making fun of his hatred for Cat Beast.
Damage Control comics, it is in the letters user.
Batman dated a man and no one flinched.
Rich is speculating so we can't know for sure until someone at DC says something or the real issues come out.
If Bendis doesn't care about the previous lore of the legion enough to inflict upon them these confusing ass redesigns, there is no sign of any previous gay characters (I guess brainy but he's a mandatory asset). There is almost no way in hell he'll show Erin at all, let alone respectfully.
Why do they always give them lightning powers? What is the connection between blacks and lightning?
> (OP)
>What is the connection between blacks and lightning?
The chair
I don't get it. All the officially released promo stuff upto now he's been white. Could this be a last minute Bendis being Bendis and changing someone to black and DC having to do what he says?
This was advertise first, god knows wtf happened after this.
Is it hard just hard to create new characters? Why do they keep doing this?
>All the officially released promo stuff upto now he's been white.
and they changed their minds.
Look what happened to fucking Projectra
>Shrinking Violet
Holy shit, what the fuck
You think she's BAD? Look at freaking Salu, holy shit.
Most of these should've been OC characters.
Yeah, I can take the random blacking, but what's up with that hair. The colour, the cut, the length. There's nothing that's right about it.
She also has a massive gap between her front teeth and I can't decide whether that's cute or dumb.
Ok, just so I've got this straight.
In the DC ordered pulped Superman #14 he was black but in the DC ordered pulped Supergirl #33 he was a white ginger. In some of the official promo material he's a white ginger, but in other promo stuff he's black.
What a fucking cluster fuck. Bravo Bendis.
One of Lightning Lad's new powers is race-shifting. It's usually used whenever he wants to say nigger.
>Bendis generally doesn't race swap he just makes a new OC that is obnoxious and in your face instead.
That depends? Can he make royalties over the race changes?
no one has ever said anything about Bendis yet
why would they start now?
Well it is canon that he has a rural accent....
>Black Vulcan
It's super volt
No. And royalties basically died after too many people were making divergent characters (like the Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow debacle)
There are writers who are, in a vacuum, worse but Bendis' problem is that he's not just a terrible writer but that he's a terrible writer with a ton of influence whose shitty writing tends to destroy everything around it. Someone like Leah Williams is a bad writer but her bad writing is largely self-contained minimizing the damage she can do while Bendis' damage is maximized.
I think most of us think this is Sooks fault.
is Superman back to being a LoSH member when he was a teen? or is that written out ONCE AGAIN
The only people who are going to care about this are Legion fans who seem by and large to hate this. The Redditor normalfags will eat this up for like three months before getting board and going off somewhere else, then you're left with this shitty version of the Legion dying on the vine. I don't even imagine a writer change will save them because there's just nothing in here that seems to invoke the spirit of the Legion. It's just a bunch of ugly designs that nobody wants to see and a creative team that seemingly can't even decide on what fucking skin color the characters should have.
Why is Imra a twink now?
She looks like she's dieting to become a anorexic model.
Goddamn it Abe, go back to harassing otaku on Yea Forums.
Doesn't seem like it, but Jon is going into the future with them for Bendis related reasons.
The hairstyles in this are some of the most baffling I've ever seen.
>Jeckie is... that
>Shrinking Violet is Storm
They took the Asian (or vaguely Asian) character and made her black for... why? And then they made the white guy Asian. These changes just seem completely arbitrary. No wonder everything is changing with every new piece of concept and promo art. Nobody knows what the fuck they're actually doing here and this all seems very rushed out; a bunch chickens running around without heads.
Fans in the 90's thought the snake naga was bad. oh boy
>I sort of hate the idea of "redesigns" because the existing material doesn't need redesign. It's great as it is!
The naga was hot, we need more of that.
Maybe when it comes to outfits and hairstyles. Some retooling should be required. Especially to a property over 60 years old. But race-bents, as ok as some of them can be like Alura from Voltron or Nick Fury from the MCU. They don't supplement for a better version of said character all the time.
>The Redditor normalfags will eat this up for like three months before getting board and going off somewhere else.
Idk, DCfags in the DC subreddit don't seem to like Bendis and his shitty writing very much especially what's he's done with Superman and his family.
>DCfags in the DC subreddit don't seem to like Bendis
For real? Every subreddit I've seen usually eats up anything a company shits into their plate.
I've noticed the more company/specific subreddits tend to be more critical. I mean r/comicbooks which is where the normalfags will congregate.
The DC subreddit is very split when it comes to his stuff, but most of them don't seem to be super happy about Garth.
Honestly I only seen some praise from twitter. Some spergs are hoping this legion to be non-cis and non-hetro (like every single member). but that's like saying "I want this to appeal to only me and even fewer people so it can fail again". But they're kissing up to Bendis to get their headcanons inserted into canon.
I want a diverse legion too but with the original black characters that the legion has already enlisted, Erin being a trans woman again (plus sexy for Jan). Brainy gets out of his damn virgin closet. Lyle is alive, etc.
But I guess all sides of the fandom are slowly starting to realize that this wasn't made for any of us in mind.
The DC subreddit is the bigger SJW nest i ever encounter. They bitch endless about Lobdell and love to "cancell" people for the most trivial things. The mods are the definitions of a cuck.
lmfao at this post
They're mostly batfags and casuals with a sprinkling of SJWs. The real SJW nest is on Tumblr.
Why would anyone? The fandom is pretty liberal, but even the most moderate left person can see how retarded this looks
Sneckie was cute. CUTE! Turning her into a naga was fucking stupid.
Though admittedly, it was better than... whatever the fuck that over-designed trash is supposed to be.
This is why i can't stand comic book fandoms. unlike Steven Universe of VLD fandoms full of horny teenage girls or creepy guys over their 40's. Comic fandoms are filled with Boomers, Dorky aunts, Paranoid White males and horny teenage girls, all just wanting to shit the industry up with their shallow fanaticism.
>that shrinking violet
is she a lesbian now?
because most black criminals got fried in the electric chair back in the day
so there's always been a link between black = electricity
Bendis is so dumb, he'll pair her with a male with a equally terrible design.
these are the same people that had to make a safe space for people who liked Heroes in Crisis.
>The problem isn't really that he's randomly black now.
Fuck off it absolutely is a problem. Blackwashing is always okay.
I meant that this was a sign of poor management. Bendis is just throwing stuff at the wall as artists work and redraw and retool anything he wants in a whim. It's maddening.
>Electric Niggas
Electric Nigga Two: Electric Boogaloo
Our hair makes for a great static
Was this screenshot related to Lightning lad?
>Make a guy with electric powers black
you bet
a bit?
>people who liked Heroes in Crisis
dc comics already has dozens upon dozens of black characters that people are already interested in, so why the hell wont they just utilize those instead if race flipping?! i really dont get it. as a black guy ive been dying to read stories about characters like black lighting, john stewart, vixen , bumblebee, cyborg, bloodwynd, and many others but dc seems to only use their popular black characters as nothing more than bland tokens. they hardly if ever, have any impact on the stories that they use them in too. why the fuck would they do that when they're so hard pressed on diversity?
shit. if they want to make their liked asian characters like dr.kimoyo light and ryan choi popular, hows about handing them over to good writers instead of race flipping other already established characters?
same thing with their hispanic characters. push Jaime reyes, kyle reyner, and jessica instead of race flipping or creating new ones.
i just dont get it sometimes. who's bright idea was it to start race flipping everyone in the dc universe
It's not diverse if your erasing pre-establish black characters for lazy black-faced ones. Although for all I know, the removed post probably was using nigger or some form of it to be edgy to get this person pissy over.
Sjws comic fans hated heroes in crisis, you can't go on tumblr or even the tags on twitter and not hear them complain about how problematic it is. ( it is a shit miniseries though)
Nice, my too wives have turned out really, REALLY great in this comic. I'm sorry to everyone else, but this is your punishment for having terrible taste in waifu to begin with.
Don't fool me satan. Tumblr is autism and shipfaggotry. But DC subreddit evaluates comics with the number of brown persons in the roster or the color of skin of the writer.
Yay, the mod was just being a huge fag then, these are shitposts, but they are painfully true. This legion will be canned and be seen only by it's bad design choices.
i honestly think thats the biggest issue at dc. their black characters feel irrelevant to the universe, the continuity, and the stories.
characters like black panther, falcon, patriot, bishop, and storm actually feel crucial to the marvel universe. while dcs black characters feel like pointless tokens.
fuck i miss how bruce timm and dwayne mcduffie made everyone feel relevant and important in JLU
I would like to talk to a moderator here, please. Anyone online?
Are there... two Timber Wolves? The stocky one in the bottom right and the one Gim is holding?
Who is the gold fucker in between Superboy and Sun-Boy?
Is that Dr. Fate?
Didn't DC learn their lesson with doing this to Kid flash?
Bendis says the skinny kid timber wolf is called Monster Boy.
i thought porcupine pete. the image is shitty though.
he's got an armadillo arm here
The Evil New-52 legion looks better then this shit
>actually intriguing alien designs
>cos is black but looks like a badass
>Lightning Lad with cyborg leg is cool in a funny way.
Holy shit it is.
I refuse to accept another electric black character that's just race swapped. In my Canon there's so far in the future that race doesn't actually exist and he may have darker skin but everyone is basically mixed in different levels so he's not black because black doesn't exist as a thing because race doesn't exist as a thing in the future.
I thought it was a rights thing with Black Lightening becoming Black Vulcan in Superfriends and then Static was created and then static had a ripoff of Black Lightening
Their version of Lyle was really nice. The hood is super impractical, but it's such a cool look for him.
>Me trying to assess the levels of blackness each character has
That's corny even by Legion standards.
Statistically impossible considering you can be incredibly African but the little bit of you that's recessive traits that's pale can still be expressed and vice versa.
You can't visually calculate genetics by phenotypical features.
In the future No one is anything in particular other than human
well as closest Humanity can be with all the crazy shit happening
>Its a beast boy timber wolf hybrid
So everyone can say nigga in the future?
>Lyle is alive
Eh, let Lyle have his ghost waifu. Plus that's one of my all time favorite Legion stories.
And I'm not sure who the fuck this version of the Legion was made for. I don't think Bendis makes anything for anyone other than himself.
Nah, he'll pair her with a girl and then pat himself on the back for being brave enough to move her status from being obliquely hinted at to out in the open ignoring/not realizing that her and Lightning Lass were an open lesbian couple in the Retroboot because he largely exists in his own world.
>Generic Stock Response it's for muh kids. Who are black. Remember my kids? They're black. I have black kids.
Which makes it even dumber that Invisible Kid II and XS aren't there. I want to give Bendis the benefit of a doubt that this is a new generation of LOSH because some of then do look older but I have heavy doubts after Superman. Anyone making a bingo card yet for LOSH Bendis?
I think it'd be nice to see him again, though it would have been more so if it wasn't likely to be under Bendis. Would be nice to see him and Brainy interact again.
Platonic or romantic, I'm not picky as long as they can be bros who really care for each other again.
Garth as Livewire predates Leslie as Livewire.
>People sperging ovee this
>Invisible Kid switched race AND gender in 3boot
No one gives a shit about LoSH, and the ones that might treat every new reveal as a new incarnation of the team.
>not having superman sign Jon up for Legion Academy like its summer camp
>not having all new characters (some of them being the kids of OG Legion couples)
>not having original Legion characters being Adults and teaching classes
Bravo Bendis
It's remarkable LoSH threads can last this long now thanks to the collective hate we have for Bendis.
Once again Bendis weaves his evil Jew Niggertry into DC. Fuck Bendis!
>race and gender
What? Threeboot Lyle was a white male, same as Pre-Crisis and Reboot.
Idk but they're so far removed from us they probaly have way better words to use.
Words to surpass nigga. Tenfold.
>Racist against a hair color
Really, bro?
>Racist against a skin color
Really bro?
Race is just an illusion. What ever we want it to be yo.
Jim Shooter had scrapped plans to make him come out as a trans woman in the Threeboot. They would also take up the name Stealth.
Reminder that Miles is literally just Black Spider-Man with electricity powers.
I don't see people being discriminated over their hair color, like you do with the color of your skin.
So Rich the Leech is saying that Black Lightning Lad is part of a recalled comic and that we're actually getting ginger Lightning Lad with shitty hair cut. Might be incline to believe it since all of the promo we've seen has white LL.
Any kind of interest I had with the Legion returning because of teasers with Saturn girl's appearance in Batman and other books is gone
I will never be buying this shit nor reading it.
Wait so I don't get what happened, did Bendis or DC change their minds about whatever race Lightning Lad was going to be?
No one knows.
>I called this ages ago
>some fag on Yea Forums "hurrr bendis doesn't blackwash you're just racist"
I wish I could find the post and screenshot it so I can have proof I am all-knowing, wise.
Of course Bendis blackwashes redheads instead of using Jenni or one of the Quantums.
Gingers are openly mocked all the time. You could openly harass them just for being a ginger cunt and nobody would stop you, they would probably join in.
or better yet, in a whole universe of alien races and beings, just create a new black character to join the Legion
People actually care about Wally West. The only good thing about Legion coming back now is that when it gets inevitably cancelled for shit sales they will take teen Jon with them and he will never show up again
I care about the real Matter Eater Lad
not this brown musclehead
If I ever get to write for DC or Marvel I'm going to pitch a team book that comprises all the electric black characters as a joke.
Not gonna lie I like Jonathan with shonen anime hair
I thought we were finally done with that dogshit sidecut look?
what r their names???
Their evil versions of the legion. So probably the same.
Bendis Batman Beyond is shit.
Apparently Bendis and Sook crawled put of some extreme version of 2015 and brought them back with a vengeance.
Turning redheads black? Absolutely.
For now.
But stop and think for a second- isn't "sassy in your face woman" much more of a BLACK role?
>there are multiple existing Black Legionnaires
>should we use any of them?
>Fuck No! Just turn Lightning Lad black instead! We get more "woke points" that way, and no one ever complains about turning redheads black or black characters having lightning powers!
I hope this Legion lasts three fucking issues.
Fuck, he probably isn't even using Black Thom, seeing as how Star Boy is gold in every picture so far.
Wait he did? Although I wouldn't be surprised, Bruce literally surrounds himself with men and young boys in skin-tight outfits. Robin didn't need to wear short pants and he KNOWS it.
His name is also literally Bruce
Fuck is Bendis J Roc from Trailer Park Boys? Only less cool and definitely not funny?
>Although the Legion tackling gender identity wouldn't be the first time (Erin).
It sucked then too, and only happened so they could call Element Lad gay for wearing pink.
name all of the black legion characters
Tyroc, Kid Quantum I and II, Invisible Kid II, Gear, XS (and Threeboot Star Boy, a guy who is know made out of gold or something)
Because Winath used to be Space Idaho.
They're the same picture
>be black
>play a Tempest Cleric in D&D to zap motherfuckers
>perpetuate stereotype
I just think lightning powers are cool, man.