LOOT CRATE IS DEAD. RDJ invested money in this company. LET'S LAUGH TOGETHER.
LOOT CRATE IS DEAD. RDJ invested money in this company. LET'S LAUGH TOGETHER.
It’s just method acting. Remember, Stark loses his company every other week.
It's alright he probably recouped his losses with his FFH royalties.
Who fucking cares?
Good, Loot Crate was shit.
Who would have thought that consumers would eventually get tired of getting a box of worthless crap every month?
Well they're still paying to see Cape shit movies so.....
I kinda want the Lego Batman Arkham desu. It's very cool.
>Who would have thought that consumers would eventually get tired of getting a box of worthless crap every month?
This, i never believed it would ever hold 'long term" and always cycling potential addicts stopped being a viable model when they got competition
>Well they're still paying to see Cape shit movies so.....
it cantt be 'always the same thing' since quality steadly decline.
Who the fuck pays $25 for an ugly T-shirt and a toy you don’t like??
I can buy a custom T-shirt for $5 and a second hand toy i like for $2 in Mercado libre
I hate mainstream co-opting of “geek culture”. going to see the latest MCU or Star Wars movie does not make you a nerd because those flicks are mainstream as shit. They might have nerd roots but they are the farthest thing from niche anymore. All that fuss about “fake geek girls” is absolutely true, there are always posers who want to be part of a hobby once it gets “acceptable” and that’s not misogyny.
But all you NEET shut-ins that get called disgusting neckbeards? You guys are the real nerds now.
Star Wars was always mainstream except for a brief period in the late 80s when only autists who couldn't move on were still on it despite Lucas completely abandonning ship. Then in the 90s he came back with a huge merch blast, then the re-edition, then the prequels.
A New Hope was literally the biggest movie in the world. It was the Avengers of its time. It's STILL a higher grossing movie than fucking Endgame when adjusted for inflation.
>Robert Downey Jr net worth: $300 Million
>Epstein's friend lost his money
Thats fucking fantastic, but what will ashens insult now?
Oh no, now he'll have to get the X11 privatelear jet instead of the X12!
Oh no! Who will sponsor my favorite podcasts now?
I figured the end was near when they stopped sending out shirts and every box for the past several months came with an apology note saying "this box was supposed to include *item*, but we couldn't produce it in time, so you'll get it next month!"
>Yea Forums
More like /toy/.
He seriously is?????
But why do you exactly hate RDJ?
Good riddance to this garbage
I heard they are using some loophole thing and are transferring lootbox to a different company
>No More Inflatable Crowns
good answer
it should be i bought one, on average the fucking box's contents are shit.
>make small investment into private start-up company that stands to make short-term profit
>start-up lasts 7 years and has a decent following before petering out
>some NEET celebrates that your investment is going under while you wipe your tears with hundred dollar bills in your bath tub of gold coins
Venture Capitalist makes sound investment, news at 11.
Also that whole being paid all the money in the world for Infinity War/Endgame thing.
Literally who cares?
this board is so petty sometimes. This isn’t even Yea Forums related
RDJ and Iron Man live rent free in Yea Forums's mind. I suspect it's just a small group of vocal autists who keep making these shit threads, though.
And nothing of value was lost.
How will Marvel sell their comics now?
All of their biggest sellers from the last 10 years only sold big because of loot boxes.
Okay? I don't really care, and why did you have bring up Robert Downey Jr?
>selling boxes full of weebshit that was stuck in a UHAUL storage bin for years in multiple boxes
>going through bankruptcy
I wonder why
>Loot Crate finally died
Fucking finally.
Literally the only bad thing about Loot Crate going under. His videos on them were great.
>RDJ invested in loot crate
Buddy, actors invest in a lot of shit ideas thinking they're gold.
Look at Planet Hollywood.
So what happened? People realized spending money on random worthless junk they don't even want didn't make sense?
Did any of you idiots actually read the article? Loot Crate is filing for bankruptcy, but is being bought out by Money Chest LLC that will give them a 10 million dollar loan to assist with the process.
The subscription boxes aren't going anywhere.