Wherein math and the future. ALSO CHARTS
Powers of X #2 storytime
Give the charts thing a rest, it stopped being funny in the first Obama term
Moira BTFO
>The one thing I haven't tried yet--all of mutantdom as one
Huh? But she did try that, she tried the mutant nation thing several times.
> Hey, kids! Remember that character with 45 years worth of back story? Well, it turns out she was just pretending all along. She is in fact a mutant. How has she never been detected, you ask? She just hasn't, ok? By the way, her code name is GroundhogDay Lady.
>Operation Paperclip in a few ex-Hydra as well
Based Magneto, calling Marvel out on their bullshit that Hydra totally aren't nazis.
>Year One
So I guess this confirms that "Year One" or "10 years ago" isn't necessarily literal, since it said "Year One" last issue of Powers of X, and it clearly showed events that happened years before this scene.
I think its meant to denote a mutant era rather than literal year
Yes, that scientist who's been a part of the development of mutant-detection technology since the dawn of it, has kept herself off of it.
How un-fucking-believable in a superhero comic universe.
Now, go get a drink and stop putting this much effort into being a faggot.
>It's a villain kills his minions for no reason other than to show how villanous they are episode
Like as in truly one, she only tried doing it with Xavier.
>It's unavoidable
Except, you know, in all of the futures where it doesn't happen.
More and more, I'm feeling that what we're seeing here in Moira's 10th life is the timeline which precedes the one in which all of the comics we've seen up to this point take place in. "Our" Moira is the 11th life.
She had a hand in creating Cerebro? Before she was even introduced as a character? And Caliban was also never able to track her? Pray tell, Hickcuck, how did that happen? Go be stupid someplace else.
So if I'm reading this right, Hickman is revealing that the Phalanx created the Technarchs and not the other way around like we always thought? And that these are the "real" Phalanx, and that the Phalanx from Phalanx Covenant and Annihilation Conquest were just chumps.
So her power is reading other comics?
why does toad look so.. sexy?
Man is this cover misleading. Magneto is the only character on the cover to actually show up in this issue.
He's gotten so good at charts but I wonder when Hickman is going to learn how to write a human being?
was the Mothermold always a thing?
God dammit, I miss 90s cartoon Apocalypse.
Are their any actual human in this story? So far it's been Homo-superior and robots.
Interesting reference to make...
Master Mold (a giant Sentinel that creates other Sentinels) has always been a thing, Mother Mold (a giant Master Mold that creates other Master Molds) is new.
These aren't even charts, they're just walls of text.
>no reason
>backtalked him
This is what you do
Once more unto the breach
New letter alert, there's a separate letter for "ch"
I appreciate the effort here to reconcile all of the incoherent threads that various writers have come up with over the years regarding the relationship between the phalanx, the technarch, the Magus, etc.
Nobody gives a fucking rat's ass about the X-Men anymore, especially here on Yea Forums. Complete waste of paper and ink when MarLEL shloud just put ALL mutant characters in limbo and NEVER publish them again.
It was retconned ages ago that Moira helped build Cerebro, yes.
So, who are they actually?
>Fuck you Mutie!
>all you Motherfucking Muggers are gonna hang
>the Day of the Iron Sentinel is near you degenerate freaks!
"True" Phalanx
I kept telling all you assholes this isn't 616. Timeline 10 is not the comics we've been reading, that is timeline 6 that was not on the chart.
>blue hand
>we are together now, you and I
>Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Lee = Xavier
Kirby = Magneto
what did they mean by this?
So let me get this straight:
>Moira is a mutant that lived 9 lives and always failed to have Mutant-kind survive in the World
>In her 10th life she contacts Xavier and show him the truth, this is X-Men Year 0
>Her 10th life is similar to one of her old lives meaning that everything in the past 10 years is still canon
>She shows up to Xavier and they both show up to Magneto
>Krakoa is a Plant-Mutant that created a environment for the mutants to life.
>Xavier created clones out of Krakoa (???)
>Humankind is creating a new secret organization
>That leads to creating of NIMROD and the rise of the Machine
>Mutantkind is fucked
Is that it on the present day?
bitch are you trying to write "everything dies" AGAIN?
Weren't hydra kicked out of the nazi?
How long this shit going to continue?
>we phallanx
Based Scott
HYDRA wasn't Nazis until Secret Empire made them Nazis. They were a group descended from Nazis and led by a former Nazi, but there is an on-panel statement by von Strucker that he was no longer a Nazi because of the deficiencies in Nazi ideology back around Secret Invasion.
There were two and Nimrod went and murdered them
Fuck you, you inebriated asshole, go dick your toaster waifu or something
no, in all of those futures Sentinals were inevitable, that's the point of this book.
>>Xavier created clones out of Krakoa (???)
>He thinks this really is charles
I mean, they manufactured self-upgrading robots with no 3 Laws or even a semblance of a moral compass. Meatbags really should have seen it coming.
>attracting a Type III civilization
you really want to be squashed like an ant? That's a civilization with the power to completely manipulate entire galaxies.
This makes me miss the master mold from the animated series and the point of the 3 laws is that robots can find ways around them, so you need to come up with better laws.
Brainlet here, I'm a bit lost
Well valid point but so far we see 2 known mutants that are clearly clones and the motherfucker as a fucking tree raising that shit
I still don't get it. Does this mean that mutants, in the very end, lose again? And humanity's use of them to keep mutants at bay simply helped them to "evolve"? Because it seems, at the very end, machines were the true winners here.
Basically hickman went "oh you want a Sentinel vs Mutants story, bitches I'mma give you on" and is now playing the "Sentinels as AI " bit to the hilt.
When your AI starts getting cosmic, it starts involving the cosmic AI's the marvel universe, the Phalanx. Do you know what they are?
the whole story its setting up a no lose scenario.
>everything in the past 10 years is still canon
I still maintain that it's not 616. It might be similar, but I'm pretty sure its not the same, not 1:1.
>Year 1000
>NIMROD cannot evolve more, he's stagnated
>He plants a seed to create a Worldmind
>Worldmind is the third most powerful of society-machine
>He creates a worldmind to feed them to the Technarch
>Why? Because Technarch work for the Phalanx and NIMROD wants to ascend to that level.
*Blocks your path*
Secret Wars already fucked it anyway, move on nerd
ya, this is one of the best attempts to look at what AI and technology does to societies in the long game. Marvel has always just kept 'individual AI's' from the future as just singular being and never tried to wrap in the Phalanx or the Technarch or even Ultron (wonder if he will show up).
I'm really enjoying this a lot, it will give me a lot of mull over how he is pairing up the Kardashev scale with hive computer processing. It does make sense to make a future version of the Phalanx a type III civilization but I don't think they've been shown to be that in the current time (though a retcon could be coming)
>implying any story still matters after it's told
It always returns to the status quo, no matter how grand the scale and big the changes are, only the stuff directly referenced actually matters to this story.
What about Moira's first life were the Sentinels never appeared?
thanks Cypher!
What's that suppose to mean? Someone always lose, especially with the X-Men involved.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
>Byrne throwing an autistic rant
nothing new here
the Phalanx are XMen enemies that iirc debuted in Generation X in the 90s, the book with Emma and Banshee being the teachers of Monet, Husk, Jubilee and a few others.
A colony of Alien machines that infect and assimilate other beings into them.
The biggest retcon here is they are the biggest bad ultimate boss there is, an intergalactic colony of machines that assimilates other planets, and that the Technarchs work for them without knowing it, in fact every Technarc thinks he is the only one. Warlock from New Mutants is one for example.
Looks to me like it’s the mutants wanting to ascend rather than Nimrod.
Is plant man actually Cypher?
She's invisible to sentinels. Wouldn't surprise me if her kids inherited that trait too.
Is the library really a mutant? Now am confused... So Mutants won vs Nimrod on Y100?
Merging with Phalanx and becoming one with machine I am guessing is the end game. It is in the real world too.
She hasn't tried uniting all mutants under one banner. Everyone of the previous attempts were using either Xavier, Magneto or Apocalyse. This newest attempt seems to be putting them all under one tent.
No, it's Krakoa piloting Cypher's body.
ya, I think timeline 10 keeps everything up to Morrison's run, maybe up to Schism or something and then ignores a lot of what has been happening lately in X-Men. Timeline 6 was never shown to us so I'm pretty sure that is the 616 where Moria is dead
Not likely. I'm pretty sure is the machines who finally won, while humans and mutants ended up extinct.
just cause she wasn't aware of them doesn't mean they weren't there. Her first life she lived as a human and didn't pay any attention to mutant matters.
I want Danger to show up, I love that crazy bitch
I can't believe Moira gaslit Chuck.
May be wrong but couldn't they have and she just didn't notice or care?
probably a cyborg, mutant/machine hybrid
Didn't the previous issue say that the mutant colonists in the Shiar empire came back and conquered Earth?
This needs Machine Man and the Celestials at some point.
i am given to understand they have lots of mutant colonies in Shi'Ar space.
We keep getting told about the Kree, this is probably significant
How can one mutie be so based?
God, shut the fuck up
But thats y100 not y1k
We Scooby Doo Mystery Inc now?
I keep saying that, but xfags are adamant everyhin in HoxPoX is the real deal.
I'm thinking 616 is life 11, where Moira will no longer be a mutant, somehow.
why would x^3 have them gone extinct?
Doesn't seem that way.
It's just binary to go along with the computer theme with all the YOU'RE IN MY MIND CHAAAAAAARTS. Year 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000. Well, fine, not ALL binary. There's a mixed bag of themes. X. Ten. Binary.
No real big shock given a huge part of this is that emergent machine intelligence is somehow tied into the rise of mutants. I really hope this isn't a ripoff of The Last Question. Though I'm suspicious that the ultimate solution to "fixing" the mess mutants keep getting into is Moira eventually killing herself before her powers manifest, which Destiny pointed out is the only way she can truly die. Like Moira doesn't just self-resurrect within her own lifetime over and over but has a secondary mutation that makes each successive rebirth a shittier and shittier timeline.
>Scott pops off
>Logan gets shit on
Yeah, I'm thinking Hickmans heart is in the right place.
He is basically repeating what he did with avengers.
Also, this story is ignoring at the same time most development from his avengers run, where he also worldmapped human history.
That's the real Wolverine, right? Not one of the hybrids?
only 8000 and most on the home planet, with many serving in the Imperial guard
then why leave timeline 6 erased, and why chose 6?
Looks like it
Bryne's right about every authority figure being turned into satan and how it's fucked up the setting, I'll give him that.
I don't know, it could be life 6. I just have a feeling that life 11 wouldn't be mentioned if it wasn't important either. And e still don't know how life 10 ends. Kinda hard to peg things down correctly with 3 unknown variables.
well timeline 9 is Age of Apoco, and the arrows indicate this will be a continuing timeline too (as well as X^2 and X^3). Which is why I think some of these characters will merge into 616, like many AoA character's moved to 616
God I cannot believe this is 4th issue and I already have to reread stuff
Guess someone needs some proof:
Based Cyclops
Yeah but Bryne is an asshole with a giant ego.
>I would never write a comic book this way.
His plotting has really raised the bar. Morrison, Priest.... Not many others working on this level right now
I had to reread to actually understand things...It seems mutants are all in the Preserve Biome (like Savage Land) that was shown in the last pages of PoX #1 but is clear that on x^3 Human-Machine won and they want to ascend because they can't achieve more? It seems that all the "human" characters in x^2 are indeed coming from the Sentinel-Human breeding program
You're retarded
That does evoke interesting cogent themes regarding evolution. Machines wipe out the "evolution faction" but then bring about their own demise because of their inherent inability to do so
So, the thing that has never been done before. The thing that will change X-Men or any mutant comics canon forever is every mutant becoming a mutant supremacist? Is that it?
I would just wait until both series are over before rereading.
>Nimrod holding the skull in that exact pose
Hickman sure does love paying homage to that shot doesn’t he?
Machines have already wiped out natural selection in our world, so I guess this is taking it a bit further. But it's also showing that the future is merging with machines, and that is the inevitable part.
>Species Intelegine
>As the international sistem of Kilos, Mega, Micro, Nano, etc
>Measured in 1, 10, 100, and so on
>Again, with the Powers of X (10)
>Can't into scientific notation
>calls someone a retard
>obviously doesn't know that the number 10 in binary is actually two tens side by side
>two tens fucking
>making the ultimate ten
>the tenducken of legend and prophecy
Ten is a 1 and 0. Binary is made of 1s and 0s. It's all quite zen when you actually think about it.
I hope nimrod comes back in force and eradicates them all
He just said that they're not all binary numbers, friendo. He just described X, ten and binary as being themes.
>Ionic wind for dramatic cape flowing
Oh I get it, they're logarithms
I’m sure she’s showing him parts of Life 4 (which almost exactly mirrored the 616)
> 10 lifetimes
>A power of X
God damn it Hickman fuck your charts
Yeah, the implication seems to be that the ultimate evolution are machines, not mutants.
It’s the humans in the dome, they talk at the exact same time how they’re glad to be done with homo sapiens and they won’t be dominant again.
Given that they also talked about how the war ended in a “surprising” way and how the Librarian was trying to save the mutants Nimrod had tubed, I’m pretty sure the mutants and machines joined together.
is john bryne a bitch? cause he do sound like a bitch
He's a cantankerous, egocentric hoot
This account which hasn't posted in a month, is a good resource
Well that does make more sense now, so where are the humans on x^2? It seems that Human-Machine were already in control.
>we always lose
Wait so Apocalypse lost the war on mankind and machines?
What's so special about nimrod?
You kind of just answered your own question? They’d joined with the machines. Nimrod kills two this issue.
He’s been like the most powerful Sentinel since Claremont’s run. He even slapped around Juggernaut.
>Ed Brubaker
Try Mark Millar and Ultimate X-Men.
*Omae wa mou shindeiru*
that is a picture of a skrull
So Jean resurrected a Skrull who was raised by their future son who knew where his father would be and accidentally helped a Skrull recuperate and not his father?
Isn't Apocalypse supposed to be stronger than Nimrod???
There is a 10 in binary. You have to be way beyond even the Phalanx, though, before your machine intelligence can comprehend the majesty of 2.
this is crazy, all this space mcguffin bullshit and not even a peep of the Phoenix
>egocentric hoot
fancy way to say his a bitch
The Phoenix isn't a robot
Get used to this, his worldbuilding will barely touch the xmen. He did exactly the same with the avengers, focusing in characters no one gives a fuck, like nihilo, black swan or starbrand.
Drats. I want to enjoy this funnin' reference but it is eluding me.
Can't magneto just destroy all the robots?
Wasn't Starbrand originally a character from another comic company that Marvel bought up?
That has never been stated, no.
I don't disagree but there is inherent comedic value which elevates it from mere bitchdom
Not if they are made from non-magnetic material. I mean he could possibly use his powers to disrupt the electrical system in them, but I don't know enough about the connection between magnetism and electricity to fully answer that question.
no he's character from a 2nd universe imprint Marvel made in the 80's called the New Universe
>The reflections of magneto and Charles on opposite sides of the visor
Silva killing it
Which is ridiculous 'cuz Age of X-Man was a wa$ted Event given a basic reset of things. And surely this gobbledygook will be reset. The Future Foundation can't find those pieces of Molecule Man soon enough!
Didn't notice that but I fucking love it. This series is great.
Right because I remember there being this big deal about how all those characters would cross over into the main Marvel Universe.
Although seems they didn't have any staying power
I didn't notice either and I blame the colorist.
The subtlety makes it imo
based chadclops
the double lensflare is too much, especially considering there's no fucking lens...
Why not just have franklin or wanda wipe out all the sentinels???
Looks like a little Fass reference in Magneto's face/expression
Both are human lovers that betray mutants.
So is the goal of a planet intelligence the reason the mutants and machines stopped fighting? Seems to me Nimrod the lesser was pushing for this when he made Nimrod the greater which is a sort of library that is filled by dissolving living organic beings into itself. So at some point Nimrod the greater took over and the Mutants worked with it to make the planet scale intelligence Nibiru. Essentially we are getting the reapers ending of Mass effect but everyone apparently wants to be dissolved into the intelligence.
This chart makes me think the individual egos have to go when you get passed the Hive stage.
Its more like he has his own ideas and stories, and mavel asks him to cram them into their franchises
She might not have cared about them. And maybe the less she fought the slower the sentinels came about.
>Essentially we are getting the reapers ending of Mass effect
Sounds real colorful user.
All these beings in x^3 besides Nimrod the greater seem to be mutants mixed with the techno organic virus.
Fairly new to the X-Men franchise, i'm starting to understand why people love Cyclops so much.
The Phoenix only shows up when evolution is blocked or universe crystals are cracked. Its probably happy with all this mutant/machine war/alliance it seems like its producing all kinds of evolution.
Okay just to be clear, we all noticed Xavier is messing with Cykes mind here, right?
>It's unavoidable
Apocalypse, if we talk about machine triumph we say "it's inevitable" not unavoidable.
In this mutant vs machines vs human wars what happen to the human/machine mergings?
This is turning into a messy story already. Pass.
Hes unbeatable I think. Best the XMen have done is forced him to fuck off. Dont remember if they have ever actually killed him. And one version at least he could time travel/see the future of choices.
Count the background images. This is timeline 6.
No, Hickman said something in an interview recently like "While Xavier's the dreamer, Scott's the true believer." He is really just willing to do what it takes for his people.
What timeline is what here? Obviously leftmost is Days of Future Past, but beyond that?
People getting upset by visual storytelling in a comic book are brainlets.
Hickman? More like Hackman.
Hail cyclops!
Heh, yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
Makes sense, a true interstellar digital power could easily conquer the stars and convert entire galaxies to their will.
>Count the background images. This is timeline 6.
Timeline 1 Moira didn't know she was a mutant and had no encounter with Magneto, so she'd have no imagery from that one to show him. It would be at least Timeline 7.
The telepaths are always sketchy as fuck in X-Men.
What am I looking at here? The size of the mega structure in Blame?
Tell Hickman that there exist a SI: 10.000.000, a Type 4 civilization, all in one thing - The Fury and its a mutant's creation.
Oh shiiiit. Thats Cypher's body.
It's from Orion's Arm, a setting set 10.000 years into the future, in which humanity has become a posthuman megacivilization. That thing is from a another galaxy, in another supercluster.
Best Mutant coming through.
This artist needs to rework how he draws Pocko's face. Its distracting how weird it is.
Guys, have we acknowledged that they are speaking with Ultimate font? Sorry for being a brainlet but I am just realizing it.
How many breads have you eaten
Yeah. People have been speculating on what the font choice means since issue 1.
They are all actually clones created by the Maker who is LARPing as Xavier and that's why they all have the ultimate font. They are technically ultimate characters as the Maker's creations.
So it's not Black Tom, but Krakoa that climbed inside Doug?
So the mega structure from Blame?
Yeah, Jordan White confirmed that last week. Apparently, its just to denote magnitudes of order.
Ignore the actual numbers. Its just X0 - some time ago. X1 - now. X2 - a long ass time into the future. X3 - and even longer ass time into the future.
More like being openly mutant supremacist. Many of the most "tolerant" mutants have shown thesebeliefs before not too mention joining up with the Phoenix Five and Inverted X-men with no qualms
Ah. I see. People in the future are just as retarded as they are now.
Fuck that faggot Nimrod, give me Ultron let us all burn
charts charts Charts Charts CHARTS CHARTS CHARTS
The Ultimate font isn't used exclusively for the Ultimate line and Ultimate characters. Runaways also uses that font. Pretty sure Fraction's Hawkeye did too. It's always used for Ultimates, and when there's ultimate characters interacting with 616 characters, having one use the regular all-caps font and the other use the ultimate font is a good shorthand to differentiate the two.
I wouldn't put too much thought into it. In fact, the fact that they're using that font pretty much disproves the whole "THE MAKER!?!?!?!" theory, because you wouldn't be able to differentiate the two in this book.
I liked the idea that it was roughly powers of ten. Like x was just in the range of 10 like up to 20 years. x^2 is around 100 years. x^3 around a thousand.
Planet Ultron comes later.
I'm guessing Earth won't be worth adding to the collective.
Fuck yeah. New Hype Reaction Image.
Namor alone is enough to stop the sentinels.
Moira should have gone to Namor.
>And Caliban was also never able to track her? Pray tell, Hickcuck, how did that happen? Go be stupid someplace else.
Maybe try to stop speed reading like a fucking moron. Hickman established in HoX 2 that Moira is invisible to detection by other mutant. You dumb motherfucker.
Is Planet Ultron now a worldmind?
>Byrne displays his abysmal reading comprehension in the very first post.
Yeah, real good way to start off yet another autistic rant, Byrne.
11 pages of text/charts
+1 title page
+1 soapbox page
+21 pages of comic book panels
=$4.99 of ridiculous
To be fair, Xorn is probably Death. Makes sense he'd be an edgelord.
I came a little.
Mutants and machines become one, reach Ascension, exist long past every star in the universe is gutted and extinguished, until finally, one day, mutant/machine says, "LET THERE BE LIGHT," and becomes the Phoenix which both is and transcends both creation and destruction, traveling through time and space to meet mutants in the past and merge with them.
So yeah the Phoenix will turn out to be a sort of robot but also a mutant and something beyond both.
Mutanity wanted to get PHLANAXED, the Worldmind was basically a space bootycall.
Not entirely invisible. Destiny learned to "see" her by the hole she leaves as well as reading the patterns she creates around her.
This. They made it so it could be sacrificed. The Phalanax said it tried to fight for its sovereignty but lost.
Basically the Phalanx show up to the restaurant and say, "Your-meal-was-sufficiently-adequate. Would-you like-to-go-to-we-[Phalanx]-apartment-and-create-the-beast-with-SI:10,000,000,000-backs"
now i want to see Nimrod the Greater
In X2 Humans and machines unite and rule earth after Sinister betrayed Krakoa and the mutant soldiers the Xmen had him farm for them went full Order 66.
The 8 Xmen are the only Mutants left on Earth 8000 civilian mutants live on a world on Shiar space while 2000 joined the Imperial Guard
By X3 the shiar mutant reconquered Earth, Nimrod reforms/reformats ala Brainiac 5 to a good guy and the Mutant-Machine-Shiar alliance farms humans in a eden zoo
Then they create a Worldmind ala Niva Corps to attract the Phalanax to ascend to type III
Nimrod the Grater is the little floating head in X^3. Hes the AI Nimrod the lesser talked about creating I think in the first issue of Powers of X? Either way hes the floating Nimrod head in x^3 hes the thing that mutant shit gets dissolved into when she gets the "bath".
No, they still might have. Just that Moira didn't get caught up in the human/mutant war. Tons of people live their daily lives unaffected by superhero bullshit.
All that means is in her first life, she was off everyone's radar, and just lived her life as another of the masses.
What are some better ways that Hickman could convey things like the SI levels rather than just text dumps? It just feels so wasteful in this medium m
>where he also worldmapped human history
You mean the one where they all just ended up being machines, save for Franklin who ascends to godhood and the Kangs who chill at the end of time? It's all still "machines win in the end."
How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?
I kinda like it as a change. There is alot of it but hes still building right now.
That was more cyborgs, but yes, a prevalent theme in Hickman's fiction is transhumanism and how the rise of the technological singularity spells trouble for anything resembling a normal human. He's optimistic but doesn't put any hopes on anything resembling a normal human surviving into the great future.
Text dumps but with a background. I guess he's just preparing in case they give him another big event so the artist doesn't have to recycle assets so much.
You simply cannot comprehend how with your SI: -10,000 mind. One must be able to tip their fedora so hard even entropy itself yields. Then you become God.
Looks like.
Why is everyone talking in ultimate universe style, instead of the all capitals of earth 616?
Its a neat idea, but it doesn't work for the established history. Like, Moira/Xavier meeting is Year 17 in Moira's life. So that being Year 1 doesn't work at all since its 35 years before present day.
Because Charles Xavier is actually Maker right guis?
Established history is fucked from endless status quo anyways.
>45 years worth of back story
She was only in X-comics from the mid-70s to 2000-ish.
Ha. He's not even pretending to have read any of it. He's just hating on partial summaries by his sycophants who are all afraid of pissing him off if they correct his misunderstandings too fervently.
I mean within this story. lol.
C'mon bro, obviously not actual comics history. That shit stopped being consistent with itself ages ago.
Ya but no matter what you do if you go into the history youll end up fucked somehow. No one can make it all make sense. Fucking magneto still running around as a holocoast survivor shit like that. The timeline just has issues.
He uses the power of magnetism to slow his aging. By using magnetism, he can adjust the rate at which he ages just like he can make objects move faster or slower.
So 616 has a shelf life, and ends when Moira dies?
So everything before 2008 DIDN'T contradict Hydra being Nazis?
Technically only Wolverine has never been a mutant supremacist. Hell I think most of Marvel forgets he is a mutant including him. How many teams has he been on even during full on Mutant hate and terrorism.
I like to imagine that internet clickbait health ads in the 616 have Magneto's face with the subtitle: "He is 85. Looks 35. Doctor's hate him!!!"
Strong Brainiac 5 influences
Cable;s Apocalypse future never seemed to have much of a machine problem.
Dude, don't be the retard that believes that shit about 616 being timeline 6. If it was true then the 616 already ended. Since HoX/PoX is clearly timeline 10.
He's been around the super solider bis a lot longer than people labeling you mutant or not without the Magneto/Charles hang up of wanting to save anyone.
He gets by on name recognition alone for not getting lumped into mutant stuff if he doesn't want to.
Ugh, reading a Hickman comic is like sitting through a boring lecture.
PoX # 1 explained the broad outlines of the year 1000 history.
in not a single timeline have they tried not being assholes for once
>Not enough PEW PEW in my storieeeeeeeessss
They sat back and watched in that timeline waiting for the right time to strike.
HYDRA were either one copycat for SPECTER in the James Bonds storylines, as envisioned by Steranko, or a bunch of ineffectual weirdos dressed in green for the Avengers to beat up in mass for their rest of their history (see Hydra Bob).
Hickman gave them back a lot of credibility with the SHIELD storyline and Secret Warriors, before that HYDRA was just too silly to be a nazi Analogue.
I hope Maria Hill saves the day, love that bitch
>Texts over a white background? This is some groundbreaking comic book!
Sorry am really dumb, you right
Ok I can understand Wolvie, but how is Magneto alive 100 years later?
Comics Maria is kind of a complete oaf
No. New Universe was a Marvel imprint. Always.
He's a clone what makes you believe he wasn't designed to obey?
>he reads a visual medium for the words
The same reason they do in the current Runaways book.
What is up with this board acting like 616 books don’t often use lowercase too?
Comics are a blend of prose and art. When you're doing something radically out there like Hickman, it makes sense to utilize words to convey information to the reader. If all these charts were converted into traditional pages, the information density would be way lower and readers would be unable to follow the story that he wants to tell.
And you just read it for $0.00. Fuck off with your pointless crybaby bitching.
Nobody in the future has any irises or pupils.
Wait, what's that giant monster that Magneto is fighting in the lower right corner of panel one? That's clearly not Sentinel-related.
It does work, as orders of magnitude - which are powers of TEN. If NOW is 10^1, that's anything above 5 years and less than 50 (5-49 years after Moira reveals all to Xavier).
It's something that pisses me off. Marvel has become very lazy with keep the font type important between universes. They dont seem to have any place to address the Ultimate universe as they did before any time soon.
I was refuting that guy by pointing out it doesn't make sense.
based Byrne
The 6 gorillion grant him strength.
I like it in house of x powers of x probably because there is a shit load of world building going on and its useful.
They have evolved beyond pupils in the future. It's gonna be on a chart next issue.
We sure that's Magneto? I don't remember seeing his face just the green armor and white hair
Is it one of Xaviers mental enemies?
Shadow King?
What's the point of splitting House of X and Powers of X into 2 books again?
Oh I think that guy is one of the clones. I assume he meant current day. Remember there was a shit load of mix and match clones in the x^2 time. The Cyclops/magik sword chick had 5 power sets but the generation before had 2 or 3. I assumed he was one of the previous generations to her. Which would give him a bit of age.
>Mystique stole
Oh come on, Toad was the one who did all of the actual work, why does Mystique get the credit?
Starbrand did and was even turned into a REAL-OG Avenger last year. Black Swan is also hanging around wherever the BO goes. The rest didn't because Time Runs Out/Avengers World basically fulfilled their purpose already.
>tfw no more One-Man-Army-with-Chi-powers Shang-Chi after Hickman stopped writing him
feels bad
I bet that over-dramatic prick Magneto has little bits of metal in his cape so he can make it flow on demand.
Magneto is such a cunt
So far House of X is present and Moria focused while powers of x gives us the x x^2 x^3 structure.
Because that way you get two number ones to profit off
from the sales data, sales for both are behaving more like that of one weekly book.
> 1. HOUSE OF X #1 (MARVEL) - 185,630 [1]
> 2. POWERS OF X #1 (MARVEL) - 167,840 [2]
What weekly book sells +300k issues?
Yep, this is basically it. +300000 sales is fucking crazy, they wouldn't have got as many without splitting the book in two.
that's my favorite part, she's a dumb bitch that just keeps doing her shit, sysophys style, like a wildcard Amanda Waller but not effective at all
Comic Maria is a complete cunt, never liked her "always in your face" attitude
I assume that’s what the little white bubbles between them were signifying
So Powers of X is basically just this meme?
Why doesn't Magneto go there himself? Surely the guy that can control metal is the ultimate weapon against a giant metal structure floating in space protected by metal robots.
>that the Phalanx created the Technarchs and not the other way around like we always thought?
I thought that sounded the wrong way round when I read it.
It is probably made out of non magnetic shit to stop that.
>points out some gay lame shit
Go back to your fucking cartoon threads
Nibiru is a pre-established thing
user, c'mon this is standard X-Men Sci-Fi fare with a little Chart-Mania! thrown in for good measure.
For comparison
>4 BATMAN ETERNAL #1 (DC) - 96,140
>6 BATMAN ETERNAL #2 (DC) - 76,878
>9 NEW 52 FUTURES END #1 (DC) - 70,788
>19 NEW 52 FUTURES END #1 (DC) - 57,147
Pottery, Nimbus erradicates muties as Nibiru erradicates boards
The Phoenix is Roko's basilisk.
No Moria gets shunted off to another time line.
I'm an X-Men casual and don't completely understand what's going on in the future with the machine war besides "this is what sentinels turn into" and "the the thing that did Cable's arm is part of this." The machine war and future and space stuff is all stuff that's beyond me.
I really like this though and I want to know more. Can someone spoonfeed me or like, at least tell me what I need to read?
yep looks that way.
he did it with thanos and that other charles in time runs out didnt he?
also, does anyone else hear andre braugher when they hear nimrod speak?
It's amazing that Hickman shows the infamous untold Shadow King vs Magneto story. The one that claremont planned to tell, but never managed to do.
that's the best, I love her
techno organic virus is essentially a machine virus that uses organics instead of circuits. As in the human brain is a much stronger processor then anything we can make so the machine virus uses organic structure to make itself. There was a technoorganic planet and this guy Magnus ran it. His son Warlock was actually a mutant techno organic being who ran away from there to join the new xmen couple decades back maybe closer to 3 now. Turns out the entire story of Magnus and that planet is actually a small piece of the Phalanx machine. Essentially of a civilization is good enough to create a worldmind (planet sized intelligence in the chart) The Phalanx show up help the civilization ascend and become part of the Phalanx in something maybe like a equal part? If a civilization is not advanced enough to make the worldmind the Phalanx send the Technarc/techno organic virus in to consume everything eventually and I guess the Phalanx re consume them after.
Hickman is essentially retconning all this techno organic virus shit into his new Phalanx idea. So all the stuff that happened before was our heros fending off the attempt of the Phalanx to consume them. And not in the x^3 period the Phalanx is going to offer some better way of joining them. As far as cables arm I suppose that is the lower form of techno virus and it tried to consume him but he held it in stasis mentally basically.
The future parts of Powers of X are from the timeline where Moira unites with Apocalypse.
a proof of what? samefagging?
>byrne being on-date about marvel comics
I never liked the Sentinels vs mutants stories. Not just the sheer self-awareness of freaking out over those damn dirty mutants so the normies create giant killer deathbots, but really robots just make no damn sense whatsoever against mutants. No, not because of Magneto since they do love that "non-ferrous metals, LOL!" but because mutantkind has produced so many technopaths and super geniuses who could either subvert the Sentinels or create their own versions. That's without counting crap like reality warpers who can just "LOL NO MORE SENTINELS" and how do they knock-off Borg adapt to that?
>how do they knock-off Borg adapt to that?
There was one machine that survived the destruction of a universe and killed a reality warper adapting to its warping.
Could be. The idea seemed to be that the information stolen by x period xmen is the same stolen by x^2. It could be that the twist is you expect x^2 period to know about the info because it was found in its past the x time period. But Moria could have brought that info to the x time period from her previous cycles x^2 time period. This of course requires Moria to still be alive now in the x^2 period. Maybe Apocalypse is keeping her alive in a machine so that she can take as much info as possible to the next life.
We dont know when she dies in the apocalypse timeline after all I think the chart had the arrows go right off the page.
It actually makes more sense now because of fears about AI and a technological singularity. Giant robots are still weird. But they have been improved since Morrison brought the idea of them evolving to compete with mutants. Techno singularity is the ultimate end of that so it works pretty well.
I imagine the excuse here is that since Sentinels/machine intelligence is inevitable in every timeline they are essentially immune to reality warping. After all, what Moira did by trying to change the timeline via hunting down Trask's entire family was just a kind of roundabout reality warping. Changing the universe by going the long way 'round. Damn things still happened. Try to erase them and machine life will find another way.
yep. hes definetely on point with that. and it manages to undo decades of history in one fell swoop
Its just inevitable that conscious being invent more and more advanced machines until they come into existence. And humans fear of being replaced just makes it happen faster. Which is Morias problem. The more she pushes Mutants to win out the quicker the machines kick in.
I mean they were cool. Everyone, not just chicks, digs giant robots. Still without the plot making a lot of excuses or just ignoring shit it doesn't make sense. Even in a reality with Tony Stark and infinite Doombots and Ultron, homo superior is looking kind of lame if they can't figure out how to fuck up some robots or just create their own anti-Sentinels.
I'm curious about her first "normal" life. Was there a giant mutant/robot throwdown that wasn't worth mentioning because she wasn't involved. has me wandering because the idea that Moira's lives are finite is that she has to die before her X Gene kicks in. The most logical reason for why she has to die, without throwing in time travel and going full Terminator even more than they already have, is that she'll end up taking her own life. Why? Somehow the solution to fixing the future is removing herself from the equation, that she's the one making things worse. Maybe her powers don't just send her back but carry over a kind of aura of past failure that seeps into every event she becomes involved in. Of course she could be killed by something completely random and mundane, like in one life she decides to turn left instead of right and gets hit by a car before she's 13, but that's pretty damn boring. The reason for her dying before her mutation kicks in will no doubt be plot significant, and a self-sacrifice seems likely. At least it causes less desire to throw up than a time traveling Sentinel being sent back to kill her.
I'm sure During HoX #2 Moira call some timeline as The Lost Decade
This shit is entertaining but feels at the edge of a clusterfuck
The techno-organic / Phalanx stuff was never very cohesive before anyway - this is the biggest attempt so far to unite it all.
She was saying that about a portion of time in one timeline, not its own timeline.
Yeah. That makes sense. Also, it doesn’t lock in a future you know isn’t going to happen because comics.
Lock Hank and Forge in a closet together after telling them to figure this shit out and when you open it again hope neither one is pregnant.
As for the rest the Sentinels bit gets weird in Marvel. The US government is happy to create armies of giant super murder bots for mutants but not to bust them out against regular super villains or even heroes that get too uppity. Captain America and Tony Star never get involved in dark future Sentinel plots. People have been complaining about why Ultron doesn't get involved. Why has no super villain ever stolen a Sentinel and used it to rip open a bank and run off with the vault? That isn't to say none of this ever comes up. Even these comics have shown us the Avengers getting involved here and there. Still it's just another of those things that make X stories feel like they take place in another universe from the rest of Marvel, so we get Emma bitching about why the Avengers didn't stop genocide at Genosha. Why did Cap hate superhero registration but didn't give a shit about mutant registration, etc etc.
He as a flaw point out that the panels where we are show Apoc War they are fighting the same enemies that are shown in x^2
Hickman point is that in all the timelines the rise of Nimrod and the Sentinels will always happen
Why did Xorn become a ghost rider?
The info could also be manipulated in the ~90 year in between, she could have added malware or falsified it. Be a surprise weapon like that time capsule in DC 1000000.
We Neal Adams Now
Shell kill herself as an adult with some kind of power block in place when she finally gets it right. She probably remembers how to make the mutant cure.
Moira, with her ten repeated minds, is herself a Hive.
Cover of the year
Yeah, I'm also a fan of the idea that she's the other person who talks to Phalanx. Also just noticed that the librarian's helmet and Xavier's helmet are definitely similar if not one based off the other (the librarian's machine was designed off mutants, maybe its how Cerebro got built?)
Good point
Shadow looks like the lead shiar guard.
Hickman copying Morrison? Why, I never!
You need ten minds working together at the same time. Moria is just old.
The first sentinel AI went rampant on national TV.
>The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) that certain groups believed would take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Nibiru or Planet X.
>Planet X.
yep, I think the same as this guy, Morrison did a nice work setting up the new age sentinels as nanomachines and an ai that would look into ways to kill even more mutants rather than keep massing giant robots. Hickman will probably pick up on that plot point/trend, and have the Orchis sentinels be some wack abomination, probably a technological virus or IDK.
>Why has no super villain ever stolen a Sentinel and used it to rip open a bank and run off with the vault?
Spencer sorta did that early on his Spider-man run, actually.
there was this Civil War: What If that concerned Iron Man dying instead of Cap, and Gyrich directing O.N.E to repurpose their sentinels to hunt everyone with superpowers instead of only mutants. It was only one what-if, but the idea is there.
All this sentinel human mutant reminds me. Will we ever see Fantomex again, he is a sentinel-human mutant hybrid after all.
>Magneto looking like he popped out of a manga
I like it
isn't Professor X current body that of Fantomex? Or did he build himself another one a la Cassandra Nova?
Also funny trivia, editorial later confirmed that Apollyon (this guy) was never Fantomex even though Morrison explicitely made it so you could make your own theory about it. They really wanted to distance themselves from Morrison back then lol.
Theme song time
Text dumps and graphs are to minimize the pages and give more stuffs. Its like the opening credits of star wards movies which jumps into action without spending times to show who is who.
It's pretty clearly Gladiator, considering the book is about them going to Shi'ar space to find Cannonball.
Marketing. Are you such a newfag?
Can I have a quick run down of this new era of X-Men? Been out of the game for a couple months.
No it's one less page for the artists to draw. That's why he uses the walls of texts and charts and shit.
It's only four issues mane
I am starting to share that opinion.
We're 4 issues in. Just read them and you'll be caught up on this new era of X-men.
His secondary mutation is that he apparently slowly changes his appearance all the time.
No... HYDRA started out as an Asian organization, but Baron von Strucker was sent to take it over and reorganize it by command of the Red Skull. They never stopped being Nazis - except technically since the Nazi party was disbanded.
Just like in real life.
Funny. It's consistently portrayed as a bad end when it's the only logical conclusion to human evolution.
Dick is so Muh right now
Now this is how you chart
Would be a turn-up if it turns out that
Year 0 = 0
Year 10 = year 2
Year 100 = year 4
Year 1000 = year 8
God no.
Nimrod is the ultimate adaptive Sentinel.
He kicked Juggernaut's ass, easily, back in the day.
But I don't wanna be a borg!!
the series continues to be great. wish the threads weren't so long so i'd read them
Hickman seems to be picking up on a lot of dropped Claremont stuff, including making Nimrod one of the biggest threats to mutants ever.
I thought it was hilarious: three adult humans who are seriously discussing concepts like "true good" and "true evil".
Some things never change.
Magneto has never been able to take on Sentinels and in fact this looks suspiciously like a Magneto-shaped trap.
The conspicuous absence of Magneto and Cyclops or any mention of them in the futures suggests the assault will be less than successful.
I can live with that. The Technarchs are near-mindless animals. Incredibly powerful, but not a society. Even the way they breed: fighting your offspring to determine who gets to survive?
There’s literally a green Magneto in the future though.
Borg is pretty much what it is. I get the feeling its the same endless origin also. Where anytime you see the technarchs absorbe a system or galaxy or whatever and become a phalanx they just join the phalanx that was already there and has been there before any recorded time. Borg were like that. There were multiple origins but they just ended up joining the borg that were already there in the quiet background of the universe.
Pretty sure Cyclops and Mags bite it since Nimrod exists in this timeline. Unless the theory about the twist is correct with 0 and x time periods occurring in a new life after the x^2 and x^3 time periods.
And that green mags is likely one of the earlier sinister clones from mars.
Thank you for making me google that... I think...
sounds like the starro/brainiac thing where you can always pull out the "That wasn't the REAL final version of them there's actually another" retcon
>a green Magneto
Probably Polaris' kid, then.
Kind of like what they did with Venom. "But wait... there's MORE!"
Knull doesn't know where he came from, he was just sort of floating in the void.
To my shame I must admit I am not hating his 'Silver Surfer Black' so far, although that might be on the art.
Nimrod is the harbinger of the end for mutants, he begins days of future past
Yeah and Marvel rushed to adapt that shit into the movies asap with the Black order
Oh hey, it's paco lips
Love the charts.
I love that I started that name on Yea Forums.
> I assume that’s what the little white bubbles between them were signifying
good catch. i think xavier is giving scott secret orders here, something that he doesn't want magneto to know about
Maybe I'm late to the party on this, but why is the casing different? Wouldn't that be a hint that this isn't 616?
Also a good hint.
>All these bitches still really think that's Xavier
Man have I got a bridge to sell you.
So red are the most important or what?
Runaways uses the same casing. It means nothing. Do you think Morrison’s run wasn’t 616 either?
He doesn't read them. Just tries to comment on them based on what people tell him.
Oh god not this kingdom hearts shit again
Let me guess, that bridge is the Maker in disguise. Lmao get out of here
He does have the font, the head, and the bod, and well, also the giant freaky AÍ and the "to me my children" vibe going for him, and also Hickman, but I would totally accept it not being the maker under there.
I'm just saying it's obviously not charles
Yeah, he was on Fantomex's body. However, by the end of that story, he was calling himself just "X", not "Xavier", so I'm not sure if he is acknowledging that return. On the other hand, it did end with him talking about how he had a new dream to push forward now.
Uhm no, I started it
Hickman's script for HoX shoots the entire thing down.
Everyone has the font and that helmet has been around since Morrison. Try again.
>He does have the font
Everyone has the same font user, and the helmet looks nothing like the Maker's.
But yeah, it might be someone's else under there.
Alright, what Moira life are they showing at the end 9 or 10?
hickman is pretty good huh
Profit and I guess a method of getting 12 issues out in 3 months.
what an absolute terrible plot device to introduce these characters with other mutants powers
Why not just make it a 12-issue weekly then?
Sinister likes to experiment with mutant genes and has an unhealthy obsession with certain of the X-Men
They also wanted to have artistic consistency and couldn't wait to have one artist draw all 12 issues, I believe. 6 for each is more reasonable.
Yes, I get that.
Ya big reveals or something. Well the first was the other two are probably the twists.
Ya except it was part of a machine it wasnt wireless.
>Cyclops get's off paneled by Nimrod
Sheesh, I thought he would be the titular hero of this series.
I wonder if we wont get a twist fromt he Judas gene info. Or a sinister side story.
Is the treeman really Krakoa or Black Tom?
They call him Krakoa, so it’s Krakoa.
It's Krakoa after taking over Cyphers body. Which I guess means Krakoa and Groot can fug
We live on 2019, everything is wireless nowadays
Onslaught commandeered, like, ALL Sentinels. You'd have thought humans would be weary of ever making any more.
The other higher beings in the universe just lets this ting do it's thing?
bravo, Hickman
>Professor X over and over
>Never "Charles"
I stopped reading X-men after Bendis murdered the franchise, what fresh hell is this?
He's an evil Shipper basically
this panel is important
Could Moira be considered a Hive despite being a human/mutant?
Is it just me or does anyone else think Chartman's story is starting to flag a bit? I'm kind of losing interest desu.
I read him in the MCU Ultron voice, it works surprisingly well.
Machine, hive, intelligence, technarch, worldmind, phalanx... is the same shit, Pymtron will rule the universe, you will see.
that much is blindingly obvious from the first fucking post.
Isn't Paco Lips a good guys these days? A good guy and a teenager?
I don't know, I stopped reading X-Men when Bendis got put in charge of that abortion
Ultron did control some version of the Phalanx briefly, although how that Phalanx and this Phalanx are related is...unclear.
So her power is being an inmortal?or how does it work
it turning out to be yet another patented Hickman Talks About Transhumanism story kind of made me lose interest since Hickman isn't as good at repeated themes as Morrison is.
she gets reset back to being a baby when she dies, with all memories of her previous lives
It's mutants vs man/machines.
i'm still interested to see where it goes with so many issues left
but yea these first issues have just dissolved into a techno instrumentality plot ultimately
I'm starting to think there's some secret restriction at Marvel that prevents Sentinels from interacting too closely with the wider universe. They can be used as occasional antagonists, but they can't stick around long enough for Ultron to start thinking about a new army.
Kinda like that one rule that apparently keeps spider people from interacting to much outside of special crossover issues
Basically what happened was that X-Men weren't allowed to be good again until Disney was done buying Fox
Franklin could if he was older. Im surprised anyone still tolerates Wanda. She memed the entire mutant race , but barely anyone tried to get retribution. If she didn't help get everyone back, she 100% would have been murdered
It's pretty much a "don't ask don't tell" situation since every time you expose Sentinels to the greater world you have to answer the question of why the Avengers haven't permanently destroyed these unambiguous genocide machines that the US government and '''good''' organizations like SHIELD employ.
So how do you "end" her? As in she doesnt loop back to being a baby
Stupid sexy Charles.
Kinda, yeah. I like the Machine stuff, but it gets bogged down by the Mutie shits. He should’ve told this story in a Pym or Iron Man or just a cosmic book. But then again Monet’s in his Top 5 X-Men, so whatever, the guy’s nuts.
you kill her before she turns 13
You kill her before she hits puberty. Mutant powers usually won't manifest until puberty (there have been exceptions tho).
Last issue of PoX didn’t they mention she only had a limited amount of lives ?
Moira talking about how comforting the womb was and how bad the outside world is a clear hint to where the story is going
also does anyone recall that awkward panels between jean and Xavier in the first issue?
No, this was going on even before all that drama happened. Sentinels somehow kept getting looked over by the wider universe since their conception. Only anomalies like the Tri-Sentinel have managed to break into other Marvel franchises.
sentinels hunt mutants, the writers have assigned them to do that, their roles in other stories are better filled by enemies who are already established in those franchises. thus the writers choose not to incorporate sentinels or are directed not to by editors
For real though, anyone care to help me with this?
oh god...we don't need The Fury in this...
What do you want to hear? It's been one month. You can breeze through these 4 issues in 20 minutes.
So, a shipper.
What has happened in the X-Men franchise ever since Bendis murdered it harder than a nun with a coat hanger and a fetus?
nothing worth mentioning
They played out the Wanda stuff in Uncanny Avengers a few years ago.
Rogue played the part of not allowing Wanda to be forgiven even after she helped restore mutants, and eventually straight up merked her for being too much of a danger to allow to live before time/alternate universe stuff undid it.
each timeline still exists just Moira has died in that one and moves to another time line. We already see that AoA still exists and that's where many of the characters in 616 come from.
Bendis' run wasn't nearly as bad as you're imagining. It was flawed, petered out at the end, but there was some good stuff.
there is a weird pyslocke-xavier-fantomex love triangle
except the original AoA timeline didn't have Moira as a horseman in it
Bendis was, quite literally, the last good X-Men writer before this current story. He didn't murder shit.
His run was followed by a number of increasing stale horseshit status quos in full "we don't have the movie rights so fuck them" mode.
>I do.
>I decide.
The dick on this man.
It was shit from the word "go"
Looks like it connects to another piece. Damn thats an awesome cover.
holy FUCKING shit just because subsequent runs were worse does not make Bendis even vaguely a good X-Men writer.
Are the Kree not worthy of ascension?
Does PHALANX already control the entire universe, hidden in dark energy/matter? What level of threat is this?
Seems like what Hickman is getting at is Celestials-> Mutants (Individualism) vs Phalanx -> Sentinels (Hive-Mind). The House of X is a middle-ground, extremist collectivism.
You heard me.
Gillen was the last good X-Men run. Bendis was just piles of shit on top of piles of shit.
Incidentally, X-Men was also Gillen's last good run on anything.
It was pretty good, actually.
go away, Brian
Darth Vader was pretty good
That user is just being retarded.
Moira isn’t hopping timelines with each death. She’s resetting the timeline. It’s just a mutie Groundhog’s Day.
>it wasn't wireless
Cerebro was wireless since day 1. It was a helmet he kept at his desk. The whole "big machine" thing was just movie synergy added in during Morrison's run because that's what the movies made Cerebro look like, and even then, that wasn't Cerebro, it was "Cerebra."
Cerebro was always just a wireless helmet. Cerebra was the giant room.
That depends. This whole thing is literally Act 1 of Wave 1. A bit slow, maybe, but I'm willing to wait for things to get clearer. Ask me again when we're in Act 2.
Lads, is hickman the madman gonna do it?
Destiny saw 10-11 lives. Not because there's a limit to how many times she can resurrect, but because something may or may not happen in her 10th life (this one) that'll cause the cycle to stop.
If you kill her before her x-gene activates (puberty) then she won't loop back. Likewise, the same thing would probably happen if you stripped her of her x-gene like with No More Mutants or a "mutant cure" then killed her.
user, it's a lost cause. He doesn't get to decide.
Is year 1000 a Mutant-Machine synthesis or just techno-organics?
We don't now if they have ascended, or at least not yet, in the Power of X universe.
Can you immagine how triggered our resident doomfag would be?
>i-it'll get better
yeah, because Avengers only improved as time went on
With a couple of dips, it did.
Sure; but as
Said, there comes point where Sentinels existing in the Marvel universe raises some valid questions. Like why hasn't any supervillain taken over a wild sentinel factory to create an army in days.
The fact that writers keep ignoring these questions while piling on more ridiculous feats for these super dangerous kill-bots make them a weird fit in the wider narrative.
Are you talking about the best avengers run of the last 20 years user?
They were also originally based on the bad guys from The man from UNCLE
it peaked at Great Society then went on an agonizingly slow downfall until it was just
>hey wouldn't it be cool if half the conflicts of this run were just resolved offscreen
>also we're going to have Miles pull one resolution literally out of his ass
>Still it's just another of those things that make X stories feel like they take place in another universe from the rest of Marvel
X-men is a separate universe from the rest of the Marvel
I do think it was unfortunate that some conflicts were resolved off screen (or in Avengers World, if you wanna be pedantic). But I was pleased with those we did get to see.
>best avengers run of the last 20 years
I like PoX/HoX well enough, but you need to take Hickman's cock out of your mouth. His runs weren't very good at all and probably one step above Bendis's atrocious run.
I think Hickman at least had more respect for previous history. Bendis just said "CHAOS MAGIC? LOL NO. WANDA, YOU CRAZY."
Those Phalanx were slaves created by Hickman's Phalanx according to this retcon.
Seriously though, how would Nimrod even make himself immune to Franklin's reality manipulation?
This whole X-men relaunch is just a stealth Franklin story. Screencap this.
In 1960s Marvel, Hydra were founded by an ex-Nazi, but their ideology isn't the same as Nazis, they're just a terrorist group that wants to rule the world. They would later be revealed as an ancient society that Strucker joined and took over.
Iceman is a cum guzzler now, wolverine is dead (I think?) , and some third thing , I don't know, magneto was bald for a while
Wolverine came back
Ahh gotcha thanks for the clarification
With flaming claws
how the fuck did they a man in a purple diaper look so gorgeous and menacing