Storytiming her new mini. Who knows if it'll be shit or not, but no matter the quality, you can guarantee someone is going to be incredibly butthurt about the book.
Gwenpool Strikes Back #1 storytime
Other urls found in this thread:
Current mood:
YES! Thank you user.
Thanks, OP! I'll buy the paperback.
I'm just sad. The preview made me nervous, and oh hey look I was right to be. Hopefully this improves, or Gwen survives to wind up in another series.
>Bodily fluids
Okay, that got a chuckle out of me.
You know at some point, since she keeps making snide remarks about it and is supposed to know what's actually up, it would be nice that a comic acknowledged that she is originally from an alternate cover that's very much "what if Gwen Stacy was Deadpool". Insisting she isn't at all is a bit disingenuous.
Wait, is she asking Spidey to cum inside her?
God I love her
That doesn't help comics. Because of stupid industry bullshit, only pre-orders and trade sales count.
Was oof really a thing when she became a comic character?
Getting a Timesplitters vibe.
Was...was that a fucking Family Guy cutaway?!
This and the opening panels are exploitable as hell.
>The losing death in a monster girl dating sim
Holy crap I wasn't expecting that kind of reference.
>how to expose myself
what a slut
You’d think she’d know the best way to keep getting issues is to start kissing girls instead
>Did the plot fall down a well?!
That's a cute way to use the medium to do to be continued.
>Reed cucks Sue for once
Why don't people just let gwen rest in peace?, why do they need to rape her corpse that much?
Yeah because America totally has an ongoing right now.
>how do you even lose at
I fell off a roof and died in my first katawa shoujo playthrough
It was a thing pre-internet.
Family Guy didn't invent cutaway gags.
Love it. I like how she actually feels younger this time. Good intro, good jokes. Can't wait to see more.
Is the power broker still around?
Can't she just go to him and get powers?
>how to expose myself
she can’t claim to have tried everything to prolong her existence until she does
Yeah *cough* I'm not reading all that.
>not kissing Sue
So I guess she's confirmed hetero now.
sums up marvel perfectly, nothing happens aside form lame jokes and only thing this exist is to pander to feminists
>It was a thing pre-internet
But Gwen was not. Like, she's to young.
>next issue drops 9/11
I'm pretty sure the oof in this case is an actual sound of exertion as she's physically pulling away the page.
"Hello" existed before you were born yet you still use that word.
Oh. Yeah that might actually be the case.
>talking about shark penises
that's a new one
>check out the writer on Twitter
>big tiddy xorn
Suddenly deciding to be gay is too problematic. Another girl has to kiss HER.
>you can guarantee someone is going to be incredibly butthurt about the book
Even if that were only me, it would make the story worthwhile.
Futa wereshark Gwen when?
Didn't she drop out of college?
And that's her high school photo.
Painfully boring, but the art is good. The writer clearly has no story to tell here.
>why is the setup issue only setup?
Based retard
we live in a society
>if my narrative doesn't get picked I'll fade away
I don't get this.
Wouldn't she just continue to exist as an eternal backbencher with occasional background cameos?
If he doesn't then he's a huge faggot.
Apparently in comics, you don't exist unless your character is being used
Even being called up occasionally is still a long time in the featureless void
That's exactly what "fade away" means.
She obviously meant he needs to piss in her mouth. Duh
there's no way miles is into that
wow she's just like us
I'm not reading all that, but do people still dab?
I'm keeping this.
Kids do
You should feel bad about this.
Ironically though
>i'm like the s-rank cringe culture
Oh boy. This is going to get some use.
I think people still dab ironically because it's just a swift, single movement. Flossing is too much effort to put into being ironic.
>new writer so Gwen now acts like a gross Always Online zoomer
Sure, it was funny, but not muh
The bottom three panels are specific visual references to that nyanyancosplay meme from last year
That was... Almost good. But it invalidates her character growth in original. She doesn't want to harm her beloved heroes anymore and yet here, she dissmises the clusterfuck that was Dark Gwen like it was nothing and threatens Spiderman... With a blog. Like a thot.
She genrally seems dumber here than in original.
Also I really hope that if police arrest her, in the next comic they will bring officer Gray.
Still, this gives me a pretty good idea how this miniseries will go. Series of annoying inconsequential and stupid attempts at getting superpowers. Disappointing really.
poor girl has no hips and no tits I can see why people thought she's a trap
How did this seem like a good idea to Gwen and Thompson?
I don't like it.
>I was looking at the pregnant lady
but she doesn't do heart hands?
Wow, that was painfully unfunny.
Shut up boomer. I bet you also think that gamers rise up memes aren't funny.
I liked it, much more fun and creative than the preview suggested.
Radioactive semen strikes again
You know what? I'm down. It's stupid, but I like it.
She is the "approved body type". The proof that mother nature itself is on the SJW side and against Trump :P
>it's another Marvel book in which the artist is way better than the writer
What if this entire mini is her trying to get powers that the entire MU is aware of and consistent across runs but unwittingly establishes herself as some weird pseudo-omniscient character to everyone.
What's funny is that Hastings Gwen didn't like Deadpool because he was too "lol memes" and this comic was almost nothing but that. If Thompson has any self-awareness she'll have Gwen acknowledge that she's become the thing she hated.
>If Thompson has any self-awareness...
It's not Thompson, it's Leah Williams. I don't know why people keep thinking it's her.
Oh god is she becoming Mister Mxyzptlk?
They wasted an ENTIRE PAGE on a Family Guy cutaway
You know the joke back then too was that she's actually too "lol memes" but can't see it, right?
More like Batmite
Is Gwen horny or something?
This fucking sucked. Thompson's a terrible writer and not nearly as funny as she thinks she is. I wish they'd stop giving her books.
No, the gag is that she's literally showing him the picture which you can see on the next page.
Other than comic book references, I don't recall any memes.
I'm pretty certain it's just one autist.
this should have been the earlier pages
>Thompson's a terrible writer
Are you stupid? This isn't Thompson.
This would be great if this ends up being the Evil Gwen origin story. Hopefully, it is
What if this Gwenpool ends up being Evil Gwen?
And the story series was just an Evil Gwen origin story?
This....this is just too far. I know you REALLY wanna cater to the LOL MEMES internet crowd but this is That's not how you do it.
What's the appeal of this character
this page is good
Evil Gwen said that she went that route, because Marvel wouldn't let her save a friend because "Muh canon", so she became cynical, since nothing she does makes a difference, be it noble or villianous.
Her origin being changed into "well I tried to get superpowers and now I'm evil" would be absolute bullshit.
And very much along current Marvel writing skills.
Thighs and pink.
I want to fuck Gwen, I'm not ashamed to admit that.
Sure, if you stretch the definition of "meme" to the point of meaning absolutely anything.
>my phone is dead
Allrigh this one given me a giggle, propobly this series isn't going to be on same level as original one but I have strong feeling it will end on a solid B.
You know what must be done Yea Forums
It wasn't that terrible, but I'm not a fan of Gwen talking this much (yes, just like Deadpool)
in every isekai story the protagonist's ultimate goal is to have as much sex as possible
I thought Williams said she'd pay attention to Hasting's run (the only good run Gwenpool has)
I fail to see any of Hasting's Gwen in this
That guy is a hack anyway
>Black Lipstick
Evil Gwen?
0_0 wtf did just read?
hello Yea Forums boomers. i like this comic and nothing you say will make me not like this comic or gwen's character. they did a really good job of writing her as a ironic 19-24 year old. you guys won't fully enjoy the issue unless you are of the understanding of irony in current year.
I Wish gwenpool threads would not attract the worse cringe weirdos
Half the thread os CUTE and the other one " lol futa gwenpool when? Do you guys think that gwen mastrubates to fan fiction? I bet she does lol"
The funny part of this is that amidst all the shitposting, you still see posts like
>"ugh memes! I don't like it!"
Did they mean to misspell 'Fourth'?
I just realized that Gwen using her powers to create stable time loops is also what she did in the Gwenpool Doujin.
The cover has her normal costume with a leotard.
Inside the comic she wears shorts.
I hate this so much.
that though balloon clearly says "suck my sadness out daddy", right?
this is unironically the best gwenpool comic
>it would be nice that a comic acknowledged that she is originally from an alternate cover that's very much "what if Gwen Stacy was Deadpool".
It was acknowledged when she faced Wade during Hastings's run.
Pretty sure you're thinking of this page, and no it wasn't.
Gwen was meant to be a manga character
Yep, the recurring joke being that Gwen has to keep suppressing her perpetually horny thoughts.
why is she horny for shark penis
well it looks to me this one suffer from obligatory"need to explain everything in one issues" problem so the following ones should hopefully be bit better
They have two.
what a greedy thot
I'm stretching it as far as Deadpool being "lol memes", which isn't really the case either.
Why is Guruhiru the only people who draw Gwen her actual age?
Everyone else ages up her by a large margin.
>I Guess They Never Miss pose
Guess they're doing away with her knowledge of pop culture only limited to stuff from before she made the jump.
Ye gods, this is some lazy art.
Giving everyone moeface isn't "drawing someone their actual age".
Maybe that stuff is part of pop culture in the 616 too?
Didn't that only apply to her Marvel knowledge?
>kisses Ben
You know, in its own weird way, that's actually kind of sweet.
She went straight for the lips with Reed, though.
I wanna read this
Gurihirus art just suits gwen better.
This feels like Gwen's descent into Waypool-tier wackyness, but at the same time, it is kinda funny. Conflicted.
I think a lot of artists have been drawing her more as a lanky awkward teen, not necessarily an adult.
I think her powers upgraded. Like in the Deadpool/Spiderman stuff, she can read up on the newest comics.
Probably due to her shark pet from WCA.
inb4 bestiality
>Like in the Deadpool/Spiderman stuff, she can read up on the newest comics.
She might have access to the World Pool.
Whoops, it didn't attach.
Thanks user
WAIT, aren't there a set a gems for each universe and therefore a reality gem wouldn't have info of realities beyond their singular universe?
The Reality Gem/Stone grants access to the entire multiverse, and while it doesn't work it other universes (to shape their reality), it allows its user to communicate with others who possess it in other realities. At least this is how it works in this new multiverse.
Gwenpool v Haruhi Death Battle coming soon.
I want to FUCK Gwenshark
>kick me in the face, dinah lance
>plays monmusu
Yeah okay sure
Her new characteristics are that of a zoomer who grew up in an overly sexualized internet environment so they thirst over men, women, and sharks alike.
Gonna need sauce buddy. Or at least the author, please
Yeah. Sorry. I hadnt scrolled that far. Thanks
Fucking christ. If you're not going to get Hastings to write her, then please, just shelve the character. I'd rather get no Gwenpool than this bastardization.
TFW they become Friends one page later
He is bland, he is no better
Deadpool was definitely lol memes during the Waypool era. Duggan put in a lot of work to make him not-that again.
Sliding timeline.
I have a lot of Waypool at home and while he became really annoying later on, I don't recall a single actual meme.
Imagine wasting a finite resource like panels on this.
He wrote her as a character. Everyone else is writing her as a tool.
Just cause you don't like her as an annoying teenager doesn't mean that's not a character.
Fitting because what has happened to Gwen is a tragedy.
Gwen had a thing for sharks in the solo too. What happen to the pet pig?
The whole Chimichanga thing became a meme through repetition.
Full list of memes: Issue 1
>pimple-popping doctors
>(not clickbait)
>wardrobe malfunction
>we LOVE [blank]
>Hit or Miss
>clap emoji
>Paper Planes
>rabbit sign
>Family Guy cutawat
>awkward family photos
>fake quotes
>cringe culture
>my dude
>big mad
>Google autocomplete
>ironic depression
>No Fear
Final tally: 28 memes
That's not how the big 2 works user. You should have made your peace with this long ago.
She was a pretty normal likable girl in her first run and had an almost wholesome relatability to her in her first series as opposed to how Marvel writes most of the rest of its female cast these days. Also her gimmick of her being a real person trying to carve out a niche in the Marvel universe was fun.
I think I might be the only fan of the book on earth who wasn't just into for the waifuism though.
>half of those
You retarded zoomer.
Nah, there's a couple of us but it's hard to be credible when there's a waifu horde around anyway.
Sorry, did internet culture end with rage comics and macros, you geriatric fuck?
Why did she turn into a whore the second the Hastings run wrapped up anyway?
That was an odd change.
So is she still riding Quentin's cock?
She'll probably become self-aware that the sliding timescale is affecting her personality after a while.
No, most of that shit is normal shit, it's not "memes" just because it's on the internet.
Cutaways aren't memes, "oof" isn't a meme, clickbait isn't a meme, dancing isn't a meme, awkward photos aren't a meme, dark humor about depression isn't a meme. They're just things that exist, most of them before the fucking internet and post-ironic meme culture where everything has an entry on some retarded wiki.
>face down, ass up
she's a slut
Oh, you're just stupid. Gotcha.
>Spend most of Gwenpool enjoying the series but wishing she would interact with more major heroes and drop less consistently modern references
>Now she is making Reign references while asking Spider-Man to nut in her
Monkey's Paw and all that.
Considering what actually happened in Reign I wish he fucking would. It would be a mercy nutting at this point.
Huh. I wonder if the writer actually read this.
The fortnite dance and hit are miss are references to popular stuff, thus memes. The Charleston was the meme dance back in the 20s.
Yeah I meant Williams. Either way she's a shitty writer and not funny.
It's not as bad as it could have been. It's a step up from how West Coast Avengers portrayed her, at least.
The world's most important superpower.
i'm glad there's a tl;dr but at the same time i'm furious that they used and needed a tl;dr
Incels seething at this
I admire your effort, but you're never going to talk some sense into the retarded teens populating this board. Their brain has rotted long ago.
Is she talking about Black Canary in the penultimate panel? Is this the first time Gwen shows knowledge about comic books beyond Marvel?
>Gwenpool hijinks with the Fantastic Four
Get ready for a lot of MCU/licensing rights jokes.
Wait there's a dimension where we'd still have my favorite cosmic couple together?
Can that be the dimension we focus on from now on?
>coming soon
>too of Mystique's head
That something else she's writing for?
Phyladragon? Moonyla?
Im pretty sure she had bunch of knock off figmas and graphic book in her irl world room
>to be continued
There are at least three potential "Consider the following" edits on this page
The Shazam snippet will never not make me chuckle, like that other time Supes half-showed up recently in some other comic.
I'm not sure Marvel gets as many snippets from DC though, unless Morrison does something with that one universe.
Emperor Akira is a based editor in chie--
What's the easiest way to get powers in the 616?
I remember now where Supes showed up.
Shame Mosaic will never get another good arc, I enjoyed his short run before being used as a plot device in IvX.
What's that? You wanted a crop?
Have one!
Also a version w/o the bubble, always useful.
>an element of a culture or system of behavior >passed from one individual to another by imitation >or other non-genetic means.
The zoomer appears to be correct.
Very nice
Chimichanga started in Deadpool&Cable before Waypool, but only really once.
I think Chimichanga became a thing thanks to tshirts of Deadpool or maybe the Deadpool videogame.
Someone legit repeated it constantly and I honestly don't think it was only comics.
>The zoomer appears to be correct.
that combination of words shouldn't exist
Thinking about it now if Batroc has to go down in a big event or random Cap run, those should take precedence over Gwen's powers. Pretty sad
>New Gwenpool
>ASCII art
Less okay.
Nah. The joke was that she seemed the type to actually go for memes as from an in-universe perspective she actually is lolrandom. You need the context frm actually reading her media in order to understand that she's making rational decisions.
This sounds about right
Oh no, Gwen.
You missed the venomverse tie in. SHe's always been that thirsty, but she seems to have gone from regular thirsty to /d/ thirsty.
Nah. Waifuism is not on the list of reasons I like a character. Otherwise i'd just find drawings of America Chavez or some other character and read absolutely nothing so that the writers can't ruin them.
Venomverse Gwen was a little exaggerated in that department compared to mainline Gwen for comedic effect but even then if came across as an extreme puppy love crush.
Post-series Gwen has fucked super villains, tried to fuck Spider-Man, plays H-games with vore elements, and has random fantasies about animal dicks.
It wasn't that exaggerated, she just happens to be younger than most of the characters by several decades which makes her rule them out.
I think she's at the very least expressed terrorlust for Jane Foster.
That was alright. I wonder if we'll see the side characters make a return
kids these days need to put down their smartphones and stop their floss dancing
>Post-series Gwen has fucked super villains
Did she? It was only implied she fucked Quentin Quire, which may or may not be worse.
I really don't like Gwen Poole being a slut thing. he suppose to br nerdy anti social nerd.
Her sleeping with guys is like seeing Jimmy Olsen having sex or Harry Osborn becoming a chad.
She's in her dream world with perceived plot armor and reality warp powers, whatever antisocial nerd traces she had were long left in the real world.
She learned, that her plot armor has severe holes against anyone more popular than her. Likewise, her reality warping powers can't really change much.
She has fan-crushes for pretty much every A-Lister and several B-Listers regardless of gernder, but she never was a slut. She may have lustful fantasies about them but nothing indicates she would actually spread legs at the first opportunity.
>Steve Rogers
Dear lord I actually laughed reading this comic...
By the end of her series she grew the hell up and realized that her actions have consequences and that the Marvel world is her real world now.
That doesn't seem like it would lead to her throwing her cunt at everyone.
So Gwen is now canonically don't of radiation poisoning?
You so clearly want attention so here’s a pitty (you). Don’t spend it all in one place
>can't just let me go be a farmer in 616, huh? I can't be forgotten in peace?
I'm still mad.
Fucking Rosenberg.
To be fair, putting out floppies for a whole year then making them trades is a real investment to find out if they will sell better in trades.
>More interesting to readers.
Just hire gurihuri. No one would have cared about the character if she wasn't drawn like a cute anime girl.
Yeah, but that was a more hopeful time in her life. They already knew they were gonna throw her in some team books, so she was technically in no danger of cancellation. Now, it's like if you had cancer and the only way to treat it was to make out with Reed Richards or whoever else was more famous than you. I don't like the idea of her being everyone's sloppy seconds, but it kinda makes sense as a desperation tactic.
She's also at the point in her life where a woman would do stuff like this. If her original run was the Hannah Montana version of Gwen, she would be entering her Miley Cyrus phase now.
She dropped out of highschool, apparently she was in it long enough to get her photo.
She's not wrong about Black Canary.
>it's like if you had cancer and the only way to treat it was to make out with Reed Richards or whoever else was more famous than you. I don't like the idea of her being everyone's sloppy seconds, but it kinda makes sense as a desperation tactic.
It is like the saddest fucking hentai I have ever read but without the porn and with more bad jokes. I just want to read more cutsey innocent isekai desu.
Gwen's fiending for the spider dick
that jab at WCA
>has to google 'how to expose myself' twice
>I Wish gwenpool threads would not attract the worse cringe weirdos
You are reading it wrong. It needs to be more than surface level action. Flossing isn’t a meme, but dabbing is.
It can be believable reason if you squint, but why should you do the work for Marvel and explain why character acts radically different, instead of writers doing so or better yet, sticking to her character developement?
She really suffers from the lack of her own supporting cast. They were such a pleasant bunch in her run, and good influence on her.
Now she is turned into some thot that will chase after A-Listers and spout more memes in five issues than she did in her whole main series.
But hey, at least it's a sign she's popular in fandom now - She was taken away from her creator and given to diversity hire, who have no idea how write her in the form of miniseries (because they already know, that no one would consistently buy a full series, now that they booted Hastings out of it).
Marvel Comics - 2019.
well I liked it overall, but either it was too short or too much time was spent on exposition so I didn't feel like it actually lead anywhere
hopefully the other 5 issues pick up the pace
Oh hey nice, maybe she needs a good dose of Gamma radiation, so she can go meet Uncle TOBA down Below and finally get powers... At a cost.
So what powers did she get? What were those gold cuff things?
No one will use these.
She now has the power to make Family Guy-style "This is like that time when (describes cutaway gag)" canon. The gold cuffs were just to cut off the webs.
They better mutate Gwen into a shark person
so whats the deal with the golden blade bracelet and changing the design of silver squares above+below her breast to gold?
Are they really planing to turn Gwen into Kratos style of dealing with problems by taking shit from other people for power ups?
I think that's exclusively Gwen's issue considering everyone else are pre-established in the universe and even in downtime have lives outside the role. Gwen's an anomaly that doesn't actually exist in the world and whose nature is so liquid she can hop between panels. Someone who solely exists as a meta entity probably won't exist if their story ends because they have no place or role to fill into while in the background.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if all the memes in this issue tied into her desperation to hang around, pulling out everything that she thinks readers would find hip to endear herself to them.
>She now has the power to make Family Guy-style "This is like that time when (describes cutaway gag)" canon.
unironically imagine the possibilities
So she can be wallpaper tier ?
What do you Gwenfags think of this mobile wallpaper I'm working on? It's low quality because I just resized the highest quality scans I could find, but I don't know where to look to find good scans. Also, my artistic skills include having installed and nothing more. I didn't know what to do for the background, so I just threw #25's cover behind her. It looks alright with a white background, but I wanted something in the blank space.
The outlines I did for Gwen and the logo look like shit, so I'm gonna have to figure out how to smooth them.
I hate flossing but I love this
Bigger brain than any Reed Richards
Fucking Leah
Wait a minute
Is this...
But Haruhi's powers are subconscious, Gwen's aren't.
depends on your nationality. Very much a thing for people descending from Sweden and Norway. At least around here
>ever looked at a really pregnant lady and had the urge to sweeze her ...
YES!!! oh..not that
>owo feed me spider-cummies daddy
>cucks Susan
Based Gwen
won't have "control of her narrative" is my guess
me too
Is it what? I’m at a loss.
The same guy is always trying to fórceps gwenpool into a meme and clearly nobody falls for it
Her pants falling down is funnier to me than it should be
More importantly, not only does SHE play dating sims, so does fucking Pete.
>accuses Deadpool of being lolmemes
>this happens
eh...have to amuse myself.
Leah Williams probably read a lot of smut.
Are Peter and MJ together again? If not, Gwen should tell them about what Mephisto did in OMD and explain how their marriage was a super special flawless literal gift from god so they'll get back together.
Well I'm not gonna judge the whole series based on one issue. Self awareness is one of Gwen's superpowers, so we'll see if the author noticed what's happened and it leaning in on it, just to make a point about it later. Like, I wouldn't judge the original Gwenpool run based on her interactions with Jane Thor. This could easily be shit, but I'm still hopeful.
Hastings has confirmed that Gwen also reads DC.
Will Gwen ever meet a Stan Lee cameo?
So potentially easy ways for Gwen to get superpowers:
>Power Broker
>Newest iteration of the Weapon program
>Steal Pym particles
>Steal a Symbiote
And honestly if there's any super-tech that just kind of got forgotten about, she can plausibly now take it for herself.
Spider-Man was doing research for totem stuff at the time. Seeing the different interpretations of spiders in folklore.
yeah, the amount of time "X character uses supervillain gear because they just left it laying around" is so common I am surprised she didn't already got her hands on some personal A-list murder bot.
So what part of this took any notes from Hasting's Gwenpool?
At all.
What the hell was up with wanting to squeeze a pregnant lady? It was subpar lolsorandom tripe
Yeah, Punisher has stolen a bunch of Avengers level gadgets at least three times now, so there's nothing really stopping Gwenpool from doing the same unless she just feels like it "doesn't count"
wait, this seems somewhat popular with zoomers, what are they chances the youthful ones will be able to force editorial to make a proper Gwenpool run and do we even want that given the "fresh" take on her character development?
I mean I don’t play dating sims, so the fact there is death scenes would probably catch me off guard.
But I am also a degenerate who likes spidergirls, so I am already vaguely aware of MGQ.
But... you ARE radioactive. It's even in the goddamn theme song!
Why is he fetching comics when he could be fetching Pokemon creatures?
She had a kid? How old she supposed to be?
>yfw never suck milk for her bi titties.
Honestly it kind of just feels like this whole miniseries is caused by Gwenpool being traumatized that her first team appearance was written by someone who didn't want to write her powers, and just overcompensating.
Someone needs to sit her down and point out all the drastic drops in competence heroes have received when they're part of a team. Writers either not knowing or selectively ignoring certain powers their character has isn't new at all.
He isn't, only his fluids are.
>do we even want that given the "fresh" take on her character development?
I want her to be killed off so my memory of her series isn't tainted by her becoming an even worse Harley Quinn.
Water takes up 60% of the human body.
>Amananda has HoXPoX
>look at her twitter
>big Emma fan
I like her
Oh come on user. Don't you remember the constant memes and dick/general sex jokes in the Hastings run? Really it is practically the same comic.
stop this
Did she just ask Peter to jizz in her?
Make me. Just have Jeff bite her, he's probably radioactive or has fucked DNA or something.
>gwen realizes that if anything will snag some long lasting attention, it's grabbing some of that niche furry appeal
I can see it and I hate it.
Nice to see kids reading comics. You know, the *actual* demographic who should be following this shit instead of grown ass folks.
I like them but give me a break.
I stared at this page for a good few seconds without reading any of the text and decided to stop reading be rest of the issue
We don't talk about that.
First pages are intentionally written this way,so angry incels would buy it and storytime it on /co.
Also , this is evil Gwen.
Yeah, not sure how many haven't picked up on the BLACK LIPSTICK that she's sporting.
But let's look at them closely:
Regular Gwen = Pink lipstick
Evil Gwen = Black Lipstick
Also Spidey tells her she should become a villain for the reckless things she's doing and she doesn't even interject to tell him she doesn't want to be. This is going to blow people's minds even though it's obvious as fuck.
Oh and I forgot: She's wearing HOT PANTS, remember Evil Gwen wears full pants, she's halfway there already. Good Gwen wears a leotard!
Would smash
I'm gonna use my imagination and assume that's the face she makes when she climaxes after rubbin the muff in her room that smells of fluids from previous sessions
>consider the following
wait is this actually loss
Pete played mgq?
No Gurihiru no buys.
Probably not if he doesn't know you can lose.
Fuck man, I really hope so
They don't seem to have completely forgotten about them considering there's a Batroc cameo in this issue, so hopefully
Gwenpool reuniting with her symbiote would be awesome, but I think right now she'd reject it cause she doesn't want to be in an event book where she could be killed off as c-list fodder.
>Batroc cameo
Look at the suggested videos
Oh right
I don't understand Geiger-Gwen in the foreground. Do Sr. pictures in some schools include a second photo overlayed on the first? That doesn't seem likely.
> Cover shows her in a leotard -- interior art has her in short shorts.
It's a meme
It is either dumb lazy mistake, or rather smart deep intention.
I honestly think its intentional, cuz leotards are evil! they're male gaze-y and we can't have that!
Hope this does well. Eventually they'll have to give her back to Hastings.
Just see some logo. Is this something where I need some bullshit plugin or extension? Why do websites do this?
I don't think that's the case but just an excuse to go on some wacky adventures by the author.
When she first materialized no body knew her and she was driven by her own comic, allies and occasionally a few big names. Her brother on the other hand was completely lost and had no interaction with anyone other than extras ( He may have interacted with this one monster that Gwen had a hit on?).
I'd prefer it if authors went with the idea that Gwen's actions are often to excite other hero's comics and ensure that they continue to run and get more issues. Wasn't that Evil Gwen's purpose, if I'm not mistaken? She became a villain to introduce drama through her vast knowledge of the universe.
I could just be fucking wrong though, either way; I'm not sure I like what they've done here.
>read it
>it's essentially a loop of her getting fucked
Is it just me, or was there something kind of hot about the original version of this page?
Still better than Togashi
It's just you
Comics like these one are nothing more than extended versions of the stuff shown in newspapers, at the base level, so it's an all-ages thing and has always been. It's like seriously believing videogames are only for kids.
This has to be the most brainlet interpretation considering evil Gwen used pants. Seriously, people need to fucking pay attention:
Force how? By simply creating content? That's not what forcing a meme is.
It was better than I worried it would be. I think with all the exposition done it's going to improve in the second issue.
It was worse than I worried it would be.
0/10, it was okay
The art's okay, pretty good for a western Gwen (she usually looks hideous), but the writing is really taking queues from her appearances in other books instead of Hastings. So her one good run (wherein she's a character with some growth) gets swept to the wayside in the favour of shallow humour
It wasn't for me but still not really good
memes are just wojaks and pepes now
whatever happened to meme creativity?
Outrage culture, /pol/fags mistaking doodles of their enemies for jokes, lack of any real board community anymore.
Apologetic=not good
Eh, I've read worse.
that's not a dude??
I thought there were some really funny jokes in there, with some duds.
I miss the Gurihiru artwork but this wasn't too bad. I really hope they realize that Gwen needs to be cute for this concept to work. When they draw her with a manjaw and butterbody like in some of the specials it makes all of the jokes unbearable.
I want a crossover with my best girl Harley Quinn and I want it now. Pleeeeeeeeeease?
Wow, I bought both gwenpool and evil gwenpool mafex so i don't have any money for the comics. thanks op!
>Likes: Marvel Comics
>Dislikes: Marvel Comics
Finally, a character I can relate to.
half of these posts defending this is probably done by Leah
If they were I'd tell her I think she's cool and I liked her Magik book
but they're probably not
Without Gurihuru, what's the point?
Was that Steve Roger's quote a flash-back?
Is it canon now?
You're radioactive Spider-Jizz.
this was bad. very bad. stop asking for it.
As a 26 year old whose been here for a decade I propose to you that the modern social media zoomers use the word meme more correctly than that awkward growing phase from my college years where Reddit was stealing Yea Forums memes, misunderstanding them, and misunderstanding memes in general. Nobody thinks ragecomics, the zombie apocalypse, or funnyjunk are interesting anymore and thank god for that. I find the current college zoomers much more bearable than reddit tier rick and morty bitches my own age
Although I would not date them.
Old but Clark Kent & Lois Lane got a full page in Simonson Thor