Gather around Carol Yea Forumsrps, for another issue of Captain Carol, in which we'll explore the reason behind her power blips, and where we learn what Minn-Erva wants with her after all these years.
Also: first Mark Brooks cover of the series!
Gather around Carol Yea Forumsrps, for another issue of Captain Carol, in which we'll explore the reason behind her power blips, and where we learn what Minn-Erva wants with her after all these years.
Also: first Mark Brooks cover of the series!
Just realized I forgot to put "storytime" in the title again. Forgive me!
[CarolJess seething intensifies]
>You'll never explore the sewers with your half-Kree darling
>saving a race from extinction
*Skrulls don't apply
Now we know who's behind all the stuff from the past issue... Or do we?
comic editors need to stop letting black guys have shit haircuts and get more reference material
Minnerva is cute. Cute!
You don't like the haircut Garrón gave Miles in Spider-Man?
Pretty sure this kraken blew a hole through that building before anyone could evacuate properly...
Look who shows up at the right time, how convenient.
Time for a gratuitous shirtless scene.
Jess looking mighty fine in here.
We're back in Maine...
And this is new!
She even kept her mom's outfit, imagine if she got to wear it sometime
Oh fuck, it wasn't her
Letters page, with cute Kamala cosplay...
And... That's it for this month. Go support it at your LCS etc.
There's clearly a twist that might involve the doctor from Stohl's run here, it's the only thing I can surmise from this.
Doctor Strange #17 storytime here:
So who was it then? Yon-Rogg? It's been a while since we've seen him.
How has this not been canceled yet?
Very curly hair are a pain in the ass so practical guys keep them very short exactly like Rhodey here. How many adults aside from ghetto trash do you see around with elaborate haircuts?
Carol's books don't get cancelled, user, they get relaunched.
It was Star under the orders of the scientist woman that's been Carol's shadow villain for a few volumes now.
Does Carol think she’s smart?
Every single issue has sold out, user.
Because it's selling well.
Please say mim unit
So, how many IPs are ya using this time, Carolfag?
Remember, the voices in your head are not real people posting.
Wouldn't be a thread without you, IPfag
>Tony calling anyone shameless when he's naked almost every run of his
Tony please
Rhodey is a jarhead, user.
Hey look! It's that one character that's going to be forgotten once this run ends!
thanks for bumping the thread, shit-for-brains
Just like Mystique right?
Star is clearly the little girl that got swallowed, user.
how do the glasses/underwear outfits stay up like that? invisible mannequin?
Carol collecting young girl sidekicks while Anya is still MIA
>Thinking Mystique is comparable to this one-off planned character
Wait, Kree always had blue blood or is this just synergy?
Where do you think Mystique started user?
What is Carol's base powerlevel even suppose to be nowadays? Aaron had strength seemingly well below current She-hulk.
Caroljess fags need to die in a fire
Jarheads can have nice haircuts.
She's been pretty nerfed in this run aside from the times when she has gone Binary, and only momentarily. We can only attribute that to the power fuckery induced by the Leviathan creatures, so until that's over (likely by issue 10 or 11), we'll get to see what her base power is supposed to be.
Mind you though, in Avengers everyone is pretty nerfed, even if she was seen lifting a whole Celestial by the thumb she was still pretty helpless against VAMPIRES of all things.
My only complaint with Rhodey is the fact this writer is shit at writing couples.
It would be easy as hell to slide Rhodey over to being part of this section of the marvel universe, the dumb fucker writing this basically points out how to do it on every other page these two are together.
But nope, they keep randomly side lining him for no real reason.
>randomly side lining him for no real reason.
For the superior ship, Caroljess.
Well, this went from 'dumb and uninspired' in its first arc to just 'boring and uninteresting' now, that's a considerable improvement.
"Well" and yet still never enough to be in the top 10.
It's easy to sell out of a book when the comic shop only orders 5 copies.
>"Well" and yet still never enough to be in the top 10.
Are you dumb? Most stuff doesn't ever reach the top 10.
This is actually a decent enough issue, probably the best of the run yet
I think forcing her and Rhodey is an editorial mandate
Rot in hell yurifag.
Either way it's a logical pairing that any half decent writer could do well.
>Either way it's a logical pairing that any half decent writer could do well.
But enough about Caroljess.
Do we know if Minn-erva was Utopian or Imperium? Neither?
Next week IDW series starts too
>"Well" and yet still never enough to be in the top 10.
user the top 10 is always #1s, Batman minis, and Immortal Hulk.
So she’s got herself a Marvel cave and she didn’t even keep Mar-Vell’s outfit too
But she did keep the leotard, so leotardfag can be happy.
Could also be June Covington back again to steal her powers
Where would she have gotten it?
I swear that there was mention of Carol hooking up with a new male hero at some point, probably because Slott has plans for Rhodey, so he might get permanently benched in this book.
I'm surprise that they didn't just drop this relationship already and make her a Dyke at this point.
Ok, why the hell didn't he just bring his fucking suit?
I'm surprised that's even in this comic. Thought they want to make people forget about the outfit.
He stopped wearing it after he came back from life. Remember Thanos killed him in it, and since then he developed strong PTSD and claustrophobia, so Tony bought an entire weapon dealers' company that developed a Manticore suit, in which he felt more at ease. This is all from Tony Stark: Iron Man btw.
>Thought they want to make people forget about the outfit.
Thompson has referenced stuff from her origins so I don't think they will do away with that. They probably won't make her wear it but at least they don't hide its existence.
It really doesn't matter at this point. The man means nothing to her anyway.
It's been constantly referenced ever since she got the new suit what are you even talking about?
there ya go, Carol. I love that Tony and Carol are crossing over often in their books now.
>she's better in other ways
Transparent Aluminum
>imagine being a carolfag
kill yourself cuck, stop posting this piece of sjw shit
I'd be down with that
>thinks only 10 comics should be published every month
you people are weird
>My only complaint with Rhodey is the fact this writer is shit at writing couples.
nah, Rogue and Gambit/Mr and Mrs X had great couples writing, especially Rogue and Gambit that was helped by the art.
Anybody know if the IDW series is going to be available digitally?
Absolute brainlet. Nothing outside of the top 10 sells "well". Carol continually gets relaunched b e c a u s e t h e b o o k s e l l s p o o r l y
nah, you are just a fucking retard who is comparing things to the best sellers in the comic medium.
>muh top 10
time to cancel Spider-Man too I guess
Thanks OP.
She hasn't blown up even a single child's skull yet, though.
That we know of.