I need answers.
Why is jap imitation capeshit outselling American capeshit?
Other urls found in this thread:
because the characters haven't been around forever and are thus capable of having actual character development, instead of having to maintain a constant status quo
No one wants to pay four bucks for twenty pages and the big 2 mostly hire shitty amateur writers who got their start in webcomics and will work cheap these days.
people pretend its fresh wind when it really just is a recolor
Its basically a kid buying a new skin in a game.
>rarely read manga or comics
>can get all issues of MHA, read them all and have a great time
>have to play "avoid a shitty run" game to read about a character who had assload or retcons and a reboot or two
Gee, i wonder why
Manga is more cost effective, you get more content for your buck.
>Why is some japanese niche anime that only weaboos and otakus watch outselling the highest grossing movie in the world that everyone has seen and made only 2.7 billion dollars while also being the gigantic conclusion to a decade-old saga of over 20 movies based on popular comics that first started over 70 years ago?
This is how retarded you sound like user. Literally no one heard about your shitty anime or whatever the hell it is so in no way it is outselling our superheroes. The guy in your pic looks like a copy of the Homelander from the Boys which is an american comic adapted into a critically succesful tv series by the way. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, after all, and your shitty chinese knockoff of the Homelander is a proof of that. BTFO once more.
because he's hotter
None of the characters haven't changed their core personalities or gradually matured since the beginning so your wrong.
How many billions has Japanese capeshit generated this year? No I'll even let you count all of animu, and you can throw in mango too.
Because American capeshit has generated 6 billion dollars just in movies, not even looking at DVDs, television, comics, ect.
Reminder that half of Grolious Nippon's top domestic box office are Disney cartoons.
Now take your weak shit back to
You're nothing without your adaptations.
You mean the billion dollar ones? Oh no.
Yes. They make much more than the comics themselves. Face it, once the comic book movies die out (which will be in 10, 20, 100 years, but it will happen regardless), so does the capeshit industry.
Neither are manga
Who cares? In a hundred years we’ll both be dead and it won’t affect any of us.
At least the anime adaptations are more or less faithful to the source material.
Simple, linear storyline that feels fresh while having a classic western theme. It's also pretty fun
OPM is better jap capeshit tho
>None of the characters haven't changed their core personalities or gradually matured since the beginning
hahaha what? are you talking about the same shit we're talking about? fuck off pajeet
At the rate they are going, Japanese people in general will have died off in 100 years.
I'd wager that capeshit will outlast them.
Because they take the longest fucking time to build up to anything if you would rank the shit for filler it would be naruto/most shonen > capes > seinen
Gee wish my silverage capes kept their status quo
They sure were more fun than what ever the fuck is out now
Are you retarded? In terms of actual books, BNHA is selling like hot cakes. If it weren't for making the MCU, Disney's purchase of Marvel would have been the single most unprofitable purchase its ever made.
>If it weren't for Disney using Marvel for the very thing they bought them for, they wouldn't be succeeding.
Very fucking insightful, potato.
We’re not talking about movies you casual fuck
It probably isn't.
America only tangentially mucks around with comics and cartoons, they are super niche. While Japan is still struggling to make world-appeal animation and non-laughable live action, American animators make animal movies that actually can't be discerned from real animals and locations, and incorporating CGI animation into live action movies in groundbreaking ways.
Literally building a young Will Smoth out of raw CGI while Japan makes "Generic samey boy/girl magical love story with nice backgrounds" for headpats and minimal box office.
MHA will never be anything but low value niche garbage, another in the never-ending Shonen re-skins.
Meanwhile the Patlabor movie from last year looks like fucking PS3 graphix.
>most characters are just rehash of overused battle shonen stereotypes
>villains are either edgy manchildren or disposable jobbers with no longevity whatsoever
>side characters irrelevant outisde their obligatory character arc/episode
>asspulls galore
>everything takes ages to happen because the author is trying to become the next OP/Naruto
And all of this is outselling the big 2.
the absolute state of cape comics
Because American comics fucking suck.
There's a reason live action Capeshit constantly changes the storylines of your "beloved" artform and that's because the stories fucking blow.
Comics always sucked and the sooner you incels can admit that the happier lives you'll have when you finally grow up and develop actual hobbies of worth.
Oh but you have comics about everything from Faggots Playing Backgammon to Girls Bonding in School (x5000).'
So bravo I guess Japan, for churning out endless reams of black and white mediocrity, along with a few worthwhile efforts.
Maybe the Manga about the kid who becomes a Checkers champ wasn't worth killing the trees.
That's report #1.
You need to scurry back off to Moe-land little guy.
user, he’s talking about books. Manga has been taking more of the market share from GN sales for a while now
No one cares.
No, really, they don't.
Japan can take over the world market in rotary phones and propeller aircraft too, we don't care.
Because it doesn't suck and it doesn't relentlessly pander to people who don't even care about it.
Japs don't do that shit where you have to read multiple comics to know about an event that is being referenced. They also don't talk about stuff like related issues.
do you buy the weekly stuff or just the collected editions?
Imagine coping this hard over your culture producing nothing but violence on spandex
Shit made for kids is what’s dominating GN sales. Manga isn’t dominating shit when stuff like Dog Man exist. You need to look up the actual sales of these GN and compared them to manga sales. In the US, manga doesn’t sell millions or even hundreds of thousands of copies. Tokyo Ghoul barely sold 20k copies each month, while Dog Man and whatever Telgemeir pulled out of her ass sold half a million copies or more. It’s kids GN that are dominating and then there’s political GN and THEN it’s manga and capeshit. There’s a reason DC made an entire imprint just for kids and YA.
Imagine weighing in on something you clearly have no familiarity with.
Because women read it. Don't overlook the power of fujoshis.
The Japanese perfected the tentpole marketing system decades ago, marvel is just imitating it at this point.
When you're watching anime, you're watching a marketing operation, not a work of art per se.
I’m sorry if I misinterpreted what you wrote, but the conversation is why is MH:A so popular compared to other cape books and in short it’s not just MH:A and Manga as a whole is outselling regular comics in general which is very pertinent to the topic at hand
>Looks like bait
>Reads like bait
>Smells like bait
>Probably bait
Because they're not pozzed out the wazoo. As bad as my hero academia is, its 10000x better than something like young justice. There is no tranny, fag, diveristy, feminist crap, or teen relationship drama that over takes the story and action. This is why people are turning to animes for their action cartoons in general, they know the west just produces cuck shit nowadays.
>There is no tranny, fag, diveristy, feminist crap, or teen relationship drama that over takes the story and action
Confirmed to have watched only one anime. Anime and manga have been doing this since their inception.
This manga offers a point of view more relatable to many readers.The characters act more simple and not that complex to understand.
Comics offer a human with super power that fight crime because he/she have power and is the right thing o do. The characters are more distand and have 40+ years with the same premise and people is sick reading characters with stories that will not go anywhere.
>The Art:
Manga offers a variaty of styles and is fresh to see that in the pages.
Comics offers men/women in spandex with human proportions and that is just look ridiculous in real life.
Manga follow a more realistic approach to relationships between the characters.
Comics follow a unrealistic context where all super heroes know each other like a stupid club of weirdos.
Manga offer a begining and an end.
Comic offer a begining and a reboot.
Umm... user, some of the most popular anime/manga has gender swapping gay and lesbian themes or characters
What popular shounen interrupts the narrative to explore tranny acceptance?
Depends on what you mean by interrupt.
If you mean takes a page to say that it's ok to be trans and you shouldn't feel outcast for it, then you don't have to look further than One Piece, the popularity juggernaut and most selling manga ever made by a single author.
Because capeshit is rare in Japan,while in America its 99,99% percent of comics.
Because ist does not have a share universe, that’s what really killed capeshit, it just appeal to a niche. Hell, capeshit made comics a fucking niche.
>Hell, capeshit made comics a fucking niche.
Only in the region of the world that only produces capeshit
>Has to drag the hollywood Jew office into it
>We're talking comics here. Manga now accounts for almost 50% of comics sales in America. And will be the majority of sales in US this time next year.
It's by a single dude that will defines there characters completely and the series will end with him, instead of the corpse of the IP being puppeted around for almost 100 years
It's easier to get into, big bright and stupid, has a show that also tells the story allowing people to binge it and catch up to the books without spending too much.
Doesn't require buying the side-content to read and doesn't stop to have a big crossover every month or two. Sure a lot of the characters are vapid and shitty but so are most comic characters.
Doesn't need you to know about the 98 run but ignore the 2001 run, but also doesn't need you to remember a single character cameo from 1984 to solidify the side cast.
Also CAPES were more of a niche in Japan so a well done CAPE series was bound to snag attention. Whereas over here everything BAR capes is the niche.
Lots of reasons really.
>do you buy the weekly stuff or just the collected editions?
even weekly stuff is pretty good.
You get the Shounen Jump app for like...what? 3 bucks month and you get all the new issues of the shounen jump library.
What I wanna know, who's the Alan Moore of anime?
Miyazaki or Anno?
Can't disagree with that
>So bravo I guess Japan, for churning out endless reams of black and white mediocrity, along with a few worthwhile efforts.
I mean isn't that entertainment in general.
A pile of garbage with only a handful of gold
Anno is definitely anime’s grant morrison
Was Ranma shounen?
It isn't. We can't keep having the same thread based on a false premise every damn day.
>post broad and stereotypical assessment of Japanese media
>see broad and stereotypical assessment of Western media
>"b-but you're clearly unfamiliar with this"
>Confirmed to have watched only one anime. Anime and manga have been doing this since their inception.
and no one really feels like it's "forced diversity." Usually a manga/anime will basically tell you straight up ahead of time what it consists of based soley on the genre so it's easy to avoid. ex. The yuri manga will be LBGT.
And it probably helps that alot of the manga is essentially can be just interpreted as a metaphor. Want someone with a split personality disorder? Yugioh gots you covered.
>Manga now accounts for almost 50% of comics sales in America.
lol no it doesn't.
>inb4 yuh-huh
Source it faggot.
>Yea Forums hates modern comics
>Someone agrees that it sucks and that (this thing) is better
>Yea Forums gets triggered and says comics is great.
Is Yea Forums tsun-tsun for comics?
Isn't a live-action MHA movie from Legendary already in the works?
Anime and manga are doing better than western comics for the same reason that the MCU is doing better than western comics: simple, easy to understand continuity with characters that actually progress and storylines that don't constantly get retconned out.
This creates both a lower barrier to entry (you don't need to hire an accountant to figure out where you are supposed to start reading Spider Man if you want to know what the fuck is going on) and you get a better sense of fulfillment from having invested your time. You watch a show, and thats the show. You don't have to worry about next year everything you saw being undone by a writer getting pissy or some editorial event. You watch the MCU and you can be confident than everything you just watched is going to be taken as what happened going forward.
You read comics for more than a couple years and you just have to accept that everything is written on water and and whatever version of the character you started off on and consider your favorite probably was some double-reverse retcon anyway that only happened because some writer wanted to reset a character or storyline to how they think they remember it from X years ago.
Comics are just throwing good money after bad in the hopes that maybe this time the good parts will last longer than a sneeze, and you only really stick with it for long if you have some kind of addiction. Manga and movies like the MCU are more compartmentalized and allow for more focused writing that, whether its good or bad, happens and stays happened.
>confusing facts about sales with feelings about quality
>Anime and manga are doing better than western comics
They aren't in the US. You can literally post whatever the fuck you think means more people *should* buy manga more than comics given the opportunity, but they factually don't.
They have the rights, but calling it 'in the works' is pushing it.
Watchmen, for example, was 'in the works' for nearly two full decades before they actually bothered casting any of the parts. Robotech (or Macross, for those of you with taste) has been off-and-on again in the works of getting a movie made for almost as long.
I have no doubt that someone in Hollywood has the rights for a live-action MHA movie, but until someone actually releases an announcement that they intend to MAKE the damn thing its just rich kids trading baseball cards.
because manga is a better business model
>Someone says that shounenshit is better than capeshite
>Somone has to resort to Dogman as a savior of comics
What's next? Does arthur count as a comic book?
Japan isn't afraid to show real men and sexy women. Tits and muscles sell.
>comic books are losing to Dogman
The state of the comicbook industry.
A beginning, a reboot, another reboot, a bad run you're not supposed to read, a webcomic, really anything to keep the IP alive
It's not been mutated with generations of reboots, retcons, and forcibly-inserted SJW agendas that readers 20 years ago cringe at. Horikoshi might be an incel westaboo, but he's returned capeshit to being closer to what it used to be; contrast that with the treatments of many Western pillars of capeshit over the last 15 years and BnHA is like being able to breathe again outside the cloud of cloying stench that Western comics have been mired in and can't seem to shake the stink from (ie Bendis).
I don't know who Moe is but have you considered reading a book that *doesn't* have pictures on every page?
You say that like kodomoshit isn't a huge part of manga sales and especially anime viewership in Japan. It's almost like comics and cartoons do well with kids or something.
What is Aggretsuko??
All Might is nothing like Homelander; Homelander is literally a sociopath, All Might is a miracle of the universe thrown a bad bone by a villain so horrifying that at his height apparently rivalled Doom in influence and power over his land.
some people don't like the idea of losing a popularity contest, especially to japs
That's a question Yea Forums's been asking itself for its entire existence and still can't come up with a set answer to.
Can posting manga/anime be a bannable offense on Yea Forums please
Nice get, but comparisons have always been allowed. You've got no leg to stand on, lad.
Hasn't worked for /pol/, and no one likes them. I doubt it will happen for Yea Forums, considering that Yea Forums started as an anime board.
But maybe we can start with frogposting and work our way up.
Where on Aggretsuko did someone spend a whole episode on how you should be friends with trannies/brown folk/whatever and focused specifically on that aspect of them?
look, I know school is starting soon but there are other ways to avoid thinking about it than dialing up the shitposting
Just jump to sergalspamming, that always brings jannies.
It all all boils down to a dick waiving contest between manga and western comics and it theres a specific board for manga and anime on Yea Forums and not Yea Forums. If I went to Yea Forums and started talking about DC comics I'd be banned probably
you just said *current year* which covers a wide range of things including greater visibility of workplace harassment
why can't you just watch porn then?
I think what makes All Might such a great character is that in-universe everyone thinks he is invincible and unbeatable, like Superman- but thought the perspective of Deku the viewer gets to see that he is actually really struggling in his day to day hero work. Makes him a very compelling character.
Actual Superman fucking sucks in comparison.
>You say that like kodomoshit isn't a huge part of manga sales a
Isn't the closest "kodomoshit" that people know of is Pokemon special?
Unless there is some big Hamtaro manga that I don't know about.
workplace harssment is kind of a general thing. It's always happened.
I wouldn't say that Superman sucks, but Allmight is more relatable because everything just comes naturally to Superman. Allmight worked his ass off to get into his position and bit off more than he could chew trying to save his world, and then he chewed it anyway and kept chewing it even when it was slowly killing him.
Allmight isn't as strong as Superman, but he struggles to do the sort of work that Superman does. And that struggle makes him sympathetic, because he could have saved himself a lot of grief and aggravation by taking an easier path at literally any time, but he never faltered.
Sailor Moon is a show that depicts how people with superpowers would actually fix everything and create a utopia. Every time western heroes try this they are ultimately depicted as evil because of cynicism.
Sailor Moon is a more idealistic, uplifting and inspirational story about heroism than any superhero book. Discuss.
Oh my fucking God.
It's not.
Domestic Sales of manga are nothing compared to the direct market. Nothing.
The top selling manga of 2019 in the us moved 60,000 units. (MHA vol 1.). Every single new issue of Manga in the us added together sold about, maybe a little more, than issues of Amazing Spider-Man.
All Manga from All publishers across All Time pulls in 90 million dollars a year in the US, and unless MHA makes some dynamite growth or a new series explodes 2019 will probably be the first year in a decade without growth.
Marvel makes over 200 million in the direct market every year alone, along with 35 million in bookstores.
>Why not count Japanese sales
Because 99%of their country passes a newsstand with manga on the way to work, everyone rides a train and no one has a car, they don't have the direct market which is terrible, and last but not least because it's a different fucking country.
I know the thread talks about sells but, my god, you're literally the söyest of soys, truly.
>"Muh MCU!!!!! Haha i am iron man!! h-haha!!!"
You're pathetic, and I don't even like BNHA.
Manga sells better than capeshit in Europe and South America too, user.
*2018. Typo.
Creator ownership, the story and characters mostly flow how the creator wants it, except when editors meddle and the demand outweighs the need to conclude it.
Sameness and monotony, the very first few chapters set the tone, the visual style and writing from that early point and subsequent chapters don't change them too much, whereas comic book characters very often shakeup writers, artists, inkers and etc. By reading same comic you very quickly stop reading what exactly made you follow the comic in the first place.
It's a bit of a breath of fresh air because the comics have been in the same state of "our world where these freaks with powers showed up" for a century. Like mutants or metahumans. BNHA just didn't fuck with this shit, we start from the point where Superheroes are literally a job, where it's more common to have powers.
And contrary to popular believe, BNHA is not good capeshit. It's ok manga, but only people who would claim it outdoes comics in their own game are obviously people who don't read comics. BNHA is a manga Japanese manga through and through and the storytelling is just like a Japanese manga, it very rarely borrows from actual comics aside from visual homages like covers. It just doesn't have same diversity where, let's say in Marvel comics you can be reading a space opera, a gritty street level Daredevil gangwar, Shakespearean bullshit drama with Spider-man, all set in the same universe. BNHA is a bit constrained and unified, even Vigilantes hardly has any significant differences, it really just the same criticisms Horikoshi has for the society he created in his own manga.
Also helps that exactly when comic book movies boomed, Marvel boldly decided to start publishing shit exclusively. They are getting better for now, but damage is way too deep to salvage it by quick shakeups and relaunches.
It wasn't intentional, Takeuchi wanted to kill all the Sailors but they didn't let her. She also was angry about anime because at the end of season 1 they did kill all Sailors, but not because they killed them, but because they let anime staff do it and not her.
Sailor Mercury also meant to be a cyborg.
>Sailor Mercury also meant to be a cyborg.
Sounds cool!
Cuz its NOT capeshit.
And? Like seriously, and?
There are so many reasons for Manga's success, amongst them that the Government supports it as a cultural export and form of soft power actar.wordpress.com
That 99% of the country passes manga on the way to work, the volume of manga produced and it's price, yadda, yadda.
But it doesn't outsell native comics basically anywhere with any meaningful comics industry. The sum of manga penetration is certainly less than the MCU. It barely squeaked growth last year in the US, entirely on the strength of a Japanese imitation of American cape comics.
But if your argument is that the reason American comics don't sell as well as Manga is because they are worse, that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. Most manga is fucking *terrible*. The absolute cream of the world's healthiest comics industry is sent abroad, and even then most of it that sells could be charitably described as a series of dragon Ball AUs in terms of plot. And it sells! Good for them.
The direct market is largely responsible for the trouble with comics in the us, not the writing, not the characters, not the lack of interest in the product. Certainly not that. 22.5 billion fucking dollars for one franchise. Not even the biggest franchise in comics, not by a long shot.
>I can't admit capeshit doesn't sell outside America so I'll switch to talking about the movies again! That'll show him!
This is a myth. All you get with battle shit like MHA is more pages. The content itself is decompressed as fuck. $10 of your typical American comic has about twice as much content as $10 of Jumpshit
He's calling you a weeb because supposedly you're criticising western comics in favor of eastern ones. If you aren't then your post made no fucking sense since the entire thread topic is about why the latter outsells the former.
The answer is actually incredibly simple. The big difference between how Japanese manage and publish their manga is very different compared to how Marvel and DC or IDW do it. For one, editors don't always micro-manage their titles, they edit manga for sure, but every manga titles is its own entity that can shift editors and publications. And the sheer quantity of it because if publisher publishes a new book, it's a new book from new people, it's not like Akira Toriyama can just jump off from Dragon Ball to just do Hunter x Hunter. The sheer quantity of mostly weekly manga would pile up, not to mention monthly manga.
They're fun and creative for young people while comic books are for boring Boomers who take them way too seriously
MHA actually has 2 transgender characters.
Lots of popular anime have gay characters, transgender characters, themes about racism, and strong female leads. Hunter x Hunter and Attack on Titan have transgender (or “non-binary”) characters, Sailor Moon has a lesbian couple and a primarily female cast, Revolutionary Girl Utena has lesbian undertones, Fullmetal Alchemist has anti-racism messages, most Studio Ghibli movies have an environmentalist theme, Black Lagoon has black, Jewish, and female main characters and Nazi villains, Code Geass could be interpreted as anti-imperialist, etc.
>and Nazi villains
It's funny that having nazi villains is a sign of being radically leftist these days. Humanity really isn't worth saving.
> Attack on Titan have transgender (or “non-binary”) characters,
What? Has the Hange meme gotten this far out of hand?
>Comics are just throwing good money after bad in the hopes that maybe this time the good parts will last longer than a sneeze, and you only really stick with it for long if you have some kind of addiction.
It hurts how true this is
Because the japanese aren't trying to preach me about their social/political views via media consumption.
How come in none of these threads none of these Yea Forums fags know comics exist outside of Marvel and DC? What can other publishers do to make their comics better known?
The highest selling manga of all time is about trans-rights and fighting le ebil government that tries to oppress them.
How would be if DC and Marvel had a Shonen jump approach, and had a bunch of people throwing new projects that have micro runs, except of they become popular, and then gave those long runs and an ending when is no more popular or continue for decades?
Ah yes, publishers like Image and Valiant with their radically different superhero titles like Bloodshot and X-O Manowar and Spawn and Savage Dragon! Those companies!
>solid action
>likeable characters
>no forced diversity or hamfisted politics
>but still actual diverse group of characters in terms of powers, backgrounds, and personalities
>superheroes actually affect how the world around them works
>in-universe politics are actually interesting concepts (should hero work be a "job", what happens if villains get organized, is it ethical to pass powers onto some kid without everyone knowing, etc.)
>appealing art and character design
>isn't afraid to sexualize characters
>is a relatively new IP so they can't fall back on "REMEMBER THE INFINITY GAUNTLET?" or "haha look at this funny silver age villain we found on Wikipedia haha comics sure are silly haha we have fun here haha"
That describes Image, Dark Horse and every other US comic publisher.
>How come in none of these threads none of these Yea Forums fags know comics exist outside of Marvel and DC?
Because most of the US doesnt
Also, shows like Yuri on Ice were top blue ray sellers in Japan, especially because of fujoshi. A large amount of erotica sold in Japan is actually male on male porn that’s targeted at lonely women (fujoshis). People paint Japan as an anti-feminist paradise that’s immune to SJW bullshit, but there’s still a huge market for comics and games that fetishize gay men and appeal to women. Westerners champion Japan as being pro-fanservice and one of the last countries to release games and comics with sexy girls, but they simultaneously pump out gay art and comics that are solely aimed at women, so it’s a strange place.
Distribution and price
no, Yea Forums is just contrarian, like all of Yea Forums.
don't worry about it, your grandkids will be reading the adventures of Batman and Robin #37 while MHA will have ended and been replaced by the newest flavor of the month manga by the end of this year.
There are like 3 or 4 actual good comic writers left in the mainstream. Marvel and DC are done unless they start hiring on merit, but we all know that ain't gonna happen.
Manga is shallow but caters to the BUYERS. Seems to be working out ok for them.
Miyazaki is the Disney of Japan.
Have you never seen a Miyazaki film?
Because it has a conservative bias instead of a liberal bias.
It doesn't sell well outside of America. Congratulations?
Now let's turn it around
>He doesn't want to talk about how a middling capeshit franchise turned into a movie franchise bigger than the box office sum of all anime, of all time, globally?
Why is anime so unappealing?
I agree with you, but nearly everything you said could also be said about comics
Oh and most importantly
>doesn't have to abide by an unchanging status quo
>said status quo isn't determined by editors who want to court an audience other than the people who are buying their product
>has a clear beginning, you don't need to buy 15 other books about people you don't care about written by some asshole just to understand the story
And they keep the author and stuff?
Then I don't know, maybe the books are not cheap enough, or comics are doom to not sell ever again
It's... not? Been to a movie lately?
This desu
Current comics by and large just offer the same shit you get in the movies, but worse. At least manga isn't afraid to feature some titties here and there.
Because anime is usually pretty bad? Like what the fuck are you even trying to pull here?
Though that title belong to osamu tezuka
Because I'm pointing out that the whole comparison is stupid bullshit, and half of what people are comparing is wrong anyways.
For example, the MCU hasn't made more money than all Anime movies ever put together, globally.
It's made almost 2.5 times that.
Japan is definitely less pro-censorship and forced diversity than America when it comes to comics and movies, but it isn’t some based paradise - Japanese creators aren’t immune to the outside world. For example, the creator of Sword Art Online said that he would make his female characters “stronger” after recent criticism, the creator of Soul Eater added a black character for diversity, and even moe shows have added transgender characters like the kid in that Zombie idol show.
Should I buy the Dororo omnibus or finish collecting Buddha first?
Pretty sure manga volumes are selling great in the U.S.
That is fair, but most shounen also appeal to fujoshi female fans with the close friendships and rivalries and cute, emotional male leads too lol
Most of Yea Forums Also don't know other Japanese comic magazine outside Weekly Shonen Jump.
The sum of all manga and back catalog makes $90 million a year.
Marvel alone makes ~250 million a year on floppies and gns.
And this is bad why?
Probably being done in black and white helps so is cheaper and can take more risk with out wasting much money
Holy hell male Tsuyu is cute
Plebs. BnHA is fucking shit.
>148 replies
Yea Forumsmblr mods are definitely afraid
Then what isn't?
Hunter x Hunter (you probably haven't heard of it though)
Neither does Togashi.
Current arc is full with WORDS WORDS WORDS and is boring as fuck.
Where are you getting these numbers?
>3 years since All Might retired
>literally nothing has happened except new quirks
Wow great content
Europe used to have the anthology model as well but people ended up just waiting for the albums/TPBs to be released, especially when they were bigger, had a better presentation and most of the times had hard covers as well. Japan's tankobon business works for people who want manga printed on something that's not toilet paper.
Black hole thread
I'd argue the bigger issue is that american comics have been stuck in a cycle of reinventions and subversions since the 80s.
When all you try to do is be a dark version of something or subvert something eventually all that's left is a shadow of something long forgotten.
My Hero Academia is just sincerely a superhero story. The main character tries their best and learns lessons. There's attempts at clever moments but it's not trying to win points with chin stroking critics or completely change how people think of superheros.
My advice to the big two would be just play it straight for a while.
Anime fans just compartmentalize this shit in much the same way they compartmentalize their love of Star Trek and other obviously progressive properties that they were fans of before being indoctrinated into postironic fascism. Japanese nonbinary characters are just ~glorious Nippon culture~ and subject to cognitive dissonance.
I wish Yea Forumsutist, but you fags borderline get rule immunity when you shit up Yea Forums.
Better question is: why is it good? Why do so many people think Manga is on its way to replacing American comics?
>My Hero Academia is just sincerely a superhero story.
It's a battle school story with ugly costumes
Hi there, absolute casual.
Most comics sales are in what's called the Direct Market. It's run by one company, called Diamond Distribution. You can see sales figures in detail at Comichron.com .
The direct market is about 500 million a year
And manga is about 90.
>In the US
It's not. It can't even beat fucking Catwoman.
It is because Asian countries consume comics in mass compared to the US
>Episodic stories don't develop characters
Look at this dumbshit!
Holy fuck you absolute casuals, you Yea Forums tourists, they don't just sell comics in bookstores.
How is this hard to learn?
The only publisher bigger than Viz is Scholastic.
You keep doing this.
Do you even know what an LCS is?
Other fun insights:
Dav Pilkey's Dog Man series of graphic novels moves more units and makes more dollars than the top 750 Manga in the us combined.
At an average of about 85k units an issue and 26 issues a year, Amazing Spider-Man sells about 2.1 million units, not counting tie ins, reprints and annuals. Adding those in, you get almost 2.6 million units. This is about the same as the top 750 manga in the us, which is all newly released manga for the year plus key issues of the year before.
This does not count series not named Amazing Spider-Man- your Peter Parker, Spider-Mans, your astonishings, symbiote, spectacular or other spider-family books.
The largest publisher of manga in the US is Viz, which aggregates a raft of Japanese publishers, It accounts for 52% of the us market, with 44 million dollars.
This is less than 10% of the direct market and 5% of us comics sales.
>Viz plus Kodansha plus Seven Seas
>Marvel plus DC plus Image plus IDW plus DH
Weeb come on. This isn't even getting into diamond and the direct market and LCS where the majority of western comics are sold.
Even when you try to fix the game you lose.
b-but muh mcu though..
Ypd bookscan (formerly a Nielsen product) aggregates sales from bookstores and large chains. It contains virtually none of Diamond's sales and the direct market.
Virtually no comics sales are recorded in it. That's tracked elsewhere, as I linked in that post, at Comichron.com.
I know you want grorious Japanese manga to clush impeliarist amelican comics but it's not happening, not here anyways.
Did you read any of anything or just quickly scan for a chart to serve your yellow master?
That doesn't include comic shop sales you fucking Weeaboo shutin
Now you're fixing the game, son.
Viz's bookscan long tail sales are 52% of all manga sales, which is 44 million dollars. That's more than Marvel's bookscan sales, which are about 30.
Of course, that's less than 15% of Marvel's total sales of about 240 million.
Weebs are incapable of learning. It's why they keep reading the same battle shonen plot again again just with a new coat of paint on it.
Ninja battle shonen!
PIrate battle shonen!
Ghost battle shonen!
Superhero battle shonen!
They're like the asian guys that get obsessed with trains and do train shit all day every day without alteration or variation.
It's autism.
>gay art and comics that are solely aimed at women
So...fanservice for both men AND women, then? You know, like true equality?
BnHA is doing what X-men was doing it its heyday: Creating a story about a group of teens as they develop as the people they will become while having fun adventures surrounding the theme of their story.
But as time went on, X-men, and comics in general, focused too much on interconnected stories that forced the audience to read more different series they might have not be interested in, while BnHA can remain self-contained, and their only spin-off is just one.
The fact that people can read manga for cheaper and from issue 1 without any problem is a big factor of why american cape comics don't work. In capes, you are encouraged to skip to any story and if you want some backstory it's completely optional. This is why my cape-focused friend wanted to skip One Piece arcs, which drove me fucking nuts.
Humanity is interested in canon ultimately. Manga is better at giving people closure than shitty capeshit that reboots every year
now I understand why girls want to fuck bakugo so much
also girl deku is made for mamoru
did you not listen to all the wankery over how much Endgame made
and if you're only talking about comics than you're just retard
Does the concept of episodic story telling just melt your brain?
Can you not enjoy stuff like Star Trek because you know there's a status quo?
If Marvel made $197.54 million from Diamond sales to Viz's $6.3 million, that's a significant chunk of change. Sorry weebs, they got us.
More more fun insights:
Tankobon sales in Japan are about 1.4 billion dollars
#1 Shueisha has a 30% share of it, or about 420 million dollars. If you then add half of Viz's sales ((Viz is owned by Shueisha and Shogakukan) you get 442 million dollars.
That's a lot more than Marvel's ~$230, but not like "western print is dead" better.
Books aren't tv episodes
Then something like Conan then you pedantic fuck.
Because American capeshit is currently in a downward spiral while jap imitation capeshit have nice art, fun characters, well defined stories, and plots that are at worst mediocre which is the peek for most western comics.
That’s not what anyone said though.
>Downward spiral
Immortal Hulk and Green Lantern shit over anything in Jump.
Ever since he showed up in Spiderverse I've wanted to see more of the Marvel tokuverse.
I want an Avengers team based on Battle Fever J.
Battle Kenya--A Black Panther that left Wakanda for Kenya when he realized Wakanda were dicks that didn't help the outside world.
Battle France--Batroc
Battle America--Miss America, who got iced instead of Captain America.
Battle Russia--Colossus
Battle Japan--Supaidaman
I meant more on average, yes there are some comics that will be know legendary western comics that will be talked about when we're old men but the majority of it will be seen as a dark age.
>Majority will be seen as a dark age
Same for Manga. Especially Black Clover-tier garbage like Boku.
Yeah, but I’ve seen people calling shounen fujo-bait and claiming that it has ruined the genre
Yeah, and transgender or cross-dressing characters like Alluka, Lily, Dororo, etc. are excused because they are cute traps, even if the narrative supports the fact that they are struggling with their identity or at the very least confused about how they feel.
Because it deconstructs the genre in a fun way unlike Watchmen. Literally deconstructs, fight me.
>why is Japanese imitation capeshit outselling American capeshit
>when pointed out that in absolute genre-comparison terms it isn’t at all, get buttflustered and try to narrow down the field.
Really embarrassing. American capeshit is all of it. The comics don’t exist in a vacuum, and they can’t be separated from their adaptations and the effect that has back on the comics, and has since like the 30s. American Superhero merchandise sales are a global juggernaut. American capeshit is a worldwide phenomenon to the point that Batman and Spider-Man are consistently ranked among the most recognized characters worldwide, even broke kids in India know who they are when they see them. The only reason to limit it to books sold and animation revenues is so that you have a shot at winning the comparison at all.
>None of the characters haven't changed their core personalities
you are wrong, Deku went from one of those smart guys who writes down all the names and abilities of people he fights to just a guy who punches things.
>"avoid a shitty run"
this is why I like DC more than Marvel, more willingness to publish single complete stories like Year One and All Star Superman and Red Son over Marvel.
No it's about not judging people on their appearance. Yes one of their most powerful allies is a drag queen but he's also a creep and Luffy's left hand man beat up his subordinates for trying to rape him. At the same time Luffy might have a fish human (race allegory) on his team but that doesn't mean he's wouldn't beat the shit out of a fish man if they try something. Honestly the agenda of not judging people on how they look but act is the most apolitical agenda I've ever seen.
Not him, but I think he meant that the capeshit hit there hayday early in the 60-70s. Comics weren't as mainstream, as of now, but enough to make bank.
The movies are an echo of that time and finally reached its climax with endgame.
That vs now where manga and anime have reached mainstream success.
It's like comparing uptown funks YouTube views to Michael Jackson's thriller views.
Uptownfunk has over a billion, but thriller more than likely hit that ages ago, and isnt as fresh on YouTube. No doubt it has over a billion views across 4 decades.
Because their stories will have an end and they will have a character arc, no matter how small or big. Murkan capeshitters threw that in the trash in the 80s when CoIE and the Thanos Chronicles got published. From that point on, the characters became as elastic and rubbery in their core, fitting whatever shit role the writter of the week wanted and the editors stopped giving the tiny fuck they used to give for the stories and characters to have at least that tiny bit of consistency they had.
Very few people actually have character anymore in the comics and its because they fucking died and never came back, like Wonder Woman of Earth 2, Supergirl of Earth 1 and Supes of Earth 1 via Alan Moore. And those are able to have a character instead of t being a flux of 70 years of comic history just because that day Writer X remembered that one story of Supes being gay when he was 8, so now Supes is bisexual in the new continuity for the enxt 20 years.
That and Americans have always been eternaly assblasted that the Nips one up them when it comes to both of them making knock-off imitations of European things and the euroes loving them more. The added salt is that the bongs love american things more compared to the rest of Europe so that's an extra jab to the american concious.
>this dumbfuck thinks we are talking about movies
>Excused for being a cute trap
>The entire fucking anime has one fucking twist and it's that Dororo is a girl
>The twist happens because the message is "live as yourself and not for revenge because you'll be destroyed like me"
>Cute trap
Those whole believe that should fucking neck themselves. They waste all those precious resources Movie Thanos fought so hard for.
>10$ for a manga
thats why manga market his dead in the US
Well, Nazis do love foreigners.
capeshit beat the fuck out
american = capeshit eater
Bande dessiné also sells more than capeshit in Europe
and it cost more than 10x the anime production
You can say comics in general sell more in europe user, we also have those Topolinos, italian comics, spanish comics, swiss etc. Beyond some fancy smancy graphic novel like Sandman or Watchmen, the very few capeshit titles that are sold like issues, sell like shit.
I miss superbro
Source? Last time I checked Disney was far ahead the winner.
Fake and homosexual.
Weebshit isn't even in the top 150.
>jap imitation capeshit outselling American capeshit?
Cause it's mostly Japs buying them, and they feverishly stick to the end
Do you even have info on how mangos sell outside of Nipland?
enjoy mouse dick sucker
As long as toonami is a thing Yea Forums can't ban anime.
And trust me you don't want anime to be hated on your board anyway. It gives shitposters way too much power, all they need to do is post anime, samefag some angry replies and that was your thread.
who watch censorfag toonami?
>"This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
>Dividing up Disney into several franchises
>Cobbled together from different sources, often not even from the same year
Now go commit sepuku you stupid weeb.
>enjoy mouse dick sucker
>5 of the Top 10 highest grossing media franchises are Mouse owned
You check their sources and the whole thing is specious. They cite sources from 2009, 2007, 2005 just to get an "estimate" of a single franchises revenue.
It's an embarrassingly bad list.
Disney is dead enjoy your rerereremake fag
you cant deny that japanese franchises are on the rise and not the american anymore
Great comeback. Next time don't cite a chart Frankensteined together from different sources and held together by chewing gum and string.
cry more with your daddy mouse debt
I swear with this fucking threads there's always the same bullshit getting posted
>manga is better because manga ends and comics don't
you honestly think any publisher in the world would prefer a manga that can only achieve fotm status over an IP like Spider-Man that has been going strong worldwide across all media for over 80 years? comics don't end because they're too popular to end.
>comics are too difficult to get into
no they're not. modern comic book titles reboot frequently with new writers and artists so new readers can jump in without problem or need to know the 70+ years of backstory and if you want to read back issues, trades and collected editions are there to take care of you and because they have a big sprawling story in them, it's no wonder they sell better than single issues.
>comics are too political today
all media (and especially comics) has been political since its inception. I don't understand how you can't see this unless you actually have been living under a rock or are too thick to understand analogies and subtext. spoiler alert: X-Men is anti-racism.
>manga has better character than comics
if that were right comic books movies wouldn't be huge worldwide blockbusters. yes, it's movies. deal with it.
>All-Might can beat Superman!
first it was Goku, then Saitama and now it's All-Might, I wonder who will be the next clown to get compared with Superman because he's not going anywhere, none of his buddies are.
Uh no.
Look here: It checks a single year, 2019, and its not a fucking wikipedia list with a disclaimer before the chart.
What do you see? The top ten licenses and what they made this year are:
The Walt Disney Company - $54.7B
Meredith Corporation - $25.1B
PVH Corp. - $18B (E)
WarnerMedia - $11B
Authentic Brands Group - $9B
Hasbro - $7.1B
Universal Brand Development - $7.1B
Iconix Brand Group - $7B (E)
Viacom Nickelodeon Consumer Products - $5.5B
Major League Baseball - $5.5B (E)
Weebshit can't even beat fucking BASEBALL.
The MCU wasn't even a thing 12 years ago, and now it's in the Top 10 of highest grossing media franchises, I think your logic is a bit flawed faggot .
>In one year, Disney makes almost as most as Pokemon's entire lifetime gross.
And therein lies the problem with the wikipedia chart.
It's fucking bullshit.
>Fucking Nick beating out Japan
Goddamn step up your game poorfags.
That's honestly terrifying.
So who here is
>likes comics and manga.
>How come in none of these threads none of these Yea Forums fags know comics exist outside of Marvel and DC
Nobody does. Capeshit = Shounenshit
So with loot box dying, how does that affect comics?
cant wait until russian superhero comedies hit the americunt market. hahaha
are you talking about hiatus x hiatus?
It's hard to really be a fan when nothing comes out about it.
But, it's not, I mean despite countless problems with reboots and continuity shit, guys like Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man still sell more than someone like All Might, that's not changing anytime soon. Thing is that mangas have an ending, but american comics have been going on for nearly a century and aren't stopping anytime soon.
It also show the burden of Usagi having to fight H.P. Lovecraft monsters that range from wanting the silver crystal to rule the universe to erasing all of existence, she's destined and doomed to fight an eternal war.
>Implying the DC heroes don't create a utopia
>He doesn't know about the LOSH
>He doesn't know about DC 1 million
Educate yourself casual
But how long does a utopia last in comics? From what I've seen not very long.
Here. Though I fell back from both of them because of exams in uni.
Ironically, what got me into BNHA were comics and subsequently BNHA got me reading more and more manga (it was years ago, back when there was only like 3 chapters of BNHA)
Let's see. LOSH is 31st century, DC 1 million is 853rd century, between the two you have 821 centuries of chill utopia and its still ongoing.
And oh yeah, unlike Failure Moon they don't have to fight HP Lovecraft monsters forever and ever. The big cosmic forces work for them
The author just adds what the average retard likes and they all run to it in droves like it's some revolutionary series. While in reality it's some cliche comic that people with no sense of story or character development love.
I do, but I don't like capes so much anymore, and I'm starting not to like manga. It feels like I've read all the good manga and superhero comics there are, and every time I pick up a new one, it's a disappointment.
>Cheap disposable entertainment outsells American imports in Asian markets that favor cheap, disposable entertainment you read on the train between work.
Really activates those almonds.
Well, Dororo is a probably bad example, but she did refer to herself as male in the manga and the show when she was a child. She probably did it because of how she was raised, so the message was definitely more about her disguise and true identity than a broader gender statement. However, characters in Level E (another Togashi manga), Utena, Rose of Versailles, Hunter x Hunter, Basara, and even Zombieland Saga are all written with this identity struggle as part of their backstory, motivation, character arc, etc. Even trap bait like Himegoto, Astolfo, Felix, etc. are excused in Japanese media because when it would be viewed as SJW agenda-pushing trash in western media. To be fair, Japan usually is more even and nuanced when it comes to those kinds of themes, but they still exist and are occasionally treated seriously by anime and manga. Even Boruto has a scene where Orochimaru says that his gender doesn’t matter, and a male staff writer for the show seemed to endorse LGBT representation in a recent tweet. I won’t deny that Japan handles most of these storylines better than an American writer would, but it’s disingenuous to ignore the leftist, gay, or transgender themes that occasionally surface in properties from the land of the rising sun.
When was the last time they fought the embodiment of nonexistence and beat them without trying? "Failure Moon" did it as a side effect of unleashing her full power, and I doubt the big cosmic gods would ever let a bunch of mortal heroes tell them what to do.
The nips only want to tell an interesting story, they dont inject shit into it for 'politics'
Disney is not a franchise
>Disney is not a franchise.