They should have made him show his face at the end of the movie

They should have made him show his face at the end of the movie

Attached: téléchargement.jpg (301x301, 16K)

Oh man, not knowing what his eyeballs look like is killing me. Such a mystery!

under his mask is another mask, duh

The Teen Titans don't even have secret identities or real names, why would it matter

Robin: Dick Grayson
Starfire: Koriand'r/Kory Anders
Raven: Rachel Roth
Beast Boy: Garfield Logan
Cyborg: Victor Stone

i don't think most of those are a secret thing in the show.

No, but they have real names

>He thinks his eyes aren't actually white

And his eyebrows

>Rachel Roth
Isn't that a fake name?

How was the movie?

Did they forget the originals' personalities and just make them slightly more serious versions of TTG?

I was talking about the trouble in tokyo movie

You kind of see it in a flashback in the comics.

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Telepaths are so nosy

>Implying Raven is the narrator

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i will always agree with extermination of muties so long as telepaths are out there. their very existence is rape to the whole of humanity.


It's pretty obvious that the one speaking here is Batman.
>"I know what it's like to lose your parents like he did"
Raven's mother and father are still alive.


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raven's mommy is alive? i thought she died

I mean he did. Just not to the audience.

Why does he wear a mask around the rest of the team, then?