Fuck bros, she’s so fucking perfect. Would you marry her even after she’s been....you know...BLACKED/BEANED
Fuck bros, she’s so fucking perfect. Would you marry her even after she’s been....you know...BLACKED/BEANED
I don’t even care what kind of people she’s been with. Probably because I’m a shitskin myself, but I would breed the fuck out of Gwen.
Kys t b h
She's perfect and the blacked race mixing degeneracy doesn't count.
I guess, I mean I'm brown so that's happened to every white girl I've ever slept with.
it's not a race thing bruv
it's about her literally being used good
where the fuck are your standards
a thread died for this
Beaned? Miles is Puerto Rican so she’d be PUERTO’D. But I’m not into the character in the slightest, she’s just an au version of a character I like whose only character is the one transposed onto her from peter
It’s a race thing. Coal burners are especially nasty
I find it admirable you brown chaps lust after Peter's sloppy seconds. Most white guys wouldn't touch a woman who's only claim to fame is being another white guy's girlfriend.
Memes aside, I am Mexican. Also, we just really fucking love blondes. Blondes and Beaners make god tier babies
BAN MISCEGENATION. The ethereal beauty of the divine, alabaster woman should not be defiled by a creepy swarthoid. Hyperborean BVLLS mustn't waste their phenotype on some swarthy female.
They make nasty goblinos
You are objectively wrong. That only happens with black(m)white(f) mixes because male black genes are dominate and strong. Mex(m) and white(f) take the recessive traits of the father and the dominate traits of the mother
I mean, it's mainly because of her design in the movie. And I love blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girls. Besides, I don't think a pure Gwen exists, as much as I want her to.
t. brown man
Brown eyes on a blonde is more unnatural looking than a Nip wearing colored contacts
Bitches like Shakira look better brunettes
I wonder if user ever got to kidnap his Waifu?
It's funny how Miles has his last name as Morales simply to remind us of the fact that he's hispanic when his dad's name is Davis
Getting with a spider is the stupid as shit. Any of them.
They're all flaky spaz-attacks.
>used goods
Silk is better but Gwen is alright
That’s the best part though, it’s literally canon that he has that last name because his black father is ashamed of his criminal family. Super progressive guys, or course the real kicker is that literally nothing would change if they made his father Hispanic(which would represent an actual minority in comics) and his mother black but that’s not Bendises fetish
Yeahh the only way you'd find a 10/10 virgin girl is in third world country where patrilineal value is still strong and women are expected to know their place
it's like fucking your clone but then realized it's another person who was bit by the same spider that bit you so now you have connected hormones, so does that mean peter has been cheating on mary jane or that midget from the superior run? so peter can't help but fuck a woman who was trapped a long time all because she was bit by the same spider? so peter has a weird fetish with other spider-bite women? but what if she was bit by another spider but still felt the urge to fuck her? does this mean he found a soul mate? well i know fucking a person on sight seems wrong in the obvious of ways, so is peter technically doing something wrong since he went in, smashed her against the wall and fucked her?
>take a great design
>black it
Fuck comic books man.
Pete was single at the time so it was all above board