All cartoons now are either extremely kiddified or are woke feminist shit
Are we living in the idiocracy future for cartoons?
All cartoons now are either extremely kiddified or are woke feminist shit
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Yes. All the fags in cartoons are clear evidence.
Stop watching american cartoons.
Basically this.
The reason why "Anime" is only a seperate genre in the west is because we simply cant compete
Laws prevent us from using even simple things and stifle creativities
big corporations want to push marketing, agendas, everything from the top down and wont take risks
even if you make something good, anything outside the status quo wont do well because of the huge cultural divide within non-homogenous countries.
Just watch anime bro
Shitty cartoons are not new nor limited to whatever era you are currently experiencing
Jesus Christ you dim bulbs
Oh sure because the boring SOL of some depressed office worker is so much more exciting then the boring SOL of talking animal kids at summer camp
Name some good non american cartoons, genuinely curious to see what you recommend
it's called your a mobile faggot moron who doesn't watch Yea Forums media and makes broad sweeping statements about a medium you know nothing about. while also being completely immune from getting kicked in the teeth like you deserve.
>if you say mean things that means you didn't watch it
Or maybe, just maybe, your precious soi toons arent the masterpieces you think they are and people with (a superior) opinion then yours think they suck?
>love death robots either of faggot op's epic complaints
Drink drain cleaner Yea Forumsermin
There were a lot of good Love Death and Robots shorts. That one specifically however, was shit.
"Haha got u bad man was monster whole time :)))"
Its first episode had a man hating dyke so i switched it off. So it falls into the category of woke feminist shit.
love death robots is just another netflix produced shitshow (As is all of netflix'es animated tripe)
>another /pol/nigger tourist
Don’t worry you will get over with on a week like always.
sounds like your up your own ass a few meters and consider your word law
which one
meme after meme after meme drop dead.
>sounds like your up your own ass a few meters and consider your word law
Oh boy I sure do love projection!
Kill yourself
and i love it when tourist shit stains come to our board to shit stir in the name of (you)'s and there epic culture war.
>extremely kiddified
Well children are the intended demo of cartoons
>/pol/ tourist
>Is a Tumble Refugee
Try harder
Just like you?
Why are there no horror cartoons anymore?
>if you dont consume product then youre /pol/
The state of Yea Forumsumblr everyone
Theres a difference between shows for kids and drivel made for toddlers, most everything on cartoon network now falls into the later.
>Days Yea Forums has gone without bitching about Summer Camp Island: 0
Because millennials are too pussy to even have sharp outlines, theyd have a heart attack if anything was remotely scary
>being this triggered and mad already
Thanks for proving my point
>even more projection
fuck no i'm here every single damn day if i can help it, and have been doing so for 6 years.
sure thing culture warrior, don't have more members of staff to try and get fired?
>because we simply cant compete
I think we're doing better then loli powerpoint slideshows
Oh no no no, this isn't what I ordered. Bring me one with effort.
Your fault for not waiting for Primal
3/10 bait
>sure thing culture warrior, don't have more members of staff to try and get fired?
Youre literally freaking out because i dont mindlessly consume cartoons like you do, standardless shits like you do more damage to animation by blindly gobbling up progressively worsening shit cartoons and never being critical about any of your content.
Then why aren't you any less of a movie projector than them?
>I think we're doing better then loli powerpoint slideshows
You call this better?
ignore the retarded furry anons
that would require them to pay attention at all, or hell even be on here consistently
keep repeating youtuber memes it really drives home the point.
who the fuck is this idiot anyway someone from /trash/ shilling oc?
I'd call this better
>ignores my entire point to just deflect with “hurr durr youtube memes”
Fuck you, you dont care about quality content in cartoons, you are the very problem with them and are poisoning the medium with your sheepish mentality. Either get some standards or jump off a cliff.
I'd assume so, or some twitter/tumblr retard thinking they're at home here
and your either mindlessly repeating or are actually fucking millerfag so i don't give a fuck about your opinion.
it's avatar fagging i know that much
>Zero Brains
>and your either mindlessly repeating or are actually fucking millerfag so i don't give a fuck about your opinion.
>your opinions either arent your own or you are a namefag
Nice mental gymnastics their chief
Dumb avatarfag.
>tfw want fagshit in cartoons
>tfw its always garbage propaganda about awareness and acceptance and all that bullshit
>it thinks millerfag is a namefag
>I think we're doing better then loli powerpoint slideshows
Ha no. While admittedly we both can cherrypick all day, I firmly believe the best anime released this decade is much better than the best western animated show released this decade.
How many people that regurgitate the "consume product" RedditLetterMedia meme likely eat up "little girls being cute" anime like there's no tomorrow?
Dumb avatarfag.
I hate that shit, its so formulaic and bland
>rlm fags are moeshit fags