*Ruins an entire generation of women*
*Ruins an entire generation of women*
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how do i get a MEW girlfriend, Yea Forums?
How ?
There was alternative girls before 2011
Scott Pilgrim floped
The incel who made that music video constantly mixed white girls who were into rap with white girls who were in indie
Like just admit you're an incel ffs
doesn't make it any less true
She's not gonna fuck you, bro
>being wrong doesn't make my wrong statement any less untrue
man you're a special kind of retarded they make you wear a helmet to school
Already have
Me, watching SP : Hey, I'm a lot like this guy.
Meeting any other human male who says they identify with Scott : Wow, you and I are both fucking garbage.
He has so much growing left to do. I kind of want a sequel set 10 years later.
do women even read/watch scott pilgrim?
>nobody posts it
The movie fucked up Scott. In the comic he was actually semi-Chad and not a pathetic virgin like in the movie that just was human garbage.
The whole point of the comic was that both he and Ramona were shitty people hence made for each other.
holy shit
You know what, I can't even hate this for being inceldom incarnate; it's unapologetic as fuck and unironically slaps for a joke song.
What's up with all the incel propaganda going on blue boards lately? Did /r9k/ explode or something?
Also dubs.
reminds me of Yea Forums the musical
Women were always whores nigga. You either keep up with them or be left behind. You have to treat them like sluts or they will just lose interest in you.
Have sex.
song of a generation
Roasties BTFO
The movie was about a dumb asshole getting over the fact his current crush has a past. The comic was about a dumb asshole learning to not be a dumb asshole while his dumb asshole girlfriend did the same.
This guy really hates neutral milk hotel.
Watch, yes. Read, fuck no. It doesn’t matter that it’s widely available and published. It’s still a pretty autistic comic
>people are actually mad at this
Fr*ck libtards epic style
You realize that the world existed before 2011, right? that kind of alternative girl existed AT LEAST since 2005. Are you actually retarded? Do people confront you about your social skills? I'm worried since you seem so retarded.
I'm having a hard time understanding how this book got any popularity. Who reads it? I'm trying to read it right now and it's a whole bunch of nothing.
I disagree that SP had anything much to do with it. Now pic related? Pic related was a genuine psy-op.
But even that couldn't convince all those white girls to date black men: they just copied their hair and make-up which, to be honest, was not bad. The thot look was way better than the crap peddled to women for at least 10 years before it.
Sex and the City would be another great psy-op example.
nice retort, bro. Now try to use your words.
they do that fine on their own
More like improves
I mean, girls like that have existed since the eighties.
Scott Pilgrim was ABOUT a subculture that already fucking existed. This is the work of a child who wasn't old enough to remember.
Yeah, obviously. But I was thinking that I would get a "but they didn't look like Ramona, they don'y have the same type of clothes." so I went extremely safe.
Love Trumps hate
imagine being this retarded
You're such a troll, great bait. Go scream at your mom a bit more.
>There are people who post this image expecting me to be disgusted by gay people having fun
How old are you, be honest.
Movie version sucked fucking ass and I can't believe anybody could actually like it over the comic at all.
I am disgusted with gay people acting like annoying faggots. That is universal.
>That is universal.
>Conservacucks actually believes this
wow cringe
Here's my last (you). I knowthat you think that you're baiting me, but you're more like that annyoing fucking kid that goes "What about you?!" whenever he can't argue anymore. Go get some friends, man.
>retarded faggot thinks the world revolves around xer
like clockwork.
jesus christ lol
calm down loser
>my opinions are universal!
>no they're not
textbook projection lmao stay mad
Its obvious I'm not the same guy retard
oh, now you can reply like a person. The subculture existed long before you made your video. You're just too young to remember that alt people have existed before that.
what differences does it make? you still applied the other user's opinions on to me, simply because you disagree with me and you knew it made the other user look bad, not because i actually said it.
>what differences does it make? you still applied the other user's opinions on to me
Have sex, incel.
>what differences does it make?
That you're a faggot who thinks you're special when it's the opposite.
don't you understand how arguments work? Are you that sensitive to cognitive dissonance. Come on bro, don't be this pathetic :/
this is so great. i love you bro. thanks for the replies this morning.
Why try to stir up a discussion if you can't keep up? You just come off as an internet tough guy. Don't just give up when you're arguments are opposed.
>projecting THIS hard
You're not special because of your race.
I actually like it. Also I just realized it’s this Ricky guy who has been popping up all over the place recently, for his Sam Hyde video and other stuff.
>projecting THIS at all
You're not special because of your sexuality.
No one has said that?
This whole thread was orchestrated by me. Every IP is me. Every reply is me. OP is me. Thank you all for coming tonight.
Probably the most retarded and bad thread in at least months.
Reminds me of 2019 Guy
>if you are not dilating RIGHT NOW then you are a conservacuck
No, fuck you. I'm a centrist and a swing voter. Your bullshit is exactly why people like me even voted Trump and helped him win the electoral college. Either cope or expect 4 more years of orange man.
>Probably the most retarded and bad thread in at least months
...on Yea Forums
Have you seen the shit on the other boards? Yikes...
>I'm not republican, but I'm happy that the worst possible person became president.
>muh centrism
You're right wing.
>but i called myself centrist...
A centrist is a relative position. The more your politics moves to the right, the more right you have to be to stay a centrist. By every other standard in the world, including America half a decade ago, you're right wing. You're simply trying to normalize the extremism of the current right wing by presenting it as the "normal" right wing, and not the radicalized horror show it actually is.
You actually celebrate giving a tax cut to rich people that cost the rest of the nation 90 billion dollars while wasting your own tax dollars on a fat man's golf trips and you call yourself "centrist"? Piss off you astroturfing fuck.
Woah now everybody, leave Scott pilgrim alone. Women did a fine job ruining themselves
Yeah man you showed him have an upvote from me.
>I don't want to discuss on a discussion board
Even for an amateur, he does a good job nailing the punk rock sound. It's rough, it's complaining about society, and the singer sells the lyrics with his frustration. Even though I think his message is fucking retarded, listening to it has it's catharsis.
Dude's still a /pol/tard, though.
>calls people insels
>expects a reasonable discussion to follow
Pall you burned that bridge a long time ago i'm just enjoying the fire works.
I never called anyone an incel. Even so, if you don't have thick enough skin to discuss on Yea Forums, maybe you should go to reddit or something.
>coin the term incel to describe yourself
>get mad when people call you an incel
I agree that you shouldn't WANT to be called that, but it's your own fault.
different poster thought you where
And now we have the resident retarded Eurotard where everything right of Stalin and Mao is radical right-wing.
>A centrist is a relative position.
Already shot down your own argument. Every leftard worth his salt doesn't support this tranny shit a decade ago and now because of those same big corporation they so denounce funded billions of dollars into retarded medical centers pushing trannyism, they changed their tunes without a second thought.
>You're simply trying to normalize the extremism of the current right wing
Ah yes the same extremism espouses by the Dayton shooter who post anti-Trump and right-wing shit on the internet.Nobody is falling for your brand of astroturfing tard.
>You actually celebrate giving a tax cut to rich people that cost the rest of the nation 90 billion dollars
You can instantly tell that this a barista cuck who hasn't has a proper job in his entire life. Guess you wouldn't be reaping all those sweet tax return once in your life since he tax cut everyone.
Nah, I joined in later on.
I never self identified as that and never coined anything. Not even most posters on r9k would call them self that.
Well FYI, I supported Bernie. But it was worth it to see toxic trannies having to cope. Cuckservatives got their suffering during the Obama period.
okay then Im sorry I guess
So you are willing to ruin your country to make some people mad. How can you be that fucking irresponsible?
No worries, man.
What's with all the Scott Pilgrim threads in the last two days?
>So you are willing to ruin your country to make some people mad
This is always the philosophy when electing a leader especially during Obama.
from an outsider perspective, Obama did a lot of good for your country. Trump has made the US a laughing stock.
>from an outsider perspective, Obama did a lot of good for your country.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA always with the 3rd worlder perspective on things. Obama has got us into the shitshow that is Libya and everyone suffers for it(migrant crisis). The fact that Trump hasn't sounded the war bell yet already made him 100x better than Obama alone.
*Ruins my taste in women*
I love this look so much but I know how awful the women who embody it are
I'm sorry. I come from a country that is better than US in all aspects. This isn't even a subjective thing, we run laps around the US in almost all aspects of society. Besides, people didn't vote for Obama to make conservatives cry, they did it to better the country.
Can we just talk about how much the character of Scott Pilgrim is shit? The way he treats people makes it difficult to root for him and the whole premise of the story is him dumping a girl who had nothing but adoration and love for him to chase an annoying hipster chick all while dealing with her baggage (the seven exes) am I the only one bothered by this?
This isn't really saying much. The US is careening towards 3rd world status and breakneck speed
I know, I always refer to the US as a third world country and I don't know anyone that really disagrees.
>I come from a country that is better than US in all aspects.
Which is why you're so ashamed to even name it.
>This isn't even a subjective thing, we run laps around the US in almost all aspects of society.
nah, if that was the case, you'll be having military bases all around the world.
>Besides, people didn't vote for Obama to make conservatives cry, they did it to better the country.
>ooga booga dem white man be keeping us down
>lets gets to dem vote on Obama in them vote stayshun oh lawdy
>*que gaps between rich and poor getting higher while economy stagnates*
As I've said, 3rd worlders opinion are always invalid
This manic pixie shit must surely end sometime, right?
I wish I had your peers, a lot of people here cope hard. Only my B&R friends concede it
>shitty people deserve each other
This is a horrible take.
the whole premise is the slow realization that Scott is the villain in his own story, who is so wrapped up in his delusions of being the scrappy underdog nerd he doesn't realize he's the arrogant jock bully in the lives of everyone around him
>I'm right wing
>I supported Sanders and switched to Trump because literally anyone but Hillary
>I voted Obama
>I support Yang halfheartedly
>this means I'm right wing
Well gee, I guess a rando on Yea Forums knows me better than I know myself. Where can I sign up for your political blog?
>>suicide girls
>>cam thots
>>sex and the city
>>feminist lit
>>family courts
% household spending power
I could go on but you understand
Men failed women because we like to jerk off and play vidya.
We didn't keep that pimp hand strong now women repay us by taking our wealth, health and relationship potential.
Ramona and Scott are literally the worst people of the story. Knives at least deserves someone better.
What ruined a generation of women is the politicization of their sex. This has also ruined a generation of men, but nobody wants to talk about that because... because.
I'm sorry, but the moment Scott in the comic sings about the power of friendship against the first evil Ex, I was out.
Was it ever really a thing? Where the fuck is my manic pixie gf
Fuck off. I love girls with this fashion. The only problem is that they're all super lefty and I'm super righty.
Well stop watching Crowder and Shapiro.
OP is a faggot
I watched it with my sister on a train. The reflection in the triple glass window made it look kinda 3D.
wtf I hate the right wing now
>Only conservatives hate trannyshit
Me too brother. Politics is just another aspect of fashion for women though, so I'm still gonna try to bag one.
Just criticize capitalism genuinely, or talk about consequences of industrialization. They eat that shit up
Holy mother of based and redpilled.
I saw the movie and the music was nice but I don’t think I’m ruined
It used to be fundamental tumblrcore but it’s fallen out of fashion.
When you comment on other sites, for fucks sake don't spew day one chanspeak
>based and red pilled lads
>the absolute state of this comment section, amirite bros;)
>oh you dont understand my sekrit klub speek? NEWFAG BLUEPILLED CRINGE
>you posted cringe bro
>Meme arrows on youtube
thank you Yea Forums very cool
>one unpopular movie ruined an entire generation of women
Next you'll say the Eragon books ruined an entire generation of men
The funny thing is that people like you think they are better that the Jew's dick sucker
Some people just can't turn off the autism.
Being able to code-switch among normies puts you far beyond these people.
>People dont realise that Scott was knives first love and it never would have worked out because Scott was a shit person and eventually knives would have seen that and drop his ass.
It never would have worked out long term. At least by the end of the story scott and Ramona realise they both have issues they have to work through if they want it to work.
Scott and knives or anybody else for that matter would have just been keeping themselves in denial and enforcing these bad traits.
No. Liberal state-run schooling did.
ITT: Fox and the grapes
Fuck off underage
>state-run schooling
Ah yes... the liberal George W. Bush's Democratic No Child Left Behind policy... very leftist, even has "Left" in the name!
>he thinks only the right hates faggots acting like perverts on broad daylight in the middle of the street.
But user, Hilary lost.
you, are a faggot.
Look at which party the teacher's union gives all their donations too, you goober.
This has no right to be as good as it sounds.
>tfw this is getting posted on every board
there is no escape
Anyone got that comic of the fem user near the end of the video?
I bully this kind of girls IRL
I hate the current political climate. Everywhere else on the internet is being invaded by Sjw's but here? Here's it's fucking incels. They're the most outspoken bunch. Complaining about tumblrites in 2019 here is like being in the Pacific theater and worrying about the fucking krauts. I miss Ebin, not this Seethe the Scaleless shit
Good God, the video is funny but the comments section. The 2014 normalization wasn't a meme.
How dare those dandies kiss, why aren't they doing in the designated gay zone?
He wasn't speaking about you in particular as much as about America as a whole. Americans are defaultly rightwing by European standards.
There's no easy boogeyman to point to, to aknowledge, so everybody just pretends half a generation of men just ruined themselves through sheer willpower growing up.
I'd thought Onions, Liberals and SJWs were the blanket boogeymen used for everything.
Sorry nobody will fuck you, OP.
We're talking men-only boogeymen. Those you listed are for everybody.
>*Improves an entire generation of men*
Sometimes I wonder if I just tell myself I don't feel lonely or if I'm actually lonely but refuse to acknowledge it
This is pretty good
Yes user, gays only kiss during pride parades and nothing else.
Modern pride parades do more damage to the gay community than help. I want to be treated as a regular person, and acting like a pervert without an ounce of decency in public is completely counterproductive to that wish.
This song is fucking hilarious. People assblasted about it saying "muh incel" is a shitty cope. All hail NegativeXP and his golden shit post songs.
Fuck the rich though, those pedos don’t need defending
No one gave a shit about Eragon while Scott Pilgrim as considerably more influence and is a cult movie. So your argument makes no sense
You're giving Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World way too much credit.
The point still stands Scott is a peace of shit and I can't root for him, being a shitty person is not a predicament its a choice and Scott consistently chooses to be a piece of shit.
Man I found her so pretty when I was younger, she's actually kinda plain looking.
Did this series really have that much influence? Serious question.
why would some random youtube song be wrong
lol maybe 2 women even watched the movie or read the comic
It was relatively popular, but no. I think I read that the song title was a response to some twitter post saying "scott pilgrim ruined an entire generation of men."
i'm guessing you got that video recommended to you too huh OP?
how many anons here got it recommended to them today?
It really is just a funny song.
I'd say they're about equal.
Why is /pol/ so obsessed with incels?
Why is /pol/ so obsessed with trannies?
You're just jealous they have friends.
you mean because Scott was a soiboy?
I gave a shit that the movie trashed the plot of the book and ruined the chance for sequels. Then the same bullshit happened to Mortal Engines.
The average american c.1964 you would call a white supremacist terrorist supporter
how is he a polfag is he showed both MAGAthots and anti-drumpf thots for the 'shitty views on politics'?
So this is the thread where grown men scream and shout at invisible boogeymen that don't exist?
>shout at invisible boogeymen that don't exist
you mean scream about /pol/?
>ones considerably more popular than the other
>lol nope they’re equal because I think both are shit
Willfully missing my point doesn’t strengthen your argument
Not that user.
But even though he showed retarded politics of these girls, you should also consider that the majority of said ones are more in the radical left than in any right at all.
That's because they flock to what is trendy
they have shitty views on politics because they have no actual views besides what brings them social goodie points for repeating the right talking points
My brother. We're gonna make it user
Oh you sweet summer child
Damn you guys got it rough. Being invisible to women is becoming a blessing. Thank you Jesus.
You totally got it.
It's kind of tragic that they choose radicalization as a fashion item.
I don't know what any of you are talking about, but you should probably cope.
that pic could use a "sweetie" or maybe a "bless your heart"
>girls into indie music
thank fuck they cant afford to live near me or go to my bars