So, thoughts on the new episode?
Young Justice S03 EP 22
>Haven't seen the episode yet
>Comes to this thread
>See TWO Granny Goodnesses
Tranny Drumf?
It was good, the doctor is insane, Black Lightning is super pissed at the Batlluminati, Batman got partially BTFO-ed, Terra doesn't fuck Deathstroke in her backstory (assumedly), the anti-life equation makes more sense (kind of), we see Savage angry... it was one of the best episodes of the season.
I panicked for a sec when I saw Barbra and Bruce alone and thought, please don't kiss, please don't kiss!
>And shouldn't Bruce / Bat-Man have more muscle?
>trump becomes first female president
Savage looked more terrified than angry when he heard about Darkseid acquiring the key to the Anti-Life Equation. Which.. is even worse considering how calm he normally is.
Only thing that bothered me was the painfully obvious fact that they didn’t pay Cameron Bowen and thus Tim Drake was silent despite being there for most of the episode and even being talked to. Also it was the first time we saw him in civvies in the show IIRC.
>It was Her turn!
why theres 2 of her? is that M'gann brother or something?
Don't worry, Bruce Timm is not writing or directing. He's the only person who ships that shitty pairing.
It's... not really clear. I think the most likely thing is the whole New God Avatar stuff like Final Crisis but it could also be a clone, or hell it could be Mal'ale'fa'ak as one of them.
Indeed, Savage was thoroughly pissed for the first time.
I mean he essentially has been completely outplayed, and handed over the key for Darkseid's domination. Darkseid has no need for their partership or a "final war" between Earth and Apokolips once he has the complete Anti-Life Equation and all is one in Darkseid.
Better than Dick x Babs will ever be.
welp, terra with a mind control chip gave me a boner.
Does this mean the light and the justice league/outsiders Vs Apokolips in a couple of episodes?
Who knows? I suspect Darkseid mostly wins at the end of the season though given that he's still set to be the big bad of S4 going by the panel.
Pretty sure Season 4 ends with Darkseid Winning. Some members of the Team/Justice League still alive for a Final Crisis adaptation, and hopefully just a Final Crisis adaptation and not the Final Crisis/Terror of Trigon thing I feel like they're gonna do.
I hate Dickbabs and I think it's a dull pairing but fuck no Bruce/Babs is plenty worse.
Soooo... Is G.Gordon ALSO an Avatar or Clone or whatever of the true Glorious Godfrey?
It's been sad watching this season turn the show into an almost continuous exposition dump. It's like Gunnerkrigg Court at this point.
I just thought it was hilarious that Lightning was the one on the high horse on everything despite getting duped harder by the doc.
Did they infact save lives? Yes.
Or more likely his wallet...
Pls Weisman dont adapt this pls.
I dont want to witness Orion dying off screen.
Shit taste.
What happened to Superman. I’ve never seen a show that made him so irrelevant. Why is Batman dealing with his enemies?
Bruce x Babs is better than Dick x Babs for the sole reason of there being some chemistry and tension, and it being hot. Sure, it makes Bruce look awful, but at least it has that going for it. Dick x Babs is just the shitty will-they-won't-they shit where both characters act like cunt for drama's sake and cuck each other with other people.
how are the ratings
Because DC comics is Batman comics. It’s Batwank so much that fans talk about Batman beating Darkseid himself as “real” Superman will always be the stupid naive idiot and Wonder Woman will always “just” go along with whatever Batman plans because she doesn’t have a brain or character. It’s how it is now user. No one can outshine Batman. Especially Superman and Wonder Woman even when it’s common sense to do so.
It’s on a DC streaming service take a guess?
how bad did it do
What's going to be The Light's Contingency plan? They have to have something cooking in case things escalated with Darkseid to this point.
And Ultra Humanite is voiced by Weisman himself so he probably had him running passive scans on everything regarding, Overlord, Violet and the Equation
Do they know about vick? He asumedly would have the same access to anti-life as Halo and could just undo everything if the light got him.
Also 12lvl intellect Luthor might just be banking on out thinking the anti-life equation.
Granny mentioned the motherbox girl and father box boy
so they are atleast aware
We don't know because DC (nor any streaming service) will never release any information. They said YJ was the most watched thing on the service though.
Christ above, it's like you want the RadLib's heads to explode or something.
Of course they would say that.
south park knew!
vandal break ipad
Here’s what I don’t get: What happened between Darkseid and Vandal after Darkseid boom tubed him to Apokalips for a while?
>Vandal. Look upon the desolation of my dread dominion. What do you see?
>Lava, Darkseid
>Pain, Darkseid. Whole families beaten and left to scrounge for scraps with the Hunger Dogs
>And we’ve been standing here, doing nothing, for hours. Surely there must be a more productive use of your time, great Darkseid
>Exactly. There are no chairs on Apokalips. I brought you here, Vandal, that you may know the true torment of existence with no chairs. Bring me your most comfortable chair, or our agreement is off. Such is the will of Darkseid.
Show gay
My question is more: Apart from willingness, why can’t they just get Klarion to magic Darkseid into a bunny or something? And also if Fate was Vandal’s son, does that mean he was in on the Light’s true mission all along? Will HE be the key to the Light and League teaming up?
>Bring Darkseid the greatest chair on earth.
>The War World belongs to me!
>You think I give a solitary fuck about the War World ape? I desire only the comfiest chair mankind has ever created, ONE THAT RECLINES!
>O-kay, sure.
They could have said Titans or Doom Patrol, you fucking idiot.
>Darkseid's entire motivation boils down to "I just want a comfy fucking chair to sit in, dammit.".
... Yeah, I can get behind that.
If only someone could give him a chair.
Nabu died centuries before Vandal made the deal with Darkseid.
Darkseid is a god, Klarion's magic are like flea bites to him.
Young Justice never does a 1/1 adaptation so you don't have to worry about that.
Like all the animated things New Gods have shown up in Young Justice hasn’t done much to sell me on their powerlevel. The League were winning the fight with the Furies before Granny brought out the pain, if I remember, and they still toughed their way through it.
Yea Forums forgot about that quickly.
The whole avatar thing I guess
Weisman is a DickBabs shipper.
i dont get it. the shit is way to complicated. it looks like the earth is ruled by villains and pay their power by children mutants they sell or offer to other villains around the galaxies. Savage is way over powered. the Luther the president fucks everyone he like and there is no bright life anywhere. all is just depressing and dark. it reminds me of today Ukraine.
Yeah, this stuff gets too real with the politics, lies, manipulation and secrets. Definitely not a series for fans of escapism.
>it reminds me of today Ukraine.
Just an user being desilusional.
>Secrets can be such a burden
no shit
yeah I was really surprised he had blue eyes
he has so much muscle it's bulging out through his fucking windbreaker.
He's got a LOT of life.
They want to be independent but Russia says no. Russia also blamed them for shooting down a commercial airplane when it was really the Russian’s fault.
He seems to be adapting all the worst (aka recent) parts of the DC universe along with the classic bits, so that's annoying
a show with such an irritating concentration of modern fagtech gave me some real catharsis seeing one of the flimsiest most bullshit examples of it getting broken
do people really think it's possible to focus on something touching or nearly touching your eye?
why do you think the Spanish Inquisition were so keen on them?
Everything past s2 has been garbage
prove me wrong
pro-tip [Spoiler] you cant
it's okay, we all know the soviets are at fault
we're with you guys. Like, in spirit..
I can. The opinions of someone who can't even put spoiler tags doesn't matter.
This was a good episode, but my question is, where the fuck is best boy, Bart?
Getting fucked by El Dorado.
I didn't see Dr. Jace's heel turn coming, because she seemed like an unwilling accomplice of Bedlam's at the beginning of the series. They really played everyone, but especially Jefferson.