And now I see that Magneto was right all a long

And now I see that Magneto was right all a long

Attached: Mutants.png (540x683, 102K)

Exactly, they are Homo SUPERIOR, not Homo Sapien

Mutie scum doesn’t deserve rights

stay in plebbit, fagola

I guess the lawyers at marvel aren’t as progressive as the writers.

Attached: Don't be a racist against mutants.jpg (236x333, 20K)

Oh, they're homos alright.

Well the real subhumans of Marvel are the average civilians after all
>hmm, my son appears to have developed a horn that can fire lasers out of it
>this is incredibly surprising and he seems stressed out, but otherwise still my son
>should I be an understanding parent and try to help him mitigate the damage this could cause in his daily life?
>no, clearly I should treat my own flesh and blood like some axe-murderer stole his skin, try to shoot him, and/or send him to the government to be experimented on

They are homo superior all right. But you're a real homo for posting a reddit image, user. Now bend over and start sucking.

Magneto would argue that mutants are not people. Mutants are superior to people.

>Oh hey there’s Carol Danvers, she abducted and beat my neighbour in a little room the other day
>What a true American hero!

>Ugh, the coffee reeks of Tony Stark’s nanomachines again
>That silly rascal!

>Oh hi Namor! Nice day out for a jog! Oh, you’re running right at me! You’re going to punch me in the face?
>Ha ha OW! Got me again, you absolute chad!

>Boy with cat ears...existing...over there...MARGARET GET THE TORCHES AND PITCHFORK THE DAY OF THE ROPE HAS COME


Attached: 1565052057151.png (768x1024, 878K)

tbf the boys not actually a mutant he's just a furry and their response is justified.

But Namor is a mutant.

Well. Can’t argue with that logic. With how bugshit insane some gods are furries should legitimately be a cause for concern.

Isn’t he also super popular with the Marvel public? I figured having superior Atlantean blood must override mugga status.

Actually, it was Toy Biz, but still fucked up nonetheless.

Mutants are always going on about how they're a different fucking species. Magneto loved that shit

>but still fucked up nonetheless.
Aint nothing fucked up about weaseling your way into paying less taxes. It's the American way.

>”You’re not a species at all guys”
>”You’re property”
>”Which technically means you’re more financially valuable than you were back when you were just taking up space in our borders”
>”So congrats on finally contributing back to society!”


Actually the humans wanting to exterminate mutants were right all along

Not especially I don't think.
But trying to make heads or tails of this is a fool's errand.
In one comic, X-men are treated like any other Mutie scum and then in another they're just another superhero brand with posters and toys and fans.

The fact that they’re walking wmds is why they’re hated you retard. Someone like magneto can’t be left alone. R has to die.
Nah fuck you faggot. Mutant children are scum

>Is why
Nah, the fact they're being branded by some other species is the real issue. Everyone even the good guy mutants pretty much says if left to the natural order Mutants will usurp humanity.
It's just in Xavier's vision, Humanity becomes Mutancy because coexistence leads to the eventuality that everyone's descendants will be Mutants. In Magneto and Anti-Mutants cases, it's because they're going to stomp humanity into the dirt.

Yeah mutants absolutely need to be eradicated

Paid the lower rate? What the hell is this about?

Is there a “human toy” tax??

does this mean I also only have to pay the lower rate on my upcoming Neanderthal toy line?