With the rise of edgy comics in the 90s with its decline, can we all agree that the comics code authority was actually pretty based?
Comics Code Authority
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No all it did was stifle creativity. Also no one really cared about the cca in the 80s or 90s
>retards have gone full circle on their contrarianism and now advocate puritanism and censorship
>Can we agree that this thing that effectively killed any non-cape comics and relegated comic books to the big two for the better part of 40 years was based?
I don't even know what to say to you, OP. If you're joking, that's pretty funny.
If you're actually advocating for censorship while considering yourself of a lover of art in any capacity then just blow your brains out.
This thing is the reason comics are behind bd and manga
People started ignoring the code by the 70s. It was on the front of the books but it didn't mean fuck all. Way to out yourself as a dilettante.
Childhood is hating any sort of "censorship" and demanding the deregulation of media.
Adulthood is realizing that the only things being blocked under most censors are shallow schlock designed solely to shock people.
Objectively most "underground comics" of the 60s and 70s are trash.
It's ok for you to dislike or avoid any work you want, but to think anything should be kept from existing because it deals with taboo subjects or controversial imagery is a sign of weakness.
It's been hilarious to see the evolution of Yea Forums over the years. Originally it was very liberal minded people, basically libertarian, where Ron Paul was our spirit animal. The whole point of the website was being able to say whatever you wanted. Freedom of expression, freedom of consumption.
Now you have people running around that are basically the equivalent of bible-thumping soccer moms who went after violent video games for corrupting the youth. Anti-art, anti-free speech in every capacity. And it's fucking teenagers and people in their 20s acting like this. A bunch of high school kids who sound like Tipper Gore. It's really, really amusing to have witnessed.
I'm happy to see this thread is mostly pushback against a genuine idiot, but the fact that this thread was created in the first place is telling.
This. Only a bitter little adolescent boy could confuse realism with pessimism.
Go back to watching the boys.
Christ no.
That describes post-2015 Yea Forums pretty well.
Go back to whatever website you came from before 2014.
Yeah frick freedom of speech!
Ask EC Comics
All of the best comics have shit like titties, profanity, blood, and fucking. You are a fool.
You do realize that the code was basically a way for marvel and DC to put ec comics out of business cause they could compete quality wise with ec comics.
If you don't like something then don't read it but don't force your faggot stupidity on me.
>Really want a shirt like that
>Shipping alone costs more than the shirt, not to mention insane customs laws in my country
sorry CBLDF but I guess I'll have to make a bootleg
A lot of the rules seemed dumb. Like 'no vampires or werewolves'.
The 90's edge explosion is a direct result of the Comics Code existing.
A boiling pot on the stove will eventually roil until it burns out.
If you put a lid on the pot, it will eventually boil over, splattering and making a mess everywhere.
Reminder that this panel was unacceptable under the Code
for making a black guy look too heroic?
OP what do you get out of pretending to be retarded?
You need to be 18 to post on this site.
Happy to see Yea Forumsmblr get so pissed
Such cheap bait, but.....
>the rise of edgy comics in the 90s
You didn't read any comics in the 90's.Try reading anything from the 1980's or go far back as the 70's when The Code was outright being rejected.
based and correctpilled
I don't understand this comic
It would make more sense if panel 3 was the guy standing around doing nothing and panel 4 was the hand cancelling the characters from panel 2
Shut up retard
The reason the 90s was edgy was in response.
this needs a water/pokemon creatures edit
Then why didn't it's demise lead to a creative freedom revolution?
Man, the contrarianism on this site is just unbelievable.
No, fucking, no.
No. CCA never did anything but be a nuisance and overextend their hand. It was just a stupid label put on comics after a bunch of psychologists in the 50s connected comics to violence and juvenile delinquency. It was just another loophole to jump through that didn't actually do anything.
Twitter users with this on their name, act like CCA anyway. What with incessant request to make Comics about Blacks and Islamists. Why the fuck do you think it got away?
They just rebranded themselves.
I would agree that it tried a standard and category definition for people what they can expect.
Its similar to pg system. But it did not differ between content enough.
You only could see if it applies or not to the comic code. Than maybe you get a "parental advisory" and thats it. You need to know that stuff to understand what is happening.
Its quite similar to internet and youtube. You dont know what your kids will see if you dont watched any of it.
Its good that parents need to inform themself but most wont do or supervise their kids.
If it wasnt just a tool to surpress certain competitors or unloved genres, it could have been a label to know what you will get and easily see if its all ages, teens or adult stuff.
I was gonna say, given that "make the black guy a hero of the story" was the biggest case the CCA forbid, modern Yea Forums would probably love the CCA.
Did you even get the joke?
>Says the user, before going into another tirade about Japanese people.
The comic had an anti-racism message, but the identity of the astronaut was kept hidden until that panel and the CCA cracked down on EC for that.
>The whole point of the website was being able to say whatever you wanted. Freedom of expression, freedom of consumption.
Nope. The point of the site was to have a place where moot can talk about anime lolis without getting banned.
>Then why didn't it's demise lead to a creative freedom revolution?
clearly you've never read the works of one Robert Liefeld.
You would have an argument only if comics under the code were better than the edgy ones. That's not case.
But I do think there is a point here, limitation can foster creativity just as a free pass to do whatever can mean stuffing a work with graphic and explicit material that doesn't usually add much to a story.
In the end, it boils down to how smart the writers and artists are going to be.
You mean Archie comics
The Comics Code, the bible of comic book censors, went far beyond addressing concerns about crime and horror comics to implement broad regulations that addressed what CMAA President John Goldwater, of Archie Comics, identified as “problem areas.” The 41 provisions purged sex, violence and any other content not in keeping with critics’ standards. Respect for government and parental authority was stressed, and censors even became the grammar police, eliminating slang and colloquialisms. Comics books received the Seal of Approval only if they were suitable for the youngest readers.
user, you absolute moron. The one thing I can commend you for is having the fucking balls to type this out and still think posting this was a good idea.
liefeld reached his peak within the code. i remember an article on wizard having writers of the time actively wanting kill of the CCA (it was on it's last breaths at the time) because they believe they'll have the freedom to do not just superhero stories but it ended up just making edgy superhero stories
I attribute that more to DC and Marvel’s stranglehold on the industry and Image doing mostly superheroes around that time as well.
18 gorillion hours in MS Paint later
90s only proved that Werthem was right.
>what is post crisis DC
>what is DC vertigo
Yeah, but DC's Jack Liebowitz was the VP of the CCA.
The CCA basically existed to kill EC Comics. Goldwater and Liebowitz literally used the comic scare to drive their competition out of business.
The CCA was, in a roundabout way, responsible for "Edgy" comics and the decline of comics in the 90s.
The CCA created a baseline, from which comics could get "Edgy" in the first place.
If you look at Europe, or Japan, and their comics industries, different genres and levels of content were allowed to evolve and segment organically. Kids comics stayed kids comics and adult comics were allowed to grow into adult comics.
In the US, the CCA prevented *all* comics from growing out of the paradigm of being *for kids*, which meant when the CCA relaxed and went away, that gave comics creators a precedent to break, which they did.
You're right user
I'm so glad instead of hundreds of different comic companies running around in the 80's and 90's we have DC, Marvel, and sometimes MAD being the only companies making the big comics people give two shits about.
Limitation is fantastic for creativity, there's an entire group of cartoonists based around that idea called OuBaPo (itself an offshoot of a group of authors, OuLiPo, but there are "ouvriéres" (workshops in french) in most media at this point. The thing is: those limitations (or more specifically, constraints) are all self imposed by the author, not some foreign committee of outraged WASPs.
I'll be honest, the only book of theirs I read was 706 Apparitions of Killofer, but that is some dope cartooning and I'm a huge fan of the OuLiPo guys so I'm willing to put some faith in their BD little brothers.
IIRC, they thought the sweatdrops on him looked like sperm. Gaines purportedly replied with a "FUCK YOU!" before hanging up and publishing the comic unchanged.
>they thought the sweatdrops on him looked like sperm.
This can’t be real.
>the free market means you have to like everything that every company makes
That's literally the exact opposite of a market. Someone making the choice they hate these female protags and letting their media flop is free market, someone making the choice they like these female protags and buying the products they like is free markets
Someone blindly accepting things they don't like or not attempting to procure things they do like isn't any economic system not even [one I hate] it's the philosophy of retards who think having preferences is bad
Buy things you like, complain about things you don't. Congratulations you're now the invisible hand of the free market
you're an idiot the CCA didn't affect those comics at all because they were sold on the direct market, the CCA was for books on newsstands, they've been making mature comics since the 60's with changes to formats or and sell directly to specialty shops to get around the CCA.
Media inspires social attitudes, this is something widely accepted in psychology. So when media portrays negative social behaviors like smoking, drinking, crime, and promiscuity in a positive light, this inspires people to imitate these behaviors to achieve approval and social status among similarly minded peers.
Drug dealing and violence idolizing rap music has destroyed black youth, and really the community as a whole
Negative portrayals of things like the nuclear family, religion, and marriage have destroyed the social fabric of the country.
The depiction of what were once beacons of good in their world as conflicted, affected, and morally weak "heroes" has destroyed my enjoyment of super hero media
If those things were worth saving they would have resisted some fucking Eminem songs in the first place.
Raise your kid while telling him that everything wrong is right and see how they turn out
Go read your bible you dork
>IIRC, they thought the sweatdrops on him looked like sperm.
You recall incorrectly.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it wasn't on purpose, but the judge that ruled on the case explicitly said "It can't be a black".
It had fuck all to do with sweat.
You talk like religion can't have negative side effects on a kid.
Not only was I raised with a fair dose of skepticism and turned out OK, I know people who were taught to distrust authority and dogma even more by their parents and we're all mostly well rounded people with healthy lifes, specially given the circunstances.
I don’t buy EA games, yet they are still here. In fact most Western AAA publishers are starting to go that way with their products.
This thread reminds me of this interview with Chuck Dixon
>In the 1950s, the great publishers, including DC and what later become Marvel, created the Comics Code Authority, a guild regulator that issued rules such as: "Crimes shall never be presented in such a way as to create sympathy for the criminal." The idea behind the CCA, which had a stamp of approval on the cover of all comics, was to protect the industry's main audience—kids—from story lines that might glorify violent crime, drug use or other illicit behavior.
>In the 1970s, our first years in the trade, nobody really altered the superhero formula. The CCA did change its code to allow for "sympathetic depiction of criminal behavior . . . [and] corruption among public officials" but only "as long as it is portrayed as exceptional and the culprit is punished." In other words, there were still good guys and bad guys. Nobody cared what an artist's politics were if you could draw or write and hand work in on schedule. Comics were a brotherhood beyond politics.
>The 1990s brought a change. The industry weakened and eventually threw out the CCA, and editors began to resist hiring conservative artists. One of us, Chuck, expressed the opinion that a frank story line about AIDS was not right for comics marketed to children. His editors rejected the idea and asked him to apologize to colleagues for even expressing it. Soon enough, Chuck got less work.
>The superheroes also changed. Batman became dark and ambiguous, a kind of brooding monster. Superman became less patriotic, culminating in his decision to renounce his citizenship so he wouldn't be seen as an extension of U.S. foreign policy. A new code, less explicit but far stronger, replaced the old: a code of political correctness and moral ambiguity. If you disagreed with mostly left-leaning editors, you stayed silent.
10/10 bait. Top-shelf troll. Would recommend.
What a load of crap. As though there have been no Saturday morning cartoon tier schlock in comics since the 90s.
Also overlooking that getting rid of the code gave us some of the best stories.
Sure smells like gator in this here swamp.
yes and so was the hays code
>>The superheroes also changed. Batman became dark and ambiguous, a kind of brooding monster. Superman became less patriotic, culminating in his decision to renounce his citizenship so he wouldn't be seen as an extension of U.S. foreign policy. A new code, less explicit but far stronger, replaced the old: a code of political correctness and moral ambiguity. If you disagreed with mostly left-leaning editors, you stayed silent.
I don't understand why he thinks that liberals are to blame for grim and gritty violent comics and "moral ambiguity" (whatever Dixon thinks that means).
censorship is good when you have a conservative society wanting to stop degeneracy and delinquency
then when once you remove it censorship becomes a liberal trap to end heterosexuality
so India should keep their censorship but reintroducing it in America would be bad
ITT: commiefornians who think the very idea of defending the american way is a funny joke
Of course it’s gator shit. Trying to paint Dixon as a victim of the Es Jay Dubyas? Ya they sure worked Dixon over in the 90s! Poor guy had control of the Punisher and Batman franchises for almost a whole decade! Poor, persecuted gator.