Somebody ranked every (reoccurring) king of the hill character from good to evil, thoughts?
Somebody ranked every (reoccurring) king of the hill character from good to evil, thoughts?
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Bill is a piece of shit tho
Nancy got a redemption arc so she's high tier. Peggy is solid middle-tier because she either triggers or doesn't trigger the fanbase. Bill gets drunken on a little attention and authority uses it to lord over his friends like a sorry sack of shit. Make him second third to last. No one should fucking like Bill by the end of the series.
Dale is insane but well intentioned
Bill turn into a piece of shit the moment he get a chance
peggy isn't exactly a paragon of virtue but i don't know if i'd say she's more evil than someone like redcorn, and bill can be a real piece of shit
>khan eviler than john redcorn
Does John Redcorn have any redeeming qualities?
Slide Bill way over, swap Kahn and Mihn, move John Redcorn and Dale further towards good and move Lucky further towards evil
Works hard, cares about his kids and truly does want the best for them
>cares about his kids
He's a deadbeat father.
didn't bill at one point tell bobby that nobody will love him?
How is Redcorn less evil than Dale?
Took a stab at it. Not perfect, but closer.
Nancy didn't want to lose her marriage or her family so sacrificed John Redcorn to keep her life from falling apart. She denies Redcorn access to his son, keeps Dale in the dark, and expects the whole of Arlen County to keep her secret for her.
In addition, something is wrong when a tv weather woman is making the same amount of money as an assistant manager at a propane store, a military barber, and a Boomhaur. Especially since Dale also moonlights as an exterminator.
I'll bet she does drugs on the side.
He's shown multiple times to be involved in Joseph's life and legitimately gives him good advice and when he found out he had a daughter he got involved in her life and became a real family unit with her mother
Hell, he's even given Bobby some decent advice and helped prevent him from drinking dogs blood
Giving a kid advices and sometimes paying a visit still make you a deadbeat father.
KOTH shows constantly he wants to be closer with Joseph, but doing so would Jeopardize Nancy's marriage, and so he stays away for her sake.
Plus Joseph would probably be pissed at the guy who caused his parents divorce, biological relation or not.
Your father left you didn't he
Anyway it can be argued that not telling Joseph that Dale isn't his real father could be beneficial, especially at the age those kids are at, look how Joseph reacted when he thought his father was an alien
here's where OP got the original image
Redcorn isn't exactly keeping his distance while he's been nailing Nancy for the past "13" years
Switch Mihn and Kahn then Peggy then Kahn
Switch Joseph and Dale. Dale is merely erratic, Joseph is a moronic creep.
Kahn didn't do anything evil he was just a dick
>Nancy didn't want to lose her marriage or her family so sacrificed John Redcorn to keep her life from falling apart.
You should actually watch the episode where the romance between Nancy and Dale reignites. Both of them realized Dale is a great person and what they were doing was wrong to him. It wasn't just to save her family.
He intentionally gave the Hill's the top unit of the duplex in Mexico when he knew it was illegal and that the Hill's would get in trouble.
Then he faked not being able to swim so Hank would carry him across the river and risking their lives because he was petty.
Yeah but he also helped Hank over the fence while Dale ran away
Why is Gribble more evil than Redcorn?
Whose doing whose wife?
No one cares. You're obviously OP/the creator of the video fishing for views and this was your game the whole time.
Why isn't Jimmy Wichard and Debbie on this list, probably the most evil characters in the show
Honestly Minh and Kahn should be higher. The worst they're guilty of is being rude and snobby. Peggy and Dale have committed far worse offenses.
Then they ruined that episode by having Nancy contemplate going back to cheating on Dale because her hair was falling out.
With the exception of Bill who needs to go way down I agree with most everything he ranked.
>muh Dale
I absolutely love Dale but beyond being a loving father and husband he's a piece of shit to just about everyone else.
He's not even a good father and husband either.
Go cry on Bernie's shoulder you damn communist. Strickland is a perfectly competent Lawful Neutral businessman with a few unfortunate vices that often destroy his personal life but really have no effect on his moral rating.
Cheating on your wife is incredibly immoral, as is the many attempts at fraud
Why should her triggering the fan base have any effect on how good or evil she is?
Why is Peggy so Hated?
From the dozen or so episodes I've seen of the show, she just seems mildly annoying.
Ted Wassanasong is frequent enough to warrant being on the list, and on the absolute end of the Evil side.
Why isn't peggy the most evil? Shit list.
I fail to see how Lucky is more evil than Boomhauer, even if just slightly.
>dozen or so episodes I've seen
Alright, for a start, what's the worst you've seen Peggy do?
First think that comes to mind that was an honest, if completely retarded mistake, was the time she nearly poisoned the entire town with Mustard Gas.
>Linear Morality
>boomhauer not the most knowing on the chart
The most evil thing would probably be intentionally teach Lucky wrong in the hopes that he'd not get a GED and fail his self-imposed test and go away or slipping Hank testosterone.
Switch Dale and Bill.
Cotton feels more chaotic neutral than anything else.
Ascended Boom Brain
Buck isn't ignorant at all. He knowing does bad things.
I'm not super familiar with the Buck Era
What does he do exactly
Oh shit. Just watched this.
I felt this list was shit and some of his reasons were shit. From BEST to MOST EVIL...
Honestly what bugs me most is that Bill was so high up on the list while Lucky was so low.
Bill is almost exclusively motivated by selfish shit and very few times does he do something for a good cause. And more than half the time he does something for a good cause, he turns it into a fucking powerplay fantasy/fetish/selfish desire.
Lucky on the other hand sticks to an honor code and does his best by everyone. Sure his best is sometimes stupid (i.e. returning used shaving cream) but there is no malice and he does things as best he can. He wouldn't marry Luanne, but because he wanted her to be with a good man worth her. He was about to sue Dale, but he was thinking of his unborn daughter and wife and he -tried- lessening the damage, and then outright attempted to stop altogether.
He hung out with rednecks that picked fights and did shit, but really he didn't have access to another social group so he was out of luck there.
Has boomhauer done anything evil? Ever?
No idea but Peggy doesn't like him so that's an automatic plus
She doesn't dislike him.
He's crawl on glass for Joseph and wants to unfuck himself.
He's a playboy. Some people see that as wrong.
The thing that always bothered me about Peggy was that she really didn't have a sense of loyalty to anyone besides herself. She was just as likely to fuck over Hank and Bobby as she was to anyone else, if she didn't do that she'd probably be somewhere in the middle of things.
They're just small townsfolk.
Good and Evil is a bit far.
At worst they're selfish and dickish.
The only one I'd consider evil is Cotton and maybe Buck but even then.