Is Webhead Dubois a good legacy character? Would you prefer Jessica or Scorpio Pete take over?
Is Webhead Dubois a good legacy character? Would you prefer Jessica or Scorpio Pete take over?
Legacy characters only work when their predecessors are dead/retired/incapacitated. Peter Parker is still alive, kicking, and still Spider-Man. Miles isn't necessary.
I prefer May to take over.
Miles fucking suck, even in this movie he sucked and had to be carried by Peter.
This, May adds to the story and grows as a characters. At best Miles is a remix of peter parker and hasn't added anything in 8 fucking years of being published
Spider-man Blue >>>>>> Spiderverse movie
Comic Miles, no.
Movie Miles, yes.
>Is Webhead Dubois a good legacy character?
He's not even a good character at all.
I liked some of the music in the movie and the animation style, but jesus Christ Miles' VA was awful. Literally jarring.
I’d prefer having Peter Parker. The only Legacy to Spiderman is Miguel O’Hara who is Spiderman 2099 who is arguably the greatest Spider-Man ever.
Into the Spider-Verse was a decent coming of age story for Miles but people don't know what they are talking about when they say it gave Miles a personality
He's just as bland as he always was
If Spider-Verse 2 insists making him the main character again its gonna suck
He was never necessary and would’ve been better as an original character. The only differing powers he has are invisibility and slight electricity. Should’ve just made him not Spiderman but an invisible/electric guy. No originality which they are band-aiding with diversity.
This, remember reading her story a long time ago and recently bought it for my nieces. I like it and prefer it to Miles.
>Jessica drew
I want people and writers to stop pushing her.
She never going to be a thing.
>Webhead Dubois
Got a solid chuckle out of me
he's the prowler's nephew
they should have called him the Invader or something. Invisibility would work great with that.
still seething, I see.
Also how is he called “Morales” when his dad and uncle are both black men not named Morales?
Both are shit characters. Sorry not sorry.
is this fan fiction?
I'm talking Ultimate Jessica, Pete's clone
Is that right?
I assume it's one of those "dad skipped out early, kid got mom's last name" scenarios
not to stereotype or anything but
What Marvel stories since the at the latest the 90s haven't been fanfiction at this point?
>and slight electricity
It's honestly comical at this point that this is actually a thing.
I mean it's not really insulting or anything, but it's certainly hilarious.
Pete already has Mayday/Ben/Kaine should someone need to take his place.
Miles is just hugely dependent on the afterglow from Pete's fame.
Honestly, I'm just surprised anyone else remembers Scorpion Pete form Ultimate was a thing...
I would have loved a Spider-Man and his amazing friends style story with a dark spin staring Johnny, Bobby and Scorpion Pete...
Fuck Ben and Caine. Mayday is the only one that makes sense that isn’t. Attached to a shit story.
Miles is becoming better but he really needs his own name. As I keep saying, he's a teenage Spider-Man and that's what Marvel has been wanting for decades. Now Peter can get older and get back with MJ.
Scarlet Spider was great.
It's a shame Yost didn't get to finish aracely's story
Kaine's origin is pretty bad though, but at least he's a literal clone of Pete instead of just copying Pete's shtick but being 100% OC dewnut steel. Kaine/Ben's cloneness is baked in
Why the fuck does everyone forget about Mayday. She's literally THE Spider-Man legacy character.
Miles is fine as far as ITSV since it's multiverse bullshit and he got a blessing from each Peter, but I wouldn't count him as a true successor to Peter's legacy in terms of the comics.
Spider-man 2099 wasn't given enough of a chance. His powers were weak sauce. His character was pretty and lame. His enemies were of sub-par design from Venom 2099 to Green Goblin 2099 all sucked. Miguel O'hara never became as central to the 2099 universe as a Spider-man equivalent needed to become, never teamed up with Zero Cochrane Ghost Rider against the corporat ions that ruined both their lives and never stood across from Doom 2099 as a peer. Spider-man 2099 continues to be a sub-par character.
Miles Morales had an awesome character arc in Spider-Verse, both he and Spider-Gwen had very nice costume tweaks and were written so appropriately.
Because MC2 was such a creatively bankrupt, dismal endeavor that she's unusable without pulling her out of it, but not interesting or unique once you do?
I don't understand why they're so afraid to just make Miles into his own superhero rather than forcing him to be "Spider-Man" when he is not even Spider-Man in name only. No one would ever think of Miles when they hear Spider-Man in-universe. It's legitimately like placating a child who wants a special title that doesn't belong to him.
Never read the comic but saw the movie and that annoyed me to no end. Also wtf was that green goblin? Also wtf was up with Kingpin, also they massacred Scorpion
It was such a terribly unimportant thing that he used like once and then never again, like invisibility isn’t a great or useful power
Scarlet spider was ok but the whole saga was a bit of a cluster. I like how they made him the new Jackal, the reimagining with the Anubis head is a nice touch
Miles Morales will never be the successor if there is one it will be May Parker or it will be Miguel O’Hara who is the greatest Spider-Man ever.
>Spider-man 2099 wasn't given enough of a chance. His powers were weak sauce. His character was pretty and lame. His enemies were of sub-par design from Venom 2099 to Green Goblin 2099 all sucked. Miguel O'hara never became as central to the 2099 universe as a Spider-man equivalent needed to become, never teamed up with Zero Cochrane Ghost Rider against the corporat ions that ruined both their lives and never stood across from Doom 2099 as a peer. Spider-man 2099 continues to be a sub-par character.
>Miles Morales had an awesome character arc in Spider-Verse, both he and Spider-Gwen had very nice costume tweaks and were written so appropriately.
Holy Christ what a shit opinion. Spider-Man 2099 was the best Spider-Man, also Ghost Rider has always been historically a comic that was following its own story, just like Hulk and Hulk 2099. Spider-Man 2099 was the most popular of the 2099 comics. 2/10 made me reply
Just like Amadeus Cho? Or like Riri Williams? Or like half the shit characters they made only to usurp other characters?
2099s original run sucked, and the only time the character ever has depth is when hes in a story with the REAL spider man as contrast
Ultimate Scorpion would have been far more interesting than Black Gary Stu Kid Spiderman.
Was Spidey 2099 literally the proto-Miles Morales, if Miles wasn't being shilled by Marvel's SJW brigade?
I mean. The way black heroes all have lightning powers.
If he had a distinct personality and at least one downgrade from base Spiderman powers to accompany his extra powers, he would make a great addition to the Spider family. But no character can EVER be a legacy character if the writers aren't willing to actually change the status quo of the original character, i.e. Peter Parker. He should have taken off the tights and turned into a super scientist, married MJ and had kids years ago. Then if the above criteria were added to Miles by a decent run from a good writer, yes he could be the next Spiderman in a non-forced agenda way that fans actually agree with.
In short, lol no.
I don’t know maybe have peter in universe finally catch up with the time passed? Pete’s been in his mid twenties for ducking decades, nova has a kid the second ant man has a grown kid that’s a superhero in her own right and the power pack is fucking in college, it’s not unreasonable that mayday should be around in her teens in the MU. Besides you’re callin MC2 creatively bankrupt? I a thread about miles? A character so devoid of anything unique that all he has going for him is his skin color, you can’t call him black spiderman because that’s venom, you can’t call him the multiversal spiderman because that’s Gwen, you can’t call him a usurper because that’s Otto. literally what, beyond his skin color, has he added in the almost decade of being published? Say what you will about Mayday her entire character is predicated on building the story of spider-man, Miles is just bulldozing through it making the same character choices and interactions peter did
>that isn’t. Attached to a shit story.
shes attached to spider verse
>Never read the comic
We know, you're on Yea Forums, not reading comics and having shit taste is expected from you
I would very much prefer Jessica to take over, especially if they ditched that horrible suit she wore around the time of Spider-Verse and kept her original one
I like Miles tho, but as Into the Spider-Verse showed he works best in his own universe, with a dead Pete, and not being written by fucking Bendis
Movie Miles is way cooler than comic Miles
>Why the fuck does everyone forget about Mayday
Because she didn't fucking EXIST in the Ultimate universe nigger, why the fuck do you think OP talked about Jessica and the fucking clone scorpio?
Does anyone on Yea Forums know the concept of reading comprehension or actually reads comics?
Miles is unnecessary while Peter is alive. Since Peter's gonna be eternally trapped in the shithole known as New York, Miles really ought to move to another city, like Kaine did. New York has too many superheroes as it is. Move him to Bronx or Westchester. Juuuust close enough that they can team up whenever necessary, yet far enough away that they don't cannibalize each other.
>Move him to Bronx or Westchester. Juuuust close enough that they can team up whenever necessary, yet far enough away that they don't cannibalize each other.
Miles is in Brooklyn and Peter is in Queens so they are good. New York is bigger than people think and it has less superheroes now than it did a decade ago.
Literally a porn comic, my dude.