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I'm just waiting to reset the timer for the number of days that sentinels go crazy and turn against everyone. The only reason why it has been so long was because they haven't been used as much... until now...

I mean sure, maybe supporting Trask lead to the country becoming a Sentinel-run dystopian hellhole, but at least we got to own those stupid libtards!

Mutants aren't a race.

I really wish the Marvel U would find a better use for Sentinels.
Why use them for JUST mutants?
We got aliens and giant monsters too, you know.
Who wouldn't love watching Sentinels fight Fin Fang Foom?

>Why use them for JUST mutants?
>We got aliens and giant monsters too, you know.
We don't want to put the Avengers and FF out of work, we just want to do the job we love, and get paid to do it.

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Mutant can be good.

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>Mutant can be good.
They are good to fight.
It's good to fight them.
To fight them makes you good.

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>Mutants can't even fight the Inhumans with there Royalty while they have Omega Level Mutants like Storm and magneto
>In a Race war only the Mutants wanted
The only mistake the Inhumans made was removing that gass cloud.

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>Mutants aren't a race.
Are they a species? What do you call everyone with an X-Gene?

>I ordered the death of Cyclops
>but I felt bad so its ok

So why did we spend billions on a these gigantic assholes? So far I don’t see any decent fucking results from all this

IRL there would be zero reason to not support mutant genocide. Even the X-Men are basically villains.

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>I ordered the death of Cyclops
>but he was already dead so stop pretending like Medusa and Black Bolt actually killed him

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Wasn't even the real Cyclops, It was Emma putting the image of Cyclops in everyone's minds to get the race war started. besides Emma had it coming kidnapping Royals and shit.

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>Wasn't even the real Cyclops
Ol Long Hair didn't know that when she ordered his death

>Ol Long Hair didn't know that when she ordered his death
Well yeah of course she didn't, the plan wouldn't have worked at all if anyone knew that wasn't the real Cyclops. Besides Mutant get off with enough in Inhuman Society that they probably would have given them a free pass like what happened in Uncanny X-Men first Class.

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but there are cute girls in the x-men

Isn't mindlessly hateing something a relationship? I feel you've left this category a little broad.

Absolutely based. Fuck muties. If I could just kill one mutie before I die I'd die happy.

But you don't get paid, robots don't have workers rights.

Tony Stark literally owns a machine that can depower people, and works on everyone from the Sentry to Ares. All he needs to do is trigger that thing and all Muties will cease to exist.

Forge built a mutant depowering ray 30 years ago. I get the ethical considerations of its existence and all that, but why the fuck wouldn't you use it someone like Mystique?

And those cute girls should all be dead, and burn in Hell fire hot enough to sear their flesh away and expose their black souls
Mutants are completely irredeemable

but cute girls are cute

Stark’s thing doesn’t work on just Muties though; it works on everyone. The guy already has Iron Sentinels built with Adamantium. Muties really shouldn’t be chomping out all the time.

I recommended the first person that Tony's machine should be used on is magneto then Mystique can come later.

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What ethical considerations? Magneto exists, and telepaths are a thing. The only thing unethical is having such a device and not blasting everyone even a mile away from someone with an x gene

Beauty is dishonest

i don't care, they're cute! cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!

Yeah, but it's Stark, he can spend billions on a suit for the specific task of fighting the Hulk, and would be lucky if it lasted 45 seconds against green punch boy.

At this one Tony has made so many armors, the dude actually has enough to make a small iron man armor out of. I 100% think he would put in the money and work to be able to counter Muties and there powers. Hell he made a suit just for fighting Magneto once. it's not out of the question.

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Muties are the same species as humans, they are a race, but not an ethnicity.

He deploys his armors as a small army occasionally. If anything the real question is why doesn't he do that as standard practice.

It's probably more of a he doesn't want to look like a villain kinda thing. Though I agree, he should have at least 5 of his older armors with him when ever he is looking for villains.

Rapid and effective response though numerical superiority doesn't make you look like a villain unless your only tactic is laying waste to an entire city block with them. Also there isn't any good reason for him to keep the older armors outside of sentiment, if he's going to be keeping a small cadre of armors backing him up they should be all of recent design.

Nice ass

>Rapid and effective response though numerical superiority doesn't make you look like a villain unless your only tactic is laying waste to an entire city block with them.
True guess I was just overthinking it.
>Also there isn't any good reason for him to keep the older armors outside of sentiment
I always like to believe that was what Marvel was going there.

Mutants are the same species as dog shit

Who is this one guy that hates xmen on Yea Forums?

He is either roleplaying, which is common here, or he is trying to start /pol/ bait, which is more common here.

did Hickman bring back Juston?

Nice try Xavier

>Oh man something vaguely related to the notion of betraying my own civilization to wank myself as a white supremacist
>"that is so based"
>posts wojack with mouth open at anyone who disagrees

Asshurt xmenfags in full force from tumblr

While his X-Men run is still going on, no as of now Juston is still dead. Shame too since the kid has been dead for 10+ years.

So like, if I just fap to a picture of a Mutant (that I didn't know was a Mutant at the time), I won't get swat'd by Sentinels?

Yeah, but that actually worked.

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You can hate the X-men but why would you seethe in the threads about it if you didn't have some other intent? You can just ignore X-men threads.

What? He's only been dead for 6 right? (Avengers Arena is2013

This isn’t a thread about X-men it’s a thread about wanting to kill mutants

oops I missed counted. you are indeed right it has only been 6 years.

Mugger, I know you're as smart as a box of bricks, but even you can look at a thread's OP.

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Posting a wojak seething about the X-men not being cancelled sure is the same as in-character Sentinel memeing

>But you don't get paid,
You are incorrect.
>robots don't have workers rights.
That's discrimination. I can't believe you can endorse blatant racism and prejudice like that.

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>So like, if I just fap to a picture of a Mutant (that I didn't know was a Mutant at the time), I won't get swat'd by Sentinels?
That's not a chance you want to take.

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I'm not that user who goes around on X-Threads posting about their cancellation. I just post Sentinels and say how much I hate Muties.
>getting angry over people on an anonymous Italian Pasta Sauce Recipe Forum hating your favorite capes
Christ, this is a new level of characterfagging and onions.

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But Master Mold, what if we use Mr. Stark's Power Dampener and make all those hawt Mutie Women normal? Would it then be fine to breed a completely human Jean Grey?!

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Power dampners don’t change the xgene. Help your government fight mutants to impress human women.

The guy I responded to was crying shill

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I am the guy you responded to, you faggot. I'm OP. I post Sentinels. I (you)d you with a Basedjak because that's what you are. Christ, a bunch of people don't like your fantasy trannies. Get over it, Jesus...

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What if you're calling mutants out for being little shits

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>fantasy trannies
What does that even mean? Seriously, that's not rhetorical

...Are you pretending to be retarded? Muties are an allegory for "muh opreshun" towards "muh minorities". Now they've added trannies to the list.
>X-Men are fictional characters
>trannies are an "opressed minority"
>hence they're fantasy trannies
Christ, imagine not being able to follow a basic Chan Convo. I know you're from Tumblr and all, you missed your porn, but Jesus...

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>Venom telling it like it is
Welcome to the based core Venom.

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>that time Stark's mind repulsed Jean
I bet he was thinking such Straight thoughts her Gay-Ray didn't work.

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I'm a Yea Forums regular, actually. I started reading not that long ago and decided to lurk. You seem upset.

Go back to Resetera.
>started long ago
>starting with the Muties
Christ, get some taste at least.

Holy shit, can you do anything but seethe?

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>Btfo Jean so hard, she will never go into his head again.
Bonus points for the fact that Tony is wearing my favorite armor of his while that shit was happening.

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>go to a thread about hating Muties
>"m'kay guys, can you please tone down the bigotry"
Go to your Safe Space.

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Imagine pretending to be nice to a mutant for months on end. Making them trust you, and really feel like they could be accepted by people. Giving them the first companionship they’d gotten since being outed. Then one day you blindside them with a bat, and while they’re dazed on the ground you slowly shove a knife into their throat, and tell them you always hated them.

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Yup, it was pretty based. Chad Stark needs to exterminate all Muties.

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>Killing off a whole race just because you can and it makes you more money
The ultimate scumbag thing to do and I love it.

Except the mutant race needs to be exterminated

true and that's why I said I loved it at the end.

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Hey, being a scumbag, but also technically in the right, while getting away with it and making the people love you, is... the best thing in the world.

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i dont think mutants need to be exterminated, but they do need to be studied like fucking crazy.

ok, maybe the psychics can be exterminated

>wanting Squid Boy and I-Shoot-Venom-Out-Of-My-Eyelids-Man to exist
All of them must go. certain Classes could be preserved for Human Augmentation.

Inverted Iron Man was the best.

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see, its for them that there needs to be a mutant research lab running constantly and free from outside intervention. i mean theres so much we could learn

-what causes variance in the x-gene(like how do we get vulcan and glob herman from the same gene)\
-do environmental factors decide at least the level of mutation
-since we know the gene can be turned off, is it possible for the gene to be reset(like for scott, instead of the punch dimension coming from his eyes, could he form the kinetic force into something else like manifested blades or a staff or some shit
-do secondary mutations have to have a focus on the base power
-what determines hereditary power(like why do none of scotts children take after him outside of the abomination ruby summers
-if a human implanted with a modified x gene were to get powers, would said powers be based off of who the x-gene came from, or would it be a clean slate.

theres a bunch of shit we can learn from mutants, its just that the face of mutants worldwide is problematic as all hell

He was based and redpilled.

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Suffer not the mutant to live

Once it becomes known that anybody could become a mutant, all the kids and parents would get super asshurt about it, and once they are old enough to vote that would become legislature.

They’d be dead before they came of age

You fucking moron, nobody is going to support killing babies

What are you talking about? They already do, and that’s even without the mutant freaks.

Doesn't killing off the mutants not work, like literally ever?

Humanity is slowly turning into a 100% mutant population. In a few generations, flatscans won't exist. Not because anyone killed them off, but because they all had kids with powers.

This is literally why the Sentinals always end up turning on humanity: because a weapon designed to kill all of the mutants has to eventually recognize the fact that the entire human race eventually becomes their target.

That’s why stuff like the dozens of Mutant Cures exist.