Yeah... I'm thinking he's back.
Yeah... I'm thinking he's back
Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never fly the 'lolita express' with Bill, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson and Prince Andrew
Feels bad man
Donnie, Spacey, and most definitely hundreds of currently popular male celebrities.
I just checked the flight logs again, do you mean, Mike Donovan? Not really familiar with him
The paranoia is thick with this one.
>Bill says he was on the plane 4 times
>24 hrs after records showing 11 times he dies
Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew are the only people really hurt by the flight logs
What ages do you think he likes, Yea Forums?
>found unresponsive in his cell due to strangulation
Yeah user, I bet he just choked himself out.
>Jan 1997
Why did I reply
>autosage 11 posts in
Tranny janny confirmed child rapist
>pre-lolita flight from floria to new jersey
>compared to clintons flight to the CANARY FUCKING ISLANDS or Andrew flying back from the Carribean (the places the lolita express did the dirty)
Punalo Slump?
Also what should I post, Yea Forums? Since this is getting deleted anyway...
Donnie Drumpf
Is there any record of him going to the Caribbean with Epstein? Not in the flight logs at least
Are the still flight logs even released?
Yeah, that's how we now Prince Andrew came back with Epstein from the Virgin Islands on the Lolita Express with JE on the 8th of May 2000
Imagine having the smooth brained response of just blaming the guy in the political party you vote against.
I have so many questions...
What could possibly happen to them now that this is known? There's no way they can prove they engaged in illicit sex right?
>What could possibly happen to them now that this is known
They could force Epstein to discuss it under oa- Oh, right.
Now that he's dead better reseal these, these aren't of public interest anymore. Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew travel to remote islands with convicted pedophiles? Too bad the only ones who can talk can't now. See this ? Drumpf travelled to NEW JERSEY (far worse than any Caribbean island), better close the case and forget it megapede.
The Clintons are some shady people. That tv show house of cards is inspired by them and that show has murders in it.I mean it's more than political party stuff.
Nigga you missed a part of the 3rd image I know theres a dick going up Rileys ass
No but seriously, nothing will happen now? I'm not pro-Democrat nor Republican (not even American), simply wondering what's the case here... I guess it's over now? That's hilarious if true.
No, that's actually not a dick, she's getting fisted
>nothing will happen now
Nothing. The case is closed
So much for the case that would sink both parties, huh.
>both parties
Yeah, the dirt on the democrat president and two democrat politicians would really kill the republican party.
>No but seriously, nothing will happen now?
Well, the FBI is currently raiding all of Epstein's holdings to destroy any and all evidence that would implicate any other of the globalist elites. So that's happening.
Trump was close friends with him, user. He likely ordered the hit to pin it on Clinton.
Don't be daft, user. Both sides of the deep state were in on it.
>Trump was close friends with him
Shame we don't have the flight logs to see if he ever went to the carribea-
The deep state is beyond parties user, it would survive easily.
>The deep state is beyond parties user, it would survive easily.
Yes, but it's members aren't very keen on willingly being offered up as sacrificial lambs
The nobody is offering the rothschilds, MIC, alphabet soup etc
Politicians are not the deep state.
This "deep state" shit sounds made up by QAnon cultists, just saying.
>Trump was close friends with him, user.
Key word "was". He was extremely cooperative in talking against Epstein the first time around (before the plea deal) and banned him from Mar-a-Lago over a decade ago.
Lol imagine if the Clintons were as powerful at the right wants you to think. Hillary is essentially Stalin crossed with Michael Corleone crossed with Xanatos at this point, oh yeah except when it comes to carrying a single major swing state in a Presidential election against a reality show host with literally zero prior experience in public service or the military who bragged about groping women on tape.
>Politicians are not the deep state.
It's mostly ex-politicians.
Political offices are just trial runs to make sure you can follow orders.
>the people who finance, run and supply the government? Nah, they can't be behind the government
I mean look at the Rothschilds:
>and banned him from Mar-a-Lago over a decade ago.
"yeah i used to rape children with my best friend Jeffrey for years on end but eventually i quit" is not a very convincing defense of trump.
This is exactly why I can't take magapedes seriously. They say shit like "muh Soros" and a worldwide conspiracy etc, but when it comes to results they just fumble, apparently.
Nah, this I believe, lobbying isn't something obscure and secret, it's been happening for a long time. What I'm saying is what there's no secret cabal running it, because their influence is well known without going into conspiracy mode. How else does tobacco, pro-oil lobby get so much traction?
Yes, the ones who aren't in power had the most to lose that's why they had to get rid of him.
Do you have any evidence he went to the carribean? None of the flight logs show he went with Epstein (unlike Bill/Andrew et al)
Back to what? Being a cuntservative fanboying to Epstein's bff drumpf?
>alt-righty crying about evidence
Go back to infowars.
>What I'm saying is what there's no secret cabal running it
I mean it's not a secret the FBI/CIA/DEA/NSA, the big military contractors and the financiers like Rothschild actually control the USA but what the deep state do and why they do it isn't public.
>/pol/ edgefags start another edgelord thread
>Do you have any evidence he went to the carribean?
he was accused of raping people in Epstein's mansion in new york not the Caribbean
So no evidence. Got it.
Looks more like an conspiracy /x/ thread than outright edginess
weird how he didn't make one about Trump considering he's literally on film chilling with Epstein at a party with 15 year olds.
>I fly everyone else out of country to to commit crimes
>But for my buddy Trump I’ll let him do it here in my home
Do you realize how crazy you sound?
>Clinton Foundation recieves millions from Saudi, Qatari, Kuwaiti and Emirate backers
>as well as Oligarchs from the old Soviet Bloc
>this is all public information
>i-imagine if the clintons were as powerful
no evidence except for the collaborating statements from witnesses who saw it happen (including one of epstein's recruiters) then yes, no evidence
he invited people to his mansion for parties all the time you fucking moron
>no evidence
That's what I said.
That goes against the anti-Clinton narrative user, remember: it's all the Democrats fault and only theirs.
>Invited to the front but not rape island
What’s your point?
>woman who helped Epstein recruit children to fuck says under oath that she saw trump have sex with a 13 year old
>th..that doesn't count
this is literally how gathering evidence works under the legal system
>ignore EVIDENCE, evidence is racist
>What’s your point?
i'm fairly sure that rape is equally as bad regardless of where it takes place geographically
read the fucking link that was posted
Do you have any records of Trump going to the Caribbean with Epstein and Clinton in the flight logs?
>read the fucking link that was posted
>a random pdf of an anonymous woman making a complaint during the 2016 election cycle
Such evidence, so truthful.
>A number of Epstein’s accusers have frequently identified Maxwell as playing a central role in arranging the abuse of his victims. The most recent accusations were contained in more than 2,000 pages of court documents unsealed last week in connection to a civil case that one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Giuffre, filed against Maxwell back in 2015.
>Giuffre has previously accused Maxwell of recruiting her to work as Epstein’s masseuse at age 15, when the teenager was a locker-room attendant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in south Florida. When Maxwell accused her of being a liar, Giuffre brought the defamation suit, which was settled shortly before trial in 2017.
>>a random pdf
it's literally the lawsuit as it was filed
From an anonymous woman who voluntarily dismissed the action after receiving dozens of filing fees for deficient filing
>be a multi millionaire with a pedo friend who gets you fresh young puss on the downlow that fulfills your creepy daughter fetish
>the idiot slips up in your club hitting on a young girl and gets caught
>ban him from your club to maintain your reputation, and file a police report knowing full well he has enough money and influence to cover the whole thing up and won't be damaged by it, if at all
>refuse to even bring this up later when inquired later, just saying 'yeah we were acquaintances like fifteen years ago, now I barely know the guy'
>retards will continue to give you the benefit of the doubt because you're /theirguy/ apparently
Literally just posted a source with a dossier of the recruiter and the activities she engaged with, and everyone ignores it. Cool very cool.
it was dropped because she was being threatened, which was also the reason why she tried to stay anonymous in the first place
That's not the Caribbean user
>it was dropped because she was being threatened
>not because of the MASSIVE failures on filing evidence
>Oh no, it was because she was threatened
Sure user, keep that tin foil ready
>be a multi millionaire with a pedo friend who gets you fresh young puss on the downlow
You have evidence that Trump was on the Lolita Express to the Caribbean Islands?
Imagine being so tribalistic you're desperate for the most middle ground president ever to be a pedo because a past president was found out to be one.
>Because she was being threatened
How? She was anonymous.
It's legitimately a mental illness, Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers include Jim Kerry, Spoony One, and the Comic Book industry.
Like I seriously don't understand it anymore. People are so inept at understanding policy and politics they start hooter and hollering like the two political parties are football teams and heaven forbid one be actually better at understanding how to governer for the times than the other.
I mean think about it, Trump is basically Obama in policy but with a little edge. Nothing he's doing now is any different to Obama besides maybe forcefeeding the wrong kind of national healthcare.
I mean as a Britbong, what the fuck is going on in politics period?
It’s because many people in America unfortunately treat political parties like they were sport teams, don’t care what their side does as long as it wins.
I think it runs deeper than that, there is a growing movement of Anti-western values which quite frankly boggles my mind.
Imagine thinking the institutions and values that the West is built upon are not the foundation for the most liberal and accepting civilizations to date.
What kind of idiot legit thinks Capitalism is the fault of issues that plague the free market today?
Whew this guy went full /pol/tard in a second.
Wait where
I just realized this is on autosage, and here I thought the mods didn’t care anymore
>Seeing the growing Anti-traditional Liberal sentiment is /pol/tard
/pol/ is a symptom of this you stupid political zealot. This idea that our values and governance must be burnt down and replaced with a whole new system of values isn't just coming from the left leaning pseudo-communists.
Meh you're just a fundie, i really can't read any of this and take it seriously. I'm not even a liberal in any case, I'm way more radical than your run of the mill centrist democrat.
>linking to the guardian and not an archive
Your own fault desu
>more tribalism
He was really right wasn't he.
Tribalism? No, I'm openly against what that guy is professing, this isn't about political parties, that pro-West bullshit doesn't work with me.
>you're just a fundie
>muh tin foil hat
Nigger this entire SAGA of pederasty among the elites has been a literal actual conspiracy, they just arranged for epstein to be murdered in prison before he could testify and incriminate them for fuck's sake
>we have solid evidence for person A
>PERSON B is also involved but the anonymous woman who filed this during (not before) the election cycle didn't file the evidence right was threatened!
>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and literally all fictional media has told us that evil genius always use code words and subtlety to do their dirty deeds with tact and precision
The depths of this shit terrify me more and more every time I look
What in the fuck do we do, these people rape our kids and laugh about it
I think for these things to work there's plenty of money involved but also complicity with the parents in a way that permits the abuse cycle to perdure without anyone complaining. Also, as evidence has shown in other cases, illegal immigration plays a huge part here: women and children who are undocumented and outside of the law, nobody asks questions about them because they don't even exist in the system. It's very fucked really, and the worst part of this is the lack of accountability from those who enact these crimes.
Yes user, she chose the time he'd be the weakest to stop a child fucker from ascending to the seat of POTUS, and when he won she went silent. Is that supposed to be difficult to understand?
I'm not even arguing Bill's innocence, fuck that aids riddled zombie and his devil wife, but if you're enough of a brainwashed gob to not see that Trump and plenty of his associates are mixed into this shit then I don't know what to tell you
Donald Trump is an admitted pedophile though.
>source: my ass
Epstein was charged for raping kids in the states. If you want to be super-pedantic about it, there's no solid evidence that any rapes occurred on his islands.
“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." -Donald Trump
>source: my ass
>I think it runs deeper than that, there is a growing movement of Anti-western values which quite frankly boggles my mind.
>Imagine thinking the institutions and values that the West is built upon are not the foundation for the most liberal and accepting civilizations to date.
>What kind of idiot legit thinks Capitalism is the fault of issues that plague the free market today?
"Western values" is such a vague term it's meaningless. Communism could be seen as a "Western value" because it originated in the West.
>Predating the earliest case of Epstein being involved with child sex trafficking and abuse
>"It is even said"
I don't understand why killing him would fix anything? It just stirred more rumors and actually woke up the normies into not voting democrat. What was the point other than "Phew almost went to jail for that one, it's not like I have billions of dollars to buy me out"
Oh I see, so because there were no reports back then, it means it didn't happen, I see. Big thinking there.