>there's talk of making Old Republic movies
>Malachor V still exists in the current canon
Suppose they actually manage to do Revan and Surik's stories justice, how do you think they'll handle this? Are there any other contradictions that would arise?
There's talk of making Old Republic movies
leave it alone so disney doesnt fuck it up
Darth Talon is real!
I don't trust current Disney to do it.
George is finally going to get his buddy comedy movie a out her and Darth Maul II!
You'd have to be insane to feel anything but dread at the prospect of a Disney Old Republic adaptation
If they're taking anything post kotor 2 into account, they've fallen at the first hurdle. If they don't go with Jedi Jesus, they've fallen at the second.
I'm just glad that they'll never get round to raping Zayne's story.
She deserves more art.
She has more than she deserves. If anyone's in dire need of more anything it's Jarael.
Malachor V was basically a planet full of the Dark Side after what originally happened to it. As such it would be the perfect place for a Sith academy, and it wouldn't be hard to explain that it draws nearby Sith to it. There are no guarantee that the academy we saw was the first
>Suppose they actually manage to do Revan and Surik's stories justice
Let me stop you right there. Why the FUCK would you expect them to do that?
Meh. She doesn't even have any lekku.
I don't, but I want to believe they're not totally incompetent.
>instead of an actual KOTOR3 we're getting KOTOR movies
Sith troopers are droids and Snoke was Windu
user, don't do this to yourself.
They've done absolutely nothing to warrant that belief. The only products that even approach worthwhile are the ones helmed by the old guard, and even they're gutted in comparison to the prior works they're based off.
Okay Yea Forums, your assignment is to describe how Disney will bastardize the plot of Kotor2 and its characters.
>The Exile
>Atton Rand
>Visas Marr
I've been thinking that if they decide to make Knights of the Old Republic movies, then the first pars should draw general inspiration from Zayne's story.
>The Mandalorian Wars are the setting, but it's not what the story is about.
>Use it to introduce important characters like Revan, but have them as side characters
I'm aware, but I'm trying to have a more optimistic outlook. I'm working on getting help for my depression as well.
At least the Sith Warrior storyline was cool.
100% they're gonna make Mira black, screencap this.
>>The Exile
Just give them the tortanic treatment. All Nuance is taken out back and shot, their defining characteristics are stolen and given to donut steeles and they become losers to prop up worse characters
>>Atton Rand
backstory and military training is cut. He's just a Han Solo wannabe and can't even fight
>>Visas Marr
Nihlus has to constantly fight to control her feisty spirit, and she's a toughened survivor that breaks free of his influence without the Exile's help and joins them
Traviss era Mango
Get the guy who did the Vader/Aphra Comics to write him. If his "homages" are any indication, he'll fuck up so badly he'll accidentally write an unironic HK-50
Maniacal war criminal that feels no remorse, and is only there for exposition
Their powers are never explained, and vanish for no reason.
Their exploration of the nature of power is completely ignored, and they become everything they were meant to parody.
How can you even say that after the absolute shit they've produced
>I'm aware, but I'm trying to have a more optimistic outlook. I'm working on getting help for my depression as well.
You're going about this the wrong way, user.
The way to beat depression is to focus on things that are more likely to bring you happiness. Placing your bets on a horse with no legs is just setting yourself up for failure.
>techno pale space elf
Zayne was a man of supreme taste.
You're right, this was a fool's errand.
The plus side is that material ripping them a new asshole is undoubtedly going to be more entertaining than whatever they make.
You mean like in a "so bad it's good" kinda way?
>Suppose they actually manage to do Revan and Surik's stories justice, how do you think they'll handle this?
They wouldn't do it at all. They're going to treat anything pre -TPM as a complete empty canvas, just exactly as they did with everything post RoTJ. Just because they're doing movies based in Old Republic doesn't mean they're doing it in YOUR Legends Old Republic.
Well, if they gender swap Revan and the exile they'll actually be doing the franchise an enormous favor.
>At least the Sith Warrior storyline was cool.
I didn't even think TOR as a whole was that bad, it was just bad as a KOTOR continuation especially where KOTOR2 left off.
Problem is that even good stories can't survive in a MMO for long. Sooner or later it will go to shit