The final trailer for Age of Resistance is up.
Also, puppets are Yea Forums.
Dark Crystal
Other urls found in this thread:
That fucking film was pure nightmare fuel in my youth.
God I'm looking forward to this.
Puppets aren't Yea Forums. Go to Yea Forums or /trash/.
Looks fucking great, honestly.
ok newfag
That looks pretty good. Hopefully it has an actual plot unlike that shitty fucking movie
>Puppets aren't Yea Forums
Look at this fucking newfag
I want to get mad at you but I realize that pretty much everything but the skeksis and general look are kinda crap
i predict the "fighting action scenes" will be choke-full of awful shaky cams
Decent change in bait tactics, but it won't work.
Is this considered a controversial opinion now? I thought just last time we had a thread it was a fairly prevailing opinion that aside from the skeks most of the characters and the overall plot is pretty meh
I want this to be good. But in the end, probably will fall short.
Ah my bad. Read your post wrong and thought you typed that the skeksis looked like crap, which was a first I've ever seen that.
Sorry newfag, this argument has already been long since settled.
lol, newfag wannabe janny over here
Scared the shit out of me as a kid. Nightmares for weeks.
Hyped as hell.
Unfortunately I foresee the same issues as the first. The protags are gonna have to be really good if I'm not gonna just be sitting the whole time wishing we were watching the skeksis instead, and the issue is magnified since the runtime overall will be increased across this series length thing
There's way more CGI in this than we were led to believe by the director. It still looks dope though.
Well the main problem is that the Skeksis are the best part of the DarkCrystal.
What's with the talking tree/vine thing? Is that a character in the existing lore or something?
Ahem. Fuck Jim Henson, and fuck The Dark Crystal.
TJHC needs to do some X-rated stuff. I'd pay for see that
I'm mad they haven't really dabbled in horror that much, they'd be perfect.
Are they putting up the original on Netflix too? Wouldn't mind having that to watch after Resistance.
It's already on Netflix
It's a character in the movie if you mean the living vines that Ogra commanded in the original movie.
Animation belongs to Yea Forums. Animation does not just include drawing on paper or sculpting in Maya.
how about you eat my whole asshole instead?
>Hopefully it has an actual plot unlike that shitty fucking movie
babbies can't into esoteric subject matter
Is this a prequel?
>nightmare fuel
You sound like you were a weak bitch boy user.
yes, that was one of the first bits of information released about it user lol
I don't know how someone can see anything about this and not realize that it is
lore fucking comics GET OUT REEE
Great, more Trump bashing
Well I'll be damned, so it is. Thanks user.
Someone want to clue me in on why this board now has a notorious and annoying fucking policefag now? He's being a real cunt lately, and doesn't know board rules
>yes, that was one of the first bits of information released about it user lol
It's my first time hearing of it.
Enjoy the movie user. I feel it still holds up remarkably well. I might give it a rewatch myself the day before the series drops. It's also leagues better than Labyrinth. Only tastelets will dispute.
based retard
It'll be interesting to see how this does. The Jim Henson Company seems to have everything riding on the Dark Crystal being their new core franchise and I'm pretty sure the biggest promo boost they've gotten is the random tactics game thrown into the E3 Nintendo Direct.
I visited San Diego around Comic-Con and there were a bunch of buses/trams with Dark Crystal ads.
I watched it recently for the first time ever. It’s beautiful as a matter of puppetry and imagination, but the dialogue is very weird. Jen doesn’t have anyone to talk to for half the movie, the mystics didn’t tell him squat, aughra was also tight lipped and evasive, and Kira was the only person Jen could have a dialogue with to exposit on what was going on. Otherwise, the skeksis are the best part of the movie not only because of their awesome puppets, but because they had actual dialogue and interactions in relation to what was going on in the movie.
The mystics were the biggest waste of the whole thing because their puppets being so difficult to move meant they had very little screen time, and the whole conclusion with the urskeks was very deus ex machina.
So this resistance is gonna fail hard right? Not many geflings left by the movie
Pretty much, though there's a gap of a couple centuries between this show and the movie.
The CGI Crystal
What are the odds of all this ending in genocide for the resistance?
Uhhh, fairly certain
I mean that's literally what happened, so that the Skeks could succ that sweet, sweet essence.
However, apparently there's the possibility of multiple seasons so we might nit see the fall of the Gelflings this early on.
They're going to change canon. Age of Resistance is a Trump metaphor. All the geflings will go into hiding.
This doesn't need to exist. It just seems like a desperate attempt a milking a dead man's ideas.
What are the odds of all this ending in genocide for the resistance?
It doesn't really need to, but out of all the properties to bring back this makes a good deal of sense considering all the lore that never made it into the film. So they have a lot to work with.
>the movie has pretty much has all the skeksis alive and still in power
>maybe like 2 gelflings left in the world
Iirc there were originally 20 skeksis. There's only 10 left alive by the time the movie takes place.
Gelflings going into hiding was something they've been plotting to do since Genndy's unproduced sequel movie decided to have a rebuilt Gelfling civilization.
The Gelflings will find a large rock to hide in and only come out occasionally to raid the Skeksis's radish garden.
I want to see more of the Garmobile.
Nyahuh! Moot said their totally Yea Forums.
Puppets are Yea Forums and sometimes Yea Forums.
Wait, did that gelf use a qualta blade?
Was that Jason Isaacs saying, "We are eternal!"?
Yup, Isaacs is the Emperor.
Also Simon Pegg is voicing Chamberlain and Mark Hamill's the Scientist.
I think deet looks nice
It looks horrible. Hear me out. The puppets are improved but generally look like the same stuff as the original. This'd be fine if it weren't for all the modern effects, but with some clearly CGI'd shit next to an emotionaless puppet, it comes off as jarring as fuck. Can't imagine its a very popular opinion, but whatever. Maybe the series itself will feel less jarring than a trailer.
I mean Henson's studio did some work on Farscape, so I wouldn't be surprised
>It's also leagues better than Labyrinth
Who on earth would think otherwise? Labyrinth had some amazing ideas and great parts but its nothing close to Crystal quality.
>Age of Resistance is a Trump metaphor
I really, really hope they don't try and pull political shit.
>Its a Trump metaphor
Christ can you people ever turn it off? Rent free is an understatement.
Wood rocket already did a porno recently.
Aren't they still doing the effects for that Five Nights at Freddy's movie?
Killing a skeksis is super bad though, because when you kill a skeksis you also kill their mystic counterpart.
Because Labyrinth was more relatable to teenage girls and it was a generation's first introduction to David Bowie and his crotch. That's why it has a slightly more mainstream following.
Serisously why? Its like the easiest thing to make in practical effects. Give a hundred bucks in resin, cardboard, purple walmart LEDs, and five buckets in black food coloring and anyone could make the prop.
if you think Jim Henson puppets are emotionless, you haven't seen any Jim Henson puppets. Honestly, I would rather see puppets and practical effects, over fake ass CG. art is so much better when it is shackled with limitations. CG is usually lame, because the artists can do anything they want with it. it makes them uncreative and lazy.
It will probable end in a horrific slaughter while Jen and... whoever the boy Gelf was gef delivered to podlings and the mystics to fulfill the prophecy.
The mystics were useless doddering fucks and would have done more good committing sudoku and taking both groups out
Jen WAS the boy Gelfling
Kira is the girl
>I mean Henson's studio did some work on Farscape
I thought they did every square inch of the show.
Well the mystics are completely useless so I don't see the problem.
>you haven't seen any Jim Henson puppets
Nigger you're missing the point and projecting hard. I bet you weren't even fucking alive during Hensons prime, if you were you were likely just a kid.
To remake the point for the brainlet, Henson puppets are not emotionless, but putting them next to a lot of CGI or otherwise flashy, smoothly animated shit reminds you that they are in fact, puppets. Mixing art styles rarely works and judging on the trailer it doesn't look like it does. It might simply be just a jarring effect that doesn't stick past episode 1 however, we don't know because there hasn't been a Henson production with this level of CGI before. A point which you literally bring up in your post which makes me wonder why you failed to understand the emotionless remark.
As a CG artist... ouch.
But you're not exactly wrong. Some of us try to inject a little life and magic into our work, but churning out soulless CG is certainly more common.
>tfw best skeksis isn't included in the cast list
>tfw don't even see a fucking garthim in the trailers
What does it mean?
>>tfw best skeksis isn't included in the cast list
Who do you mean? My present guess is the Garthrim might come a little later
Medium blending was actually something that Happytime Murders did really well. They had a ton of full body CGI shots that blended in seamlessly with the puppets, but because the character design was simpler, it didn't seem jarring.
These Gelfling puppets seem only slightly less stiff then they were back in the eighties, so the CG body doubles for those running and flying shots just stand out more. That said, I do know there's still a lot of green-screen bunraku work going on, so perhaps the use of CG doubles could be done sparingly.
Chamberlain is being voiced by Simon Pegg.
I'm under the impression that the little spider crab things are supposed to be Garthim prototypes.
Skek'ung, aka. the garthim master, is not on the cast list. He doesn't have a va.
>Hear me out.
No. Better check your watch because its time for a whuppin'!
>genocide for the resistance
Nah, they wont genocide them. They need them alive to drain out their essence. Probably gather them all up and keep them alive in cages, and pull one out every time they need a youth boost. They stayed alive for centuries before the movie happens. The emperor only dies because they have no more essence to keep him young, and they are all starting to get old and die.
Apparently Benedict Wong's General character got confirmed as SkekUng somewhere along the line rather then being SkekVar from the manga. At least that's what some sites seem to be rolling with.
Unironically harkening to the main issue of the bad guys
Is it just me, or does this gelfling look asian? if thats even possible? Korean?
So a much more slow and lingering and painful death
I don't believe that for a second. He looks too different.
It might be because "emotion" is a critical point in JH creations.
It is actually a very fine point. Their puppets are built with a neutral expression and rigged to contort to make facial expressions. For high end CS stuff they have a dedicated puppeteer to operate the faces. Dinosaurs being the most relateable example.
So emotionless pupoet is not the correct phrase and makes you look like you are not a mouth breathing Hension nerd, which invalidates your opinion.
>don't even see a fucking garthim in the trailers
I thought they were those rolly things they were riding.
Congrats on finding a fate worse than genocide.
>So emotionless pupoet is not the correct phrase and makes you look like you are not a mouth breathing Hension nerd, which invalidates your opinion.
What a breathtakingly autistic thing to say.
Its the eyes.
Mite be cool, but it looks like it's 10% puppets and 90% cgi.
No John, you are the newfags.
The virgin G*lflings
>short and lanky weaklings
>females get useless and flimsy wings
>will never know the joys of a good ol' Trial By Stone with the boys
>dumb fucking hair
>wiped out their pathetic """resistance""" fucking easily
>associate with p*dlings
>only actual use is for delicious Essence
>no match for...
Hmmmmnhhhh... You forgot
>get their shit wrecked by giant rabbits
As much as I love to shit on modern Fallout, it was kind of cool to see that the new mirelurk design in 4 was literally just a Garthim.
To the Essence drainer with you, filthy gelfling propagandist.
When will summer be over? I just want to be rid of these underageb& newfags.
I'm still mixed on this. On one hand, holy fuck Dark Crystal was great. And they're making a series that is sheer pure non-human absolute fantasy. That's the best kind. If you have the medium to create any world/scenario/story you want (CGI/Special Effects/Practical Effects via Filmmaking) then I don't want to see Billy Creel the Nerdy High School Kid. I don't want to see Super Heroes look like regular dudes in street clothes just wave their hands and sparks of light shoot out to fight some vague cloud-monster. I don't want to see dudes in modern combat gear just running at aliens shrouded in so much fog/mist and with so little screentime we'll hardly see them.
I want to see fucking bird-lizard creatures fight bands of pint-sized muppet looking peoples with swords in a swamp-like fantasy terrain that'd make Morrowind shit its pants. Long legged striders with rabit ears out of their shoulders and beatle warriors that shamble along capturing pod-people.
...But I worry that the Age of Resistance will take itself too seriously, like what the trailer was telling me. Not that the original wasn't serious, but the trailer is giving me "LETS MAKE IT LE SUPER EPIC" vibes like what Disney has been doing to every live action film since fucking Pirates/Narnia.
To be fair, the original film took itself rather seriously and was pretty dark for a kids movie anyway. I'm not really worried.
>be me
>with friend when Fallout 4 was released
>play it immediately after getting home from Midnight Release like we did with SKyrim
>Since I made Wizardlizard first in Skyrim, he got first crack at FO4
>Watch him play as Barry Birdbrain, he wanted to RP as an absolute idiot that had the skinniest fucking face, the featheriest looking hair, and the longest, tallest fucking nose to be a beak. Yellow lips.
>We're fucking delirious from lack of sleep (20 hours at this point and 4am)
>We run into a flooded quarry where a guy wants us to fix the water pipes
>After fixing it Birdbrain climbed the rocks to see if the water would drain fast.
>Suddenly ground explodes and Mirelurks everywhere
>trying to study the things that were killing our employer, zooming in on them.
>My friend just yells out in a very throat-scratchy, high pitched tone
>A straight 20 minutes of laughter, tears, and pain in our sides
great night
Wish I could reference Hensonkino around my friends
>He doesn't shriek TRIAL BY STOOOOOONE at random times around strangers
I know that feel. Most of my co-workers don't even understand my Swedish Chef references.
This guy's physical build looks so different from the other Skeksis
That guy and pic related are the ones I'm most curious about
Other incident, before FO4 came out.
Friends and I in high school go to desolate area outside town (railroad track and bridge, burnt down shack, weird pit with... grindy corkscrew thing in it for dump? Other shack homeless clearly live in, forest and dried up riverbed)
>We play Airsoft.
>We do TDM, I take L96 rifle and perch up under a bunch of yellow brush overlooking dried up riverbed, perfect sight of whole canal
>See friends on enemy team walking down staggered formation, looking left right etc etc
>they're not taking it too seriously. Game just started, they don't expect to get shot so quickly
>Dumbass friend who had a Nerf Axe strapped to his back lowered his stockless SPAS-12 gun and went up to the side of the bridge that was heavily grafitied
>He swings that axe at the cement and screams loudly "TRIAL BY STONE"
>I can't but help but laugh
>mfw all three guns immediately point my direction
But did you accept his challege user
>Nigga's got a fucking nail in his dome
That struck me too, but it looks like he was trepanated in some fashion. Not sure how else you'd explain it.
I was a little too preoccupied by three sets of full-auto fire tearing up the bush I was hiding in like a lawnmower.
To be fair, the probiscus on those things sparked.
That image says "hire me for your child's next birthday party."
I wish Bethesda would make moron based quests and dialogue for fallout.
Wow. I think that looks fantastic. I just hope they don't try to tie it too closely to real world political and social issues. If they don't, I'm on board. I just want to enjoy fantasy for what it is.
I don't want to think it's that, and nothing in the trailer makes me think it's that. However you would have to be willfully ignorant to not notice that Netflix productions often force ideology in in a hamfisted way.
It will probanly just be lesbian gelfs at the worst. Its too surreal of a setting to have border wall issues and saying inapropriate remarks.
>Its too surreal of a setting to have border wall issues and saying inapropriate remarks.
The skeks want to BUILD A WALL to keep all the gelfings from leaving, so they can be harvested
Maybe something happens
I don’t know, and I honestly hope that there might actually be some mystery to it in the show
are the new puppets anatomically correct, too?
Huh. That's a weiner.
What were they thinking?
anatomical correctness
As a henson fan who will watch the original for the first time soon (The one remaining henson thing I've not seen yet) What am I in for?
A pretty slow paced adventure with villains you'll probably like, fabulous designs, and a supremely mediocre protagonist
Sounds good. I've heard this, even morso than Labyrinth, was Jim's biggest passion project. I'm sad to think he poured so much into it to have it rejected. I plan on watching it and this, looking through his eyes.
Keep us posted
Probably the most straight faced and serious story Henson had done.
>what am I in for?
The movie was originally in a made up language with no subtitles. They had to redub it because that was insane.
Wasn't meat a puppet for some weird commercial?
Did Skeksis with skull helmets appear in the original?
We’re getting a lot of new bois
>crystal is the source of all life
so if the divine beings hadn't split up in skeksis and mystics their world wouldn't have had gelflings and stuff at all?
MSN I think, supposed to be an earthworm
Worse, its full blown death camps where they keep gelflings and farm liquid youth by sucking the souls out of them. And they do this to all of them since every gelfling except the two characters are dead.
>Once he had launched 1955’s Sam and Friends, a popular daily program featuring an early turquoise and collarless Kermit the Frog, Henson said that “we had two endings: Either one creature ate the other, or both of them blew up … I’ve always been particular to things eating other things!”
Did Jim have a vore fetish?
Shut the fuck up and go back to Deviant Art.
No one cares probably but the guy who designed Digimon admitted he based Tokomon on the dog thing from this movie and I thought that was the coolest shit ever.
This looks way better than any of the crappy Disney live action remakes.
It is very similar
Not that guy, but I honestly think he kinda did. Maybe not a sexual thing, maybe he just thought it was funny, but muppets eating muppets is pretty common, usually played for a laugh.
Tokomon/Palmon/Angemon/MagnaAngemon WERE the best Digimon
>There were already two seasons planned before Netflix axed the show
>Rose was written as a rapist at one point, but Colleen had a problem with consent jokes
>A since deleted test pilot was shot at McConnell's home to get a feel on how the format would work
Check out the panel, it's great.
then why haven't they brought it back HMMMMMM?
engage in sexual activity
Thank you for posting the exact scene where the movie lost me.
Thanks Anons, I think i'll watch now and lrt you know what I think! ^^
We'tr only getting one season?! WHY?
t. pleb
Get woke, go broke I guess...
>Skesis Heretic
How does that even work when the Skeksis are the physical embodiment of the urSkeks' violent and materialistic nature?
Also, I'm super slow on the news because I haven't been following this at all, but is anyone else perturbed that the puppeteers aren't the ones voicing the puppets?
Nevermind that second part I said, I'm retarded and forgot the original movie also did that.
Because it's over. It wrapped up so nicely too, why would you *want* them to touch it at all?
I was amazed by the puppetry and just how good it looked honestly
More lore, more content to the IP. There's already been books they can adapt.
Nevermind, i thought you meant TDC, not farscape
Mystics do literally nothing until the end because they’re so caught up in all their magical ways, they’re borderline useless
Imagine putting up with that bastards “HMMMMMMMMmmmmm” for a thousand fucking years honestly I’d hate him too
From the company that brought us this about a year ago.
at least the girl has cute feet
Sad thing is that's not even Melissa McCarthy's worst movie
I will say though it did have a commercial that I actually really liked
New behind the scenes video
>when you're so heretical that you shock even the heretics
This skeksis must be one hardcore motherfucker.
Sandra is best girl.
How new are you, faggot?!
Which is weird because in the behind the scenes you see the Hunter locked up and struggling to get out instead of the Heretic
>Skeksis rule 34 when?
Aren't all of them dudes? That kind of puts a damper on it doesn't it.
There already is some, and its been around for a long time. Bitches love the chamberlain.
>We are ETERNAL!
>General fucking shit up the battlefield
Take my money!
>so heretical that you shock even the heretics
I wouldn't exactly call the Skeksis heretics, considering they're basically half the result of the common "character gets split into a good-half and bad-half" cartoon trope
Reminder that this is canonically what a naked Skeksis looks like.
I'm the user from earlier. Just watched it and holy shit, apart from a few pacing issues here or there this movie was KINO and a thousand times better than the Labyrinth! It's a damn shame this flopped in the eyes of critics. Every shot of this was beautiful and I can see how it must have crushed Jim's spirit.
What this needed was a Sequel that explained the lore that the first built on. A Back To The Future II-esque scenario that perfects what the first film began. Jim HAD something here. Its sucks he gave up on it.
Needless to say I'm hyped for Age Of Resistance and won't be able to stop saying "MMMMMMMMM" for days now. I loved it.
Interesting. Anymore examples of puppet nudity?
Upon closer inspection they really do offer ok weird as fuck underneath everything
Looks rad. Interesting to note that when TJHC pitched the show, they wanted it to be animated. But it was fuckin Netflix of all people who pushed for the puppets. Bold move. Also didn't know that the voices were added AFTER the puppeteers did the work for this and not before. Simon Pegg looks like he'll voice Chamberlain great. Can't wait!
I think the Hunter might be the Skeksis' rabid warrior they send out to fuck shit up.
Can't wait to see how vile a motherfucker the Emperor must have been to command so much of the Skeksis' fear.
Glad you enjoyed it user. I eagerly await comfy Dark Crystal threads in the future.
Looks pretty nice actually
>the archer
a mystic that down for fighting and is probably the the hunter's counterpart
How did this one die again?
Its been so damn long since I watched this.
Looks great, can't wait to pirate it.
Both the Hunter and Archer are part of those Dark Crystal novels they've been putting out the last couple years to establish the show's setting.
Drain Gelflings
Acquire eternal life?
Canonically, It makes them young. It "Works better" than the other creatures They might not know this at first though.
broke ass
Jesus, what a mind trip.
I don't know if I could really watch a show that must end in an utter defeat for all the gelflings, so that there will only be two gelflings left by the time the movie started.
All the heroic struggles that the gelflings in the series would make will turn out to be utterly pointless, as they will have to lose.
I think conservatives just get preemptively triggered by everything.
Well you gotta remember this is a prequel. As epic as it looks, it's going to end on one hell of a downer.
You can barely see in the background here Kira's nude body
Its kind of insane seeing Dark Crydtal in 3D. I really hope there are scenes with no cgi like this it looks amazing.
Fortunatwly there's a lot of lore that was either cut never made it into the final film from what I understand, and Gem was already lacking in a solid backstory, so this is one case where a prequel will be extremely useful in terms of telling a more complete story.
How much of this is based on actual lore though? How much of Jim's original ideas are being used
I kind of hate that the Gelflings still have stiff puppet faces.
Well, I've got Kate Monster and Lucy the Slut. That's about it.
I hope these aren't considered to be breaking the rules? They're inanimate puppets, after all.
He didn't die IIRC, just got fused.
>Simon Pegg will be doing his voice in the new one
They talk about the Skeksis feeding them lies n shit so maybe they’ve built up a mythos around the dark crystal being super divine n shit and thus if they are the masters of the crystal then why shouldn’t they be rulers of all
You can see it in the BTS video
Welcome aboard
Remember Late Night Liars? Nobody but me seems to remember this. Nearly ten years of edgy, adult Muppets. We haven't gotten a single well-rounded all audience show from TJHC since Muppets Tonight. There's no middle ground, it's either babyshit or adult cringe.
I wish Jim could see this :(
Thanks bro
The UrSkeks were from another planet that also had a crystal, which was used to exile them to Thra. After coming to Thra, they tried to redeem themselves through elevating Gelfling's culture and building Aughra her observatory among other acts. They tried using the power of Thra's crystal to purge their negativity, but the ritual got fucked up and it resulted into the Skeksis/Mystic split. The Skeksis passed themselves off as the UrSkeks handpicked successors, but that was all a facade to use the UrSkeks goodwill to feed their selfishness.
Wuzza Wuzza!!!
Only thing on Netflix I'm interested in, but on the other hand I can't understand why Netflix is funding the production of something so niche as a Dark Crystal sequel, which must be pretty fucking expensive as well.
>throwing money at fucking ANYTHING praying to the dear lord above it's remotely as big as Stranger Things
Name a more iconic duo
Not that I'm complaining though, still super excited for this.
Yeah, this. Basic bitches NEED human characters, this movie/series has NONE.
You joke but I'd laugh so fucking hard if Fraggle Rock was somehow canonically tied to The Dark Crystal
Why not, right? Most of the muppetverse is already connected.
>there are "people" out there who think David Bowie is more iconic than zombie bird niggas
They've been hyping this up for years. Holy fuck if this fails it'll be glorious.
>literal decades trying to prop up Dark Crystal as their big "Star Wars" equivalent with an aggressive spin-off media push of comics, novels, and video games
>Pumped out nothing but sub par content in place of actual Muppet stuff. Still haven't heard from the Fraggle Rock Movie, yet The Happytime Murders makes the cut
>Constantly stalling for some reason to the point where they can't do Labyrinth with David Bowie, so Dark Crystal is their only viable path moving forward for the Jim Henson Company to create a franchise that isn't just a PBS CGI show.
This will fail like everything else that isn't Dinosaur Train.
Dark Crystal boomers rise up
>Constantly stalling for some reason
Because CG killed puppet movies. And the Fraggle movie kept getting stalled because Hollywood suits kept wanting to go full Sony Smurfs with it.
I'm pretty sure 'going full Sony Smurfs' was the plan from the beginning. From what I heard, the plot was that they had to rescue Uncle Travellin' Matt from Outer Space (the human world). The trouble was, Smurfs beat them to it... going to New York for no good reason other than to hang out with Neil Patrick Harris. It made no sense for the Smurfs, while the Fraggles at least had a good reason to visit the Human world.
What if Doozers were Podling descendants
I'm about to blow yall's mind...Fraggle Rock Spoilers ahead
In the last few episides, the human character "Doc" finally meets Gobo Fraggle and he says to him "My real name is Jerome Crystal. Everyone calls me Doc."
Doc Crystal.
Nice. But, in the international versions, wasn't Doc replaced by other characters? Like, I think he's a lighthouse keeper in the UK version? Not sure if they changed his name in those instances.
Yeah. They wanted each country's version of the show to feel special. In the UK the sea captain died and was replaced with his nephew "P.K." and later by "B.J." as the lighthouse keeper. Some versions still had Doc though, and Sprocket was mostly always the same.
Incidentally, Fraggle Rock is another Kino henson IP. The lore on it is actually pretty based ngl.
Agreed, and I don't mind admitting that I've always had a crush on Mokey.
Sad I didn't grow up with Fraggle Rock. I'm sure I would have loved it as a kid.
Love it now, bro. It's never too late.
Never did I think we had Fragglechads here. Absolutely based.
Convincing John did nothing wrong, btw.
The Dark Crystal is probably the most niche Henson franchise. I'd be shocked if there WEREN'T Fraggle Rock fans here.
Yeah but some people would probably say Fraggle Rock was "Cringe baby shit" or something when it wasn't. I'm glad some here see it for the comfyness it is.
Fun fact: Jim hardly even worked on the show himself. He basically went, "Hey, I have this idea, here it is, see what you guys can do now that i've taught you." AND THEY DID.
Jim, however, did direct a few eps as well as voice both Cantus the Minstrel and Convincing John. He said he considers the show one of the purest representations of his vision the company had ever done.
Now, tie that in with TDC and thats a huge compliment to your staff.
God damn it, if only TDC and Labyrinth had been hits, maybe he wouldn't have had to push himself so hard that he destroyed his body :(
I just finished Defunctland's Henson docuseries. Fuck, that got me sad. The man really needed to take a break or something but it was just against who he was. Damn shame he left when he did.
I hope AoR turns out to be something that would have made Jim proud and I hope the series gets more new people to check out and truly appreciate the original film. Too bad that Odd1sOut faggot's video will be most normies' exposure to anything TDC related
Always good to know that there are other puppetsexuals out there.
I think because they have no idea what appeals to people, or rather, they are putting out things with what they think appeals to people and don't give it anymore thought.
The thing is that netflix actually makes a large profit but the shuffle it into tons and tons of different productions. They want the next Stranger Things, Bright, and... those are the only two successes.
Upside it makes them willing to try anything, downside is that they will waste money if someone screams hard enough to make their cartoon.
Seeing them with no lower body is kind of weird.
Yeah, but in a lot of the live performances, that's all there is to them.
He lokks like a chicken that washed ashore.
>Jim HAD something here. Its sucks he gave up on it.
Dying tends to do that to your motivation.
The UrSkeks originally were sent to the planet for committing some sort of heresy, according to the Origin Myths book.
Even if he still lived today, I doubt Henson would tackle TDC again after how badly Labyrinth flopped. He literally did his damnedest to make it as crowd pleasing as possible (Lucas as producer, fucking Bowie, etc.) and the general public still hated it at release.
>All he wanted was to be able to say he could be taken seriously as something more than a children's television creator
>Pours every ounce of effort in his soul into creating a fantasy world from scratch, complete with its' own lore and near limitless potential for a franchise.
>Has to buy back the rights to the film himself after Based Lew Grade gets bought out to avoid Hollywood fuckery and preserve the film's integrity
>The public shits on it because "LOL WHERES KERMIT"
>Jim gets deeply hurt but doesn't say it out loid because he knows people rely on him
>He sucks it up and tries again with a more family-friendly, comedic approach while enlisting his top writers to make sure the script is ok
>Audience shits on it AGAIN because "LOL ITS KIDDYSHIT"
>Jim is even more hurt. Can't even get The Storyteller in a decent timeslot
>Cant make The Jim Henson hour the way he wants
>He tries to sell to disney because he wants to get back to creating and having fun
>Disney put him through hell and try to bleed him dry by insisting Sesame Street be sold too
>He dies of a cold after pure mindfuck exhaustion
Truly, it feels bad man.....
Storytime animators are just a fucking plague and a nightmare that such low effort shit gets endless views while proper animation channels are doomed to obscurity
Because the average human being is a joyless gibbering gibbon who wouldn't understand the most basic concept of fun even if you handed it the keys to eternal happiness and is indeed better off pissing and screaming into the void like a dipshit.
Jim was too good for this sinful Earth.
At least we still have the wonderful work he left behind. Let's hope the masses learn to appreciate the original film this time around.
And its music. Damn it had fantastic music.
Maybe, but thats not the way he'd want us to look at it user. He'd want us to keep his spirit alive by loving each other and enjoying what he created by taking up the mantle ourselves. Thankfully, thats what AOR looks to be doing....Now if we can just get a good, comfy Fraggle Rock movie like we were promised, Jim will be smiling wherever he is.
The Muppet Show could really use a win, too. I could die happy if we could tick off all three boxes.
Fuck, you're right, he wouldn't want us to become all jaded and cynical.
It's just hard not to these days... ah hell, I'll be optimistic, this one last time.
Just for you Jim old boy.
I loved the 2011 Muppets film. Not so much the TV show but I hear Muppet babies is actually pretty based. Saw a few eps and it looks good.
There ya go, user! Believe. :)
You know there is something sexual behind the HMMMMmmmm.
so, who did it best?
What weirds me the fuck out is that not only is Simon Pegg of all people playing Chamberlain, but from what little we've heard, he's actually doing a good job at it. The guy has range.
Jen's swimming at the start of the film and we see he's actually nude then; it's a blink and you'll miss it bit.
I had never noticed it before they put it out in theaters in HD for the anniversary a couple years ago and completely forgot about it until .
>How does that even work when the Skeksis are the physical embodiment of the urSkeks' violent and materialistic nature?
He's heretical by Skeksis standards so he's a genuinely nice guy who tries to reform his assholish brethren.
Well, he's a nice guy after the brain damage caused by SkekTek's trepanation experiment anyway.
Fuck me he's looking old now.
Damn now I'm really curious to see the Emparaaaaaar
A mystic who does shit? I always wondered why they did so little besides what they had to in the wnd
Enjoy while it last because I doubt Netflix will stand the test of time luckily between now and the end we can probably get a few seasons of this
>I like paying for a medium that used to be free
you just KNOW
Yeah and they weren’t actually happy about it because from they’re POV it’s essentially a planet of savages barely above animals coming from an alien world of powerful immortal aliens
Yeah, but there was no reason to sculpt the penis
they don't show it in the movie
>Jen drowned
I liked the Winter one the most conceptually but the Forest one was the best executed
>Rose was written as a rapist at one point, but Colleen had a problem with consent jokes
good girl
>it was changed so that she had a consensual relationship with the neighborhood dogs and the neighbor’s lawn gnome, Mr. Grumbles.
that does sound funny
>the general public still hated it at release
They did? Could never guess. Heard a lot about it from relatives when they saw it, my school used to play the VHS... hell there was even a movie in my country that ripped it off something fierce.
Looks like she wants to make out with the creature.
Well she is Chiana after all...