>Writes Spider-Man for 10 years.
>Doesn’t really change or add much.
>What changes he does make gets retconned immediately by the guy who replaced him.
Was there a bigger waste of time than Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man?
Writes Spider-Man for 10 years
give it time eventually another hack will pursue a worthless title of longest spiderman writer and runs out of ideas 2 years in a 11 year run
Pretty much all Spider-Man comics from 1986 to OMD. Particularly everything from the renumbering on. Before JMS, nothing happens. And then everything JMS does is immediately reset at the end of his run.
He wrote the original Superior run, and I think that was absolutely worthwhile. Spider-Verse and the Dark Reign era were great, too.
JMS material definitely did influence future books, they took a lot of the spider-totem stuff and tied it to Kaine, they took Morlun and made one of the most successful spider-man events book out of him, and the relationship between Tony and Peter at the time was hugely influential to the current movies.
Superior Spider-man stands up as its own unique book, I'd say the introduction of Spock was pretty memorable, I disagree on his run being a waste of time.
I haven't read anything from the Dark Reign era, but I have to disagree with you on Superior and Spider-Verse, especially the latter.
It was a rehash of Kraven’s Last Hunt only praised by new readers and cuckfags
Superior stops being worthwhile about 6 issues in. Dark reign was alright but the American son arc never goes beyond feeling tacked on as a tie in since its the most significant amount of time we've ever seen harry be given since his resurrection. Spiderverse is just shock value for the sake of it, the death of different peters across the multiverse is pretty apropo for what the franchise has devolved into over the last few years. I liked slott for the first few years of his run but he ran out of ideas pretty quickly and powered himself solely off of his hated for the fans for the last 4 years of his run. I still have no idea why he never bothered to try to pair peter with she hulk they were both single for the entirety of his run and his she hulk book was actually pretty good
Well, now, spiderman can do spider fu.
Oh please, Spock was not that great. Sure, the premise of having Otto as Spidey for an extended time could have been interesting, but Slott did nothing great with it and used some of the dumbest excuses and write-arounds to justify it not coming to an early end and then to just unnecessarily stretch it out. Pretty much any one else that got to write Spock as a guest appearance in another book wrote an infinitely more engaging and interesting Spock almost every single time.
Also, holy shit, I don't I've ever read a less funny writer on Spidey ever. The dialogue in general was always really awkward and stilted.
Outside of American Son, Spidey didn't really do anything with Dark Reign.
I mean, I hate Slott, but he did make Norman a major player in Spider-man's world again and out of all that Iron Patriot stuff. And it's pretty hard to deny how popular Superior Spider-man was and important to Doc Ock's character development.
That said, Superior Spider-man was really shitty and I can't believe how many people defend it.
Literally the only similarity was that they wanted to prove themselves a Superior Spider-Man. Kraven completely misunderstood what Spider-Man actually was until the end. Doc Ock had a complete understanding of Spider-Man due to the memories. Also, Otto also got to be Peter Parker. Kraven was just "Spider-Man."
This is the only page worth reading in Superior.
But doesn't that go against Ottos own arrogance to have him throw away his entire life completely in order to become his own enemy? Say what you will about Kraven but he won at the end of Last Hunt, Otto just admitted that he lost (while also losing all of his character development by the end of superior only to get it back later because they wanted to use him again)
It was crap and Slott’s only good idea was Mister Negative, and that was half baked
No, it was. Otto had a hard time accepting it at first. Especially when Peter would get credit for his inventions. Kraven's Last Hunt is far superior. No question. Superior has it's bright spots. Especially whenever Yost and Gage wrote for Otto.
>if things don't change I don't like them
it's because of people that think like you that we have female thor, gookhulk and spidernigger
Ya know what? Slott did NOT write that page, Gage did.
How many decades do you need for the same stories to be told before your backlog is big enough to not care? Seriously, change *is* a good thing because it actually drives sales, creates new stories, and expands the brand.
American Son was written by Joe Kelly, though
Does that change my point?
>/pol/ speak
>spidernigger not spider-nigger
I know you wouldn't actually know since you don't read comics, but you are right in that the need that a lot of writers have nowadays to leave some kind of mark on a character is indeed cancer
Not him but Miles doesn’t get the hyphen, it’s the best way to differentiate him from peter
dude, if people like spiderman, they want to see spiderman
you can have spinoffs all you want, I don't care, but if you change the base recipe, then good chances the people that like the original recipe won't like it anymore, because it just won't be the same
do you always change up what you're cooking, just for the sake of change?
no you brainlet, you keep cooking the way you like shit to be cooked, because you like it, change for the sake of change is an absolute meme and you deserve the rope
if you really want change then read another comic you numbnut
>I think that was absolutely worthwhile.
Why yes screwing up characterizations for years is definitely something that's worthwhile
The best thing he did was bring back the original Enforcers.
That's the nature of superhero comics. Busiek is considered one of the most well regarded Avengers writers and Bendis scraps all of his development besides Carol being more prominent.
Good Hobgoblin stuff with both Kingsley and Phil. Flash Venom. Events and storylines that got a lot of attention such as Spider Island, Ends of the Earth, Spiderverse, and Superior Spiderman.
Then Slott didn't produced anything good at all.
Miles is way better than Mary Silk
Silk was pretty good when Robbie Thomson wrote her.
You mean like give her a costume. Didn't Slot have her naked covered in webbing.
>comics are measured based on what you change
Oh please. So what if it's just Spider-Man stories again and again? Nothing changes in capeshite anyway. You should know this already.
>naked covered in X
did you know that goes for literally 99.9% of supers out there?
No she wasn't, completelly unlikeable cunt.
Silk was literally never good in any comic so far.
OP you have a very interesting criteria for “worthwhile” comics. By your logic the entirety of pre-Crisis DC and Elseworlds are a “waste of time”.
A comic can only “waste” your time if you don’t like it. There is no other factor.
Pre-Crisis DC and elseworlds have interesting stories though. In 11 years, Slott wrote maybe four decent storylines and the rest were either bland at best or terrible at the worst.
its a problem that he got to write spiderman for THAT LONG when anyone else would have been kicked from a book.
If nothing else I really appreciated him bringing back Kingsley.
Everything Slott wrote felt like he came up with the hook or marketing gimmick first then tried to tell a story about it as he went. Nothing ever felt like a natural development for the characters it involved.
So do you believe him when he says he always meant to do that, or do you think Phil Urich was supposed to have killed him, and he changed plans in reaction to outraged fans?
The original Superior was complete and utter crap. Yost I think did some good with the idea back then, but Slott's run was crap. The current book is good too.
I want Spock fags to fuck off.
>Was there a bigger waste of time than Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man?
It gave us the Spider-Verse, which is looking like a permanent addition to the lore now. This may not be a good change, but it's a lasting change.
>parker industries
>carlie cooper
>norman osborne being sane
Slott introduced a bunch of stuff that he later dropped. Nothing he did built upon the previous stuff except for superior leading into Peter having Parker Industries but that didn't last long. But I'm glad that Spencer is erasing Slott's mark. As for Otto, Gage is doing a great job with it and Slott was easily the worst Superior writer. Slott thought that Spock was best when he was a keikaku master that was perfect in everything. Every other writer had him being an egotist that got in his own way and had to deal with others talking shit about his past self and ultimately learning what it takes to be a hero.
If I want an edgy Spider-man who gets in his own way Ill just go reread Kaine's book.
>we finally get a second run of scarlet spider
>not written by yost
>focusing on crrrrrrrrrrazy ben
>kaine is fucked up and just a side character