>tears up a 12 million dollar check
Tears up a 12 million dollar check
How pissed was Homer
>says she doesn't want to make a profit from immoral practices
Then why not just give the money to charity?
of course you cringe because you're subhuman trash with no principles. you'd literally suck dick for money.
find me a single charity that would actually make good use of that money
He suffered four simultaneous heart attacks
Keep in mind, he initially thought she tore up a 12 THOUSAND dollar check
I can have principles when by bills are payed
Man, I'd suck dick for free.
Getting paid would just be a bonus.
Definitely beats my actual job.
Couldn't she set up her own?
The Human Fund
still more okay with this than the episode where she put the restraining order on bart
The Film Foundation.
The status quo? ¡Ay, caramba!
>sneed up a 12 million dollar chuck
The Mike Tyson Charity
Fuck lisa, kids needs a good fucking.
That said, Homer is actually fucking rich, if you follow the royalties he gets from his quartet, and his job in a nuclear power plant- and the top down analysis of the Simpsons house is fucking huge and of ridiculous value.
Someone link me their vast collection of Simpsons porn/animated flashes
Why did she do that?
Is it really worth nearly killing your own dad?
Fisa's Leet
Anti Malaria Foundation
Lisa has no legal rights to said money given her age. By default, it would be placed in a account until she turned 18
>kids needs a good fucking.
Say what?
i think that was dirty anti environmental mr burns money
>fucks her brother
You wouldn't?
I actually dreamt of the Simpsons last night. Well, Bart, Lisa and some other girl in a light blue dress with a big, thin head and light ginger/gold blonde hair. They wore stockings over their heads with knots tied at the top. They seemed to be in a police station.
On topic: I think Lisa and the rest of the family may have dodged a bullet. Can you imagine Homer not getting into debt?
If I was offered money for sucking dick, I’d do it in a heart beat, and I’m straight.
Seriously it’s practically free money.
>implying Homer wouldn't have just spent it all overnight
Money barely affects the status quo, they have been times in which family gets millions. The family also loses their money really easily. They can get whatever amount of money they want because next week, Snake will rob them or Homer spends all their money on pumpkin stocks
Saint Me Renters Fund.
He owns some football team too
lisa makes more on her private streaming site
Reminder: The show tried to paint it as if she did nothing wrong.
>Lisa fucks up
>everyone tells her that she did the right thing
Average Lisa episode. I think the Babysitter one is the only one where that isn't the case.
She has one?
Seriously, she could give some sea preservation charity $11mil of it and still drastically improve things for the family.
Reminder if she took the money, her father could have retired and her family could have had all the luxuries in the world including a charity of her choosing if she really wanted to give back, which would have done more good than tearing up the check and letting the old man continue doing the thing that she was resentful for.
It's a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
yes but only for very dedicated fans
Eh... maybe not with $12 million
$120 million, on the other hand...
Reminder that Homer nearly divorced Marge over her losing them a million dollar lawsuit against Mr. Burns back in season 2
LIsa, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, the money was better off with you, a lower middle income family that is barely above water.
It’s still one of my favorite episodes
>Tear up check because of her precious principles
>Rich bastard shrugs and keeps the money for himself
I'm sure Mr. Burns will use that money more ethically than Lisa ever would have.
Seeing as you could already do that but clearly aren't, fuck off and kill yourself.
comdotgames, SWFchan, paheal and ATF should be a good start
Lisa literally did nothing. Burns just gave her the check.
They are far too young to have sex. At most they just make out.
quacker's anonymous.
I'm also smarter with money than a cartoon 8 year old.
they sell pictures and videos to epstein types to fund the show's continued zombie status
Under rated post.
she had to prove a point
by giving the money back to evil rich asshole
Why do people forget that Homer did the same thing in the episode with Burns' teddy bear?
the Clinton Foundation
retarded incel conspiracy theorists stfu
Because people like Homer.
Because he's a man.
cute sex is the best sex
Lisa is underage, she doesn't have the power to accept or refuse money, only her parents can do that.
I never liked this episode anyway desu.
I would honestly disown her for that. If you're financially savvy, $12 million would be enough to set up your family for over 5 generations and still have enough left over to set up your own charitable foundation. But she decided to throw it all away because of misguided principles. Eating rat corpses under the bridge with Uncie Herb would've been too good for her after pulling that shit.
Which was retarded, but at least he made a baby happy
Reminder that if Marge had simply kissed Artie Ziff, they would've gotten one million dollars, no strings attached.
See how that works? It's all about principles, you can attach a random number to them but what matters is how low you'd go for them.
>Reminder: The show tried to paint it as if she did nothing wrong.
Yeah except you see how it was ruining the environment and Burns plastered her face all over the new product. Don't be disingenuous.
That's a bonus
Friends of the Earth