Obligatory Killer Moth/D-list villains thread. How would you revitalize their characters to make them more relevant in the modern age? What stories would you use them to tell?
Obligatory Killer Moth/D-list villains thread...
Other urls found in this thread:
Days of Future Moth
Final Moth
Age of Killer Moth
Heros in Killer Moth
Well Yea Forums seems to have a good handle on revitalizing Moth. A good portion of it involves shipping him with Barbra Gordon.
But here’s another good choice; Has does one make Giganta interesting again?
>Days of Future Moth
Fucking fund it
By shipping her with Flash
>striped tights
Is Killer Moth a femboy?
Nah we can’t fix everyone that way sadly. No, what we need is something other than Queen Jobber. Bring back her scientist roots, have her break down “magic” as another science she specializes in. Her mind would match her size, and above all her ego. To mirror Diana, she should be proud whereas her foe is humble. Doris sees herself as someone who towers over people, and demands recognition for her work instead of her size. When she does go big, her anger gets the better of her, and she acknowledges this is why she’s lost so many times in the past.
>we can’t fix everyone that way sadly.
Not with THAT attitude, we can't
I say "crackships" for every d-lister!
Look if it makes you feel any better, I totally ship Magpie with The Penguin. That’s a crime couple I can get behind
I liked White Knight from the Tomasi issues of Batman and Robin. Very interesting motif of going after the relatives of Gotham's villains.
There's not much I'd change about her, really. Apart from finally making her a recurring villain in a cartoon series.
> Uses her giant rabbit robot in an episode.
> Organizes a team of other D/C listers
> Teams up with the Spot in a romantic criminal partnership (Thanks to an user from a White Rabbit thread)
> Replace some eggs in an easter egg hunt with knockout gas bombs. Then kidnap the kids for ransom.
>You'll probably hate this one Make a desperate Aunt May be an accomplice.
> Have scenes of he rin shareholder meetings. maybe even have her try to rob the shareholders at one of them.
> First thing she does is rob a burger joint for a few cents and a kid's meal.
> Feature an episode where she wears pantyhose over her head at a bank robbery due to this. deviantart.com
In the modern age?
> She makes an easter egg hunt app like Pokemon Go. The eggs are laced with poison, and she holds the antidote for ransom.
> She gets a time machine.
> She crashes a furry convention.
> She blackmails rich guys with bunny fetishes into paying her (I'm kind of joking with that one.)
> A rabbit themed mech suit/power armor.
> If Mayday is around, she's one of Spider-Man's oldest foes. She's middle-aged , and maybe has kids. Both Peter and Mayday are sick of her at this point.
Either way, she'd still be comic relief.
And before anyone points it out, OP did specify other D-listers.
I'd give Killer Moth a dark purple flight-based power suit.
She’s so cute, thinking she’s a real villain. Shes just like The Monarch from Venture Bros; a larping trust fund baby. Anyway Spencer seems to have a soft spot for her so you may see more of White Rabbit
I'd play the "Deranged Nazi scientist made of vicious stinging insects" gimmick completely straight. Basically, he'd be Deathshead if he were made of bees and would conduct fucked up experiments on at-risk individuals that turn them into bee/wasp monsters as his idea of both purging the gene pool of undesirables and ushering in a new master race.
The whole costume would have looked better on a female, but then again there are few costumes in all comics that wouldn't look better on a female.
Hopefully, she doesn't lose her comedic value.
hentai doujin
I like the idea of someone just stumbling on Killer Moth's equipment and trying to use it to do some good.
The comic based off the Spider-Man PS4 game had a fantastic Swarm redesign
Probably to contain his hazardous body like Electro from Spectacular.
It makes more sense to do him like a mobile hive than a cluster of bees given mass. Plus the containment suit having bee features is a great plus. I hope he appears next game
I bet he's a smooth dancer.
I'm a little confused. You mean hive as in the bees can separate from him, and the mass as the bees stay attached to each other at all times?
>No longer will this costume belong to Killer Moth
>It now belongs to...Safety Moth!
Oh, I also want to add that she could storm the Daily Bugle because Jameson referred to her as "Little Bunny Foo Foo."
Regular Swarm is just a sentient swarm of bees clinging to a skeleton and threw on a cloak. That new design is his hollowed out honeycombed corpse in a robotic containment unit
I would play Killer Moth perfectly straight. Just make him a guy who hires himself out as muscle for villains, and is capable of going toe-to-toe with Batman with the same level of theatricality.
Then every time somebody is about to shove Deathstroke into a Batman story I would make them use Moth instead.
Deathstroke is the kind of guy you use whenever you want Batman's ass kicked. Then Batman has to learn a technique or trick to defeat him.
I would start by actually using him for something.
I think I would tie in with what
I like the idea of White Rabbit's Menagerie, filled with loser animal-themed villains, however, the roster doesn't work for me. Specifically, Skein, Swarm and Ox.
Skein was good for the joke they did about her not being named after an animal anymore and White Rabbit getting mad, but that's a pretty one-note reason to have her on the team. You can't make it a constant running thing. It;ll get stale.
Swarm can be pushed as a much bigger deal with his background. Being in the Menagerie might be fine for right now, but in theory, someone can and should get him higher on the villain hierarchy than White Rabbit.
And Ox is like the opposite of Skein...he's got an animal name, but he isn't animal themed. So it's the same joke. You don't need both (if you keep either)
So let's keep Hippo, Squid and Panda-Mania; and let's add Giraffe-Man to the group. And let's not stop there....we can expand the roster with other animal themed joke and loser villains. Maybe do an arc where, unbeknownst to anyone, Whiite Rabbit has legitimately amassed a criminal empire of animal villains...like the Maggia of "furries." That would be a great comedic arc. Imagine Nefaria or Silvermane or Mr Negative flipping their shit: "What do you mean 'WHITE RABBIT is quickly becoming our biggest rival?' When and how did that happen?"
"We don't know...no one was really paying attention to what she was doing and now..."
I'd play a D-list rags to riches videogame and so would you. Maybe volition, but in the theoretical timeline where SR2 wasn't the result of an animators mistake or the entire company wasn't colossally fucked sideways. Just people considered jokes
If Spot had his own symbiote what would it be called and how deadly would he be?
The funniest part is if she ever gets caught, she'll just hop out of custody anyway because she's so rich. Unless they just bump her off, she'll be a pain in the neck for the long-term foreseeable future.
in the cape community trying to make ends meet.
The benefits they have over regular ranked villians? Hot Steamy, meaningful relationships.
Man, remember the animated series and how that guy was the catalyst for the Gwen stacy death, except it was MJ instead? God I loved that series- though it feels they ran out of time when nearing the end- as it felt they had much more to do which is why things got condensed the way they did near the end.
As in, a mothefucking miniature Yog-sothoth.
But this is pre-symbiote god nu-symbiote bullshit when the things were literally loving ultimate space condom-self waifu tulpa yanderes/poorly educated children suffering from parker PTSD abuse- bar Carnage who is a fucking mutant.
The thing is though it happens so often that it's tiring. He basically gets used as a boss-for-hire for whoever the real villain is, and to make it seem like a serious threat because the real villain has the badass Deathstroke backing him up.
Moth should be able to fill precisely that role, since his entire gimmick was originally being "Batman but he helps bad guys," which them lets Deathstroke be saved for things when the stakes are even higher. Basically whenever Penguin or some Gotham-based crook is running a scheme they should look to Moth for muscle, and save Deathstroke for the international crime syndicates.
but wheres my daily dose?
I'm hoping Spot plays some role in the MCU eventually. Something tells me his powers are kind of difficult to pull off on live action though.
That's a half-decent simplification.
>Unless they just bump her off, she'll be a pain in the neck for the long-term foreseeable future.
And that in itself would be funny, because I see it playing out like this:
>Get Bullseye on the line
>We already did sir
>We told him the target, he laughed and hung up, but we got another guy lined up...
>*Enter Crossfire*
>Is this the best you could do?
>Unfortuntely, yes
>I used to be a big deal you know....
Spot doesn’t need a cheap gimmick like the old worn out Symbiote shit. He’s fine
Deathstroke as a mercenary for the League of Assasins is an interesting idea. Though he's supposed to be one of Dick's bigger enemies.
I approve of this bug.
Didn’t they retcon and synergize Cross as the new Yellowjacket?
I'm not too familiar with this. I'm guessing a poor man's Deadshot?
Darren Cross is the new Yellowjacket
Crossfire was Darren's brother
I haven't seen them used in anything since Spencer's Ant-Man comic, but Darren was Yellowjacket in that, I believe.
Pretty much
He was in Hunted. By the way, how was Spencer’s Ant Man?
Not bad.
I didn't like it as much as his Superior Foes, but it had a few things I really liked.
Machinesmith was fantastic
And Cassie becoming Stinger in 616 was something I'd been wanting for a long time
Overall, the comedy was solid, and the d-list fanservice was great
His backstory seems impressive. Other than the "being held for ransom" part.
Honestly, what Beware the Batman did with Magpie was perfect. Too bad DC seems to be interested in only the design, and then just portray her as a typical joke villain.
she's best when they mix it with more elements of the old outfit
Thoughts on this? I'm not certain myself.
I guess it has potential.
its embarrassing
>Heros in Killer Moth
Maybe if it involves a shrink ray.
I like it, and want more
That’s an odd Magpie outfit. Anyway I dig the ship because of themes, possible chemistry, and Cobblepot having a thief on staff who is more trustworthy than Catwoman
Sorry, found a better way to save it.
I'd still like him to have the Kabuki twins as platonic bodyguards.
Themes as in bird themes?
That can still be a thing. Surprised that didn’t make main canon
Yeah and both take what they want
Heroes in Killer Moth, an R-rated comic starring Midnighter
Penguin needs a girl he can spoil rotten so I'm all for this
He's had that in the animated movies
I wonder how they would meet?
Sorry, shithead, but no one cared about what shitty ship other than you.
It's not Mags, it's a OC from girl which hates comics Magpie and schlick on Penguin
Mostly cool, but maybe I'd swap out the orange for green.
>”Ozzy, you promised me I could sing on stage at the Iceberg Lounge!”
>Venue is sold out
>They’re all on Penguin’s payroll
>Guy on his cellphone is escorted out back
Didn't I just say I'm not certain myself?
>No one cares
>Several people are talking about it
>Posts yuri trash with Ivy
I’m laughing
Looks too much like Ultimate Beetle.
Sorry, user, this meant for this
I'd definitely play a Killer Moth game, especially if they kept the angle of him being a dad who's just doing his best
He needs to be flashy, theatrical.
I've given him back his orange gloves.
Angle Man as a Lupin the Third character with haing his own supportive characters stealing stuff all other the earth and beyond. It would do Wonder good to have such a gentleman thief.
Thanks. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, though.
I don’t know why you guys insist on making Ivy a rug muncher when her entire deal was being a man seducing killer and ecoterrorist. Furthermore that kind of shit, especially with Harley, has done nothing but stagnate her character. So naturally you can understand why I might be inclined to tell you to fuck off, respectfully of course. DC has really tanked Ivy’s character in recent years
>Posts yuri trash with Ivy
>with Ivy
Ivy is plant elemental, not human ot woman
Anyway, Posionpie had a large fan-base
Been meaning to watch that
Oh crap you’re the Ivyfag autist, aren’t you? And by fans you mean tumblr retards who are just as stupid as the ones who ship her with Harley and completely seek to water down characters
I'd have her be a serious threat as a mercenary for a few episodes, then she has a downward spiral after repeated failures against Nightwing to the point she end s up doing pettier and pettier crimes.
Until she becomes serious again, maybe. Also, I'd give her the eccentricities you'd expect of a British noblewoman.
I'm not sure how people could see Harley and Ivy working. I just see Ivy viewing Harley as an irritant.
It did?
Having them bump into each other while both are attempting to rob the same place would work, or you could have her show up in his casino for whatever reason
>Oh crap you’re the Ivyfag autist, aren’t you?
>And by fans you mean tumblr retards who are just as stupid as the ones who ship her with Harley and completely seek to water down characters
>completely seek to water down characters
All thread about what, lol
Anyway, with old designs too!
Weirdly aggressive response Cant argue with that
Things..... do not go well for the guy who gets escorted out back, Penguin's a terrifying mother fucker when he's in his element
Different looks for different shows/comics. Sometimes theatrical is absolutely the way to go and sometimes you need something more serious
>All thread
Not really?
Did you type this with Magpie in mind?
Ivy has always been weirdly incoherent tho, no one has ever really sat down and developed her all that deeply. Like what does she eat? Normal food? Veggies only? No ones bothered to work out little details like that
He means Killer Moth from the DC animated movies.
It certainly does not have any fan-base on this site other than yourself
So not!Yellowjacket
I liked to think she's a pure carnivore.
Do you think we can meme Killer Moth back into continuity like we did Orca
Magpie and Penguin is such a perfect combination I'm surprised we haven't seen it yet. I want to see them partner up and for Magpie to become a permanent rival for Catwoman.
Weirdly the only villain ship I've seen for Penguin is Killer Frost in Bombshells
That’s semantics, not core characterization
No I mean who is Ultimate Beetle
Would make sense but its yet to be established, shes been shown eating pizza and salads
I believe in BoP she said she was a vegetarian and justified it by it being a sacrifice plants make but I personally prefer what said
Beetle as he appeared in the Spider-Man Ultimate series.
It doesn't look a thing like the classic yellowjacket design and the new ones just a generic bug tech suit
Ok, some guys just nostalgic about one-time waifus like this guy
and Vic is cool, no offensive
great, because Yea Forums didn't read comics.
Where there's a will there's a way
Semantics is not the right word, basic details are worth ironing out
Meh, just a generic bug tech suit. Nothing memorable enough in either design to link between the two
>Magpie to become a permanent rival for Catwoman.
See that’s some good shit too. Both hate Selina. Oswald hates her for getting double crossed, and Magpie hates getting shown up as a thief. Plus there’s that whole birds vs cat thing. The pairing also works because Penguin has proven a few times to be a romantic (penguins mate for life) but past relationships haven’t worked out due to women fearing him/his employment. Magpie’s career could also benefit from the relationship from notoriety and financing
....your weird yuri fanfic doesnt count as comics
So now you’re just spamming the thread
I'm honestly all for this. Magpie could really use some story focus and most bat-fans have a soft spot for penguin. When it inevitably ends I'd like for it to end on a positive note, that would be nice but probably too much to ask
What kind of mask would you give to Magpie? Or you could think she doesn't need one.
I am loved latest design, with sort of Beware costume, but with glasses as callback to original design.
Bring the original guy from Sleepwalker back.
Forgotten characteristics about Poison Ivy.
>born to a rich upper middle class family in seattle.
>was a shy introvert growing up
>is bonafide crazy
Her recent comic look is a combination between her Beware and classic look. Really the red shades are all she needs
Doesn't need one. Magpie is more of a professional criminal so she doesn't need to hide who she is.
Ideally I would like to just see them start working together a lot and flirting. Every story about villains in a whirlwind romance always ends with them backstabbing each other.
Let her be the person he goes to when he wants something snatched or wants somebody to watch his back during a gang meeting.
>Persona style split in gameplay between a time management sim and action brawler
>during the day you have to find and plan out jobs, buy and upgrade equipment and lair, train, and also keep up appearances as a normal dad
>at night you perform jobs and pull off your own schemes
>everything is on a time limit and you have to fit in sleep too
>the more successful you are, the more money you have, and the more gear you can buy and upgrade, eventually even getting your own mooks to back you up
>major plot jobs end with a boss fight against other villains or Batfamily members
>Final boss of the game is an unwinnable fight against Batman
>can't actually get all the trophies in one playthrough
>the Batman fight is winnable only on the hardest difficulty setting and basically requires a perfect playthrough to have the right equipment at a high enough level and even then it's really fucking hard
>Every story about villains in a whirlwind romance always ends with them backstabbing each other.
Well not EVERY couple. Johnny Quick and Atomica just died. And that one Killer Croc/Orca pairing had them get married
And, about Yea Forumsmbler with autists who didn't read comics, Bane recently fucks her.
Do you have a better image of that one? Something that shows off more of the costume
im honestly amazed other people give a shit about magpie.
i made a joke twitter about her a few weeks ago just because i thought i was the only fan
Right because that makes sense and will surely work out.....
Actually there’s a discussion; how the fuck do you fix Bane? He’s a one hit wonder King hasn’t done any favors for
I'm fine with that, I think they could have chemistry but I dont need it to be romantic, partners is fine
A story where Killer Moth is a villainous Edna Moe, makes villain suits and tries to steal Batman's cowl
wasn't moth OG supposed to be an anti batman character? ie just as good, but EVIL!
This is good stuff, lots of potential here. I'd add a segment where your a chaperone at a school dance for your daughter and someone recognizes you from your night job. Maybe have a Batfam member be there for whatever reason (maybe Damian goes to the same school as your daughter)
that was a different guy to Dury though
Hes not nearly so broken or one hit as Doomsday. I'd say you let him continue to be as is in the more light hearted stuff but lean more into his tactical brilliance in more serious stuff
I like the idea of a "This Is The Police" management style game. maybe with some action gameplay if you want to "lead the charge".
It's just Rebirth design with glasses
They really didn't. It;s just a new character for them and soon they crying like bitches because "muh feminazi and sjw ruined great character" and start to fap on Orca or some shit.
Hello, friend.
Yea I do like the glasses, adds a splash of color and works with her ego
Her costume is bad and if you're going to have outdated and obsolete weapons as your gimmick you need to be really fucking good at what you do.
Quite simply, Ivy sees Harley as something of a pet project, Harley sees Ivy as an enabler. Under Dini their relationship had something of a paternalistic element coming from Ivy, while Harley pretty much expects Ivy to go along with whatever, frequently childish and unhelpful, bullshit she's thought of at the moment. Under Dini their relationship is actually pretty toxic.
My personal take? Ivy's a vegan stemming all the way back to her teens, but after her transformation can also survive through photosynthesis. Her constantly changing skintone actually shows how much she's actually eating like a normal person, less green means more food, more green means more photosynthesis.
As for her actual traits, she's fairly well defined by hypocrisy. Her benevolence to children is mostly defined by their attachment to her and has zero qualms about doing things that would endanger or kill children she doesn't know personally. Her relationship with Harley doesn't actually preclude Harley dying as a result of one her schemes. She talks about saving the Earth but runs around mindcontrolling rich people and lavishing their wealth on herself before killing them when she could single-handedly stop all Amazon deforestation. Basically, she's a bitter, misanthropic, controlling, hedonistic narcissist who tries to wallpaper over her casually homicidal and gluttonous nature with a thin veneer of appealing to a higher moral cause. Most importantly, she's not crazy at all.
i mean in all honestly, i dont expect king to do her well seeing the rest of his run.
Still he gave Kite Man a identity i guess, but from how's he's set her up i'm a bit worried. I never seen her as a actual success, just a kinda ditzy tryhard that dreamed of it
How would you improve it? I'm thinking maybe something more indicative of a Victorian dress without the crinoline.
That's literally Crazy Quilt in DCSHG
I think that pic with the classic red glasses is fine
Now we just need a writer to put this much effort into Ivy
I meant Lady Vic.
Yeah, Ivy's a megalomaniac. Like Ras Al Ghul with more of an ecological obsession.
>i'm a bit worried. I never seen her as a actual success
I am kinda interesting in his Magpie view because he is oblivioulsy loves more 'trauma characters'.
And yes, it's me.
Also, paparazzi spotted a CW Magpie from four Batwoman episode.
Keeping up your civilian life would actually be an important aspect of the game, things like making sure Kitten's needs are met and actually parenting her, not drawing attention to yourself by being the weird guy in the neighborhood; basically the game would have a small dynamic difficulty scale, and everything that would make you look suspicious to normal people makes getting through the day more difficult.
Honestly, go full stereotypical steampunk action heroine with it. The pointless garishness of steampunk fits right in with superheroes.
With the same colour scheme?
> outdaded weapons
She dual-wields revolvers sometimes. Kind of old fashioned, but still widely used. More so than matchlock guns anyway.
Expaniding on her kleptomania might be interesting, but King's writing on trauma, at least on Batman i dont know all his stuff, feels so juvenile.
My boy! The one'n'only other Magpiefag!
God that design looks so half assed.
I really like the idea of making alliances with other villains that bleed over into the normal citizen part of the game. Like you get roped into doing a BBQ/ block party for the neighborhood, you complain about it around some of the guys and the next thing you know you've got Firefly working the grill and Mad Hatter reading Alice in Wonderland to the younger kids
Is it still kleptomania if it's exclusive to shiny stuff?
Kleptomania is about stealing whatever isn't nailed down.
Read Secret Six. Bane has some pretty solid characterization in there. Beyond that, writers just need to keep in mind, and this goes especially for adaptations, that Bane is really intelligent. Also permanently give him the sheepskin coat from TDKR, shit was schway.
Maybe also a gimmick/tier/personality system. Your gimmicks are matched to see how complementary they are, your tiers are matched to see how much the potential partnering villain (and others) takes you seriously, and the personality shows how well you'd make decisions together.
I am about that: his obssesed with traumas but Margaret birth like that, so this is be interesting.
She is more than clepto.
Also some villains just can not be allied with, there is literally no way to work with the Joker without a huge chance of him turning on you for laughs
Red, yellow, and white? It'd work with deep, rich colors. Give her the corset/bustier with puffy shoulders, opera gloves, microskirt, stockings, thigh highs, couple belts and bandoliers, extraneous straps and buckles on things, have her not wear the goggles 90% of the time, and maybe a top hat. Have her wield a basket-hilt and hunting sword, some damascened revolvers or pepperboxes, maybe one of those high-end double rifles for large game.
ah, no perhaps not. I'm not sure what to call it really.
we'll see
Or Scarecrow to turn you into a guinea pig.
You'd get a "Are you sure you want to work for this villain?"
"No, really. Are you sure?"
"Seriously sure?"
"Okay, your coffin. I hope the kids' college funds were worth it."
Sounds a lot more stylish than her current threads.
I think that's getting a little too complex. Maybe something like how your personality traits line up affect things like whether or not you can take jobs, how much they'll pay you, or if they'll support you in a fight but things like the right reputation, correct dialogue choices, and how well you perform in the job will all impact your relationship with the other villains.
>You'll probably hate this one Make a desperate Aunt May be an accomplice
I'mma need you to elaborate on this.
I think there should just be some villains you simply cant team up with. Like Joker is notorious for not being trustworthy
It's mounting bills and Peter only doing part-time work before the Bugle basically. So, May commits a few small-time robberies secretly before encountering the White Rabbit. Not sure how exactly. White Rabbit is charismatic enough to be convincing.
It would be closer to the MCU version of her. I got the idea from this. Not sure if I really like the idea though.
The way I see it, there are plot jobs, which you have to do, villain jobs, which require reputation to unlock and tend to be high risk/high reward, criminal jobs, which are your bread and butter for gaining cash and rep, and schemes, which are self-directed and can range from a simple smash and grab for quick cash to major jobs that you have to unlock and piece together how and when to pull them off from clues given through dialogue and environmental information.
You probably could either become a jack of all trades or a specialist in something.
I think that'd be more something self-directed based on what equipment you use and how you upgrade it.
So, many magpies.
I thought of a Magpie/Penguin story scenario, will post in a bit
I'm fairly certain Doom is Black Cat, and I know that Nu is Cupid.
You want a D-lister. Marvel has the best under shown D-listers. They have a guy named Hatemonger who is just Adolf Hitler with a rage gun. Think how much marvel could do with having him around.
When you're running against "digital consciousness who uses a giant robot body with a tv in its chest to get around" and "nazi zombie made of BEES" being a clone of Adolph Hitler in a purple Klan suit with an angry gun doesn't really cut it.
Alright so how about this
>News of a priceless bird sculpture coming to Gotham Museum. It's actually part of a set, the other scupture long since lost. Turns out Oswald has had it for years, and was just waiting for the other half to appear so he could sell the pair for a high price at a black market auction
>Security is tight. Can't send his goons to nab it, can't pay the right people, and certainly requires skill but doesn't want to get double crossed by Catwoman
>Decides to give Magpie a call. Weeks prepping for the heist he begins taking a liking to her, and actually giving her new toys to better her chances. Originally was going to make her the fall girl, but has second thoughts
>Magpie agrees, and originally planned to steal both once the job was done, but she too takes a liking to Cobblepots brutality and authority.
>Heist night. Things go bad, a crazy interaction between Magpie, Catwoman, and The Batman.
>Selina steals both sculptures in the end. Magpie gets arrested, but to her surprise gets out way sooner thanks to Oswald's lawyers.
>Magpie is now on her payroll
>Penguin begins yet another wooing session, but this time he finds a woman who doesn't mind who he REALLY is; a crime boss monster.
>Magpie begins to like Penguin because he's the only villain/boss that took her seriously, and believed she could be a real world class thief
Joke, heard about that?
>Magpie begins to like Penguin because he's the only villain/boss that took her seriously, and believed she could be a real world class thief
Non-character for both.
Killer Moth is dying from some unknown illness. It's found to be some sort of shrunk doomsday device and the JL and Batman need to get it out of his body to dispose of. But it's being defended by whoever built it in Moth's body
Batgirl is at his side to keep him company along with Kitten
I assume you mean "out of character" which that's a fair criticism. Just thought this up now, will rethink. Thank you.
I'd rater ship Livewire and Flash.
Sounds positively wacky.
I can imagine her forming an electric charge around him as he runs.
'In character' it wont work for both in every way.
Magpie already think she is cool and great.
Penguin didn't see profit in dealings with most crazy villain in world.
Stop 'water down' characters.
>Safety Moth
Wait a minute, you're the pissy Ivyfag aren't you? It's "watering down", you dunce. Cobblepot's character is a Napoleon/Oedipus complex old money "legitimate" business with social issues given his past relationships both family and romantic. He relies on fear to earn respect, and sometimes his employees really like him depending on the writer. Magpie is a kleptomaniac with a predilection towards shiny objects and is half fucking nuts herself.
Would Cobblepot be more of a smuggler with legitimate businesses or more of a serious drug/arms dealer? I'm torn between having him be someone Batman relies on for information or a serious threat, or both. As in he is an informant, then tries to do something like oust Bruce Wayne to consolidate his resources.
>Cobblepot's character is a Napoleon/Oedipus complex old money "legitimate" business with social issues given his past relationships both family and romantic
>Magpie is a kleptomaniac with a predilection towards shiny objects and is half fucking nuts herself.
i am read almost all Penguin's apperances and all Magpie's, you wrong in every possible way.
>i am read
From what I've seen is that officially Cobblepot is a legitimate businessman thanks to the Iceberg Lounge/Casino. He's got the connections and money to stay out of prison for any real long period, and everyone pretty much knows he's dirty but can't make it stick. We've seen several comics where he smuggles pretty much everything both in and out of Gotham. His business also plays into his character, which he desperately tries to present himself as high society.
Nigga you can't barely type so don't go bragging about how you can read. You're full of shit.
Read ... reading... I always had problems writing in English bacause lack of practice...
I read English very well and don’t write crappy OOC fan stories at the Tumblr level. Ha ha!
You know, "Penguin keeps her around because she's hot, Magpie sticks around because he's rich," is perfectly viable setup.
Hey works for me. Villain couples should be more a thing. Though I'm not sure what chemistry Mirror Master and Golden Glider have
True, but that 'team-up' ends in like three minutes after Magpie runs away through the window with Ozzie's family silver.
It's perfect for fun short story, not romantic one.
Maybe if she left a teasing, flirtatious note behind.
>Magpie giving up the Cobblepot Cock and all that money
>I'm Hawkeye's archenemy!
Considering Glider's background "has all his teeth, doesn't beat me, never actually spends anytime in prison" is what she sees in him.
While she is a klepto, she's also a mastermind style thief - her debut story had her carefully replacing items with duplicates - so you have it originate as Penguin hiring Magpie to test his security from internal threats. Afterwards it's a game between the two for Magpie to steal and Penguin to prevent her; there is no real risk for Penguin if they're a couple and he can simply arrange for her to steal shit from his enemies if he thinks she's getting hankering for doing something stupid. It'd be a functional, albeit fragile relationship.
Maybe she enjoys stealing it more than being given it? Like Catwoman.
The idea is to make her stand AWAY from Catwoman
Yes. This is perfect.
We found a compromise
This is, sadly, not.
If Ozzie hired Mags for that, she is robbed him after security test.
>be Magpie
>want things
>boyfriend has things
>if I stay with him I too will have those things
>if I want different things I can steal them
>boyfriend will also help me steal them
>want things
>boyfriend has things
>take boyfriend's things
>now no longer have all the other things boyfriend has that I couldn't steal
>now ex-boyfriend will hunt me down to get his things back
>will probably kill me too
Magpie is many things, but she's not a colossal idiot.
>Magpie is many things
And she is not Penguin's girlfriend.
>how DARE you spitball ideas about comic characters!
>on an imageboard about comics no less!
Your waifu is a z-list, literal who whose only claim to fame is being in a Superman/Batman teamup 33 years ago and an in-name-only appearance in a failed cartoon.
What you're asking for is the same tired out shit with BatCat
I am not asking anything.
stop! you giving me butthurt!
ha ha, no, i am for eleven years heard what shit.
You seem pretty asshurt over this ship
Yes god forbid we have fun on here and talk about a D-Lister with zero stories or presence in Batman. Fuck off, autist
I am cute, you're not.
I want Batgirl to bully Kitten like an not so evil Stepmom
Killer Moth has a pretty cool friend in the form of Cavalier too. Even teamed up with him a few times, also helped him get a picture with THE FUCKING JOKER AND LEX LUTHOR.
I mean, Magpie's never really had a consistent characterisation so it seems odd to cry about some random fanfic idea. Not to say i like the idea but still.
Anyway's 80's Mag's is best because it looks like a high fashion lovechild of Grace Jones and Madonna. Cant vibe with Bondage Gaga as well.
Hell yeah Cavalier
For what it's worth i like it
Disregard this person, they will make up whatever they have to say to push their stupid headcanon
>Yea Forums doesn't want to see Oswald Cobblechad walk into his nightclub with tall lady gaga looking girlfriend adorned in shiny jewelry.
>Yea Forums doesn't want Selina get real competition as Gotham's #1 burglar
Dont mistake all of Yea Forums for one autistic weirdo
Why are Barbara, Black Cat, and Cupid Stupid there?
>>Yea Forums doesn't want Selina get real competition as Gotham's #1 burglar
Now this i can fuck with!
Something about Penguin being with a girl that aint a squeeze feels a bit off though, there's one overly edgy, but still p good, penguin comic where he ends up selling his gf to sex slavers by the end of it.
It feels so weird writing that after spending the last week reading so many goofy silver age comics.
i think there are two magpie faggots, and only one of them is a retard
I'm cool with revamping Magpie as long as they keep Beware's backstory. I like the idea of her being a genuinely mentally ill person who tries to get actual help for her condition and it just fucks her up worse and turns her into another one of Gotham's freaks.
You just rarely see a good comic Bonnie and Clyde
True, but on that point and in the thread theme,when are Punch and Jewlee gonna be back?
>Kitten, did you finish your homework?
>Young Lady you are NOT going out looking like that!
>This... 'Fang' sounds like a nice boy, why don't you invite him over so your father and I can meet him?
Cavalier and Captain Stingaree as Kitten's flamboyant gay uncles.
Weren't they just major supporting characters in Batman last year?
Jewlee? Huh I always thought it was Punch and Judy
Bring back Bob! He was Jokers number one guy!
I really think Joker works best when he has someone to balance him out character-wise.
Infinity Moth
Crisis on Infinite Moths
Civil Moth
House of Moth
Court of Moths
She gets perma-redeemed by Wonder Woman AND decides she wants to go back to being a Gorilla
Here you go buddy
That's retarded.
>Barbara picks up the suit for a couple days while KM is out sick
>Everyone thinks she is his daughter doing some anti-villian stuff
>She jokingly calls him daddy in bed one night
>great, because Yea Forums didn't read comics.
Don't even try to pretend you give a shit about comic magpie
The only thing i remember her doing is sucking off a guard as distraction in Great White Shark's origin story, and i'm still not 100% sure it was her
She's a non character
AA: Living Hell had her fucking a guard for contraband.
KM's ex-wife sells knockoffs of his gear and costume to any wannabe supervillains who can pay her to torpedo his rep.
>>great, because Yea Forums didn't read comics.
>Don't even try to pretend you give a shit about comic magpie
>The only thing i remember her
Lol, you are guys really retarded girls from tumblr.
You are really retards, i see.
Really nice
Thats not retard. Needs more guys like that
I had almost this exact same idea. Mine was that at the end of a big Magpie/Penguin teamup that ends with both of them backstabbing each other, he lets her take the fall for him and get sent to jail. But then while she's sitting in jail seething somebody comes to let her out, and she finds out Penguin bailed her out.
I like the idea a lot because it sets up a dynamic for future stories where both of them are self-serving but also still clearly like each other.
Remember though, Penguin is a romantic. There's an entire book about him getting a gf.
He's definitely a horndog but he isn't the type to just smash girls because they're hot; if anything he's more of a white knight willing to protect m'lady's honor.
I really like the image of the tall leggy Magpie with her big fluffy collar paired up with short dumpy Penguin
Hence why I said setup and not dynamic.
Basically, someone like Bob?
But this Joker is Black Mask
Well, what if it was someone like Bob who's with the actual TAS Joker?
I'd like to see someone sketch this gag with her. or at least a partial portrait.
TAS Joker? You mean cuckold who get beaten by his whore?
Bob, Johnny Frost from the SS film, the depressed midget from Dark Prince Charming, even Harley all give him something to play off of in their own way.
Comic Joker then? Whichever version you prefer.
Or maybe as he was in Return of the Joker?
With how laidback he is, he'd just respond to their antics in the same way.
That bitch.
Or maybe she could try to steal something from him, and he catches her in the act?
Felt like writing something from this. Will probably finish.
> Oswald was beginning to regret giving his Kabuki guards the week off for their family visit in Japan. Then again, how could he have known someone was going to make a clatter here and a clatter there in his manor.
> Though he was dressed in his favorite, silk black robe with the white cotton lined pyjamas underneath, he still felt mostly naked, but that was only somewhat alleviated with his trusty gun umbrella. It had rarely failed him before, he just hoped it wasn’t one of the Bats. Sure, he could just show them his legitimate business documents (Not that he keeps the more private ones within Cobblepot manor.) but they weren't always known for their flexibility.
> He enters the room he personally dubbed the “Treasure room”> Home to the Cobblepot family’s most prized heirlooms, jewels, and silver things. Gold was a little toot tacky to present for his tastes, but he understood it’s value enough to keep large quantities of it in other places. The room was kept locked with an eight-digit padlock as well as a master-grade lock if that failed. The operative word being was. He aims his umbrella up a little higher as he quietly growls to himself.
> “Blasted Catwoman!” he hissed to himself as he noted the fleeting silhouette on the illuminated wall of the treasure room. He noted the wavering light. Someone must have lit a candle.
> Gingerly, he walked into the room as quietly as his slippers would allow. He noticed the gleam in most of the jewels, silver, antiques, and bird related treasures were in their place. Though, he was certain some of them were not in their place.
> He narrowed his eyes when he noticed the large lit candle placed on the floor at the left side of the room. Its design was unusual. Very unusual. White at the top and black at the bottom. The white seemed to melt into the black in a spiral motion. Most striking was a dark blue father sticking upright at the top.
> That’s when he felt a breeze behind him. He turns around in alarm and shoots.
> Into the wall.
> He mutters as she hears a quiet, very feminine giggle echo in the room.
> “Who are you!? I demand you show yourself!?”
> A few heel clicks from his behind, and to the right, compel him to quickly spin to aim his umbrella into the dimly lit shadowy area of the room. He noticed a tall silhouette slowly approach him. He would never admit it, but he was starting to feel quite nervous.
> “Oh when it shines, I just feel mighty fine. Oh, such a gleam! I’m so very keen! To hold it all in my hands!”
> Her singing was impressive, but alarming for the context. Oswald made sure to stand guard. She’s trying to intimidate him. He’s not intending on letting it work.
> The heel clicks get a little under when she got closer. Her shadow stepped into the candlelight and a very tall, pale woman was revealed. So tall in fact, she may very well have been a foot taller than Oswald. Something he didn’t enjoy but was no stranger too.
> He soon realized that her skin was inhumanly pale and matched her very white hair perfectly. He wondered if she was an albino at first until he noticed the very different peach skin tone at the bottom of her neck. She must be wearing face paint.
> She wore black, tight clothes that seemed to glimmer in the candlelight. Latex he guessed. A corset, short shorts, and thigh-high stiletto-heeled boots. Looking at the heels, he wondered how he hadn’t heard her earlier.
> Then he looked up to see the choker around her neck, and the dark red, shades over her eyes. Then he saw what was perhaps the most memorable thing about her other than the hair: the feather neck half ring that seemed to only cover the back of her neck. He noted that they were black too. So, likely not wherever the blue feather in the candle came from.
> “Whoever you are, you’re trespassing.”
> “How astute.” she said with a teasing grin. She holds a hand up in the air. Her hand, as well as the other, were covered in arm length silk gloves with acrylic nails placed on top that seemed more like talons. Both of her arms were adorned with diamond, sapphire, emerald, silver, basically, a lot of necklaces. Her fingers were covered in ring after shining ring. Around her neck was a treasured Cobblepot heirloom, a very large necklace linked with platinum and holding a quite large, oval shaped black gemstone.
> “I believe that those are mine.” he hissed. She smirked before girlishly twirling as she admired her necklace covered arm.
> “Are they? Then why aren’t you wearing ‘em?” she playfully asked.
> “I’m not one for that kind of style.” he said as she stopped her twirl. She pouts. As if she’s offering the shiny things sympathy.
> “They need the attention. If you won’t do that, then you don’t deserve them.”
> Oswald was now beginning to wonder if she recently escaped from Arkham.
> “Don’t be preposterous! They’re objects. Things. Valuable things. Very valuable in fact. But things.”
> “Are they? Don’t you see the way they speak to you when they shine? Tempting you? Seducing you? Making your heart race? Mine feels like it’s gonna burst out of my chest. Must be all the adrenaline.”
> She brings an arm closer to her face.
> “Or maybe it’s you, naughty boys.”
> Penguin raises his head a little, and quickly adjusts his monocle with one hand before putt in it back on the umbrella. Quite a strange woman indeed. He felt like pinching himself.
> “I don’t care for your attachments. I care they are mine, and you’re stealing from me. I take it you don’t know who I am? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have made such a foolish mistake.”
> “Foolish mistake? Like what the Catwoman does? All the time?”
> Penguin suddenly felt a small burst of fury.
> “Not all the time! Her last attempt, and I mean attempt, was a few months ago!”
> Magpie holds her hands up as she puffs her cheeks a little in mock surprise.
> “Whoa, relax little birdie. No need to ruffle your feathers.”
> He rolled his eyes.
> “Catwoman, as infuriating as she can sometimes be was once a friend, and a professional. I don’t see much hope for an amateur like you.”
> She scoffs
> “Amateur? I’ve come a long way from wearing a ski-mask or pantyhose over my head while stealing little else but cash and liberating only a few of the shiny preciouses while buying the rest. See this outfit? Made it myself.”
> Penguin couldn’t help but admire her perfect hourglass figure, and her athletically toned body. She wasn’t quite as muscular as Catwoman, but she certainly looked like she could outrun her.
(Added the image because Catwoman kind of reminds me of how Magpie is written here in that particular instance.)
>Whichever version you prefer
I prefer Bane.
Bob as a henchman to Bane or Bane as a henchman to Joker?
Or was that supposed to mean just Bane over Joker in general?
Bane over Joker in general.
Joker in comics pretty lame.
Hmm. All of them?
> “Yes, I can see it very well, and it is quite flattering. Don’t expect charm to work on me, my dear.”
> “Why not? Isn’t that how you get all those women? Charm? Telling them how beautiful they are with that poet’s tongue of yours as you give them whatever they want?”
> Her voice gets steadily lower and huskier as she steps forward. A cautious Oswald steps back in tune with her own steps.
> “I bet your poet’s tongue’s been in a lot of places. Hasn’t it, Little Birdie?” she says breathlessly before making a kissing motion with her black-painted lips.
> “You seem to be mistaking charm for vulgarity.”
> “Is it working?” she asks with a smile.
> “Hardly.”
> “Then why are you blushing?”
> He now very much wanted to end this encounter.
> “Put those back or-”
> “Or what? You’ll shoot me? Why haven’t you done it yet? You like me?”
> “A common thief in clown make-up and a Hot Topic stripper outfit isn’t my idea of what to like. If anything, it’s more of an alarm bell. Not just to me, but to all men.”
> “Ouch.” she said with a very exaggerated frown. “That kinda hurt.”
> Penguin cast a downward glance to her feet. Her heels are really starting to bother him.
> “You’re not an amateur you say? What kind of thief wears heels?”
> “I have a light step.” she declared before moving closer toward him. With no clicks this time.
> “Hardly impressive.”
> She frowns. With a little more anger this time. Oswald supposed she didn’t like a skill getting unappreciated.
> “Oh yeah?” she said before performing a sudden backflip. Then a somersault. Her landings were near silent thuds.
> Penguin began to have an idea.
> “Alright, my dear. You made your point. You’re good. Perhaps we could negotiate?”
(Wanted to add a picture of what Magpie's hand would look like, but with more acrylic talons instead of nails.)
I really love some of Morrison or King works but even in that he just 'lol jokes'. He is shitty villain.
> Her laugh comes from an unexpected place: the rafters. He looks above. With the tip of his umbrella now settle don the floor. If no longer appearing to be a threat would help in gaining a new employee with a lot of potential, then he was willing to take a risk.
> “Negotiate? You want me to work for you, bird man?”
> “I prefer the term with.” he claimed as he heard her heels click on the wooden beams. She sounded like she was running.
> He notices a shadow leap from a beam to the open, circular window above. Her dark form was somewhat illuminated by the candlelight. He could barely make out a smile on her face.
> “When and where?” she asked.
> Oswald smirked. This was turning out surprisingly well.
> “Laviachi’s Emporium. I want whatever is in the safe. Preferably, his transaction and business dealings.”
> “The boring stuff got it.”
> “Tomorrow. At midnight.”
> “And the shiny things?” She asked with barely suppressed excitement.
> “As much as you can carry. Help yourself to his profits too if you so wish.”
> “Sounds like a hot date.” she said.
> “I don’t believe I caught your name Ms?”
> “As far as your concerned, the name is Magpie.”
> She takes off her shades, and reveals her eyes painted in eye black.
> “A girl’s gotta have a mask sometimes, ya know?” She said with a wink. Just before she turns, and leaves her perched position on the window ledge with a hop down.
> Oswald raises his hand.
> “Wait, you confounded old-”
> Too late. All he could see was the clear night sky.
> “I expect that necklace to be returned.” he quietly muttered to himself.
Done. Let me know if cringe.
How would you improve him?
>mfw when no gentleman ghost post
I loved the "is he a human playing tricks or an actual supernatural ghost" angle that they used to play with back in his bronce age appearances
the fuck is this image trying to portray?
>Implying Miller Joker wasnt the best clown around
Was he in the DCAU other than the Justice League?
>Don't even try to pretend you give a shit about comic magpie
I do, though its msotly down to the solid design and me wanting to fuck her
The Joker that wasn't very funny?
I didn't make that image by the way. But by interpretation, yes. The artist didn't enjoy Miller's Joker.
I like it. Pastebin?
wow no shit, the artist seems to be a cartoonfag with shitty taste and all, you gonna point that out too?
Sure. Go ahead. Unless you expect me to.
Might try one with White Rabbit later.
Where is the third image in the top row from?
Dialogue needs work.
What could I do with it?
the honey popped up in flash recently, think it was there
Well from what I’ve read, the vernacular and rhetoric doesn’t match Oswald’s character (in my mind anyway). The way he speaks is an attempt to appear dignified, high class, and a facade that’s lost when angered thus becoming an almost animalistic mobster. For example I don’t ever expect Cobblepot to name drop hot topic. An appropriate line would have been “My dear, Oswald Cobblepot only mingles with “birds” that know class. That attire says otherwise.” Actually come to think of it, this story could turn into Pretty Woman
Yeah, good point. I was actually expecting worse, but yeah. What about Magpie?
So, basically, like Rattigan from The Great Mouse Detective?
Well Magpie has a lot more wiggle room given her material. I’d recommend toning down on the flirtation by a small margin, add a bit of disinterest in certain situations in favor of admiring shiny treasures. It gives a hint of her mental state, like she’s off in her own little world. The key is knowing what emotion should fit the scene. I suppose you could call her the “poor woman’s Catwoman” in the sense that her composure and focus can be broken easier. Furthermore, don’t be afraid to add a bit of hate to this attraction. The line between those two emotions can often be blurred, and works well in this situation given that both are villains. In fact the repeated double crossings could lead to respect and infatuation
Marvel's Ghost is also based. I wished we would see him more doing damage to corrupt corporations, crooked politicians and global conspiracies.
Gentleman Ghost needs two things. First, for artists to look up what early 19th century fashion actually looked like, and second, they needs to switch him to a poltergeist wearing an actual suit of clothing.
Has Ghost ever taken on Roxxon?
No, he is not about 'improve', he worked as just random maniac who did it all for lulz.
No. He is not Harley, retard.
Yea that works
Yes, during the Vibranium Vendetta but Iron Man, Black Panther, Spider Man, Sunturion and Ultron were a bit too much for him.
As if Harley's the only character who made cross-show appearances.
That's' pretty much it re: Spidey cartoon,
the show was gearing up to have a 6th season but the show hit the dreaded "65 episode limit" and Fox pulled the plug.
I am talks about what Timm had planned him to be in BTAS, but dropped for MOAR Harley, retard.
The Wroth of Moth.
Monsieur mallah as a Justice League or Batman villain.
Maybe he could be a good guy and the bureau of normalcy would go after him and the brain
Make her the arch nemesis of Mera
That and her and Manta fuck
Didn't she and black manta have a romance in rebirth aquaman or am I making that up
I was about to say that having a big, giant sentient ape as a Bat rogue was too ridiculous.
But then I remembered Killer Croc.
Not sure. Haven't completed it yet
I mean batmans most famous villain is a killer clown, anything is possible with bats
Yah. And a guy who's centuries years old.
>I want you to remember, malah, in all your years to come, in all your private moments, i want you to remember the one human who beat you
Heh. It would be interesting for the conclusion of an arc or season.
What I really like about Ghost is that despite him being a filthy Unabomber freak he can keep up with the billionaire genius. And also having a sense of justice with the willingness to do and give everything to accomplish that.
How would you make him differentiate from Grodd though? Apart from having a French accent and his relationship with Brain?
I'd make him more militaristic and cunning, hed work from behind the scenes kinda like bane in knightfall
Thanks doc
You could also do that through his personality.
Grodd is a fucking savage.
Now, I realize I'll be stereotyping here, but make Mallah a ver civil, calm, well spoken sort of Frenchman. Have him be a gorilla of culture and taste.
I can't picture Grodd sitting in his study, planning his next act of villainy, while drinking Cognac and smoking cigarettes.
But a gorilla who calls himself "Monsieur" and wears berets, I could totally see being that kind of character.
Basically, he'd only fight if he absolutely had to? Who'd be the muscle then? Madame Rouge?
Like in brave and the bold?
Batman vs the Brotherhood of Evil would be interesting.
Bats already had a Gorilla Boss and Gorilla Grimm.
You all newbies.
You are really a Tumblr girls, but with penises.
The scissor men
But do they have a French accent and a brain in a jar/android for a friend?
Not in comics, but Boss team-uped with Grodd and Mallah in Batman the Brave and The Bold cartoon series.
Not him, but Firefly basically turned into someone like this guy in "The Batman".
Maybe they'd get along.
Bane's not much better, writers get him wrong far more often then they get him right
Thinking of posting a White Rabbit piece if anyone doesn't mind. Probably the last one here too.
Yeah, he's usually muscle for another villain.
Written better than a lot of modern comics
Even that cunnilingus joke?
Thanks. Forgot to mention I'm the writer in the post below, anyway. Here's the first post of White Rabbit's antics.
> “Almost, almost, almost...”
> Lorina Dodson, A.K.A “White Rabbit” was glued to the sight of the moving clock hands within her gold pocket watch. Her eyes were wide and hopeful. While her henchmen and women looked to her with concerned glances. Not that they weren’t used to her eccentricities.
> Lorina was dressed quite differently from the grey sleeveless shirt with grey fatigues, and black lace boots wearing goons. The only thing about their clothes that stood out was the embroidered white rabbit head on their shirts. Lorina, on the other hand, was dressed in a blue suit jacket with a white blouse, and a red bow tie at the top. A blue hung around her waist, and her long shapely legs were covered in ripped fishnet stockings with white high heeled boots at her feet. As well as white, silk gloves on her hands. Of course, there was her most striking feature. The long, fake rabbit ears on her head.
> “Uh, boss?”
> “WHAT!?” she yelled out.
> The interrupting henchmen, a bald black man, leaned back in alarm. As did the others beside him, and beside Lorina in the back of the driving van.
> “I-I, uh, just wanted ta say. Ya know we won’t be there until, like, ten minutes, right?”
> “And?” she asked with an impatient glare.
> “W-well. Isn’t lookin’ at that thing gettin’ kinda borin’?”
> “Not as much as staring at you sad sacks.” she declared before looking back to the ticking pocket watch.
> “Uh, okay.” he muttered before going back to staring at her legs.
> The ride was a little long, and, to some, uncomfortably quiet. The only one sporting a buck-toothed smile was Lorina. Who seemed to look happier and happier by the minute.
Is Chameleon D-list? He barely shows up in adaptations, last time I checked.
Well, not sure about video games, but he was in the 90s cartoon and Spectacular.
> The van slowly comes to a stop. The driver, a young red-headed woman, leaned to the side and looked to her fellow crooks in the back.
> “Alright, we’re-”
> “Yes! It’s time! It’s time!”
> “Uh, right, ma’am.” The red-haired henchwoman said with a raised brow.
> “I hope you’re all as good as I’m paying you.” Lorina said as she placed the pocket watch into the pocket of her suit jacket.
> “But ya haven’t paid us yet.” one of the henchmen pointed out.
> “Oh, quit your complaining! I did tell you I would when the job is finished, didn’t I?”
> “Yeah, but-”
> “Then you just need to be patient. Is that so hard?” she asked.
> “No, ma-am.” he said. Not willing to argue with this woman.
> “Fantastic then. Alright, ladies and gentleman. Stockings on. Then your “faces.”
> The henchmen and women take nude nylon stockings out of their pockets and pull them tightly over their heads before placing plastic, white rabbit masks over their distorted nylon covered faces.
> “Now ready your weapons.” she said while she takes out a pair of pantyhose from her pocket. As they ready their pistols and automatics, she pulls the pantyhose over her ears and face. Pushing her eyes and pink butoon nose down as well as giving her white painted face a light shade of beige.
> The van is filled with the sound of cocking pistols and sub machine guns. One of the henchmen looks to Lorina with a confused look behind the rabbit mask.
> “Um, boss? Are you sure you really need to wear that?”
> “We’re about to rob a bank aren’t we, Joseph? So a bank robber needs a mask.”
> “Yeah but it ain’t like you ain’t known to the cops or the spider. I mean, you’re dressed like a giant rabbit.”
> “A giant bank robbing rabbit thank you very much. Now are we going to do this or are you going to keep dawdling?”
> The henchman shrugs before slinging a duffel bag over his shoulder, just as the other henchmen do with their own bags.
> “Now, let’s show the fine people of New York why their precious banks aren’t safe from the White Rabbit!”
> It’s a normal, boring day in a typical New York bank. A large one, but still typical. Men and women in suits and men and women in casual clothes are mixed among themselves. They mostly have business related conversations with each other. The tellers give their business fake smiles. Desperately trying to conceal their boredom and contempt.
> But that all went away. When the White Rabbit marched in to make their day.
> Everyone looked to the masked Lorina and her henchmen march in with their guns (Umbrella in Lorina’s case) and duffel bags. Murmurs and screams echo throughout the lobby. Music to her ears.
> Lorina marched up to a desk in confident strides. Her slightly distorted face was smug with satisfaction.
> “Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. In case it wasn’t clear enough already, I believe this what they call A STICK UP!” she screeched as she leapt up to stand on the desk.
> Her sudden screech inspired the men and women, suits and casuals alike, to lay on the ground. The tellers held their hands up in the meantime. Some of the White Rabbit’s goons kept their attention to the laying bodies while the rest threw their bags to the tellers. She kept her mind focused on giving a speech. All the greats do after all.
I know. And those are pretty much the only two things he’s been in aside from just the comics.
> “You fools, simps, idiots, dare I say, lunatics? You entrust your livelihoods to these corrupt, treacherous institutions to keep your money safe from the likes of me? What about those who operate them? I can tell you that you have nothing to trust or admire from these pits you call safeguards. Apart from how dastardly they can be. I should know, I’m a shareholder for quite a few of them. Including this one, actually.”
> One of the tellers wasn’t sure if she should say anything at all, but curiosity got the better of her.
> “If you’re a shareholder then why are you-”
> “Ah, ah! Did I say you could talk?” Lorina asked as she threateningly gestures the tip of her umbrella to the curious teller.
> “N-no.” the teller stuttered.
> “Exactly. To answer your question, supervillains are not shareholders of banks. None of the ones you know anyway. Though I suppose I’m the exception.” Lorina proudly stated.
> “Uh, w-well I suppose Ms Do- Uh, I mean, White Rabbit.”
> “Good. Now that it’s all clear, I wish to be escorted to the vault by one of you fine employees.”
> Lorina moves her umbrella to aim at the tellers. She was intending on making an eeny miny mo choice until she caught eyes with a tall, dark-haired, and one of the most handsome bank employees she had seen.
>Needless hostility
I assume its past your bedtime
nigger where do you think you are?
The difference is that Oswald's cruelty is (somewhat) justified by how horribly he was treated throughout his youth and how he's looked down upon to this very day. Hes a manlet and an goofy looking one at that. Basically he's a freak with a deep seated inferiority complex who's family used to be a big deal
Are they gonna make him a girl in attempt at synergy with the movies?
A Chameleon boss fight could be interesting. Or a puzzle where you have to find him amongst a crowd of people.
> “Ah, you.” she huskily said as she settled her umbrella aim on him. She leaped off the desk with a thud, and approached him with a gentle swaying in her hips. He looks to her with a little confusion before he tries to keep himself stoic.
> “I can see why you’re at the desk. So, my tall, strong, handsome...” She trails off until she looks to his name tag. “...Everett. How doe sit feel to be selected by such a beautiful, dangerous rogue such as me?”
> Everrett wasn’t sure what to say other than what he thought she wanted to hear.
> “It feels very tense, yet also a privilege.”
> “Oh, yes. The tension. The adrenaline rushing through you right now? Quite a bonding thing isn’t it?”
> “I-I suppose.” he said uncertainly. She vaults over the desk. He jumps back a little in surprise.
> “Come now, my dear Everett. There’s no reason to be afraid. Only if you don’t be a good boy..” Lorina gently pokes him on the nose with the tip of the umbrella before slowly trailing it down his chest, and stopping at his heart.
> “You’ll be a good boy, won’t you?” she said with as much dripping threat as she could put in it.
> “O-of course, Ms. Rabbit.”
> “White Rabbit. Now be a gentleman and kindly escort me to the vault if you don't mind.”
> “U-um, don't you want the manager?”
> White Rabbit giggles.
> “I don't need the manager, silly. I’m the White Rabbit. I pack my own key.”
No kids allowed jr.
> “Everett nervously takes her to the vault while her umbrella tip pokes at his back. He shows her the vault door, Large and metallic as expected.
> “There it is.”
> “I can see that, dummy. Now stand back.”
> Everett immediately stands behind her. She looks over her shoulder, and gives him a serious glare.
> “Don’t move. You better stay where you are.”
> Of course.” he said. He took a deep inhale. He felt like his skin was slowly crawling. He wasn’t certain how she was going to let herself in, but he assumed it had something to do with explosions.
> He was proven right when she had thrown a shiny looking carrot that embedded itself into the vault door. It beeped upon contact before creating a large explosion, followed by a loud boom. Everett shielded himself away from the blast. Lorina did too.
> screams echoed in the distance behind them. Followed by commands of “shut up!” and “stay quiet!” Everett felt confident enough to observe the damage.
> “Ah! Like a charm!” Lorina stated in pride before she ruses to the large, gaping hole in the vault. She turns around and excitedly beckons Everett to join her.
> “Come on! There’s little time to waste!”
Nope, he showed up in Punisher.
> As Everett observed her excitedly stuffing her duffel bag with wads of cash and jewels from the deposit boxes she opened with some sort of carrot cutting tool, he could not help but ask her something out of pitiful curiosity. Even if it ran the risk of earning her ire.
> “I’m not sure I get it, White Rabbit.”
> “Get what?” she mindlessly asked as she admired a shining, diamond necklace in her hand.
> “You practically own a quarter of the city. Why do you need to rob this bank? You even admitted you’re a shareholder of it.”
> “Because I hate wasting time, that’s why.”
> “Her response was so typical of her motif, he wasn’t sure if she was entirely being truthful, but he decided not to press further anyway.
> “Now let us make haste! I’m sure this has drawn some attention.” she said while zipping the bag closed, and slinging it over her shoulder.
> They enter the lobby. Lorina signals to some of her fellow robbers.
> “Those of you who haven’t pilfered from the drawers, get as much as you can. My bag is quite filled.”
> Three of them rush toward the vault while the rest keep watch over the laying people and tellers. Lorina looks to Everett with a smile.
> “Don’t feel too bad, dear. After all, you are, through many levels, my employee. So you’re just doing exactly as you are supposed to.”
> He nervously nods.
> “Uh, yeah. Sure, ma’am.”
> Once her two henchmen and one henchwoman re-enter the lobby with filed bags, Lorina decides to bid a farewell message.
> “Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone! And thank you for your kind co-operation!”
> Lorina looks to Everett. Though her eyelids were a little weighed down with the pantyhose mask, her smile made it clear she wasn’t quite done with him yet.
> “Don’t think I’m done with you yet, Everett. You’re going to be my hostage.”
> He felt his heart weigh down in dread.
> “R-really?”
> “Yes. You don’t think I’m going to just rob this bank and leave without any insurance, do you? What kind of supervillain does that?”
> “A bad one?” he guessed.
> “Precisely. Besides, I’ve only done the pillaging and the burning so far.”
> “Oh.” he uttered with a cold sweat.
> “Now come! Into the van!”
> “Everett had to remind himself that Lorina Dodson was already a public figure when she had pulled the pantyhose off her head. Otherwise, he would have already been saying his prayers. Her oddly friendly smile was enough of an indicator that maybe he could get away with his life.
> “Why so tense, dear? You have little to dread from me. Just behave yourself.”
> He nodded. He noted that the henchmen kept their masks on. Probably because of him.
> “Any chance we get a turn, boss?” asked one of the henchwomen. Everett quietly breathed in deeply through his nose.
> “Slim, dear. Maybe if you do another good job for me.”
> “Oh, God. How long are they going to keep me?” thought Everett to himself.
> “So, Everett. What made you think being a bank teller was a good idea in a city like this with me and the others in it?”
> “Uh, well. I went to college early, big mistake. So I started bartending, but I wanted a more full-time, higher paying job so I ended up behind a counter because I was used to it. It seemed to work for me.”
> “Seemed to being the operative term.” Lorina noted. He couldn’t help but nod in agreement.
> “Well, Everett. Maybe I could help you with your problems. Just play your role, and play it well.”
> He couldn’t deny it. His eyes lit up at the words.
> “Y-you mean it?”
> “I always keep my word.”
> “W-well. That’s actually really kind of y-”
> “Aw, crap!”
He appeared recently in the comics
> Lorina’s eyes widen. She quickly leans over to look at what caused the henchmen in the front passenger seat to yell out.
> “What!? What is it!?”
> She quickly finds out when she sees a waving Spiderman at the windshield.
> “Lorina! Hey! Long time no see!” His voice was a little muffled behind the glass.
> Fury clouds over her eyes.
> “You!? You’re supposed to-”
> “Being busy with Rhino!? Yeah, I just locked him up in the zoo! How’s life!?”
> Lorina growls. Everett presses his back against the van tensely.
> “What are you idiots at the front doing!? How long does it take to shoot the pest!?”
> The red-haired driver pulls out her pistol and shoots through the wind shield. Not quick enough for his reflexes. He disappears up the roof of the van.
> Her henchmen in the back unload their sub machine guns into the ceiling. Everett tightly presses his fingers into his ears.
> “Are you still up there, Spiderman!? Please tell me we got you!”
> The van suddenly halts. Lorina perks up in shocked curiosity. She opens the van door to find that the van has been tethered to a lamp post.
> “Break it!” she orders to the driver. Just before she could hit the acceleration pedal, she’s yanked out of the seat after her door opens. The henchman in the passenger seat gets webbed in his masked face when he pulls out his pistol.
> The henchman exits the van while trying to pull the webbing away. All they could hear form within the van was a few grunts, and punching sounds.
> “Get out there and kill him!” Lorina commanded. Her henchmen weren’t sure of their chances, but they knew they would definitely get caught if they stayed. So they left with hardly any confidence.
> “You stay here. You don’t leave unless I say you can. Understand?”
> Everett shakily nods.
> A couple of minutes had passed. A couple of minutes of gunfire and grunts. Lorina tusks to herself.
> “That didn’t sound good. Alright, Everett. Time for you to really play hostage.”
> Everett grunts as she pulls him to his feet. She jabs him in the back with the umbrella, as she keeps a tight grip on his jacket at the shoulder.
> “Now stay calm, don’t say a word, and, hopefully, you get to live.” whispered Lorina. Her hot breath on his ear.
> “Everett wanted to nod, but couldn’t bring himself to do that. He was too paralysed.
> They step out of the van into the somewhat cooler air. Lorina note she unconscious henchmen and women on the ground of the road. All the other cars on it seemed to stop due to the commotion.
> “I know you’re out there you infuriating bug!”
> “Aw, come on! Spiders aren’t bugs. Get that right.”
> She turns to see Spiderman, in his iconic red and blue costume, standing atop the van with his hands on his hips.
> Alright then, arachnid. I’m sure you can see how this could very well go.”
> “Yeah, you goin’ to jail, then payin’ bail so we can do this dance again. You’re a real broken record, Lorina.”
> “It’s White Rabbit!” she yell sout.
> “Aw, come on! Ya gave that up when I busted ya the first time. You want me to not use your name? Get another gig.”
> “I have this man at my mercy. I’ll shoot him if I don’t-”
> “Don’t what? Get a helicopter? You have, like, ten of those!”
> “I’ll shoot him!”
> “Nah. Ya won’t. Ya know why?”
> “Why?”
> “Because you’re always… “
> Lorina’s eyebrows raise as he trails off. Then she couldn’t do much with them once she could see nothing but web.
> “Late!” yelled Spiderman as he pulled her forward. Her face hits the tarmac. Hard.
>says the underage autismo
>whipping out your guns over literally nothing
>completely witless answers
Nah he's right, you don't sound like you're making the cut on the 18yo front.
You're not getting any point for whiny rants unless they're somehow fun or/and well-constructed. That's the easiers and most common form of discourse on the web, nobody needs yet another bitch prancing around.
tl; dr: unless you actually have something to say, stfu.
> Everett looks to Lorina’s unconscious form. A little relieved, but wondering if he’ll still get the aid she said she’d give him.
> “You okay, buddy?” Spiderman asked as he walked up to the shaken teller.
> “Y-yeah. Just a little nervous.”
> “Can’t blame ya. Crazy for carrots this one.” Spiderman said as he helps pull Lorina up to her feet. She slowly regains her lucidity with a pained groan.
> “Come on, Lorina. Up ya get. Wouldn’t want to be late for the cops now, would ya?”
> He webs up Lorina’s body against a wall. She lays down against it in a slump position, She’s awake, but quite dazed.
> “Hey. How many fingers am I holding up?” he asks as he holds up four fingers and a thumb.
> “Uh, five?” she said with a confused groan.
> “Four actually, but nice guess.” said Spiderman. The squad cars arrive. One of the officers giggles when he sees exactly who is webbed up against the wall.
> “Oh boy, the billionaire rabbit?”
> “Yep! In the flesh! Robbing your own bank, Lorina? Just ask ‘em to hold the door open for you next time.”
> She angrily growls.
> “Careful officer, this one bites. Stay safe, Evertt!”
> Spiderman swings away from them. Evertt felt a little surprised in a pleasant kind of way that Spiderman said his name. He looks to Lorina with concern.
> “So, uh, do I still get your help>”
> She sighs as she rolls her eyes.
Done. May put it on paste bin. Thoughts?
Ah, spelled his name wrong. Will correct if it goes on Pastebin.
Fucking thank you, so many people just hop into threads for no other reason than to shit all over the place
i called a shitty image shit, you faggots get upset. Expecting pleasantry or modicum on this fucking site is the most autistic and misinformed shit.
I've been posting in this thread since the very beginning, and being blunt, I've never seen such a autistic obscure villains thread.
Did they ruin him?
>I'm acting like trash and getting mad that I'm getting called out for being trash
They better not, there's still no stuck in wall stuff of him
If they're tactful they'll add a second, female ghost for movie synergy but tact hasn't exactly been marvels strength these days
Not sure if the costume would look well at all these days. Is it meant to be garish? Was it garish then?
I'd keep her backstory. Make her something of a Catwoman for Nightwing.
I'd actually give her a gimmick related to puppetry. Not sure how yet.
The Killing Moth.
From Moth.
The League of Extraordinary Moths.
M for Moth.
Lost Moths.
Swamp Moth.
The Ballad of Motho Walker.
Any ideas?
No, aside from ignoring one movie.
More leg to go with the cleavage
I'd make him the Big Bad of an arc or a season. That's it really.
Enchantress/Doctor Fate team-up book where June and Kent form a friendship over being meat puppets
Secret Moths
Moth's Last Hunt
Clone Moth
Kingdom Moth
Moth Island
Planet Moth
I would start by playing him as prone to extreme mood swings due to his constant deaths and resurrections.
He'd go through periods of extreme recklessness due to believing that even if he gets killed, he'll definitely get resurrected again, and depressed funks when he realizes that no one even notices or cares when he dies and comes back and that he really doesn't "deserve" it since he's a nobody.
Also, to make him less of a Mysterio and Chameleon ripoff, I'd give him a new MO: he used to have a gang that dressed like him, so what if he takes to brinwashing others and dressing him in the same costume, so as to avoid capture and death? If there are 12 Mirages running around, how will Spidey be sure he's capturing and arresting the right one?
>not 'they'
Looks too much like a dragonfly.
Mothman should be a real Anti-Batman
He should be hired by criminals to thwart Batman’s efforts to stop their crimes, using his own gadgets, traps, decoys, tech, and assets to truly weaken Batman’s crime fighting ability.
I’d have him as a very capable man with decent fighting ability but a mind for strategy that catches Batman by total surprise
And of course he would also work as a police officer, attempting to frame Batman and turn the force against him, while also banging the Commissioner’s daughter every night
I'm thinking hired by the Penguin.
Great White Shark is hugely wasted potential look at how fucking terrifying he is
I’d write him as a gang leader behind bars, running all criminal operations within Blackgate. He was an investor before incarnation, so have him as a well-connected financier type who has infinite reach and influence.
The kind of shit Daredevil showed Kingpin being capable of in prison would be the general gist of his character for me
He could bring something very different to the Gotham gangster storylines which are just oversaturated with Penguin
The "driven insane by the insane" backstory is pretty interesting.
I wonder how he and Penguin would be associated with each other.
Yeah. If the wings looked more like a moth's wings.
He’d make for an actually interesting fresh villain backstory, showing a man who was monstrous on the inside be physically and mentally transformed by Gotham’s worst. I’d want him to retain his intellect, cunning, and connections from being a mega rich yuppie. Have him wield serious power and control the prison. A scene where he bites someone’s throat out Rick Grimes style is absolutely necessary though, teeth like those can’t go unused.
I’d have him be a real challenge for the Penguin to deal with, a roadblock when trying to deal with problems. If White Shark is in prison, he could be protecting key witnesses in Penguin’s crimes to hold power over him. If free, White Shark could use his wealth and influence to corrupt higher powers and block Penguin’s businesses. I really liked how Daredevil handled Kingpin in S3, having him corrupt a section of the FBI and use a plea deal to his advantage.
A financier with gross teeth using a plea deal? Maybe go for the full package and have White Shark blackmail Gotham politicians with evidence of what they get up to at their private sex parties.
What a wasted potential that Tyrant was never used again. I thought he was badass villain that went toe to toe with Galactus and convincingly wrecked Thanos.
I would have kept him around as the antithesis to Galactus who eats planets to survive while he eats to be conquer. Also it would be pretty cool for him and Thanos to duke it out in a rematch since they never did properly fought each other.
Black Mask's actually pretty neat when he isn't the edgiest Batman villain, considering how he's a literal Dick Tracy villain for Batman.
Maybe if they changed it so his False Face Society was more like Venetians committing crimes and getting away with it since nobody knows what's under the mask, it'd be more unique than just another mobster.
Aren't most Bat villains Dick Tracy-esque mobsters? In their old days anyway.
Did all three ever work together?
but what if he was cute grill
I'd have her daughter turn into an ink person.
Then have Terry be inadvertently responsible for her death. Thus making it more personal.
Interesting. is that supposed to be Stephanie?
What if she was a Beyond villain with relation to Roman Sionis? Not Stephanie, of course.
Concept art for an unmade Arkham sequel game starring Damian.
Filename's a joke.
Maybe it was Circe.
Wow. Lady Black Mask was actually seriously considered enough to have concept art made?
i thought he was just some rogue red cross doctor
8-Ball is a washed up villain living in a shitty basement apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with his teenage daughter. He pretends to go out and work construction when really he is committing petty crimes. It evolves into a Team up story with 8-ball, Ruby Thursday, The Orb, and Mysterio joining forces to do crime, only to get mixed up into saving the world somewhat reluctantly.
He's B list.
V for Moth
Blackest Moth
Dark Moth Metal
One Moth Day
What do you call it?
When the Ball Drops?
Juggling Act?
Hard Break?
If I was writing Green Arrow, I would bring back a lot of supervillains like Hatchet and Bulls-eye the clown.
He should be a serial killer like buffalo bill, with a costume based on the deaths head moth
I'd bring back Onomatopoeia...
Cupid, and add in elements of the DC Nation GA shorts to her canon version.
I like “When the ball drops” a lot.
Spook is DC mysterio
What about Spellbinder?
Wasn't sure which version to use, so I saved both.
It's Abra Kadabra