Marvel Studios is looking for Asian and Asian-American actors to play "the ruler of an ancient, distant kingdom."
namor is now a sappy jappy.
He always was, which is why that disguise was so easy for him.
It is Ku'n Lan stuff
>namor used to be against asians so now we must make him asian to atone for the white man's sin
lol the MCU is such a fucking joke
Not for another two years.
Why can't white people handle mayo?
Looks like Namor really is the villain of Black Panther 2
They're casting him for Phase 4, so I doubt it.
You're thinking of the blacks
no fuck face he is not
he will show up in doctor strange 2
>white people
>can't handle mayo
Cyka blyat, don't be a debil.
Never knew that McKenzie was an oriental name.
haha you don't get to have a heritage anymore
>Black people vs Asian people
Who will the SJWs root for, Yea Forums?
The blacks, asians don’t count as minorities to sjws unless they’re put up against whitey.
Mayo is disgusting unless it's japanese mayo or some form of other flavored mayo that covers up the disgusting blandness that mayo has.
Bad move.
I like where you're coming from. He needs that initially-weird-but-weirdly-atteractive-depending-on-the-role look that women pretend they're not into.
If they don't cast Manny Jacinto this call is worthless
Matt "the 5 head" Smith would have been a worse move
Most snowflakes see Asians as honorary whites, so it's pretty obvious.
Not to mention in media, diversity=black.
Isn't this the mandarin?
Specific islanders aren't asian?
Well if you want to get specific, Japan counts as an Asian island.
Do they even have the rights to Namor?
>Asian and Asian-American
So just Asian.
Not really, Universal owns him just like they own Hulk but who knows maybe they're doing something to get him into the MCU, last time I checked Feige said Namor's situation was "complicated"
Because he isn't oriental, retard. He is from Atlantis but looks asian
Are you saying Namor doesn't look asian. He isn't a Japanese person, he's an Atlantean that looks asian. Superman isn't a white person, he's from Krypton and looks white. Namor and Superman both look like a type of human but they aren't even human, they are from different species
I always assumed Namor was supposed to be Italian.
They should have them back by now, universal has done jackshit with Namor’s rights. They’ve been putting him all of their mobile lately, which at least means that they got his video game rights back.
Well, if his rights are anything like the Hulk, then Marvel can't make a Namor movie but can put him in Black Panther or whatever.
Fuck off faggot, the only asian looking Namor was from an alternate universe where his dad was Japanese sailor,
Remember when Doctor Strange transformed into an Asian after learning magic in his origin story?
How the fuck does universal still have the rights to hulk, don’t those expire if they don’t make a movie after a set number of years?
And you know this how?
This page always gets a good kek out of me
The Avengers movies counted as Hulk movies per the deal.
He doesn't look Asian, no.
He looks like a white man with dark hair and a poity face, sometimes with a ridiculously wide brow.
The best way to make namor stand out now that aquaman is a thing is to change namor up
Turn him japanese play up a ton of dragon imagery
Change his Kingdom to Ryūgū-jō. And he can work
No, he's a half atlantean who looks like a white man with pointy ears.
Jesus christ so much shitposting, I was hoping to use this picture properly against the Namor detractor but clearly half of you are more concerned about your anti-diversity bullshit. Y'all are embarrassing.
It isn't an atlantean name either.
I don't think any of those deals are the same as each other.
Avengers movies weren't made or distributed by Universal though.
it's more like Namor looks Asian in a lot of drawings so raceswapping him is easy brownie points and helps separate him from Aquaman
>but clearly half of you are more concerned about your anti-diversity bullshit.
Those are Tommy Ladderbro's posts too.
In all my years I have never met an unironic Namor fan, Namor is just the biggest of cunts. I don’t like the change. Namor is one of the oldest characters.
>we will see in our lifetimes some Asian man ruler of Atlantis with the Phoenix power destroying Wakanda
The butthurt will be glorious
This should be posted whenever this comes out, this is hilarious
I don't know who's trolling who anymore, man.
This. He really doesn't strike me as a white man, he always seemed coded Asian to me, from the classic stuff to the modern. However, this is WILD.
ITT anons pretend that Namor hasn't looked asian literally his entire publishing history.
ITT, anons also pretend that they give a shit about Namor.
Fun fact: Momoa is asian, which is a complete race-swap since Arthur always looked like a blond caucasian, while Namor always looked like a fucking vulcanian, the chinks of space.
I will never understand why MCUfags are so fascinated by things written by Bendis.
Neat. That lines up with the rumor that they're looking at Henry Golding for the role.
>the only asian looking Namor was from an alternate universe where his dad was Japanese sailor,
And now you have the perfect excuse. Good work, user.
>Hapa that was the co-lead in an Asian centric movie that did well at thee American box office.
Bet you £100 it's him.
It's the first time they read comics, or heard about it through clickbait listicles.
It has to be somebody who can pull off the cocky, arrogant vibe at all times.
Was he in Crazy Rich Asians? The groom? He was bland as fuck in there.
Danny Devito is the one true Namor casting
It's probably The Mandarin or someone from Kun Lun.
Dudes in RomComs usually are. I wouldn't hold it against him.
Of all the characters to be race-swapped, Namor as an asian always made sense to me. Someone with really sharp features. I alwasy fancasted a Daniel Dae Kim type, but now he's far too old for the job.
True, it's usually the women who do most of the heavy-lifting in there (just look at Chris Hemsworth, good god).
Still though... I think someone like Lewis Tan could do it, I mean, the guy is arrogant as hell in real life, it should be an easy paycheck.
Didnt the asian guy from Lost want this role?
He does the cocky thing well. Saw him in Rich Asians movie.
Namor looks pretty Asian sometimes anyway.
This is one of the only times I am completely okay with this kind of thing.
Namor's purpose was being used to shit on Aquaman
Now it'll be the other way around
Yeah I mean, Atlanteans are pretty reclusive so I get why they wouldn't want to participate and send one of their actors for proper representation. I wish they had at least bothered to try with an Atlantean-American though.
based Chow Old Fat
>Lewis Tan
God's no. Neither he nor his sycophants would shut up about it.
now that's a name I've not heard in a long, long time
that would be the perfect casting
Yu-Ti wouldn't make sense.
Speaking off, introducing Iron Fist AFTER Shang and Namor are played by Asians would have been the best decision. But, Oh Well.
They won't stop race swapping white characters. At least, they should cast someone who looks like a "surfer". These guys which looks half white, half tanned.
>It's a Yea Forums gets triggered by minority casting thread
I hope whoever plays Namor is Japanese.
Probably will be some Shang-Chi related shit, I doubt it's Namor. Marvel Studios does not give a fuck about Namor.
They'll make him Chinese so they get more money from China.
Lmfao what happened to him? He went from crew cut and high eyes to the guy that works at a deli
That’s not bad, him or Keanu desu
Especially since Aquaman is literally the most popular DC Movie they ever made. Marvel with a bigger budget could make a killing with a proper under the sea movie.
>anti-diversity bullshit
fuck off back to tumblr
I doubt it's anything Namor related unless Marvel is really THAT touchy about Namor becoming the lame ocean hero now that Momoa made Aquaman successful. But I doubt they care that much with the MCU and their focuse on the other D-list heroes.
that would be dope
I don't really care, but why the fuck is everyone changing Atlantis from some GrecoRoman thing to fucking Asia now?
They do, for streaming/TV, he'll be on disney+ but not in movies
the aesthetics work better + are cooler
Anri Okita
...How? GrecoRoman Atlantis is a timeless classic. How the fuck does Asia mesh with the Med? What even are the "aesthetics"?
Ohhh I see why this might be happening...
>i'm johnny knoxville and welcome to japsass
Russkie is correct. Just handle the mayo, motherfuckers.
Burgers love mayo though but not as much as . though.
She should fucking move to the States and do proper porn... Or better yet, Czech Republic.
Don't sully my half-assed post with your reddit bullshit.
QFT my good gentlesir! Got any good gifycats of her?
Is it going to be a commentary on China RICING Africa?
This, most Namor centered stories that I like usually have Jim in them.
>Winged feet
That's gonna look horrible in live action
Namor the Submarine sandwich has always been a cunt. They better keep his jerkass character to balance all the quipcracks.
He'll just wear Nike shoes.
Greco-Roman Atlantis is the best
>Daniel Dae Kim
google him motherfuckers and lie to me why he wouldn't be the perfect Namor
I think this is for Shang Chi, BP2 hasn't even been announced and lacks a script as of now, it's too early for casting.
I strongly disagree.
Also, too old.
Namor is like 90.
Yes but if you plan on using a character for any period of time you don't cast a 51 year old man
>Namor is white
>They should cast a guy that looks nothing like Namor
>Namor is white
I've always seen his as being Asian.
He's half Atlantean so you can do whatever you want with that half (he did look Asian for many years) but his human half is (presumably) Scottish.
they're making him asian because aquaman was super popular in china for some reason
so why not make this atlantis king actually chinese?
I just imagined Namor yelling at his kids for not flushing the toilet after taking a shet. Disgusting
WTF LMAO!!!!!!
doctor strange 2 u damn fool