Ok, now this is epic.
Ok, now this is epic
>Sure, we would like a primetime exposure with 2-3mil average influenced for 5 days of a week for next 4-8 years.
why don't art students just whore themselves out?
its all art and you can fuck indian guys for $150/hr
>being dumb enough to go to art school
>in the current year
I know where this is going
He draws like Ctrl alt del mixed with odd1sout
Fpbp. Gotta get those new recfuits somehow.
What in the absolute fuck do you even learn in art school?
This is a serious question.
Funny how decent this strip would be if he didn't shove politics into it.
Because that would mean you have to fuck indian guys.
This definition leaves out structural monopolies, which are the main cause of this in the USA.
Specifically for healthcare, telecommunications and education.
Nothing that you can't learn from just buying some tutorial books and doing the excercises layed out in them on a regular basis. That's more or less the experience I've had studying various university courses here in Sweden, you essentially just get a reading list and the test is basically just to make sure you read. The closest I've studied to making art is video editing, Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and web coding, in which you just get a list of criteria your drafted files needs to uphold. All of which still just came down to information in a book.
The only real benefit I've noticed when it comes to actually going to school is the grades, if you can get whatever books they would want you to read you don't really need a school to learn anything because they don't really guide you much. Maybe if you'd like to be a surgeon or something you'll absolutely need to go to school but I seriously doubt there's much point for an artist, expecially considering that a portfolio is what you'll be judged on.
Thier was a really wholesome Facebook post about a guy who used to be a hardcore neo-Nazi and who got a job where he worked with a black woman,he started taking to her and they got along very well and learned they had a lot in common,he started going to the church with her and eventually they started dating after some time in the relationship, he ditched his racist friends and became a different person and now is married to her
I some what hope that happens to stonetoss
And then everyone on the bus clapped.
It's more than he deserves, but I agree.
Made me chuckle
I'm using this one. Thanks.
This is probably the ONLY Rock Thrower strip that I find realistic and actually relatable, the amount of people who legit think they can "pay" artists with exposure is unbelievable, from small entrepreneurships to big companies.
>"Oh but it's such a simple logo, why would you charge me that much?"
If it's so simple then do it yourself bitch
You do realize that most of those things you mentioned only saw sudden increases in their prices because of government subsidies right? The moment the government subsidized student loans colleges raised tuition fully knowing that no matter what Uncle Sam would ultimately flip the bill regardless of whether how blow could afford it.
loving every laugh
Did rockthrow fall for the art school meme?
antifa hasn't actually killed anyone though
One word: connections.
How many times do you have to call someone a nazi before they start compulsively making comics about it ?
Dayton shooter was one of them.
>Increase in demand
Incorrect, its in decrease of demand elasticity.
What the fuck is even going on there
Like, what's the joke ? Gays secretely love nazis
if they hate them ?
One can hate both flags.
I mean if you hate freedom
Yes nobody felt any attraction towards any other race until burger king ads
It took fast food brainwashing for the spaniards to rape natives
Stonetoss is fr*ckin epic
>A Rebel Flag is somehow better than a burnt American flag
Pretty sure the Confederates would burn the Union flag at any given chance
Remember, mods only deal with shit threads if they get 10+ reports
>if you hate gays that means you're secretly gay
>if you hate nazis that means you're secretly a nazi
>People are upset about something, therefore it's untrue
I lost
is he implying if they did this with a white couple it would be to sell Burgers?
>antifa edits
Burning a flag is a pretty "free" thing to do. It's probably difficult to get if you grew up in a cult though
That's how white people think user
>not Shmorky
This is his only comic I agree with.
Fuck Californians.
I don't see any report option for "being way too based"
Global Rule 10, retard
Where's the lie?
I have not yet seen that blaming the Jews for everything has solved something or made the world progress, let me know when alt-rights achieve something in their life.
>Blaming the news for everything
>Blaming the Jews for specific things Jews do to harm nonjews.
It's easy enough to understand
But this is neither spamming, nor is it flooding.
I like Stonetoss
And who is talking about the news? Lol
All I have seen is people complaining about the Jews all day on twitter, and then they continue with their lives of "normal human beings" and spend all the day watching anime.
Is this supposed to help planet earth or any specific person?
Not just antifa edits, reddit tranny antifa edits.
AntifaStonetoss has to be both the stupidest and the most hilarious thing I've seen on Reddit.
Stonetoss has to be both the stupidest and the most hilarious thing I've seen on Twitter
>my friend got into art school
>likes high art and plans to move into europe
>easily supports himself by drawing furry dicks and taking commissions for retarded prices
>tells me how he could charge upwards for 300-400 bux for combinations necro, scat, guro pedo shit that he just traces off his own doodles and finishes in 2-3 hours
If you want to live off art, do art. Fucking Michelangelo and Leonardo lived off patronages, you are not above that.
He is implying that the ad creator has no interest in marketing goods but rather market his idea, hence the confusion when his boss asks if it's gonna be effective selling burgers, the original intended goods.
the kids really didn't do anything though.
The old man was so fucking full of himself literally forcing himself in the middle of a "conflict".
Their only real quote on quote crime was wearing a red baseball fedora.
You can't be this stupid.
Ironically this is a "cleanedd up" version of his previous stormfag comic.
Dude is a non figurative Holocaust denier.