First of all, I'm gonna say something pretty bold here, and you may disagree. But uh so far these books have been amazing. In as far as the writing is concerned. Now let me be just a little more bold.. if you don't think so as well (as cringe as this will sound, sorry) then I believe you have to be a person of lower then average intelligence because what makes these books great has to be going over your head or unappreciated.
House & Power of X Discussion
Wolverine is the only mutant I care about so Savage Avengers is better
How so? House of X has been two disconnected non-stories. Nothing of importance is really explained and their sole purpose is to be a very long winded setup to who knows what.
Imagine being this retarded.
Absolutely NOBODY gives a fucking rat's ass about the X-Men anymore. HoXPoX and the upcoming titles are all a complete waste of time and money. It's high time MarLEL accepts the fucking truth and puts all mutant-related characters out of circulation permanently.
Are you trying to potray Hickman fans like Rick and Morty fans?
Imagine being this much of a cuck. Yes, disconnected. Reading 12 comic books that are purposedly confusing to get a "big" reveal at the end is retarded.
Did you read Powers of X?
Well, RaMfags and Hackmanfags are both tasteless retards afflicted heavily with Dunning-Kruger effect, so it fits.
Again, imagine being this retarded.
There's nothing confusing about this.
>None of the three issues are confusing
>Each has been connected to the issue before
Even if retard-user didn't read Powers of X, both HoX issues are directly connected. You have to be a drooling brain dead vegetable not to get whats going on.
What's the matter poor little faggot? Someone hurt your feeling on an HIckman's thread? Oh poor little faggot :(
Smooth brain
As expected of Hackmanfags. They can't handle the absolute truth.
>Absolutely NOBODY gives a fucking rat's ass about the X-Men anymore
> 1. HOUSE OF X #1 (MARVEL) - 185,630 [1]
> 2. POWERS OF X #1 (MARVEL) - 167,840 [2]
Sure thing brainlet.
Also, at least at my store, both of these were under ordered, suggesting demand is even higher
Oh poor turboretard is still mad and he'll stay mad forever while the other will laugh at him for how much a turboretard he is, oh poor little turboretard :(
Oh poor Hackmantard is still mad and he'll stay mad forever while the others will laugh at him for how much a Hackmantard he is, oh poor little Hackmantard :(
Wow imagine being too dumb even for capeshit.
The turboretard is too dumb to even formulete his own insults, he has to copy it from the others hahahaha
Poor little turboretard: alone, unoriginal and a retard :(
The Hackmantard is too dumb to even formulate why Hackman's worthless "science fiction" is supposedly good, he has to insult others who are actually intelligent.
Poor little Hackmantard; arrogant, unoriginal, and a retard.
Tommy, is that you again?
Based and mutie pilled, I agree.
Tommy only cares about Doom and Namor.
Oh, also about Marvel characters having money without jobs.
Not that user, but i like hickmans high concept storytelling, the xmen have been done to death with the soap opera drama and the "this is the end fo realsies this time" stakes. He might not be able to write a wholesome moment to save his fucking life, he has a logo fetish real hardcore, and his stories feature nihilistic assholes with almost zero humane characteristics, but after a decade of being shit on and a couple attempts to replace mutants, ill take anything different.
I like high concept stories, and I have zero problems with charts. The thing is that all these efforts are wasted on characters that absolutely NOBODY (not even here on Yea Forums) even likes anymore. Just look at all the posts/threads about how mutants deserve to be exterminated if you need any proof.
The X-Men franchise is utterly dead, and it's time for Marvel to put it out of its misery.
This guy is right but not saying it correctly. What we have so far is good and exciting but no execution. Its all setup so far. So the jury is still out on how this is going to work.
I remember watching a youtube about a comic store owner; in it, he said HoX was okay but PoX was trash and made no sense whatsoever. This was before I read either.
Since then, I've read through to HoX #2 and it's amazing. Nothing was confusing. The interconnected threads were engaging and the supplemental info was an enjoyable way to further fill the world and build up Hickman's narrative.
I'm now convinced that anyone who claims "nothing happened" or it was "confusing" and "made no sense," is likely a dim bulb. It sucks that their educational system, as well as their upbringing, has failed them so much that they can't even keep up with A COMIC BOOK--albeit an above-average one.
not enough beat-em-up pow-pow for you huh
I've seen Tommy call out Hickman lots of times, and while the insults are a little different they do conform to the way that Tommy uses the exact same insult over and over again even when he false flags.
I think there's a solid chance the "Hackman" spaz is Tommy.
How do I put this.
Hickman made Fantastic Four a top seller- so successful it got a spinoff.
Fantastic Four.
Fantastic fucking Four had a spinoff.
That sold well, at least for a while, despite absolute dogshit art.
At one point, X-Men were the largest, most consequential franchise in all of comics. Arguably, they were for so long that they still are even though they're almost dead now.
It would be stupid not to try.
Hickman made Doom omnipotent twice over about 5 years in critically acclaimed runs- you know how that triggers the Tommy.
It's just an autistic world-building infodump.
It should just be a single paperback Ultimate Guide, if anything.
>but no execution
Aww you thought that sounded smart in your head, cute
Hey man OP here,
Yeah, so I was watching Rob (Comics explained) on youtube, I love his content. But he couldn't grasp the concept for reincarnation at all. I immediately felt the same way you explained.
There are a lot of posts in this thread, you can see already that they either haven't read it, and are just going by what they hear, or are very ignorant and can't grasp the content.
This comic so far has everything... AI man+machine mutant war, religious allegory (end of second issue), when Charles reading McTaggart's mind in the second issue then it goes full circle at the end of the third... It's fucking kino... The groundhog Day reincarnation idea is fucking great... Especially since it has its weakness of having to manifest.
Yeah, no one here talks like that or comes in burbling about how they like some fucking YouTuber's content.
Quit strawmanning, you fucking loser.
Yeah, I really don't get the people who are saying they don't understand whats going on or that shit is unconnected when Hickman is taking the pains to lay out just about everything. Even his charts and graphs are accompanied by blogs to explain what is going on.
It's not disconnected, you can already see it weaving together.
This is why I think people who don't appreciate it, just can't grasp it.
Yet it's fairly simple to grasp.
The only other possibility is they haven't done a lot of reading in their life to understand the allegories, and symbolism being peppered into the story.
>Imagine hating X-Men/ Hickman this much.
Anyone that calls it confusing or made no sense is a certified retard. You could, however, make the argument that so far, it's been more world building than proper narrative. Considering it's the first 3 issues of a 12 issue mini meant to set-up the status quo for X-books going forward though, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.
You don't need to imagine. Just look at / and / for proof. NOBODY likes the X-Men anymore. HoXPoX is wasted effort, just like his FF and Avengers run up to Secret Wars were.
>couldn't grasp the concept for reincarnation at all.
How? It's just "Groundhog Day" but applied to a life instead of a day. Or Live Die Repeat/Edge of Tomorrow/All You Need Is Kill. Or any number of books that use the idea. How can you have trouble understanding a concept that is not only explicitly shown and explained in the comic itself, but has also been used in a Bill Murray comedy or a Tom Cruise action movie. Those aren't even high literature. They're lowest common denominator popular media.
>Hickman's FF
>propelled Fantastic Four to the top 10, even beating out X-men and Batman at its height
>so popular that it spawned a second ongoing
>Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers
>kept both books selling high for the entire duration of the runs despite Avengers burnout and lukewarm reception
>Secret Wars
>Marvel's highest selling event
Look, you might not like the guy or his writing, but you can't deny that he does a great job of pumping up interest in the books he works on. It's on Marvel that they're unable to keep the momentum once he's off the book (see: FF sales collapsing once Fraction took over, Avengers sales collapsing post-Secret Wars).
>critically acclaimed
By who, now?
You know, critics
By people you hate and won't believe anyway, so what does it matter?
The problem is that most people don't actually read the comics. Sure, they might see some of the pages out of context or skim through and look at the pictures, but even that is pushing it. Most people just watch dumbass youtuber "explainer" videos or read articles about the issues on clickbait sites/blogs. Even the best article/video will have stuff lost in translation that you would only get by actually reading the issue.
For most comics, this isn't much of a problem. They can chameleon their way into the conversation just by having the basic knowledge of stuff like "in this issue, Thor got his arm chopped off by an elf" or "in this issue, Spider-man got back with Mary Jane." But in this case, they just come off as idiots. If they DID read it, they would understand it just fine. But they're not, they're just parroting what they've seen or heard others say.
Between Mike Wieringo's Fantastic Four and Hickman's F2F run there was nothing memorable. The X-men stuff from.The original five time travel also amounted to nothing. So comparatively Hickman's stuff has memorability. It's something.
Do you legitimately believe Hickman isn't critically acclaimed, or are you fishing for names so you can try to be cool by bashing on them?
And will personally attack for not having his exact shitposter's opinion with no meaningful variances.
OK, I totally agreed with you up until "the allegories, and symbolism being peppered into the story." What allegories and symbolism? The reason that idiots are getting tripped up are mostly because 1. they're speed reading and thus skipping stuff in Hickman's charts that explains the details of what's going on and 2. the story is being told in a non-linear fashion and jumping between PoV characters (which is basic bitch storytelling, mind you, but could still be complicated for someone whose only media they've consumed their whole life has been children's media).
But allegories and symbolism? Like what? Referring to the black brain telepaths as a "natural born Judas" because they're born to be traitors and the human zoo at the end of PoX being like the garden of eden? Even if you somehow didn't pick up on that stuff, it does nothing to change your understanding of the story. They're just flavor that do very little to add to the story.
Based Hickman
I don't. I like Hickman. The X-Men I could take or leave.
I've never seen someone come in and babble about YouTuber's opinions in a positive way and not have them be false flagging or a complete retard before. That's just not how Yea Forums does, so I assumed you were Tommy setting himself up for a later screenshot thread.
I guess Genosha being taken over by mutants wasn't, "technically," a war.
>Look, you might not like the guy or his writing
On the contrary, I have no problem with the way Hickman writes. It's all still wasted effort on a dead franchise that nobody cares about anymore, like and prove.
But that's my point. You could say that "nobody likes the Fantastic Four" yet his FF sold great. You could say that "nobody likes the Avengers" but his Avengers sold great. You could say that "nobody likes event comics" but his Secret Wars sold great. That shitposters exist doesn't somehow mean that the franchise doesn't have fans. There's no shortage of people that bitch and moan about Batman being terrible, but the thing killing batman right now isn't a lack of interest or fans, it's King.
Thisbis basicalky what Tom King fans did that made people hate him and his trite garbage. Whether you're a shill or avid reader I hope you know you're actively laying the first stones of the pathway to Hickmans xmen being savagely hated.
It's good and it's a tad complicated in an intentional way so sure some idiots may be confused but it isn't deep or worth thinking you're in any way intelligent if you enjoy or "understand" it.
If I remember correctly, the UN or something gave Genosha to Magneto when he threw a bitch fit about wanting a mutant nation.
So yeah, he's actually not wrong in that pic.
On a related note, the timeline at the end of HoX 2. Now that Jordan White cleared up that the ten year thing is bullshit(which, fuck you Hickman for muddying things up like that). That means Year 43 where Magneto is recruited is not Xavier/Mags first meeting. And Year 47 is not their first break up.
Sooooo. whats Mags being recruited to, then? The inclusion of Moira in recruitment/schism dates has me thinking Xavier and Moira filled Magneto in on Moira's power and their Xanatos gambit. And that he was helping them manipulate events until he split after 4 years.
Kind of interesting that he goes and gets Genosha shortly after the split. I wonder if Genosha was Mags' attempt at Xavier's plan but doing it his own way. I can see Mags' chaffing under Xavier's orders, feeling like he's just another pawn.
Nope I don't believe that I'm a higher intelligence. But I do believe you gotta be pretty dim to think this story is overly complex and not interconnected.
>pretty dim
thats putting it lightly
Yeah, Genosha was meant to be a mix of South Africa and Israel.
>I'm gonna say something pretty bold here, and you may disagree. But uh so far these books have been amazing.
Yeah they're all right mate, I'm waiting for the story to ramp up a bit though.
We dont know what is happening. We think we are in Moria like X but it might be VI if hickman pulls a twist. Hes just building the world so far we dont even know what is going to happen. It feels like a house of m event setting up a new normal but all we can do now is guess.
This guy was a terrorist for most of his life. That is a subset of war. Also Mutants pretending they dont inherit all the flaws of humanity is retarded.
calling them amazing is an overstatement, they are promising, but I'd rather wait and see
it better be bait
I wouldn't be surprised if they reach top 100 next month too, because it seems like there were another printings
Gotta say Hickman has actually made me look forward to read X-Men again.
Which is something that has not happened in over 10 years.
Whether his run ends up being amazing or dogshit is still up for grabs.
I'm glad that a name of a popular writer was all you needed to follow the franchise again. If only he lived up to the hype...
>popular writer
I did not give a single fuck about the X-Men when Bendis was writing the books, and he's far more popular than Hickman. It's not about popularity.
I mean you're clearly here to shitpost otherwise you wouldn't be identifying yourself.
Seems like you came here recently or just today to start shit.
>OMG dude, multiple different timeline simultaneously telling a larger story!
Jesus Christ, I thought you people would have learned from Aaron's Thor not to be such blind fools easily duped by a novelty storytelling technique.
You're completely forgetting Genosha had a civil war.
Nope, honestly I was reading reviews on it... Watched some YouTube videos etc... Decided to give it a read for myself... Checked co for a thread on it... None existed (to my surprise) saw a lot of negative or misinformed reviews on it... So I decided to jerk it off a bit on here... And rightfully so! It's an amazing read so far.
Where are PoX 2 spoilers
>The time skip depicts humanity residing in zoos, as reminder of corrupt dominance that ruined the world
This is nothing but mutant propaganda. To hell with the mutants. Kelly, Lang, and Trask: they were all right. I hope the Sentinels wipes all the muties out for their crimes against true humanity.
More absolute proof that everybody hates the X-Men. Hickman and Marvel are just wasting their time when the whole franchise should be sent to limbo permanently.
Jesus, you must be really salty that X-Men are getting some love if you’ Latching on to a shitpost as proof that no one cars about the X-books.
And you're willfully blind for consistently denying the absolute truth.
>X-Men are getting some love
Even at their lowest as a franchise they still had multiple on-goings, successful films, crossovers, and tie-ins to major events.
fuck off Jonathan
>Thisbis basicalky what Tom King fans did that made people hate him and his trite garbage.
Nigga, i hate King. I go on Twitter everyday to tell him to kill himself. The dude is such a primadona that he answers me back every fucking time.
Despite hating King and his pretentious ass, i still like Hickman's stuffs. Even when he writes some dreck. Wanna know why? Because King is an awful writer. No amount of shilling can change that.
>X-Men are getting some love
Low standards are low.
Really fucking based post
HoX#1 sold out in one day at my LCS, the only other time this has happened in years was for the final issue of Walking Dead. I would be shocked if anything tops those two this year in terms of sales and impact.
Eww, you seem like a horrible human.
Already going into third printings. You can't invoke #1 syndrome homie
Adjectivless X-Men #1 is still the best selling comic book of all time. So you are right. Also I think that’s why Hickman’s ongoing is not going to be called Uncanny.
There's a difference between caring about the characters and caring about the banal, trite, and repetitive storylines they've been thrust into for the past 10-15 years
>I would be shocked if anything tops those two this year in terms of sales and impact.
Detective #1000, Black Cat #1, and DCeased #1 all sold much more.
Highest impact and most memorable of those, to be sure
I forgot about ‘Tec #1000. But I imagine HoX will outsell DCeased and Blackcat if reprints are counted.
Who's worse, though? Me for telling King to go kill himself, or King to always respond my tweets hoping to feed my asshole-y behavior?
Abrams Spider-Man will have like a 500k preorder
Do you think the reprint can do >62438 to pass DCeased?
I could see that selling in trades at far higher numbers than floppies
If the rest of the series is successful and the ongoing has a big launch then I expect several print runs for HoX #1. But just going by what I’ve seen at my lcs.
Also Marvel #1000 should do pretty well.
Xavier is Nimrod and Blue man right? Right ?
Nobody on Yea Forums cares about either the characters OR the storylines, so what's the point of wasting so much paper and ink on series that will continue to be ignored?
No. Nimrod is Nimrod and blue man is some mutant from 1000 years in the future.
CB has a rabbit in his pocket for December