Dare I say Homelander is our guy
Dare I say Homelander is our guy
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Deep was an idiot. What happened to him anyway? Last time he was seen leaving with A train. Did Butcher really kill Deep and capture A train that easily?
What does Garth Ennis have against superheroes anyway?
The Deep was a part of True, so he lived.
They're bright, hopeful, and optimistic.
I unironically love him in the show.
Made a literal kid killer sympathetic, interestomg and engaging.
That one is plainly the Deep always gets me, is the scuba gear he has literally glued onto him?
He is Irish, anything optimistic is going to offend him.
I remember someone saying it's because capes are vigilantes and Ennis doesn't like vigilantes because of the Troubles. Or something to that effect.
Being European myself, I see capes as a spot of hope in this era of anarcho-tyrrany.
That can't be it, cause he loves the Punisher and that's like the king of vigilantes
>Holy shits, guys! We ams dressed likes the Klans!
I don't think he believes that anyone with that kind of power would ever be a good guy.
He loves the idea of a man fighting an eternal war, because he has a massive potato erection for WWII. Otherwise, he thinks Frank is a sick man, just less worse than the vigilantes because of Garth's warbuffery.
>Made a literal kid killer sympathetic, interestomg and engaging.
But Homelander didn't kill any kids
>He loves the idea of a man fighting an eternal war
Then by all accounts he should love the IRA
Or maybe he stopped loving them when the good Friday agreement was made.
Uh I think he just thinks they're stupid and gay looking, it's nothing deep and philosophical. They're just bright colorful optimistic children's cartoons being sort of worshiped by adults which seems kind of gay and retarded to a man who's more into guns and war stories and black comedy. The Boys is like 50% guns and war stories and black comedy and 50% putting superheroes in deliberately disgusting situations because it makes him laugh.
This guy.
Literally, everything about that sounds entirely hypocritical.
So yeah sound like Ennis.
The Deep do not talk like that.
I really don't know. There should be some interviews out there that may shed light on the matter.
It's a reference to a Metalocalypse episode where the band dress in Toki's people's traditional garments and end up looking like Klan members. The Wilhelm Hitlerface shows up.
Eh, Boris Johnoson is trying to light some fires back, now.
I think the metaphor is the blandness of superhero comics all being the same, though obviously the Klan costume were intentional chosen as part of that.
Do you know what I find funny about Ennis?
Guy hates Captain America because supposedly disrespectful to vets, but Cap was made before the US even joined the war as a propaganda figure and Captain America was really popular with actual servicemen at the time.
So basically he hates the character for reasons that don't exist anywhere other than his head.
>I think the metaphor is the blandness of superhero comics all being the same,
Well, that's fucking stupid but I expect such things from Ennis.
I think that if anything, Ennis dislikes the hopelessness that permeates some modern superhero comics, and his more gritty works are satires of that concept.
It's part of why he idolizes Superman, in my opinion. Superman is hope incarnate.
Same with Shazam
Is it Weird how much contempt Ennis has for capes, but his unironic adoration for Superman?
Plus didn't Jack serve in the war?
It's obvious they're all dressed the same Stillwell even comments 'bad product' after he saw them.
Why does he hate Shazam?
>Ennis dislikes the hopelessness that permeates some modern superhero comics
Given the stuff he writes I somehow don't believe that.
Because they are ridiculus and lack any self-awareness. Just like their fans.
Pretty sure everything bad Homelander actually did was really Black Noir
Iirc he said in some interview that he grew up reading comics that weren't your typical superhero flair. It wasn't until he was much older that he discovered stuff like marvel and DC and didn't really get it at the time. He thought they were ridiculous.
Was it?
So basically you've both never read a comic or never read one published after the 40s
Yes actually so makes it even worse.
Probably has something to do with the fact that he gets really into character - he's the only one in the Seven who gave a shit about his lore. That and the rule of funny.
user, the deep has a curse on him, he cant remove is helmet, did you not read the comic?
Homelander is the one who dropped that family and their car to the ground.
The only one of the seven who survived, part of the super team shown in the end.
Homelander destroyed that plane and killed that family in the car. He was also responsible for the takeover of the White House. Of course this only happened because Black Noir made Homelander question his own sanity.
That's retarded to the max. I grew up with Sergio Bonelli Editore, Marvel, DC and Euro-Disney comics. To say the capes are the silliest of the bunch, you need to have some serious solipsism going on.
>Well, Wonder Woman is a character I think I could probably do because I have a certain amount of respect, if not for the character, than for the idea behind her. I don’t think much of the Superman books at the minute, but I like the idea of Superman.
I think he just hates human capes.
Before Noir's fuckery? Probably the worst he did was break a bunch of hoe's hips.
Even the Delta squad massacre was post-noir
Supes are sillier because of how seriously they take themselves
That I agree with, but Ennis' dislike of them runs far stronger than capes taking themselves toomseriously. It's like he finds their existence offensive on an ideological level.
nigger he hates the fact a happy friendly face was put on the face of tragedy, and as real heroes were left to die in the dirt, gairish faggots like the cap made it all look like fun.
Jesus fucking Christ, the release of the boys show has really made me realises how many of you daft cunts don't even understand the shit you're reading.
Classic Bong.
>real heroes
Which one, thr ones who were forced to join and had no other choice, or those who had no clue about war and thus couldn't know they'd be heroed by the Krauts like any other bum, instead of having a grand ol time?
>a story about how violence degenerates and corrupts whatever it touches
>Hurr durr, its about hating on superheroes
fuck Yea Forums
So you just literally ignored everything I said?
How Cap was an anti-Axis propaganda figure?
How he was made before the US even joined the war?
He was made entirely because of Kirby and Simon were disgusted by Nazi Germany?
How people actually fighting in the war were fans of Cap?
And how Kirby himself is a vet who was on the front lines?
You're up your own ass like Ennis is.
Real heroes as in those forced to fight in wars where the rich profited and the poor died.
You know exactly what the fuck I mean you disingenuous shitheel
You ignored what the fuck i said and what it was about as you just pushed forward your assumptions of knowing what it was about you stupid little faggot
But that's retarded. If it wasn't Cap's happy friendly face it'd be some other happy friendly-looking cunt convincing plebs to sign their lives away. You saying THIS is less offensive? Or fucking John Wayne's The Green Berets?
No you're just a Ennis dick sucking retard.
The critique found in of The Boys was not related remotely just to Cap.
You think Ennis hasn't mocked Wayne?
Another point to make is you all seem to think Ennis despises superheroes, which he doesn't. Thinking they're stupid and making parodies ain't the same thing. The man loves superman, but hardly cut him any slack with Homelander's representation.
God only knows how you fags would cope with reading Marshal Law, written by a man who really hates heroes
>no actual response or comeback
fucking priceless
Name 5 others besides Superman he likes.
He completely failed to research that Shazam/Cap Marvel was very popular with the troops during WW2 and made Stormfront as a take that.
Why do people like Ennis who like the gruff psycho gun nuts like Punisher not get that they're the same power fantasy as capes just less colorful
They believe guns and war bring maturity to the matter so it’s more acceptable.
Why do you think Butcher was the last boss?
Given his work, Wonder Woman
And yet all you did was call me a faggot like that deserves a response.
1/5. Not the best.
>Another point to make is you all seem to think Ennis despises superheroes, which he doesn't.
Now that's fucking bullshit.
They clash with his military fetish
Nigger, if you read any of his Punisher you would realise that like them or not he doesn't spare them any harsh critique.
The only character bar superman that Ennis has written in a entirely sincere soft light for in his marvel and dc work is Enemy Ace/Hans Von Hammer.
Also, Six Pack
Dog Welder
Freindly Fire
Etrigan the Demon
you are a faggot, you dont even understand the shit you read.
I wouldn’t really call most of those guys superheroes. Especially not Bueno.
Fuck off Ennis.
Proving my point.
>Six Pack
>Dog Welder
>Freindly Fire
>Etrigan the Demon
Ennis literally created every single one of these characters as some dumb parody.
The only exception being Etrigan
Nah, its pretty clear if you read his work past the Boys and dont listen to what user's on Yea Forums tell you
1. He doesn't. He just likes superheroes his way--edgy action heroes in trench coats capable of clearing a room of hostiles without having to ever reload who can kick the ass of an entire world full of superhumans because they're just that smart and good at planning.
He even realized this in Punisher kills the Marvel Universe though in recent years he seems to have forgotten it.
2. He likes Superman and respects Wonder Woman.
That was the fucking joke
you are a joke
>That was the fucking joke
Not a very funny one you cunt.
>He just likes superheroes his way--edgy action heroes in trench coats capable of clearing a room of hostiles without having to ever reload who can kick the ass of an entire world full of superhumans because they're just that smart and good at planning.
That's not a superhero.
>Superheroes are a dead end, blands-ville, no one will care about them in a few years
>A few years laters Endgame is the biggest film of all time and The Boys is getting an adaptation precisely because its about superheroes
Ouch. Bad call there you military otaku leprechaun.
>He just likes superheroes his way
As in nothing like actual superheroes with no real likable or redeeming qualities besides killing bad people?
You're the one who didn't get the blindingly fucking obvious retard
Or maybe I'm not the guy that replied and I was just calling you a cunt for making bad jokes.
You cunt
Why do these retards look like kinky klansmen?
Ennus Punisher was depicted as a lunatic and based him on America's gun culture and martyr adoration of spree shooters
does Yea Forums read comics? i know its a tired meme, but really, do they?
Think about the commentary that he's making, he creates these heroes, which are generally pastiches of branded heroes, and in universe they're branded, marketed and dressed like comic heroes, but outside of their surface level public personas they're vapid, shallow and largely interchangeable. That is the commentary, they're supposed to be that way, it's not a lack of depth in the material (it's a black comedy anyway.)
Not just Jack but Joe Simon to.
Ennis is a giant chicken hawk when it comes to war. He loves writing about it, he loves idolizing fighting men, but he's never served a day in his life.
>Cap made it all look like fun
You stupid bastard. What, do you think serviceman wanted to read about Cap fishing a bullet out of his arm while his friends get mowed down by the Nazis? Fuck no. They wanted to read about overpowered superhumans hitting Germans with their own tanks.
Talk about being disrespectful to servicemen you giant bleeding vagina.
The old shit didn't work so it's time to bring in Mark Millar to fix everything.
Who’s worse, Ennis or Millar?
I know this must be a foreign concept to you, but multiple people can reply and disagree with you.
>That is the commentary, they're supposed to be that way, it's not a lack of depth in the material (it's a black comedy anyway.)
How is that commentary when actual superheroes anywhere like that for literal decades?
>2. He likes Superman and respects Wonder Woman.
When did he get on the Diana train? The parody of her in The Pro was downright venomous.
Ennis didn't write Trouble, so he's better in my book.
Ain't talking about soldiers here fag, talking about marketing this shit to kids
Not even gonna get into the whole soldiers reading comics on the battle front is a grossly exaggerated myth thing.
>Ennis didn't write Trouble
He didn't but you know if he had the chance he would've tried to do something even worse.
Ennis is a good writer so
>That's not a superhero
You can split hairs and call it "pulp hero" or "action hero" and say The Shadow isn't a real superhero and neither is Spawn, Vigilante, John McClane, though they're larger-than-life individuals who fight larger-than-life individuals using skills and abilities far above that of real people.
A jackass in a trench coat that can walk into a room, go "Oi mate looks like the soups on ya daft cunts", and kill everyone in the room without dying or reloading is at least a superhuman, even if not a "superhero."
I'm sorry, what do you mean?
>talking about marketing this shit to kids
Oh spare me you fucking ballbag.
fucking 10/10 taste my boy
It ain't me baby, it's Ennis book
Good thing that we're in the timeline where Millar wrote it then.
>Marketing soldiers and war to kids is bad
Who the fuck are you, Tipper Gore? Grow a pair.
>It's a grossly exaggerated myth thing
No its not. That's not even getting into Ennis spitting in the eye of comic creators who actually served and fought while the closest he's come to combat is Call of Duty.
There's a difference.
Kids knew there was a war, Captain America was just one way to simplify it to them, that there were heroes. They could never show the “real” soldier, one fighting for their life, bullets in them, because they wanted to maintain some innocence for kids.
>Trump poster is a retard
It checks out
>No its not.
Not him but it really is, soldiers who did that were laughed at
>is at least a superhuman, even if not a "superhero."
That was the point you moron, they aren't supers.
>mocking you means l like trump
Can you prove that?
In a interview with Grant Morrison he said that he doesn't have nothing against , but he hate how adults still love capes and how people try to make they more than a juvenile cheap entertainment
According to who, your ass?
That’s like saying Dracula is a superhero
So basically Ennis is the kind of sperg who refuses to let other people enjoy what they want.
yeah, uh, that's literally the point dude?
Link? Him talking to Grant Morrison sounds very interesting since they're as far apart as possible.
So what's the dividing line here? How do you separate superhero from "just a superhuman?"
>You think Ennis hasn't mocked Wayne?
No, in Preacher he only glorifies him.
>mocking you
I'm not the user you've been replying to, like he said though more than one person can reply and call you a retard
Superman at the end of the day is the immigrant ideal
How do you separate human from hero?
He's the edgy kid in high school with the Punisher skull shirt that won't shut up about how the Punisher can beat everyone because "he uses guns and shit."
there's a documentary on it that im trying to find on youtube
I should rephrase, it wasn't comics in general, but it was superhero stuff.
If it wasn't Disney or Dick Tracy, it was fag-shit
I think that's based on how they act.
He hates man children. He's a good boy in my book.
Superhero are supposed to be hopeful, optimistic the sort of people you want to live up to be a better person.
I can't look at like someone like Spawn and get the same kind of message.
Splitting hairs about what is and isn't a superhero is just dumb, it's just a general term for a genre of strongmen in tights, I don't know why you're putting so much weight into the term. They're superheroes within the narrative of the work, and they are very specifically deconstructing those narrative tropes as window dressing for a larger marketing push (which in itself is a commentary on the idealogue focused heroes like batman who's actual idealogies when given any sort of thought are attrociously misguided and egotistical.)
T. never read Ennis Punisher
So basically man children here are people who have their own interests and hobbies that don't line-up with yours then.
>Splitting hairs about what is and isn't a superhero is just dumb,
Not when you actually have any real understanding of what a superhero.
jesus christ you are so fragile
He's from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Spend some time there and realise it's where happiness doesn't just go to die, it's dragged there, has its kneecaps shattered and is burnt alive in a stolen car.
Are you saying that Butcher is a super-hero?
Since The Boys was received so well I fully expect a Crossed adaptation in the future
Or if you want to adapt something similar that's actually good they could do Black Summer or Supergod
Isn't Spawn's entire schtick one big redemption arc? Using the powers of Hell for good?
Just proving my exact point
If Supergod ever gets adapted, I’d prefer it to be animated.
>>Superhero are supposed to be hopeful, optimistic the sort of people you want to live up to be a better person.
Wonder woman started as a bondage comic, is she a superhero? Batman was a detective comic where he shot people, is he a superhero?
what about Elasticman?
What you're describing is Captain Marvel, or early superman, which was only a very small part of a larger whole of an industry built on top of horror comics and westerns.
No, superheroes aren't supposed to be anything, don't project your own ideals onto a genre, to do so would be to stiffle the entire medium.
all this because you didnt get a joke
>Disney or Dick Tracy
The fuck?
How would that even work since a large chunk of golden age comics were anthologies so you'd get your funny cartoons and your police detectives alongside your superheroes?
early superman was a real kinky boy as well user, but most anons here don't actually read comics, and the guy you're arguing with clearly doesn't
Now you better deliver, muthafucka.
fuck if i know man, just how it was. The was a doc on the positive and negative impact disney had on the war through its marketing which had all this shit in it but i cant find it for shit
Obviously, but I want to see Maitreya's abilities with practical effects
>Wonder woman started as a bondage comic, is she a superhero? Batman was a detective comic where he shot people, is he a superhero?
>what about Elasticman?
So basically you're gonna cherry pick examples and ignore how those characters are defined more by their struggles to save their cities, redeem themselves or bring peace to a place that they have no obligation to help?
Every time you just keep proving my point.
>Like only what I designate is ok or you're a baby!
Batman and Wonder Woman are cherry picked? Jesus Christ, they're the archetypes for the entire genre.
They're cherry picked when you decide to only focus on the parts of their history that happened before they were archetypes of the genre and didn't help them get to that status.
>"Sales rose into the millions — but not because of kiddies with spare dimes. The audience that bought en masse was, unsurprisingly, the very demographic that wanted to knock Hitler out themselves: the 24-year-old men being shipped off to war.
Despite comic books' reputation of being pulpy kids' fiction, troops, at the time, became the primary consumers. Comics were the perfect rucksack stuffer. They were small, easy to fold or roll, and could be fit into anything. You could read it once, share it around, and then enjoy it again when it circled back around. If they got damaged or destroyed, it was fine because it only cost ten cents."
Suck a penis Ennis.
You can't cherry pick what does and does not count of their entire library, these were the books that brought them into popularity, you can't arbitrarily decide that it doesn't count because it does not fit your narrow vision of the genre.
Look, you clearly are new to comics, maybe you grew up on the movies, but there is so much more out there that you need to read, you're coming at me with the most basic, perfunctory information possible.
I would maybe argue that a lot of that "popularity" was indeed from convenience, but as you said these were cheap, disposable books, I don't see as many people diefying Tijuana Bibles, or Penny Dreadfulls as amazing, important books to the people of the time.
You tell me what's more important about Batman his struggle to save a city he loves or the fact he used to shoot people?
Because there's a clear reason he doesn't do it anymore and that's not what he's known for.
>Superheroes are a dead end, blands-ville
...is not the same as saying...
>no one will care about them in a few years
He's still fucking wrong either way
Is he? The MCU is just a bunch of formulaic movies that come out every year.
You would be right with Star Wars, but with MCU you are wrong
So you're one of those morons.
Not even worth talking to.
Not Op, that's not really a rebuttal? They are formulaic? I like them, but I'm not blind to that fact.
Start reading comic before watching the show. It's really good, sometimes really annoying or stupid, but still ok.
Again another one of these morons.
Not worth responding to.
So why are you fucking replying?
There are a lot of times when Ennis gets up his own ass and it's not fun and it's just annoying to read. The show has so far been doing it way better than the comic book. though I will say it didn't quite do it as rough as I wish it did in some places.
Who fucking cares Ennis is a goddamn annoying fag
People that jerk off to the military are the most pathetic cucks ever
Fuck the military. Bitches.
Some of us are old enough to have talked to WW2 vets about Comics you lying fuck
Not all of em are bad, just corporate fuckery, and too much power.
Also you've read the comic and you know by the way butcher feels about supes ain't painted in the best light
Can we go back to talking about Homelander.
Tell that to the family he dumped in the ocean
he aint
thats not really what he does though?
Do people who hat Ennis actually read his comics or?
and all of us still are? Whats your point?
Seems like there is a lot of people in this thread that haven't read a lot of comics in general.
It's alright bud I liked your punisher run and the boys
Servicemen didn't give a fuck about Cap, you mongoloid.
Keep crying fag
Yes they did you revisionist retard.
I sometimes forget how fucking blind Yea Forums is compared to most other boards, tho 48% of the board is Yea Forums fags, the other 48a% are tumblrites and only 4% of the board are actually human beings
And I don't know how you two retards missed that most of this thread is not talking about the Boys and it focused more on Ennis.
Let's be honest with ourselves gentlemen. Ennis gave us the most realistic superheroes there would feasibly be. Selfish hedonistic assholes.
Just because you're an asshole doesn't mean that everyone else is an asshole.
Why did he like fucking cap so much
Are you retarded?
>Go into thread about The Boys
>Talk about The Boys
>user gets angry cause other user is talking about The Boys in a thread... About The Boys
Only Yea Forums, thanks for the laff
Well he did write Peter, May, and Ben with enough respect in The Thousand, so I don't think it would have been as stupid.
>>user gets angry cause other user is talking about The Boys in a thread... About The Boys
I don't even know how your retarded ass came to that conclusion.
I think the mouse has jizzed in your eye a bit too many times
This. Cap's continued existence is shameless propaganda, through and through.
I completely forgot he had sex with a retard on top of everything else he did.
I recognize that boner!
His mum sucked English cock during the Troubles
I just had a thought, do you think Ennis would like berserk, it's got like 80% of the stuff he loves
the missing 20% is guns and shitting on capes
He's no Cormac McCarthy himself. His shit is more juvenile than standard cape stuff.
Shut up, illegals.
My god user, how new are you?
I assumed it was some actual info and not just a reference to an outdated meme, but okay.
In like a real fighting unit too, not like a propaganda wing drawing comics
>John Wayne's The Green Berets
Now that you mention it has there ever been a comic book character based on Larry Thorne?
They also make billions every year. What's your point?
Can't you fucking retards follow a conversation?
You're implying the formulaic plots in the movies are causing superhero fatigue when it's painfully obvious people want more superhero films. You're dumb.
I ain't implying jack shit you fucking moron, all I said is that MCU movies are bland and formulaic. Where the fuck did you even get "superhero fatigue" from when you're the first person to bring it up?
Jesus fucking Christ
You're so fucking mad because nobody shares your shit taste.
I'm mad because little shitstains like you make me waste my fucking time, go fuck yourself and learn how to follow a simple fucking argument.