The guy was just standing there, why did they feel the need to violently attack him?
The guy was just standing there, why did they feel the need to violently attack him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe he was off to shoot up a Walmart, you dont know
If nazis had their way, you think they would care about the purity of political discourse?
He was wearing suspenders. That's a crime against fashion
so it's just your hate and validating thought crimes for the sake of your own lust for blood? wtf.
Ikr why didn’t they just debate with him?
He's a neo nazi skin head. That means he stupidly blames Jews for all the world's problems while simultaneously believing that white men are the rightful rulers of the Free world. He also advocates the racially based caste systems and probably thinks slavery was a good idea. If anyone deserves a beating just for existing, it's this guy.
They were defending themselves.
The best defense is a good offense.
Further more, fascism failed to take hold in America in the 30's because people were willing to beat the shit out of Nazis when they started having their meetings.
In skinhead culture, snapping your suspenders in public is used to signal that you are going out to cause trouble by attempting to influence the youth.
Because he was a strawman for anyone who isnt a white guilt afflicted feminist ally.
how many nazis have you punched, basedfag?
Dumbass. The swaskita on his shirt is incorrect. He’s clearly a buddhist minding his own business.
He IS white and a male so that is an extremely likely possibility
Bald people are gross.
>because people were willing to beat the shit out of Nazis when they started having their meetings.
You mean like what we should do to feminists now?
That is the Nazi swastika, the buddhist one is in reverse
>Yea Forums defending literal Nazis
Why am I not surprised?
Because people are brainwashed and need a scapegoat on which throw all their hatred and frustration. Consider that rick & morty fans are just a bunch of repressed delusional outcasts as much as the "nazi" their struggle to fight, and this act of meaningless violence temporarily quenches their need for self rightousness and gives them a sense of belonging with other people, who all have in common the hatred towards nazis. Hating nazis is good, because media told me that. Hence, if I hate nazis I'm normal and not an outcast as people usually see me
Because it's okay to violently assault someone if they are evil. You're not evil for breaking the NAP because you're doing it against someone who deserves it. You know they deserve it because you know they're evil for holding an opinion contrary to yours.
why don't you go fuck yourself, faggot? nobody likes you scum here, back to your hellhole tumblrite
I just fucked myself about an hour ago. I don't really have the energy now.
>different political opinion
fucking every time. also
>advocating for public lynching just for wearing a t shirt
you're the xenophobes, not the nazis.
Look, this might be difficult for emotional idiots like yourself to comprehend but you have to let people be free to believe and live the way they want regardless of how vile and stupid their lifestyle is. So long as it doesn't directly harm or impede anyone elses freedoms people need to be allowed to express their own freedoms. The moment anyone decides that one form of expression should be censored or deterred is the moment you allow all viewpoints to be. I hate commies and socialists but I would never say any of those people should be punched in the street even if their bullshit ideologies have killed more people than Hitler ever did. Because at the end of the day your freedom of speech is way more important that my feelings.
do it again until you die
Ok, what kind of porn should I use? Thinkin' bout some good ol tranny smut.
>roids make you taller
>roids make you stronger
The absolute state of R&M writers
>attacking for what they believe is okay if I disagree with it
I hate nazis, but they are free to believe what they want as long as they are not hurting anyone. If I just violently attack anyone who I disagree with ideologically, then how am I any different from a fascist?
That's like asking why Batman punches the Joker even if he sees him walking down the street doing nothing.
>Nazi's are known for harassing and attacking people who are just minding their own business but when you attack them it's wrong.
You reap what you sow.
No shit sherlock, I was being facetious by plainly stating the logic Dan Harmon and his tribe use unconcsciously to justify assaulting people who, while potentially assholes, didn't commit a wrong against anybody.
>roids make your wife come back to you
The absolute state of Dan Harmon
Simple, you're one of the good guys. By definition, you cannot be evil. Fucking duh!
I figured they were science boosted.
>he doesn't take gear
Never gonna make it
Most nazis are weekend larpers whose greatest crime was saying stupid things on the internet.
because the only place nazis belong is in a mass grave. Political correctness and liberal "oh no all violence (except state and corporate violence obviously) is bad" have no place in the world and are cancerous.
All actions are political, all authority is derived from the threat of violence. A state or society within a state fetishising "not doing political violence" is not only borderline illiterate but also nothing but a ploy to controll the ruled and opressed.
Kill a Nazi today
They aren't known for that.
>attacking an individual for the actions of the group
So alike.
Hating Nazis is good, hating someone on the street who only looks the part but may not be an actual nazi isn't.
Yeah, I guess we should only start doing something after the nazi has already killed someone.
This whole thread is exactly why the term Nazi doesn't mean anything anymore. Remember when people were using the term to mean a tight ass who strictly follows the rules? Like, Grammar-nazi?
>Nazi's are known for harassing and attacking people who are just minding their own business
Since when?
user doesn't know this country has a history of beating the fuck out of racist shits. First the south and then the axis
>beating the fuck out of racist shits
Oh, yeah. I'm sure MLK was known for his black belt in honky fu.
>justifying actual violence with imaginary violence
Admittedly it's going to be worse for a while now that Cripplechan is down. They're pretty used to their Yea Forums having child porn and I don't think any of them have learned that /trash/ exists.
And so, racism was solved, by beating the south and the axis.
Is this why there were a million threads about the tranny in that Rocko special?
>nazis are one of the only unambiguously evil forces in all of human history
>faggot kids defend nazis just to be contrarian
>stormfags help because they want buttbuddies
Saying shit like "it's ok to be a nazi as long as you don't hurt anyone!" doesn't make you a stoic intellectual superior, it makes you a pseudo-intellectual attentiom-seeking douchebag
8/co/ was even more cucked than this place. You literally couldn't talk aboit anything without the tranny janny banning everyone for no reason. Eventually everyone just moved to talking about comics on other boards, and 8/co/ brcame a dead board.
Yes user, you stupid fuck. You don't incarcerate someone on the off chance they might murder someone. I bet you're one of those fuckwits that thinks that people should be executed based on unsubstantiated evidence and without trial. You are unironically just as bad a Nazi.
>cripplechan got nuked
That explains the uptick in morons complaining about trans and people being mean to nazis
Follow your dear leader's example and drive some lead into your skull.
>doesn't make you a stoic intellectual superior, it makes you a pseudo-intellectual attentiom-seeking douchebag
why? It's only your faith there, not a constructed opinion.
>assaulting people who did nothing wrong that have a different opinion is a good thing
fuck off
>unambiguously evil
please, explain me why, and how
I imagine everyone defending this beating would totally be ok if the one assaulted was dressed like this, too. Right?
Reminder that Captain America would have broken up the fight
I'd say stealing children is pretty evil. Fairy tale villains do that.
Stop breathing
I can tell you with out a doubt that Yea Forums would be losing their shit over this scene if they were beating up an abortionist.
"I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
Speech needs to be free for everyone. Because it starts with censoring bigots and obvious villains, but next thing you know they start censoring every other little thing that they disagree with. And you know where that leads?
Nope. The Nazi swastika comes onto it's points, compared to OP's picture where the swastika comes down on a line. That swastika I believe would be the one used in the Bon religion.
You retards it’s just a cartoon
only good post
ISIS is evil and wants to harm people, just like Nazis so, yeah.
>I don't believe in what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!
>"Thanks! Ok, so as I was saying we all need to murder the jews and the fags and the cripples. They're responsible for all our problems!"
>Nevermind, go the fuck to jail.
> the purity of political discourse
you shouldn't, you kike
now fuck off
oh go goosestep off a fucking cliff
So only people who kidnap children are nazis?
No, all Nazi's kidnap children. Get it right. This will be on the test next week.
Because he's a faggot.
Do you think this is some kind of exception? It hass been done for centuries, and still they do, including your commie friends. Speaking of which, if kidnapping children is inherently evil, then what mass purges and racial cleansings, artificial famines, iconoclasty, ACTUAL forced labor, and the destruction of entire ecosystems means to you? Bet you're still thinking that communism is good
btw browse for the Holodomor in Ukraine, those people were forced to eat themselves, and that thanks to your sweet hammer and sickle.
So by definition, people who do not kidnap children are not nazi's and should not be punched for being so.
How many nazis have you killed, Mr. Bikelock?
Well, is a cartoon for dumb people pretending to be smart, so they will go haha they hit a nazi
>I will violently assault the people I assume to be nazis, bigot
wow and the right is supposed to be the wrong
>Complains about /pol/ in the /pol/ website
are you actually retarded?
Why'd you even come here if that sort of thing bothers you?
For the (you)s?