Hey, Yea Forums! Let's all wish Bendis a very happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
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I hope it is his last one.
So why does this board hate bendis so much?
...this board?
His books are terrible. Just absolutely fucking terrible.
They are bland to the point of unreadability and often break major elements of characters forever.
He’s a really shitty writer that litters the cannon with his shitty OC all the time.
They hate him cuz they ain’t him
me board?
Thread challenge: Let's try to say something nice for Bendis' birthday.
I occasionally chuckled at one of his jokes in New Avengers
He has his fans, but people criticise him everywhere you look. A lot of people think his best days as a writer have been over for a few years now.
Hates Bendis? This board hates Bendis?
Bendis? Brian Bendis? Brian Michael Bendis? It’s his birthday? Today? You’re telling me today is Brian Michael Bendis’ birthday?
It is a fact to say that the entirety of the comics and cartoons board on Yea Forums hates Bendis.
Why do you not know this?
He really fit himself. Thats something noone can wave away.
He sometimes has a scene which pleasantly surprises me for about ten seconds and that is gospel truth.
But overall he's still a terrible writer with his awful OCs.
Happy Birthday, Bendis. Thanks for inspiring this page.
He didn't know that? That the whole board hates Bendis?
Unrepentant anti-Semitism.
He's also bald and fat.
>bendis is a jew
Oh. It's as if a billion puzzle pieces suddenly all fit together at once.
Alias is great. His ultimate spider-man wasn't too bad and I liked some characterization during his X-men run.
bendis isn't afraid. you keep making those oc's, bendis. you show them who's boss!
The interactions between Peter and Kitty Pride in Ultimate were really cute and I liked his gwen redesign, it made my pee pee go hard.
Second floor basement?
>Brian Michael Bendis
>Date of birth
>August 18, 1967
>age 51 years
A little early there aren't you?
Also, it's hard to take the world of the comic book seriously when Bendis touches it and shapes characters in weird, awful ways.
His Daredevil was great. I still think Matt should be married it seemed that great.
I thought his Ultimate Spider-Man was shit, and I thought it very disrespectful that he'd kill off Peter to introduce Miles after writing him that long.
His Alias is garbage, and I'd rather be Jessica Jones getting fucked in the ass than have to read it again.
Everything else has been painfully mediocre to downright criminally awful.
His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though. Really based. Great designs by McNiven too.
This is pretty messed up thing to say. How old are you?
>This is pretty messed up thing to say.
>his parents never gave him a birthday countdown
I'm sorry, user.
Why does he have so many birthdays
When stan died the lich power transferred through ancient jewish bloodlines to bendis, now he absorbs the souls of those around him and thus celebrates their birthdays as his own.
He's currently feeding off the concept of Superman, draining it of all meaning and fun.
His best days as a writer are worse than a decent writer's worse days.
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though. Really based. Great designs by McNiven too.
I think he meant without bald-faced LYING, user.
I hope he starts his own publishing business so he can sink it without ruining anything more worth giving a damn about
You know what? Yeah. I actually do wish Brian Michael Bendis a happy birthday. He's written several comics that I've enjoyed, and as much as it is fun to tease his writing style I never outright disliked him. He made me legitimately emotionally cry with one of his books back in 2014.
He makes me cry too, user. Every time I pick up a new issue of superman the tears start again.
Uh ... Wikipedia says his birthday is August 18th.
I'm sure he made a lot of people at Marvel cry when they looked at sales reports before he moved to DC, too.
Bendis the Birthday Boy?
Brian Birthday Boy Bendis?
That Bendis?
me boy?
His best works are small scale street level heroes with small casts. He starts tripping over himself when he goes beyond that.
Morrisons Flex Mentallo is the only thing that's really made me cry, plus all star supes and a few other random supes issues.
oh and back when COIE first came out and Supergirl died, that got me too.
Huh. Yesterday was Ewing's birthday and none of you chucklefucks congratulated him.
Also Chris Sims apparently, but I don't expect most of you guys to have read his comics.
>Yesterday was Ewing's birthday and none of you chucklefucks congratulated him.
But you bet that will come up somewhere down the line.
Also he keeps outselling Batman, so that's a present of sorts.
i'm pretty sure it's just one guy who's obsessed with shitting on bendis. everyone else just join in.
It's Bendis' birthday? Brian MICHAEL Bendis? That Bendis? The comics writer Bendis?
user, seriously, it's not BMB's birthday.
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though. Really based. Great designs by McNiven too.
no, shitting on Bendis is a boardwide pastime
Does bendis have a cuck fetish or something? Whats with his fixation on black men.
>His Daredevil is great
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though
Shouldnt you be shooting up some place sammy?
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though. Really based. Great designs by McNiven too.
Say fucking what? This legit got me, I hope you're a troll.
>Tfw I share a birthday with Bendis
>Both of our initials is BB
Bendis is my next target
>He made me legitimately emotionally cry with one of his books back in 2014.
Same here but in 2015, when Civil War II came out, and thoroughly assassinated some of my favorites, both character-wise and literally.
that's not a thing, you're just a spoiled little faggot
he can't keep getting away with it but now's not the time to stop him
If your middle name doesn't begin with M, would that make you feel better?
>Civil War II was four years ago
It does make me feel better that it doesn't
Because he hasn't written anything decent since ult spiderman which his brain dead fans will remind you since again it was the only thing of note
>forgetting about Daredevil
>no, shitting on Bendis is a boardwide pastime
that's true, but knowing his birthday is next level.
It's worse: OP made this thread *before* his actual birthday later this weekend, so you know there'll be another thread like this.
His Daredevil isn't good
Fuck off Bendis.
So what, neither is his ultimate spider-man
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though.
This actually kind of makes me want to hit you.
It was a joke user. I really do hate the guy's work but I really just want him to stop writing.
Bendis is the greatest writer of the 2010’s, deal with it incels.
>His Guardians of the Galaxy run is the best GotG run ever though.
I hate you but I hope you have a happy birthday
>Avengers vs X-Men
>X-Men by Bendis
>GotG by Bendis
>Defenders by Bendis
>Civil War 2 by Bendis
>Spider-Man: Miles by Bendis
>Secret Wars: Ultimate End by Bendis
>Secret Wars: Old Man Logan by Bendis
>Infamous Ironman by Bendis
>Invincible Ironman by Bendis
>Superman by Bendis
>Action Comics by Bendis
I mean, the guy has been ruining everything he touches for the past 10 years now and only recently have readers gotten wise enough to stop buying his bullshit.
The greatest writer of the 2010?
Incels, you now, portmanteau for involuntary celibates. Haven't you heard of them?
I hate him not because of his writing style but rather because of what he writes, he just loves to add shit and/or ruin it more often than not.
Something nice? For Bendis' birthday?
Read Age of Ultron
Read his Uncanny X-Men run
Read his Iron Man and Infamous run...tell me how they end
Read Civil War II
He doesn't account for previous continuity other than his own. Can't write group books (every character has same personality and mannerisms). Only functional plot tool is killing off people. Dialogue has become a cartoon of his former writing style (Daredevil). Leaves huge loose ends that thankfully get ignored by subsequent writers
Is that enough for you?
Oh yeah and his OCs are wooden Mary Sue's that can only become interesting in the hands of others
I fucking hate summer.
Why not send the fuck a card?
>It's your birthday?
>Yo Brian, can I call you Brian? It's your birthday. You know, birthday. Those days when you're born. They happen every year, it's like a thing. So any way, we over here at Yea Forums, like Yea Forums the board Yea Forums, I don't think there are any other Yea Forumss? Any way, we want to with you a happy birthday, remember it's those things people have every year. Hope your kid doesn't get taken to space in aged up, or you get hit by an anti Thanos missile, or get replaced by a young black woman at DC.
Even his celebrated work has big ass glaring issues/problems like Dark Reign.