Is he right, Yea Forums?
Is he right, Yea Forums?
i don't even remember that
marvelfags tend to be on the side of killing the villains in that kind of discussion. Why is it just peter that shouldn't kill?
Didn't he just kill alien dogs?
they were mindless rabid alien monsters
They associate Spider-Man with childhood.
>relies on automatic stark tech yet again to ger out of a tricky situation
Those were beasts, not intelligent sentient beings
That's fucking stupid, they're going to wipe them all out anyway
One of Dan Slott's big character traits for peter was him spastically going NO ONE DIES all the time.
It honestly, IMO, kind of plays against the strength of Pete, that he's the everyman hero. Aversion to killing, I get it. Batman-tier verging on obsessive hatred of any killing done by anyone for any reason, kind of annoying and not very pragmatic.
I agree that it was kind of a weird scene though
At the same time I still feel like Spider-Man wouldn't slaughter a dozen dogs even if they were attacking him.
space dogs are not earth dogs, bro
Space Lives Matter
the real question is why tony gives a kid a suit with an instant kill mode and entrusts him to a high tech super system of lethally armed drones
I'm pretty sure the point of the scene was to show what Instant Kill mode did, since it was such a random thing in Homecoming and since these suits are not going to be in anymore future movies
>killing is bad
>in a fucking battleground
The problem was calling it "Instant Kill Mode". Had it been called "Berserk Mode" or something less murderous (no "lethal", and whatnot) would've worked fine, because we can assume the tech just tries to find the most efficient and drastic way to get rid of enemies *without* killing.
"Instant Kill Mode" in Homecoming was okay for humor but in Endgame it felt out of place.
Understandable, Peter never kills, but I would state that even in war vs aliens and no one can really know or prove it so we’ll let this ride.
Yeah "enhanced combat mode" or something less obviously villainous.
Furthermore... Why was Tony giving Peter so much easy access to lethal tech? What is wrong with him? First the suit has an "enhanced interrogation mode", then in Far From Home he has direct control of killer drone? The fuck kinda message he's sending?
>Hey Peter, you're the new me, and that means killing everyone who threatens you, preferably from far away and without them knowing. Hydra had the right idea.
raimiman killed people, don't know why he shouldn't
there's no real reason for spider man not to kill
No, Peter doesn't kill. This should be obvoous to anyone. It's not really that special either. Most superheroes don't kill. I don't get why everyone makes such a big deal about it with Batman.
The only superheroes I can think of that do willingly kill their enemies are some of the x-men, iron man led the charge to kill the supreme intelligence, and I think wonder woman that one time.
Spidey is not above the law, that's why. Killing mooks that should be put in prison and trialed is not the way to deal justice... And I say "mooks" because as we all know, main villains never die.
Right, they're generally on the side of justice, either aiding or filling its gaps... Not replacing it with their own version of it. Otherwise what's the point of them?
I’d argue that it’s like killing a Parademon, like, yeah, it’s kind of alive I guess
Batman is a big deal because his regular villains are more iconic and have notoriously high body counts. Well, mostly just Joker.
They make such a big deal out of batman because he has an actual reason on why he doesn't kill, it's part of his character
The other superheroes don't really have reasons to not kill, they don't kill because they're the "good guys" and that's it
Spiderman didn’t, they died in battle, not because he killed them. You can MAYBE make the case with Doc Oc but it would be a stretch, he killed the goblin in self defense.
I mean, Tony never really gave up on that "suit of armor around the world" idea.
I guess we no longer have qualms in calling Tony a fascist then, since he never really outgrew making weapons of war, even if he's not selling them to governments.
I mean we always knew this from the comics (SHIELD director anyone?) but it's kinda refreshing that in the movies he shows his true colors more openly, yet gets called a hero for it.
How can you make a case for him killing Doc Ock? Otto chose to kill himself to stop the machine.
Spider-Man 3 was basically the closest Peter came to intentionally killing people, what with the subway fight with Sandman, throwing a bomb at Harry's head, and also blowing up Eddie.
>forgets the goon who "killed uncle ben" in spiderman 1
Peter killed him
In his defense, he did save the universe.
But yeah, it's a good thing the gauntlet scorched all his organs when he used it because he probably would've done some really really dumb shit with it to get ready for "the next Thanos" if he hadn't.
Beasts are sentient.
No, it was the absolute highest stakes. Certain death of the entire universe. Not killing literally meant they would die anyways
Even batman could easily rationalize killing in the same circumstances
It's almost as though it's setting up for a villainous Spiderman arc. Maybe with a Symbiote.
Depends on the writer. In injustice he got pissed off superman killed the parademons.
>Getting mad that Peter activates a fucking kill mode in a war zone against a dude who literally fucking wiped him from existence
Are we also gonna fucking get mad at the genocide Tony committed to end the battle?
Literally nothing wrong with killing rabid beasts in self defense though
Tony locked all those features, but Pete and Ned hacked the suit.
The no kill rule is idiotic for anyone who isn't Batman. Obviously a hero shouldn't kill if they don't have to but when the fate of the universe is at stake it's a ridiculous rule to stick to. Superman doesn't even do it.
I don't disagree. But it's pretty clear based on his dialogue that Peter does not understand what happened or fully grasp the stakes.
He did still give them to him, he should have known Peter was smart enough to unlock it. It's pretty clear afterwards that Tony just isn't concerned with giving Peter andbdeady tech.
>Tony is so shit that 2 middle schoolers could hack into Stack Tech
The MCU will never have a symbiote. I'm not even convinced we'll get anther MCU Spider-man film. I think the chances are better that Sony reboots.
I actually think Tony may have underestimated Pete's drive, smarts, or overestimated his loyalty.
More like Tony is so full of himself that he can't conceive of anyone, let alone two high schoolers, hacking his tech.
It's been established, although it has varried and isn't hammered anywhere near as often as Batman.
What the fuck does he know about Spider-Man?
No. He didn't mention that the entire movie was trash.
Sony has always chosen to maximize suffering and idiocy.
That's why Batman is literally retarded
Fuck off
It was a stupid ass moment because Peter doesnt need a fucking suit to do all the killing.
He's legit one of the strongest in the MCU, but garbage ass plot will say he's always holding back.
if Peter can hold back Bucky with a single arm, he can take out generic mooks without shilling that gaudy looking toy ad.
Oh, you don't think that, you just feel it, gotcha.
Spider-man's killed before. Dan Slott doesn't know the first thing about Spider-man.
No. Spider-man only briefly had a no kill rule and it was fucking stupid when he did. Old school Peter used villains as human shields more than once for bullets and missiles.
He'd have made Infinity Armour designed to do everything the Gauntlet did but without frying you, or just use all the stones as a power source.
>old school
>he doesn't kill him still
Wew lad.
>Peter doesn't kill
Except when he feels like it. Peter isn't bloodthirsty. That doesn't mean he doesn't kill. He has deliberately killed villains and tried to kill more only for them to survive like when he pulled a Batman 89 and shoved a bunch of explosives into Norman.
Idk bro, the fate of the entire universe is at hand,I think it's okay if he stabs a few nameless minions,especially since he had already died once before
>old school
That's 2000s Peter acting like old school Peter
>he doesn't kill him still
Blame OMD
Nah, I don't buy that. If there's one thing Tony takes seriously it's his Iron Man suits. I've never liked the idea of Peter being a genius anywhere near the likes of Iron Man anyway. It really takes away from his "Everyman given Superpowers" appeal
More like mentally ill
To be fair, Peter's the only genius in marvel that acts like a god damn everyman. The rest are all mentally ill, ego-maniacal, drunks, or autists.
Not Reed Richards but yes
>Spidey is not above the law,
Literally everything he does is above the law
Exactly my point you can’t make the case for any of them seeing as Doc OC and Eddie both killed themselves
>not Reed Richards
Only because he cured his autism and he's still egotistical as fuck, he's just patronizing about it.
Meh I don't think Batman's stupid, he literally realizes it's not his job to kill supervillains, it's actually the governments of the DCU for not putting these guys on death row.
Superman does depending on situation, you just need to get him to that point first, which is difficult because his sheer strength means he won't be desperate unless it's Darkseid-level shit.
He would if Aunt May's life is on the line.
No. They were mindless killing machines with no intelligence or anything, and they were breed to kill. If he didn't activate instant kill then Peter would have been killed and the Infinity Gauntlet would be lost, and the heroes would have been defeated
Plus, they are going to die anyway. So why should here be a difference compared to other species with actual intelligence?
>Even when it comes to Thanos’ evil army of alien spacehounds
Robots, invading alien armies and hand ninjas don’t count. Everyone knows that.
>alien spacehounds
Spider-Man is above killing rabid and violent beasts? Since when? I have tons of comics where he kills monsters. It's not like they were people.
Peter is always teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown, it's really bad for his mental health to kill and the character knows this.
>Having to disengage some sort of restraint protocol in the suit instead of naturally stopping himself from killing.
Fucking lame.
When Peter was a teen he got Betty Brant's brother killed and complained at the dying man for getting in his way.
Bottom left would make a great reaction image.
Honestly neither Peter, Cap, Hulk or Hawkeye should, at the very least.
Invading alien armies was only added in the edgy 2000s as a retcon, they totally count.
Why shouldn't a WWII veteran, a stand in for Frankenstein/Mr Hyde or a government assassin kill?
You have a point with peter, I don’t think he should kill but I also don’t think he should have a specific rule about it. He isn’t on a crusade he’s just someone who happened into the ability to help people physically and is only doing that through guilt, the very basis of his motivation is about preventing random deaths not saving everyone. Cap however was a soldier he shouldn’t have a problem killing who he needs to. Hulks a monster I like the idea of him helping anyone he can but the level of destruction he’s capable of, it’s stupid to assume that he hasn’t killed bystandards at some point. Hawkeye though why would you want Hawkeye to have a no kill rule?
>Slott being salty because everyone is ignoring the shitty "I don't kill and no one dies around me" rule he tried to force on Spider-Man during his run
Stay mad. Spider-Man shouldn't kill humans but who gives a fuck about mindless beasts?
Nevermind, forgot people here don't read comics.
Peter never had a no-kill rule. He's not fucking Batman.
>Invading alien armies was only added in the edgy 2000s as a retcon
[citation needed]
Adding on to this I think we saw peter killing skrulls in Secret Invasion. Like, they didn't make it explicit but everyone else was.
I think the "no killing" only applies to characters he still thinks could be changed. Otherwise he'd be willing to shoot them like with Darkseid.
I read the comic where peter got a no ill rule and it was stupid, he's a superhero yes and should take the furthest possible measures to save as many people as he can but he's let people die, after Gwens death he could've saved Norman from the glider but chose not to. And cap despite being a soldier obviously he's not just going to let some shmuck bank robber die carelessly, but do you realize how many faceless hydra goons he carved through?
That guy tripped and fell to his death. Maybe Peter didn't do enough to save him, maybe he wasn't careful enough in disarming him, and maybe he was too threatening in approaching the burglar. Maybe he was even satisfied with the way everything turned out. But the guy tripped and fell, Peter DID NOT push him. That's a very important distinction. If Peter had literally pushed the guy out of the building I would agree with you, but the burglar just tried to get away from Peter and tripped.
MCU peter is already a shit peter parker as far as characterization goes
he's not a self made hero, he's just stark's pet project
the fact that tony overshadows ben in terms of influence just shits all over the whole premise
>e's just stark's pet project
Ok you're a faggot got it
What other reason do they need? JFC
The fact that this was still built into the suit with a bunch other features is problematic anyway. And besides the suits (because it wasn't just the Iron Spider but his regular one) had a "training wheels" program that he still had to learn to use, until he could unlock these features and bypass the training. Tony basically expected him to learn the basics *before* he got to use those lethal features.
Well for Batman's case, its from the trauma of having his parents die while he was a kid, so he doesn't want that to happen anymore. There's probably a couple of other heroes who have that kind of origin, even they aren't that intense about it like Batman.
>here kid take all this technology I made for you
>gee thanks mr stark i didn't have to lift a finger
don't try to pretend like the mcu wasn't intentionally stark wanking as per the demand of RDJ. not to totally discredit it since ironman kickstarted it
also slott
>don't try to pretend like the mcu wasn't intentionally stark wanking as per the demand of RDJ
You mean aside from Sony asking for the most popular Avenger to be an essential part of the only character they own rights to in the most popular franchise ever? Clearly it was RDJ's ego because I'm a faggot, and not a completely sensible executive decision from Sony for once.
You can clearly see Peter is pushing him to the edge because he assumes Green Goblin can't die.
I don;t agree with Slott on a lot of things, but I did also find this a bit odd. Spider-Man, especially a young Spider-Man, makes the most sense as someone unwilling to kill another.
I was able to get passed it considering the stakes, but I wouldn't expect Spidey to be so quick to be okay with it.
To be fair, he got his sister kidnapped over gambling debts.
Also he didn't even die.
Also also he went on to become a supervillain. Betty herself is who eventually killed him.
He's a 15/16 year old in the middle of a warzone with alien hell-hounds bearing down on him. I think we can cut him some slack.
Daredevil dosn't kill either
>Slott right about something
the fuck
But they were good boys.
They din’du nuffin’ !!!
i swear to god i've read mainline spider books where pete killed his foes,or in the very least batman begins ras al ghul train kill em and not save em
but what if a dozen rabid howards the duck
That's like saying Phyrexians shouldn't be killed. At this point he was fighting creatures that were probably in constant pain, had no free will, and longed for death
So, he love all the plot holes, Professor Retard Hulk without healing factor, Fat Thor
Yass Queen Valkikerie and Captain Alonso Wife?
Mindless alien drones don’t count, it’s why Superman and Batman kill Parademons with impunity
Superman has killed before too. Does that make Man of Steel alright?
Imagine being full of so much legumes that you can even tolerate fictional characters killing other fictional characters.
I mean, yeah. Superman killing Zod's always been a thing.
The problem people have isn't that Supes killed, its that he shows deep anguish for the loss of life... after he had let hundreds of people die during their fight without paying much attention to the people, on top of also wasting time kissing Lois while people were dying around them.
Would've been cool if it was called something that alluded to Venom and turned the suit black.
This. Killing Zod wasn't what really bothered the audience, it was that Supes indirectly killed a ton of civilians cause he didn't pay attention to them until later.
Meh. Why do people want the heroes to get all angsty? Imagine if Thanos wins because Peter went "no! I cannot harm these innocent demon monsters or I'll be just like them!"
Just go watch that trashheap Far From Home if you want to see Peter almost murdering his entire fucking class and then brushing it off. Shazam tier carelessness.
Slott a Shitt
Slott is right for once
X-Men avoid killing generally but they can. The team itself is fine with killing but the higher up team leaders don't like it as much. Nearly all Marvel heroes kill but they wouldn't choose to. They do it in dier situations and that is thw right choice. They kill only when they know it is neccesary
Everyone points to Superman killing Zod but that's the least offensive thing about that movie
>seriously injurs/kills 1000s of henchmen
>finally confront the villian
>"hurr durr I wont kill you because morality or some shit even though if I did it would prevent much evil"
if superheroes killed, there would be 0 crime, all crime only seems to happen because some villian escapes from jail for the 100th time and fucks shit up
super based dan slott sucking disney's dicks clean
Why did they do this to him, he doesn't feel anything like spider-man because he lost the classic homemade feel. I miss the Peter that would juryrigg all of his tech, they even had that in sort of in civil war
A kid he met about a year prior. I use met loosely, he saw him on the internet and decided to hunt him down
I thought he learnt his lesson after Ultron but I guess not.
Maybe he did but then changed his mind when they got fucked by Thanos and lost half of the world.
>but it's kinda refreshing that in the movies he shows his true colors more openly, yet gets called a hero for it.
This one legitmate gripe I understand. Peter in homecoming/Far from home was a great opportunity to show that Tony isn't always that good. But no, Tony Stark has to be always right saviour of the world, do no wrong. He stops selling weapons in Iron Man 1 but continues building them his entire life. Have we ever got to see him build things for the people or try and solve big problems with his tech?
wasn't he expected to hack it? I thought that was why Karen congratulated him
>Have we ever got to see him build things for the people or try and solve big problems with his tech?
Never. In fact the closest he got to this was him approving the projects for all the students at that college, so that was his "good deed", except you don't know if all they wanted was to make "the perfect milkshake" or a better surveillance tool to capture upskirts or some shit. It's frankly baffling that you never see this guy at an actual charity doing good work, it's always his Elon Musk/Max Power routine and you're expected to assume he's one of the good ones.
Sony won't reboot anytime soon but you are right that venon will NEVER happen in mcu for several reasons
>Sony have their own venom series going they wouldn't make 2 of them
>connecting those universes is impossible because then whatever Venom writers do is canon in MCU
>MCU Peter doesn't have the repressed anger trait or anything to actually piss him off
>MCU Peter exclusively uses stark tech suits which surely wouldn't mesh well with the symbiote
That and the rubble scene are the only times we get to see his strength since he doesn't throw punches anymore
He's not wrong. So much of what happens in Homecoming and FFH is due to Stark. Peter even says he does what he does to be like Tony Stark. All his gadgets and even his damn suit is Stark Tech. He is bailed out twice by Tony Stark in Homecoming. When he is stuck under rubble he remembers not Ben, not May but Tony Stark.
>You mean aside from Sony asking for the most popular Avenger to be an essential part
The thing is he has super strength, and hundreds of web combinations so he can fight then without killing anyone. The problem is how he just casually goes about murdering the Aliens (he has no idea they are not sentient) with no remorse in an almost joke like manner
That doesn't explain giving a lethal weapon to a child as both Stark Suit and Iron Spider Suit were built Pre Thanos
This. A single scene showing him actually helping people with his tech would be perfect, because at the moment I can't understand why the world loves him so fucking much.
He could get clean water in Africa or provide clean energy to the masses or free tech to schools, anything different from making a 100 new war suits
Everyone was being mean to him during and after Civil War, and then he sacrificed himself for the entire universe, that's why the world loves him
Also, he was always selfish. Doing the Snap doesn't absolve him, in my opinion, of his refusal to help when asked simply because he was living better than everyone else. That's the entire truth! Everyone else was miserable or trying to cope with the loss, but he was living at a cabin, enjoying his riches and clearly without setbacks (just look at his car for fucks sake). And what's his first demand? "we're doing this but we're not losing my daughter".
Yes but it lazy when all the bad guys armies in marvel happy to be mindless drones that can be killed with no moral qualms.
He died yes, but the world also thinks captain America died and Hulk has lost his arm. They even know Widow is dead. But only Tony gets recognition.
He went on later
Here's the last one, doesn't this guy realize that these space dogs are the same vicious ones from Infinity War?