>be yahoo
>buy tumblr for $6 billion
>do nothing with it for years and lose money
>get bought out by Verizon
>ban porn
>sell off the cancer after most users fled for $3 million
Be yahoo
Other urls found in this thread:
>WordPress upholds porn ban
>Despite the fact that they host porn sites built with their own tools
They don’t want the kiddie porn blogs to come back
Also, how is this Yea Forums
Another Yahoo success story
It should be noted that the owner or Wordpress, or CEO or whatever, asked on twitter what features people would want on tumblr. As expected, literally EVERYONE asked for the ban on porn to be lifted.
>how is that Yea Forums
There’s Yea Forums on tumblr but tumblr as a whole is /g/
That’s like posting about /aco/ not being allowed on tumblr but Yea Forums being allowed. It’s not quite on topic.
This is a Yea Forums board not a /random fucking websites that sometimes have drawings on them/ board.
Multiple times this year I've Yea Forums still treating tumblr as a boogieman and it's just gotten even more hilarious.
At this point saying people "pander" to tumblr is like saying someone is pandering to myspace.
what does this have to do with Yea Forums
Press S to shit on the grave.
>literally EVERYONE asked for the ban on porn to be lifted
I just wanted to follow lewd artists and filter out their shit fetishes. twitter is fucking retarded at filtering
Its funny reading comments from artists who for years expressed they hatred for tumblr, tumblr's staff, tumblr's userbase, and how artists were treated like shit, especially more NSFW artists who had their tumblrs nuked multiple times, yet comment how they miss it when compared to twitter, pixiv, baraag, DA, FA, NG, etc.
I don't care about tumblr anymore, I just started following my favorite porn artists on twitter instead
Yea Forums is tumblr
This coming from someone who didn't want to believe it for several years.
In honor of tumblr dying a slow death. Pick your tumblr FOTM husbando.
Yea Forums is not tumblr, it's infected with tumblr.
I don't remember Yea Forums having artfags drawing red noses ever
Why would anyone want to do that?
It's like if tumblr was forced to mingle with opinions it disagrees with instead of banning them on sight
Would /g/ actually care about a small time social media website on its way to being sunsetted? Genuine question.
At least they won the moral battle or whatever
There is no moderation on tumblr retard. That’s why they have to do witch hunts to shut down things they don’t like.
>Yea Forums
Their plan to ban porn to appease Chinese markets didn't pan out.
This. And it's only gotten worse since the mods got infected.
>denying Yea Forums became a refuge for Tumbltards since the porn ban
Wew, lad.
i would rather die.
>since the porn ban
fucking newfags I swear
>implying the tumblr infestation is even close to as bad as the /pol/ invasion
Yea Forums is tumblr
You can tell because Yea Forums became even more antiporn after tumblr banned it.
Yea Forums was my first board back in 2011. The world was less political then, sure, but I imagine many of my fellows went /pol/ gradually.
This reminds me of how that one user from Yea Forums described how tumblr went from a slightly older Deviantart community to the moralfag shithole it is today.
You never saw this website a day before 2016.
The anti-porn people on Yea Forums are the opposite of the people posting on tumblr. They're right wing anti masturbation evangelicals
This is a /pol/ website.
That's where you're wrong, my man. November 2011 was when I first came here, I was a lot younger then.
Things only really got political during the start of gamergate.
Not onły that, Pornhub made a bid for the site in an effort to take thing back to the glory days.
>most liberal board on Yea Forums crying about refugees from another website
not for long. it's just a matter of time before another /pol/yp does something stupid that forces hiro to shut down the board to avoid losing his money
>tumblr starts off as hipster junk but gets a migration of aspie girls from devianart and livejournal
>they sperg about fanfiction, share “quirky” girl humor, and get off to the Onceler but are otherwise harmless
>pretty much no trannies, mtf or snowflake, and other races besides white fade into the background and blend in
>becomes on of the few majorly female “nerd” places on the internet
>because of female majority they feel compelled to fall for the guilt tripping “awareness” posts that appear, mostly involving animal cruelty and “I’m not gay but I don’t care if you are!” shit
>at the same time given the female majority feminism starts to creep its way in but it’s a mild version along the lines of “I don’t like that the guys at my high school laugh at me for doing etc. girl thing” rather than “all women are oppressed”
>this builds and get more excessive over time
>eventually at some point race politics and the idea of cultural appropriation gets a foothold
>it becomes cool to be “lgbt” and all of the girls on there wanting to feel special start adopting shit like asexual, demisexual, etc
>mtf trannies realize that the site is full of tranny bootlickers so they join to reap the benefits
>Same with blacks who weren’t there before realizing they will cave to anything if they call them racist
>by this point nearly all the girls there have been brainwashed by leftist politics to go along with anything they are told with the liberal tinted lens
>the extreme fujoshi realize they can become their yaoi boy fantasies by becoming gender species or even full on ftm and follow in the mtf footsteps
>after years of this building the site has become an extreme leftist hub where everyone is some lgbticup identity and if you don’t toe the line perfectly and cave to the black, trans, various oppressed group superiors you risk being harassed, chased off, or doxxed
It’s funny to look at his posts, first announcement is full of optimistic idiots and ass-lickers looking for a job. They all vanished when he announced no plans to reverse the porn ban.
get woke go broke
It failed because it was trying to appeal to advertisers though.
Banning female presenting nipples isnt woke
I fucking hate that artists flocked to twitter. Worst fucking thing to happen to art desu.
Jack Frost is the only fuckable one on that chart
Yea Forumstards said the same thing back in 08, your just another drone.
There's absolutely nothing woke about banning porn or nudity.
Why? Twitter's more convenient than any shitty blog site
That makes no sense. Porn is also banned on Yea Forums.
>how is this Yea Forums
Yea Forums is next.
>Twitter's more convenient than any shitty blog site
My fucking ass it is.
>Yea Forumstards said the same thing back in 08
And they were absolutely correct, until they became overrun with semenbrains.
Now it's a /pol/ website.
But banning nigger dicks is and gay shit was far more common than straight shit in Tumblr
They really couldn't pay people to find and remove that shit?
>too retarded to use a like follow and retweet system
I never saw even a single cp pic on Tumblr
It just seems like a MASSIVE over reaction to ban all porn because a few people were posting illegal content.
because is Yea Forums is /comblr/
>muh epic Yea Forumsermin memes
You're missing the moral of the story, son. We're all replaceable. A fad. Like pogs.
>Using social media at all
Why in the fuck would I ever want to do that?
Let alone when jacking off?
I masturbate 3 or 4 times a day and I wish people would keep shit like "who has the best ass?" or Raven threads in /aco/.
>Artist uploads a million random images they find across the internet along with their own artwork
>Becomes impossible to shift through all the bullshit to find what you're looking for
>No organized gallery view
>Older artwork is effectively lost to time with how tedious it all is
>Image size limitations
Twitter sucks dick. Its only purpose is to farm retweets so you look "cool" and "popular"
Using the search function to find art on a site that's not solely dedicated to art, you might as well just give the fuck up and not even try.
Literally just filter by media only. It's really not hard.
>Literally just filter by media only.
That includes fucking everything you dumbass. I don't want to visit an artists twitter to look at a thousand pictures of their pets. Seriously why the hell are you defending twitter? Its objectively worse in every way.
>banning porn means being against masturbation
okay limpdick
Tom Holland
This is your brain on TEDTalk.
>be moot
>take all the Yea Forums monies and run off to Mexico
Or people could start posting porn on gallery sites again like sane people.
Based priapist
and this is your penis, user.
Because tumblr is fucking Yea Forumsmblr you fucking nigger.
>They're right wing anti masturbation evangelicals
Nice try, it is actually roastie liberal whales that are against that shit.
How much did he get for this site?
>ban porn
>literally half the value disappears
It's amusing to see an actual figure attached to such a stupid move.
it's a lot more than half. Billion to million.
who still goes to the site. i hate tumblr cause its only filed with shitty vintage images and corner cutting sjw hipster garbage. also they layout design is as bad as reddit. what the heck is that blog or something. dont want to figure out how the fucking shitty tree system works.
Oh shit.
next tumblr gets sold for pennies and hobos start running it. changes its name to Hobolr
they didn't ban porn, they just use a cheap algorithm that detects anything that might be a skin tone
Yeah, because it's Twitter that should be getting the hate for being a cesspit these days.
It sold for less than 3 million, Verizon originally bought it for 1.1 billion
And how did they not up bid 3 million?
More like you're both right. Two opposing people can have the same conclusions you know. Like how Nazis and Muslims both despise Jews.
No, pretty sure they banned all NSFW content, where the "female presenting nipples" shit came from
I believe it.
the value was going down long before the porn ban. that was just the nail in the coffin.
Like pottery.
Pornhub is also making a SFW youtube competitor, if I recall. PH has the money to break into mainstream.
>roastie liberal whales
liberal feminists are pro-porn. it's the radical feminists who are against it.
Wait, what? How does that make sense? You would think the opposite would be true in that case.
>Single ideology
>Can have two completely opposite points of view/meanings
But they still wonder why people are skeptical about it.
It really was a gender flipped Yea Forums
Man, nuspidey ruins everything.
>Yea Forums
Post the full page.
Also I'd say it's more like what happens when deviantART goes to college for a social science major.
They outright banned nsfw content from appearing on any searched or anywhere like that. You could post it, but no one could see it.
>They don’t want the kiddie porn blogs to come back
They could, you know, have a decent moderation team. Instead of pissing away literal millions trying to be moral crusaders.
>what does this have to do with Yea Forums
So all of you SJW shits can now return to fuckin tumblr, you fucking gay shits. Fuck off
where's bendadick cabbage patch?
>"I've never of anti-sex feminists"
It's what happens when you're so leftist, you loop back to becoming conservative.
>Twitter sucks dick. Its only purpose is to farm retweets so you look "cool" and "popular"
So basically the only thing in this life that matters?
The superficial appearance of relevance and influence?
The twisted and contorted pretense of human interaction? Glass screens dumping vapid, banal brainvomit into the endless void while the sponge that is the collective consciousness of the cultural zeitgeist sucks it all up ensuring the immediately impending extinction of the species?
Are you referring to that purpose?
Because lemme tell ya baby, in this regard Twitter is unrivaled.
You done stroking yourself off over how much of a clever boy you are?
When you put it that way, Twitter's only guilty of exacerbating humanity's worse traits and getting mad at Twitter is like blaming cars for drunk drivers.
Literally why keep the ban, the entire platform is worthless while its still enforced.
Is Tumblr finally dying, bros?
This says a lot about society
They dont want to deal with the shit porn brings I'd bet
>make lazy cutbacks to avoid having to give a shit about moderation
>make your site unusable as a result
>Posting the inferior version
Would you bid 3mil for a failing website?
I wish Deviantart wasn't such a pain in the ass to navigate. Also they ban anything that even reminds of shota/loli.
Only failing thanks to Verizon's incompetence
>they ban anything that even reminds of shota/loli.
>implying that's a bad thing
I had to get a twitter account because of the porn ban. I have to avoid accidentally clicking the trending button so i dont get triggered again by sjw autism.
>blaming cars for drunk drivers
At least cars are useful. The world would be better if that shithole were to shutdown, which isn't far from happening seeing how much it's bleeding money.
It is
Just switch the trending list location to a foreign country like Japan. It would save you a lot of headaches.
Adult dick and pussy is still fine
Not seeing a downside
>implying that's a bad thing
Do you know what's this thread is about?
I think there's a good chance that there was never any cp to begin with, but rather a gun-jump by Google Play due to the constant accusations thrown all over the site about how half the users were actually a child pornographers. You have to keep in mind that Tumblr never showed much restraint when it came to defining everything as porn and incest so there are hundreds upon hundreds of callout posts about how (often fairly innocent) art by people on Tumblr was advocacy of childfucking.
It's like a snake eating its own tail, like some sort of deranged morality sink.
I always assumed the CP was just a lie made up to justify the staff fuck ups
>buy tumblr for $6 billion
You spelled $1.1 billion wrong.
It wasn't Google Play, it was Apple Store. Google Play hosts pretty much any shitty app but Apple Store is very strict about it.
and miss out on the #cucumberparty and #MiaKalifa hashtags trending??
It 100% did exist, this topic came up here before the great ban hammer fell and someone posted evidence.
tumblr was alwasy a pain to navigate to me
It was pretty widespread, you just didn't see it because it wasn't tagged as anything and only shared among the pedos. I saved some screens and sent them to my buddy in ICE along with a list of users, a lot of it was people pimping out their own kids or kids they knew.
Preferred it to twitter, it at least had an archive and easy to navigate tag system
link to how much yahoo bought tumblr and for how much wordpress bought it back?
Nah there were some legit kiddie fuckers on there, called themselves MAPs 'Minor Attracted Person' then they kept changing their names and dodging bans
I switched my location to Belarus to avoid this cancer
all the woke blogs hated it cause gay porn is porn too. you snowflake.
SJWs destroy everything if you let them take root. SA, Reddit, twitter, tumblr. They're coming for us too.
Oh, I forgot about the MAPfags. Though I mostly just remember their blogs as being preachy about their love for kiddiefucking, never as producing kiddiefucking art. Probably just managed to avoid them, though, Tumblr was a pretty big site at its activity peak.
Not to mention video games and comics.
Which baffles me, since audiences don't react well to it.
you mean co doesn't react well. get out of your bubble and audience do actually respond well.
Star Wars says otherwise.
As do comics sales.
Don't worry, we've already got our very own insufferable idpol.
>It 100% did exist
I do not doubt this. for a while there were people claiming pornbots were hijacking popular threads by posting images and videos on them.
>It was pretty widespread
[citation needed]
again, given the site moderation's state of dereliction, I don't doubt this content was on there. but you'd have to offer some kind of quantifier or something.
user is not talking about art.
Pornhub might be playing the long game and waiting until the site sells for less than a million. If it can lose over a billion dollars in market value in less than 5 years and the CEO isn’t reverting the changes it’ll likely lose more value.
comic sales have always been shit, and i don't see what solo's failure has to do with anything. unless you mean last jedi, which was objectively a financial success.
just face it, you guys are the weird ones. most people don't secretly think like you, no matter how much you'd like to believe is so.
Captain marvel was a failure and so as TLJ, no one likes this feminist shit and you are killing media by relentlessly forcing it even when consumers tell you to fuck off.
Some people would find it for free
You know, I had a blog für bimbo porn on Tumblr. And it was good bimbo porn. I'll never forgive them for deleting most of it.
what is the Report function?
was there a Report function??
the thing is, the wealth gab has gotten so bad that giant companies can afford losing billions in their attempt to normalize their propaganda.
they no longer care about profit.
>Implying its not because comics are generally shit thats killing comics
The feminism nonsense is a symptom of a greater disease.
>comic sales have always been shit,
How come anti sjw comics are breaking on record after another then? There is obliviously a gigantic audience how has been alienated by DC and Marvel going full sjw
>The feminism nonsense is a symptom of a greater disease.
funny how it's always "something else" when yet another hobbies does down in flames after feminists have taken over. don't you ever get tired of coming up with excuses for your dogma?
This is a bit of a tail wagging the dog bit here, you're taking corporate incompetence for Machiavellian evil. As soon as the millenials age out and corporations twig that SJW stuff isn't the cool hip thing anymore they'll dump it for the next big craze.
I wasnt even referring to comics in my post, the movie was a bomb that disney had to buyout seats for to cover up its unpopularity.
>comics forbids cheesecake
>comic sales go down so much that DC might get shut down soon
>tumblr forbids porn
>tumblr loses 99% of it's worth
why do companies still fail to realize that supporting feminism and social justice is a death sentence
>you're taking corporate incompetence for Machiavellian evil. As soon as the millenials age out and corporations twig that SJW stuff isn't the cool hip thing anymore they'll dump it for the next big craze.
But SJW shit is only popular among a small minority of landwhales.
They can only do that for so long, though, is the thing. The real hope is for non-propagandized competitors to actually sell and take over the popular zeitgeist.
Its just american capeshit comics going down in flames m8y, which I couldn't be happier about because they're utter dreck.
>giant companies can afford losing billions in their attempt to normalize their propaganda.
>they no longer care about profit.
Yeah, but the weak source is being amplified in corporate minds by stuff like twitter. The general populace usually doesn't give a shit about the milder forms of SJW nonsense so companies go with it because they think they can bring in "the millenials" with it while not alienating their core audiences.
>comic sales go down so much that DC might get shut down soon
Wait really, i didnt hear about this.
Im really hoping disney has to sell off star wars a few years down the road once the superhero bubble pops.
I see many trannies and Gays making outrage comments here . Yea Forums is actually Tumblr.
Fair point, although I'd contend that both those films are shit films first and foremost with a big helping of SJW nonsense on top that doesn't help matters much.
>Yeah, but the weak source is being amplified in corporate minds by stuff like twitter. The general populace usually doesn't give a shit about the milder forms of SJW nonsense so companies go with it because they think they can bring in "the millenials" with it while not alienating their core audiences.
But i thought it does alienate the core audience, i mean look at ghostbusters or star wars.
I have been here since 2010.
>although I'd contend that both those films are shit films first and foremost with a big helping of SJW nonsense on top that doesn't help matters much.
Fair, but my point remains that feminist infused movies are a turn off for people.
>As soon as the millenials age out and corporations twig that SJW stuff isn't the cool hip thing anymore they'll dump it for the next big craze.
Does this sound like the words of a businessman who wants to make money or more like priest of a cult?
DC sales have been really really really bad. People are writing articles saying that AT&T might shut them down.
The mainstream was alienated because they were shit films made by corporate hacks. I know the general public has a lower bar for quality but even they know not to watch those abortions. If the films had actually been good and also had SJW shit in them they would have sold, but they didn't, so they failed.
Why would anyone believe in this shit so badly, why become such a cuckold?
>If the films had actually been good and also had SJW shit in them
Pick one or the other, you cant have both
Phase 4 is dead in the water, that much is clear. Disney had their 10 years on the MCU's momentum and now you can almost visibly see people stop caring.
I hope they sell it back to Lucasfilm but knowing Disney they'll either sit on it or try to wring every last drop of profit from it. The big issue is that they have no competitors anymore.
It was a big problem, each of these accounts had some cp and a lot of the photos had thousands of notes.
Sounds like a man who wants some more publicity.
Doesn't help that the title there is bullshit spin for the general downturn in the razor business, with beards coming back into fashion. You'd have to be mad to think that 8 billion dollars worth of customers cared about some crappy ad.
>Wait really, i didnt hear about this.
there are talks of AT&T (who owns DC) just shutting down the comic division for good since. They already made DC move there office to cut back on costs and to better control what they are doing. Needless to say they are not really happy with the fact that characters like Batman and Superman can't even move 100k issues.
That is true manga and european comics are still pretty fun since sjws and feminists have no power there
There probably are some good films out there made by SJWs with actual talent, just based on sheer probability alone, but I don't think anyone in this thread would like them (myself included).
spoken like a true woman. you still need razors even if you want a beard. people don't just let their hair grow uncontrolled.
have you never heard about beard grooming?
>The big issue is that they have no competitors anymore.
Really? All i see is flack against disney these days, though i usually stick to sources regarding sci fi and stuff and dont care about live action adaptations. No one likes what disneys done with the franchise so id think now more then ever competitors would show up to offer content that people are complaining that disney isnt making to cater towards them.
>there are talks of AT&T (who owns DC) just shutting down the comic division for good since. They already made DC move there office to cut back on costs and to better control what they are doing. Needless to say they are not really happy with the fact that characters like Batman and Superman can't even move 100k issues.
Oof thats bad, in a way i actually hope marvel and DC shut down for a few years since i could see a resurgence in alternative comics.
>feminism has no power
haha, not since the last round of elections and their sjw approved euroslaves.
in the comic industry there they don't
My beard is a shitty overgrown mess so not really. But you only need the razor to trim which isn't as intensive on blades as shaving your whole face everyday. Either way, razors are in a downturn right now, that article is pure marketing spin.
>Either way, razors are in a downturn right now, that article is pure marketing spin.
Not him, but how does doubling down on an opinion thats highly decried from your consumerbase be a marketing spin?
Your consumerbase doesn't care, 99% don't even know the ad existed, its fucking Procter and Gamble user, their revenue was 66.83 billion dollars last year, they don't care even slightly about the "backlash" they got. They will however take the opportunity to get some headlines about how they're willing to take hits to fight "the man" and try win some brownie points with women (who make up the bulk of consumers). Its literally free publicity, why wouldn't you take it?
>Its literally free publicity, why wouldn't you take it?
Because it puts off far more people then it would potentially attract.
CP was so easily available, just dabbling around in "nudist" circles for a couple minutes nearly always ended up in CP
You're just assuming that because it puts you off, as I said, your average consumer isn't even aware that the ad campaign exists because they're normal members of society that don't have the time, energy or inclination to care about what some mega corporations ad said, they just buy the first razor they see in the shop and thats the end of their involvement.
Mind if i save that aussie, chief?
but what about the porn, like boogie and the bunch
They played that woke ad in the superbowl ffs.
It's a big problem regardless, but it still isn't a clear indication of the scope of the problem. how many of those accounts were run by real users vs. bot accounts, troll accounts, rebloggers, etc...
the number of notes on some of the pics circulated on some of the pages isn't enough of a snapshot to gauge this.
we're basically discussing how much cow shit is allowed to be in our hamburger meat before it's time to tell the world that hamburger meat is made with cow shit in it.
still, just shy of 3 million bucks for a shit-burger is still alot more than I would expect one to go for on the open market...
And no normal person will remember that without prompting, because it was an ad for razors. Your average consumer did not angrily stand up after the ad in disbelief, throw all of their gillette branded razors into the bin, swearing to never buy that SJW brand again, they forgot about it as soon as it finished, if they were even paying attention at all and bought whatever razor they usually buy/happened to be in line of sight when they needed a new razor.
who's readying 1000 dollars to buy it in 2 years?
Its enough to be a PR problem or potential cause for legal trouble, which caused some higher up to ok the half baked solution which torpedoed the site.
You underestimate the backlash to that ad, user.
>how does doubling down on an opinion thats highly decried from your consumerbase be a marketing spin?
>its fucking Procter and Gamble user, their revenue was 66.83 billion dollars last year, they don't care even slightly about the "backlash" they got. They will however take the opportunity to get some headlines about how they're willing to take hits to fight "the man" and try win some brownie points with women (who make up the bulk of consumers). Its literally free publicity, why wouldn't you take it?
it's exactly the same reason Pornhub is filling potholes and making memes about buying Tumblr all while making considerably more money off of Mia Kalifa's ass than Mia Kalifa does.
Instead of looking like exploitative parasites that women should run away from, they can pass off as fem-friendly icons.
Y'kno, just like in all those Tatsuya Ishida comics.
What evidence do you have for the scale of backlash?
I would certainly be curious to see concrete data on the impact.
Twitter is the least convenient site in the world. It intentionally hides replies and also buries information in pages that you cannot search for. If you use the search dialog, it will skip over specific replies.
Furthermore, twitter has been trending to hiding replies. You can go test this now, if you have mobile twitter. Find a post with 20 replies, and count how many it actually shows you; you will find that it will arbitrarily hide replies from accounts based on their engagement ratings.
If you're one of the people who got transferred to the "new" twitter layout, congratulations; the only solution is to delete your account and try again to get the old layout back.
It's objectively worse than tumblr as a platform in every way except the fact that people post porn there. This is coming from someone who despises tumblr and felt it was the worst of all web2.0 design decisions rolled into one site.
The ones that piss me off are the ones that take pictures of their food. There are some that take pictures of each of their meals, every day.
I saw more articles about it in a negative light then for the usual social justice debacle.
The porn was the ONLY reason Tumblr was still gaining activity. That shit took a nosedive after it was banned. Suddenly these retards spend 3M for the site and they still wont bring back the ONLY thing that kept it going? Why even buy it if you just want it to fail yet again? This is almost as retarded as Justin Timberlake buying Myspace. Who's going to gain anything from this?
Yea Forums is anti-porn because /aco/ exists you retard. You want porn go to the board that allows porn, mods didn't make the entire board just so spoiler posting could continue.
that's still not a number.
again, when word gets out there's shit in the burger, it's already too much. the question is just how much shit are we talking here?
you're describing the recognition of a problem, not the scope of it.
What about all those years when /aco/ didn't exist?
This, the only reason I used tumblr was to follow porn artists I liked.
>Yea Forums is anti-porn because /aco/ exists you retard.
You're an idiot. Yea Forums is anti-porn because we've let too many people in who are anti-porn themselves. /aco/ was created because Yea Forums was a blue board, not because Yea Forums is anti-porn.
Think of all the cheesecake threads we still have.
Sorry to say it user, but that doesn't mean a goddamn thing.
You aren't representative of any market P&G cares about, unless you happen to be a woman, preferably a mother?
Newsflash retard, mostly men buy razors
>The ones that piss me off are the ones that take pictures of their food. There are some that take pictures of each of their meals, every day.
Pictures of their food.
Pictures of their gunpla.
Pictures of their gachi rolls.
Pictures of their latest blurays.
Pictures of their panty bulges.
Pictures of their pets doing funny things.
Pictures of their battlestations.
etc etc...
The problem is that the community shattered with a ton of people inexplicably going to even worse for art site twitter. That hurts everybody's bottom line.
Nudism doesn't count as CP, neither does loli or cartoons. SJWs and pol have taken their moral crusade to the extremes, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be illegal.
let it go
jt wont come back
>mostly men buy razors
men don't shave their legs or arms which require considerably more razor usage than beards do.
this is how targeted marketing has blinded you.
this is how $8 billion of targeted marketing will blind women.
>taking pictures of naked kids doesn't count as cp
Yeah but you're just some spacker on Yea Forums, not in any way representative of any group worth marketing to for a corporation. Women generally are the target of most advertising because they are the largest group of consumers, because they do the shopping for the family.
I dare you to talk about the nudist pictures of children you have on your phone with random people on the street.
>Nudism doesn't count as CP
oof, yikes, chief, cringe, etc...
Women dont shave daily and men are still the ones who would have need for more razors, ergo this marketing is retarded:
back to tumblr trannies
oh wait
>using /pol/s catchphrase when /pol/ get triggered over loli
Stop trying so hard
Please share the video of you trying to share your passion for child nudity with the general public.
The vast majority of men don't care about the ad to change their purchasing habits, it got free publicity to appeal to women.
I don't know how I can make this any simpler.
tumblr is too anglo-centric. most users are from anglo countries
it cant be a global portal site/sns platform like twitter instagram or even deviant art because they only follow anglo values
its not surprising they are going down and shrinking
You're using the threat of violence by a mob to justify your position. You're the worst kind of human being.
officers I can explain...
>oh no it's the pol boogeyman
Have sex
No, I'm using a rhetorical device to make fun of your disconnected worldview.
3 million dollars is absolutely nothing for what is still one of the more viewed websites worldwide
If they didn't buy it then they will never buy it now
Too bad Epstein offed himself, you'd be able to too.