>amazing webcomic with gorgeous art and a unique plot
>updates suddenly stop and the author disappears without a trace
What's their name?
Dead Webcomics Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>dirty, bratty tan shotas with braces
Stop this
Where can I read this?
Does the author giving a reason for quitting count? If so derelict is a good one, poor guy never got the attention I thoughts deserved and then his website died and he decided to archive on Tumblr which pretty much guaranteed he would never get attention again.
Gee, it was real hard to Google 51 hundred. dropoutkings.com
I'm going to bust fat nuts to these kids later, thanks OP
>Google 51 hundred
Eh, I thought it said 5 hundred. Thanks tho
Olympus Overdrive
The creator just got bored of it and re reading it recently I released how aimless it felt
Of the top of my head
>Lovesyck (abandoned so the guy could make porn with barely plot for big patreon bucks)
>Dragon's Burn
>Chaos in the Tropics
I'm sure if I looked at my comic folder there would be 20 more.
Holy SHIT I remember this artist. I used to follow them although I never read their comic. Did they seriously disappear? That's very strange.
like 90% of the webcomics I read either stop being updated forever abruptly with no explanation from the author, or are on hiatus for 10 years. i hate liking webcomics. the people who make them have no work ethic or any sort of consideration for the readers
>the people who make them have no work ethic
It's usually the opposite. They typically stop working on webcomics because they get a job that actually pays them money.
really? in my experience, a lot of them actually quit their real jobs to pursue doing webcomics fulltime (like the ava's demon author), and then eventually give up on the webcomic itself because of poor management with their money, losing interest in the comic, or writing themselves in to a corner. ive only really seen a couple of the cases where they move on to porn to make actual money, or they're sufficient enough to balance work with some updates to the comic a couple times per year.
shit, i remember when this was a new project. where the fuck did the time go
Seems interesting. What's it about?
Scott Ferguson.
Nerf this, motokool(great potential) and scout crossing (better potential).
Why have you forsaken us mr.ferguson. no Twitter or fb update in months
Ryan Armand who made comics such as Great and Minus disappeared some three years ago and his domain expired. Fans restored what could be found under kiwisbybeat.net
Most are complete except for The Thing in the Water, Socks, and maybe "Fist!".
Thunderstruck and Ow My Sanity for me. Christ, I feel old just remembering.
Fucking Muslim countries
I think you're really overestimating how easy it is to make a living off comics. Most stop because it just isn't viable.
I think this one was aborted in the first trimester.
She got away with 80,000 dollars to make 8 pages. Absolutely disgusting. It'd be career suicide for most people, but she was talented enough to work on unsuccessful video games afterwards.
The whole thing made me lose respect for Lexxy as a person and made it impossible for me to look at her art or listen to anything she said without being bothered by this.
I didn't even support the Kickstarter.
>What's their name?
Going by their patreon page, that were 3 people doing multiple comics. Their group name was Dropout Kings, while the artist was known as Runmonsterun on twitter and tumblr.
I'd like to know too because I now love their art. Main artist wrote she had to juggle with various jobs before falling off the grid. Hoping she'll reappears some day.
>I didn't even support the Kickstarter.
I did...
Dude has been doing Sword Interval ,which is really, really good, for the last few years though.
But yeah, Derelict was awesome and had a setting neat as fuck. Sorely missed.
>tfw you remember this and the events around it
My condolences, user.
user recommended Back to me yesterday, and I spent an hour reading it straight through.
Great world building and characters and I honestly don’t know where the plot is going to wind up. It’s surprised me. Funny, too.
I think it’s by KC GREEN, and the dude who did NEDROID.
Here’s a link
It’s not dead— just on hiatus. );
Judecca was too fucking good for this world. Like tears in the rain, etc.
It was also a fascinating read for old /tg/ dorks, since the comic more or less could pass for the forgotten cult gem Wraith the Oblivion...
And as for Yea Forums relevance, the waifus were amazing.
They already did. ;___;
Barely an hiatus, just a short break with a clear ending.
BACK is great but Imo it tends to meander somewhat. Like that useless arc at the tollgate or Nook suddendly dissapearing from the plot
Colorless was cool
>normies whimpering and gnashing teeth
The curse is real though, being a gentlemanly connoiseur of shotas in webcomicdom is suffering.
RIP in peace, Minor Acts of Heroism.
This seemed like a mix between Ava's Demon and Awful Hospital?
Didn't care for the story anyway. I only read it for the main shota.
It was really impressive but then suddendly died. I feel like it was a victim of its art style, it was way too polished and time consuming for just 2 people on their off hours
Anyone knows what happened?
I really liked Lovecraft Is Missing, it had a nice pulpy and grounded theme and an artstyle that was kinda eurocomics. The plot was interesting too, shame it just... disappeared.
Aetheria Epics, Underling, Mystic Revolution, the crap Brian Clevenger made after 8-bit Theater, and Exterminatus Now (which was at the fucking epilogue). There's probably more and plenty of webcomics where the author stayed active after ditching it (Cucumber Quest).
>Crazy Sunshine artist decides archives of his webcomics or past shit he did involving his characters is too much so he removes it all and just has his portfolio
Fucking why
Seriously what the fuck
Way back I loved Lowroad's comics, but he kept ending them and starting new ones that didn't last long either.
I can't believe I'm still reading EGS and Girl Genius though. How long have those been running now?
still hurts
I feel like I'm missing a fun story here. Drop some names please? What can I search in Yea Forums archives
You probably had to be there: It was mostly just pretty ubiquitous internet hype way back on random forums based on the art (which had objective quality) and people buying into the artist too hard, trying to argue on her behalf, and then slowly but steadily coming to a painful realization. The comic became something of a meme for a while.
Sure, it was a guilty pleasure but I genuinely liked the artstyle and I feel bad hearing about the creator having such a hard time?
Dark Places was a great adventure comic until the creator dropped it for a dumb gag a day thing that later on went full sjw.
How many years has it been? 7?
Shaman King but with greek gods instead of ghosts
Justified, Hades had the best design
Too bad we only got like two pics of loli Eris
What happened?