Since the relaunch, what are your Rebirth highlights?
DC Rebirth
When it ended.
Fuck Bendis
Fuck King
Fuck didio
Fuck Lee
Fuck KSD
Fire all of them and anyone who thinks it's a problem and rebuild.
Dad Superman is super comfy. Fuck you Bendis
Hack just couldn’t resist breaking the shiny new toy, baka
I miss it so much.
There's nothing wrong with changing the toys, as long as you put them back to normal in the toybox. What Bendis did was like Sid from Toy Story.
It's so retarded that he's older than Damian. It annoys me so fucking much.
About 10 issues of Superman.
About 6 issues of Deathstroke.
About 10 issues of Batman.
About 15 issues of Detective Comics.
Pretty fucking terrible overall if I'm being honest. At least there's Young Animal.
Yeah it was comfy...and that was it. Bendis made it a proper Superman book again and not just projected incel dad feelings shota shit.
Oh and I forgot
About 6 issues of Red Hood
Only the start of any of these runs was any good and the trade sales reflect that. They can't sell anything after volume 1. Trade sales cut in half from 2016 to 2017, and again from 2017 to 2018. Rebirth has been a catastrophe.
How long have you hated fun?
Yeah Manchester Black slicing off Lois Lane's leg was hella comfy
New Super-Man was a high point.
>Dad Superman is super comfy.
There were a couple of arcs here and there is other books, but these two were the key highlights.
How has Bendis made it a proper Superman book?
What do you think makes a Superman comic proper?
What are some examples of your favourite Superman comics you consider to be proper?
>How has Bendis made it a proper Superman book?
>What do you think makes a Superman comic proper?
>What are some examples of your favourite Superman comics you consider to be proper?
World of Metropolis
The origin arc for Wonder Woman Greg Rucka did. Everything but that was bad for the character, though.
Nice highlights.
I love how they interspersed it with present-day issues to trick completionist autists into buying all the issues.
Green Lanterns was nice, i guess.
This book was everything I didn't know I could have.
And this was so much more than I could have ever dreamed.
Humphries's run on Harley has been way more fun that any book has a right to be.
>Bendis made it a proper Superman book again
Why must you degrade yourself for cheap (You)s?
To be honest, while the concept was nice the execution fucking sucked. It was a non-stop barrage of teens telling Batman he was wrong and an asshole. The book would only ever pick up whenever deal with Cass and Clayface.
This was an actually really good little collection.
>Dixon era Batman nostalgia: the book
Priest JL doesn't get enough love. It wasn't nearly as strong as his Deathstroke, but it was a heck of a lot of fun.
It's the best era, so...
It was at its worst when it was deepthroating how awesome time was, too.
>redundant miniature and genderbent versions of Batman running around: the era
>the best era
It's also not Rebirth. Can you even read the cover you posted?
This series was very fun.
*how awesome Tim was, fuck me.
It's about the execution, casual.
Marcus To's art alone. Shame he only got one arc.
oh right the execution, how can I forget
>a never ending deluge of bat-crossover events with sophomoric artwork
the best comics of the "dixon era" did not have dixon's name on them.
Sen's art was so cute!
>projected incel dad feelings
but i am a dad
Though not quite as good as his original WW run, the 26 issues that Rucka turned in were deep and very powerful. Even if he was a dick about Cho's covers.
Saving this for last (for now) because it's controversial, but this page is still fantastically effective.
Didn't like that run. It did nothing neat with the concept of Bludhaven being a stand-in for Las Vegas and Seeley go-to-tactic is to give Nightwing all of Batman's villains and make them be more connected to Nightwing. Hurt, Orca, Hush... the list goes on.
I mean, what you got against that? Also, it was just really fun to read.
If you don't like the Batfamily, then yeah, you wouldn't like it. But that, I think, shows a fundamental dislike of the best part of Batman - his inspiration.
This page was dumb as fuck. Batman thinking that Catwoman will reject his offer of marriage because he tried to stab Riddler with a machete once and the Joker stopped him, which according to him makes the Joker his sensei now. It's... fuck. I can't even articulate how fucking dumb that is. King's Bruce sometimes comes off as legit retarded. Like legit brain-addled retarded. Like he ain't straight in the head. Real special case.
>But that, I think, shows a fundamental dislike of the best part of Batman - his inspiration.
jesus christ. yeah it's fine to inspire a robin, or two robins, since one grows up. it's not fine to inspire a stable of redundant characters that need containment books created for them. the best part of Batman is BATMAN
I mean, if you're only going by the banner, sure. I count the n52 as the entirety of 2011-2016's continuity, since even DCYou wasn't really a relaunch in a way that represented a substantial departure from the n52. In the same way, the changing of the cover banners from Rebirth to DC Universe doesn't represent a significant change in continuity or line.
But the teens were wrong. And it was nice to see Batman not pushing his family away all the time.
The run as a whole was a bit lightweight. But Marcus To's art was what I was really highlighting.
We still got a barrage of people telling how manipulative and asshole-y Batman is. Over and over again. The story never corrects them, if anything is Tim that comes off as the saving grace of the Bat-Family and someone Batman should be more like.
If you can't read the entire run and see how it's deconstructing Batman's critic's arguments, from the Colony, to Spoiler, to the Victim Syndicate, to Shiva - and showing that Batman IS a positive force for good? I dunno what to say. It made sense to me while reading it twice monthly, and it makes sense to me now as a whole.
I'll say this, anyhow is better than King's Batman.
I like how it pretty much gave the finger to the New 52
It's funny. Rucka was pretty circumspect in his comments to interviewers about Azz's run, but in the actual work, he kinda just threw Azz's stuff all in the trash. :)
The Azz stuff was always kind of silly in mainline continuity, but as an elseworld's type story? Fantastic
But it's become one of the foundations for how WW is seen today, sadly.
And then Dan Didio hired James Robinson and told his to topple it all, making a mess of something that was already plenty confusing.
I didn't know that, I dropped wonder woman as soon as Azz got off. a WW run has to receive some serious acclaim/attention for me to check it out
Yang-New Superman
Super Sons
Tynion-Detective Comics (I regret nothing)
The Terrifics
Humphries-Green Lanterns
A Very DC Rebirth Holiday
A Very DC Holiday Sequel
I mean it didn't help that they handed the book to one of the the worst Wonder Woman writers at that point.
Which is ironically also what happened to Rucka the minute he left the book.
you really get the feeling writers don't save their best ideas for wonder woman, lol. even morrisons Earth One stuff is among the worst stuff he ever did
>And then Dan Didio hired James Robinson
Johns asked him to do it specifically to follow up on his dangling plot thread about Diana's brother from Darkseid War. Robinson was pretty open about only doing the run as a favor to him.
Didio was the one that hired Robinson and told him to follow on the Jason plot-point. There are interviews and all about this. Johns had stopped giving a fuck about Wonder Woman.
Meh, I'd still say what Morrison's done with WW is honestly some of the most interesting stuff done with the character since Rucka's original run, if only because he's touching upon aspects of the character from the Marston era that pretty much nobody's dared to touch since Perez rebooted the character.
Morrison's my main because he took my age old theory about Wonder Woman being the rape-baby of Herakles and made it canon.
Have to come forward with a controversial opinion. I fucking hated Percy's run on Green Arrow. It's like he didn't understood what communist Green Arrow was about, or what made the Green Arrow/Black Canary pairing endearing. So you had nothing but runs and runs where Dinah shit on Ollie for being everything wrong in the old and Ollie tries to be woke in the most stupid ways possible. The only good thing was the art.
oh, what he did with WW is definitely interesting. it's just not my cuppa tea.
I liked fun for about a year and a half... But that's all it was. Comfy silly family shit, which, fine, but
Bendis reintroduced the classic world around him, which counts for a lot. Metropolis, the planet, loss and Jimmy, being a reporter, using powers on cool ways, weird Kryptonian culture/intrigue
This. The Tomasi stuff was a nice "vacation", but Bendis has restored the Superman that most of us know and love. What makes Superman so great is his supporting cast and his city. Locking him up in a Stepford Wives small town just didn't cut it for me after a dozen or so issues.
Rebirth Superman #7
Rebirth Deathstroke #11
Batman Elmer Fudd
Jonah Hex Yosemite Sam
New Super-Man and short stories in the anthologies by Loveness and Hastings
You know, I disagree. But I can respect that
Rebirth action comics was great compared to bendis. Rebirth aquachad was based. Rebirth wonderwoman was fine. Rebirth Justice League was boring but its moments. The rebirth one shot was neat.
I was generally satisfied with it, the stuff branded DC Universe is boring I haven't read Scott Snyder justice league but I might get the trades and get caught up on it
>Rebirth action comics was great
Lol no it wasn't. It was a sequel to New 52 Superman and it was dumb as fuck. The whole comic was continuity clean-up but not really
>whoa clark and superman are in two separate bodies!!! what is going on!!!
So we get to deal with that for a million issues
I will give Jurgen AC 1 compliment: the man writes a fucking amazing Lex Luthor. So if you buy the issues and rip out all the Luthor pages, then staple them together to make a new comic, yeah, Jurgens AC is amazing.
Yes the stuff with superman space traveling with lex was great, the two Clarks was really dumb
Why does Yea Forums hate KSD so much? She's just writing Aquaman right? Her influence is pretty limited compared to King or Bendis
She's a woman
She's obnoxious as a person. However, her Aquaman has been really good.
Her run on captain marvel was the worst 6 issues of a comic book I have ever read in my life.
Woman with dyed hair, had success with Carol
desu I think people are just mad that she's started on a back-to-basics soft reboot of the character after Abnett built up so much.
And of course there are the cuck panic posters who come whenever there's even a slight hitch in a relationship in capeshit.
thoughts on Wonder Comics? Jimmy Olsen is pretty great
I enjoyed naomi desu senpai
Jimmy Olsen isn't part of Wonder Comics.
Dial H and Wonder Twins are great, though.
>Jimmy Olsen isn't part of Wonder Comics.
oh. thought it was
Nah, it's just a main imprint mini.
It is very good though, along with Lois Lane. They're definitely picking up the slack left by AC's glacial pace and Event Leviathan turning out to be a lemon.
Dixon didn’t above in trannys talking about pronouns
Tomasi is actually a dad though
I haven't read Leviathan. I felt like waiting for it to finish before reading it. Is it bad then?
On an aside, what the fuck kind of name for an Event Comic is Event Leviathan? It would be like calling Batman, Ongoing Batman. Or calling a Big Mac, Hamburger Big Mac.
DC has a Rebirth sale going on right now that includes all of the post-Rebirth branding books. Until there is another relaunch of rebranding this era will be considered Rebirth, just like DC You is considered New 52 pretty much everywhere.
But it kind of applies as a name when you read it. Still sounds dumb.
It's not really bad, it's just kinda underwhelming. I preferred the leadup in Action, actually.
>Two issues in and almost nothing has happened
>Seriously, it's primarily just been characters standing around recapping stuff that has already been set up by the Special and the preceding AC issues
>Steve Trevor went crazy and tried to shoot Lois Lane in the face because he's convinced she's actually Leviathan
>Plastic Man has Leviathan visit him personally and does literally nothing to stop him stealing their only clue as to what Leviathan is
>Second issue ends with Batman's detective squad attacking Red Hood convinced he's Leviathan, despite the fact that Jason is a moron who couldn't fix a bent straw, let alone organize a massive criminal spy organization
It's really not good.
>On an aside, what the fuck kind of name for an Event Comic is Event Leviathan?
It's especially weird since its lead-in arc, Leviathan Rising, had a far better name.
bendis bad tho
Bendis is one of my top 3 fave writers ever
feel free to enjoy eating shit user, more power to you
Bit rude
Nice try, Bendis
Shame she didn't sell well. Only one of the New DC characters I liked.
Let me say this: Snyder is retarded. The entire current JL run’s direction is retarded. There is not a single aspect of the current big name event that does not reek of writing which is somehow a few steps back from the DCAU, an actual saturday morning cartoon.
That said, it’s been so long since I’ve seen Superman actually straight up punch out a hyperdimensional entity I’d forgotten how hilarious it can look.
A shame those led up into Grail showing up again.
I hate Snyder JL so much man.
Yeah it's pretty dumb, mostly because Bruce has done way worse
Should've just told her that he hates Rock and Roll, now THERES a story.
And because he's handsome, rich as fuck, and a good guy enough despite acting as a complete moron under King's writing. What is she in comparison? An ex hooker who's going to hit the wall in a couple years?
Tom King sometimes write Batman as if he was motherfucking Gollum or something.
I really liked Rucka's WW run.
I liked All-Star Batman
Why? It's easily one of the stupidest things I've ever read.
Super sons was fun while it lasted. I'm not a fan of Jon being aged up and whatever Damian is doing in Teen Titans since Rebirth ended.
the scene with Barry realizing who Wally was with "how could I ever forget you?" was honestly a top tier favorite comic scene til King bastardized it with HiC.
I fucking hate when writers give quotes in interviews then ape them in-comic afterwards (or vice versa, taking the impact out of the words in the comic)
WaLlY! uR hOpE!
fuck you King. Goddamn I hope he gets cancer or alzheimers at some point in his life
King really has a knack for ruining scenes I previously really liked. Bruce meeting his father from Flashpoint was an emotional scene.
The way Flashpoint Batman is written now ruins it. He isn't even a compelling or well-written antagonist.
WTF she lost a hand?
Is it actually "good" now or is it just, not boring as shit compared to Tomasi's. I read the first few issues of AC and Superman when Bendis first started his run, and they were pretty shit. Dumb OC's and uninteresting, forced as fuck plots, and his writing style was beyond off putting. I'd definitely give him another chance though if it gets better. I just wanna read some good Superman.