God I can't wait for this fag to get destroyed in the movie. Fuck dib
God I can't wait for this fag to get destroyed in the movie. Fuck dib
t. Zim
Dib is CUTE
destroyed by my dick, yeah
I always felt bad for the little schmuck. He's a glory hound, but he's one of the 4% of people that we see who isn't straight up brain dead.
Same. Can’t wait for this bitch to get his shit wrecked.
You're disgusting. The Dib is a complete inferior compared to the rest of our human race, describing him as anything admirable is a joke.
>people like this fucking loser
I can't wait to not watch it after the shitfest that was the Rocko special. Did they really think making a 90's grossout cartoon about trans rights was a good idea? Let's bring back Ren and Stimpy next and have it revolve around why abortions should be free or Ahh Real Monsters being about giving illegal immigrants the right to vote or maybe Rugrats being about pedo rights.
I can't wait to watch it!
the Rocko special was pretty good imo and the trans stuff wasn't the main plot at all
Joe Murray has always been a left leaner if you've ever seen his blog, Jhonen is just making more Zim and it will relatively be the same
Yeah, I used to love this show but in the end I just wanted to see Dib fail.
as the audio commentary states, "america hates dib"
He is a fucking douchebag no much different from Zim
How many fucking ZIM threads do we need?
Enough to please our irken king user
he's a precious bigheaded boy
Would Dib and Ronaldo get along? I think he'd see him like the guy in career day
I NEED to see Zim win.
He's always been Mexican you dip.
Yes, Membrane is a very common Mexican surname.
Would Dib be an /x/-poster?
You're deluded if you ever thought Rocko wasn't left leaning. The entire premise is an Australian immigrant adjusting to modern American life.
Yes and he'd get laughed at for believing stupid shit. He would also be a namefag
And its a fucking cartoon about a fucking alien with a pizza loving teddy bear robot
who wrote that because that shit sucks it cant be vazques
Eric Truehart. Who wrote for the original show
What’s this based off?
If trans culture is American thing, then I wish I was an aussie.
>The entire premise is an Australian immigrant adjusting to modern American life.
Wow, what an overtly left-leaning premise.
Would it kill them to draw an expression that they haven't driven into the ground? I remember in the show they saved that face for really zany moments or idiot characters, but now it's like they forgot that the characters ever acted lowkey for contrast.
Jhonens style has changed. He's a bit more zany too now
What pops off his back anyways?
First of all, it pops off his butt, second of all, it was a chair his ass was fused to when he became weak from being a shut-in.
Dib is cool
The Death Ray, Black Hole, the rest goes on
Was Rocko's really a grossout cartoon? It had some crude humor but never seemed as disgusting as Ren and Stimpy, Mega Babies, etc.
Did he deserve it?
Totally. He needs to mind his own business.
Are you saying a pro-immigration stance isn't left leaning? There was an episode where Rocko almost got deported and had Filburt pose as his spouse.
Membrane isn't even a common english surname ya putz.
Besides, mexicans change their last names.all the time to assimilate. Look at Martin Sheen formerly Martin Estevez.
To be honest, we should use mexicans as free labor. We've done it before with the Chinese and Irish. If Americans offered free citizenship to immigrants under the guise that they work for the government doing projects for 5 years and get benefits, we'd be in the god damn golden age.
With all the tech we could literally build Hyperloop in a couple of years, we could have a MODERN 500 MPH train line that only accommodates passengers so that Freight lines aren't getting in the way.
We could modernize our sewer systems and get rid of lead in the pipes.
But no, the government has to hate immigrants instead of using them for their purpose of cheap easy labor. Because instead of modernizing america it's easier to hate people for "taking jobs" instead of letting them in to "do the jobs nobody else wants to do while stimulating our economy and creating jobs at the same time"
Damn can Gir shoot someone with a sammich pretty hard.
No right-winger would be against the legal immigration who intends to work for a living instead of relying on the government, especially if that immigrant is white.
Static Cling still has booger jokes, chill
Head is way too big.
The black kid has a name, it's The Letter M
How many SU threads, twitter post threads, Anne/tulip/Luz threads, and waifufaggotry threads do you need?
>Ahh Real Monsters being about giving illegal immigrants the right to vote
Nice one
Do you think the Tallest are turned on by Genocide?
>Do you think the Tallest are turned on by Genocide?
they're obviously sitophiliacs
>so obsessed he’s bringing the tranny issue into a totally different thread
Make love, not war, Yea Forumsmrades!
they like him because they "identify" with him
>look he's woke but broke just like me, everyone else is a moron
meanwhile all the connoisseurs identified as Zim
I never understood the Dib love. Zim was the soul.
He looks too happy here. Disgusting.
>Fuck dib
>everything is round
>terrible lighting and color
>animation looks shit
What will they fuck up when it releases? Is Gaz coming out as a tranny or something?
stop it!! you'll summon him
No, she'll get a girlfriend.
Yeah, and her name will be Tak
Lefties are pro-mass-illegal immigration so they can create a one-party state by bribing them with other people's money to illegally vote for them forever.
>do the jobs nobody else wants to do
a myth
Why did this show from Dibs perspective mostly feel like how a paranoid shizo views the world?
>all the people are basically braindead and make pigsounds all the time
>noone aside from him makes sense
>everything is hostile and out to get him
>Dibs failure is always pushed on everyone else
t. Zim
>Rugrats being about pedo rights.
>pedo means children
well yea, children should have rights, like the right to not be fucked by bob, ahmed, tirone, umbenge, """tiffany the tranny""" or shlomo.
>ZIM threads keep popping up on Yea Forums some are even leaking on to/x/.
Is ZIM slowly taking over Yea Forums?
he has his moments
i agree,man fuck dib
Because Dib is the creator's self-insert.
Actually, Zim and Dib are both aspects of JV.
It was his plan all along. For Zim is Yea Forums.
So then GIR runs Yea Forums. Does that mean it's normal or it is still Yea Forums?
It's still the same 'ol Yea Forums.
Slightly more piggies and fast food
from Zims perspective I kinda see this whole series as the perfect analogy to the fever dream that is being that one kind of kid, an outcast
Zim feels like as a concept he is just "that kid" that desperately wants to fit in but can't due to him being alien, chaotic and lacking understanding and not wanting to fit in for normal reasons.
You can so look at it as how a kid with mental illness looks at the world and how society treats them.
tumblr for fucks sake god damn
well yeah, you don't become "that kid" for no reason
I should know
but zim doesn't care about being accepted
maybe for dib
How did you discover Zim was an alien?
>"We noticed he had no friends."
I know, not in the conventional way.
but conceptually his desperate shenanigans to "fit in" to not appear alien do seem like a pretty good analogy of your average weird kid trying to fit in, despite having no clue how social norms and such work
I liked the early show when it was about 50/50 sparring with Dib and also facing the horrors of Earth life.
>horrors of Earth life.
It's really interesting if you think about it. The show takes place in the future.
>Dib comment on how Valentine's day use to do candy instead of meat
Zim isn't actually allergic to water, the pollution is so high basically acid, humanity already adapted to the water and rain.
And more of a theme to the show but, school has a council that controls the school and use the student president the way the control brains use the tallest.