We can't think of ways for them to be in movies so we'll just make a shitty animated series with all of them

>we can't think of ways for them to be in movies so we'll just make a shitty animated series with all of them
it pisses me off we'll never get a proper ghost rider movie and just a hulu show instead

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I don't get why Marvel is trying to light the candle at all ends like this. Just fucking wait til the time opens up!

What's wrong with a series? It allows for greater storytelling.

Devil's advocate. Howard the Duck demands a level of subversive humor and satire that would alienate overseas box office to the point that it couldn't justify the absolutely necessary CGI budget.

Animated TV show is really the only feasible route for him.

Dazzler looks completely bemused to be stuck on a team with a group of furries and MODOK

> It allows for greater storytelling.
> greater storytelling
> implying that is not another word for bullshit filler.
If a story can't be told in a movie or a couple of films then its a story not worth telling.

I never liked Dazzler
She gets what she deserves

t. brainlet

An overarching storyline can be completed in 6-10 20 minute episodes, compared to 3 or 4 movies.

Good 2D animation is preferable anyway.
I just have no guarantee it will be good

Didn't James Gunn say he wanted to make a movie with Hit Monkey? I really don't think he could be solo movie material but supporting role to someone else could've worked.

Tigra, she's just made to job anyway.

>shitty animated series

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>proper ghost rider movie
It's not Neveldine/Taylor's fault you're too stupid to appreciate good cinema.

Watchmen can't be told in a movie.

MODOK was going to appear in Winter Soldier and later decided to scrap it. Animated is easier because they can take risks without being afraid of China getting offended at some small little thing.

It's a marvel series. Only legion has been good.

That's disappointing. It's Marvel just making MODOK a joke villain yet again, when he has the potential to be horrifying and fearsome.

As far as adaptation go, only Armored Adventures did it right, and even they had him job to Justin Hammer by the end.

I am woefully uninterested.

It truly blows that the best way Marvel could renovate their animation projects is with more MCU pandering, but with the OG actors, and adult comedies.

dazzler deserves the love
but why not just do a Great Lake Avengers, Nextwave cartoon

unless they really have plans for Elsa Bloodstone in the MCU? i really hope so

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If this show isn’t MCU,then who cares. WHo has the time to waste watching non-MCU media these days. Waste of time.

>Yea Forums hate animation now
fuck off

Watchmen is hot garbage so you're just proving that anons point.

Watchman is overrated fake-deep nerd shit. People only like it because they want to want to ogle at Mr. Manhattan’s wiener.

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People like you are why Marvel Animation is dying.

Pic Related is why Marvel Animation is dying, you silly retard. You honestly enjoyed Avengers Assemble and Guardians of the Galaxy:Mission Breakout.

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So their doing this to because of the Harley Quinn cartoon from WB eh? Whatever

I'll watch it just for Tigra. The poor girl has been through enough already.

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And no one bothered to watch that

This person is the enemy

>Tigra = Catra
>Dazzler = Adora

>the absolutely necessary CGI budget
As hated as the Howard movie was, there was nothing wrong with the effects.

For the time.

Now? A dwarf in a suit won't cut it.

More evidence that MCUcks are absolute retards.

we did.

Modok is a lot like Starro. I really like him when he is taken seriously, but no one else seems to want him that way.


I'm struggling to think of the last time that Starro wasn't taken seriously.

I'm including Jarro I guess.

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What'd I do? I just said an animated show was the only feasible way to do a Howard project.

Cause I'm guessing Marvel Studios wants to do something with Howard the Duck, which means Marvel Entertainment can't do a live-action show.

He hasn't been with Marvel Animation in a long time, did he come back to it?

Marvel TV ain't Marvel Studios

>Venom solo show never

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This is their answer to that shitty Harley Quinn adult cartoon with the cursing and memes isn't it?

How can Marvel's animation be so shitty?

>Adult series
>Tigra and Dazzler flat as a board