So, how was the latest Final Space?

So, how was the latest Final Space?

Or to get straight to the point, no MEGA?

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Other urls found in this thread:[/spoler]!46ozxK7I!c7mvJ0TfPpmzbjwMGjgj0eHSz8zuI54ZjRD3iCyFT-o

Olan said that this episode will contain huge spoilers so I guess they'll just have it air live first.

will they finally find a new key?

better! they step off the ship

God, quinn/nightfall is so hot.

>this episode will contain huge spoilers
How can a show contain spoilers for itself?

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Olan knows the hype for the show is becoming abismal as each episode airs , he's desperate to raise it up before adult swim puts his head on a pike


the show is doing crazy well actually, episode 6 was the highest rated show on the network for the week it aired. idk where the fuck these people are coming from but they are coming

i'm just talking out of my ass , sorry, seems my frustration with "some plot more filler with a sprinkle of actual story here and there" is clouding the best of my judgment

It's also in the top 3 in the animation category on itunes and has been for a while.
Also number 6 in comedy.

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It probably has more to do with the fact that nobody seems to be talking about the show. Far too many higher-ups care more about internet presence and illusion of popularity, rather than the things that actually matter for the success of a show: ratings and profit. The number of people talking about the show on Reddit or Twitter or something isn't nearly as important as they make it out to be.

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>Far too many higher-ups care more about internet presence
Really? Interesting

I wasn't specifically talking about animation/tv. Think of all the social media pride month bullshit.


Sadly, somebody sold the old suits on the notion that a vocal internet minority equals sales

I can't wait for the episode man

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That's a good thing, though. Having a big internet "presence" provides nothing but cancer and kills shows.

Posting streaming link before anyone asks

I mostly hate this show but I keep watching it. Goodness I have a problem.

>You know you love me, user.

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You are to me what KVN is to you.

I'm super duper serial,you guys.

Kevin is the best character

Will BEST cat be back?!

They may be cancer, but they don't kill shows. They don't help shows, but they create the illusion of them being bigger/more popular than they really are.

>In the past
Are we gonna see Avocado

Coty was listed in the opening cast credits

What did I miss before the opening?

No Tipping or dipping?

This will be the perfect time to bring back some people.


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Night Fall has fucked with the past, things seems fine so far

Conan is a pretty damn good VA.

>Gary has to wear the dead person suit again
Its gonna be the same family's grandpa or something now

>jesus fuck Gary killed her for Clarence to take her skin later

reddit told people to watch final space while they are waiting for rick and morty. i know it hurts to hear this but thats actually what happen.

>its her dad
No writer is this cruel

>Mooncaked saved Gary because Gary him

They are really screwing with the past.

>been training his whole life to fight himself because he beat himself

>Avocato accepts time travel casually

Just like Gary's dad

Or Maybe they're not and that's why no poof.

Considering how everything is playing out it all seems pretty much on rails.

>When you realize Avocato couldn't kill little cato because he knew what the future held for him

i don’t understand why is everyone doing AS MUCH as they can to mess with the past despite the weird time police dude specifically instructing them not to otherwise the entire universe will literally end? why do none of the characters seem to care about that

Fuck, I missed that

because fuck that guy. I mean, no tipping? Nah, fuck him.

When was the last time you hugged your dad user?

it all seems like a closed loop so far

Jesus Christ. That makes even more sense now.

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They aren't the brightest bunch, and also very rebellious.

>implying Sammy's warning wasn't the catalyst to maintain the timeline

>more fuckery with the Dewinters

writers...please no more

>It's the same fucking family

Catobros, we've got him back...

>character death is permanent they said

When you need to shoot, SHOOT! Don't talk!

well, that was pretty ruthless of Gary

>Gary was too busy making a big speech like a hero, he allowed the Lord Commander to escape.

Amnesia goddammit

When has Gary been known to shut up?

We Shadow the Hedgehog now.

He's gonna betray them

Excuse is, "The Avocato we knew is dead"


Sometimes I wish this show was more drama than comedy.

>the Dewinters family again

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Quints of truth.

Got a question here, if Gary had to stay behind does that mean there are now two Gary's or am I just overthinking this?

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Things we learned this episode
>Gary is responsible for Melanie Dewinters death
>Free Mooncake so Mooncake could save him
>Little Cato beating himself is the reason he training to fight himself

I assume Avocato helping steal the key is the reason the Lord Commander made everyone kill there first kid and why Avocato couldn't kill his and sacrificed his life for him, since he knew he had to live.

There was and then time caught up.


There were Two Gary in Season 1 after Avocato's death, up until they went back in time.
Then there was one. Our Gary

Might just be an alternate universe. I think Quinns said something about repeating this over and over again but things keep changing.

There was then there was only one after they went back in time

Should we rewatch S1 and see if LC says anything about Gary shooting him?

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Well it works out this way. The Commander succeeds, so Gary has a reason to go time travelinng in the first place, leaving Old Gary around to pick up the pieces and to remove the Infinity Guard as a potential antagonist.

Thank you for the clear up. Not the brightest when it comes to time travel stuff in shows. Unless it's Terminator

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Speaking of,where the hell has he been all summer? His shows are just only repeats.

Does anyone like the Jellies?

I don't know. It's been really inconsistent since they cut him in half.


Anyone got a MEGA link

Sorry but it's not that great


bump for mega

poor people are not white people.

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If you have any kind of cable you might be able to get access to the streams on adultswim website

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Thanks but what the fuck is that picture?

I wished that the entire first season. No joke seemed to ever land. I really don't want to watch the second season until i know it isn't the exact fucking same

It's not 100% the same, but I should warn you that doesn't mean you'll like it more. It still has that feeling of missed potential

Gary has been toned down but the comedic writing is still fairly weak. Yet for whatever reason I keep watching.

>for some reason
user let's be honest, we all know why we're still watching

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Clearly a couple of sailor girls having a piss.

>sailor girls

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>we get him back
>he loses all of his memory
>probably will die again next episode

Still good to have this sexy bastard back

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I don't remember anything, except for anger. I am rage, brutal, without mercy, and I will rip and tear until it is done

dont care. go and masturbate or something..

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Just saw the latest episode and it was good until about 15 minutes in. Saving Avocato was fine, but the idea that he needs to swap places with someone was retarded. In Chrono Trigger it made sense because everyone saw Crono die, so they needed a doppelganger to take his place at the exact instant. With Avocato's death he was blasted out of a hole in the ship and never seen again, which made it obvious that at some point they were going to try to go back and save him. The whole bit with Gary going back in his place seemed like it was just to pad out the episode.

And the very same episode where Avocato died they wore special suits to survive re-entry, where as with this one Gary just wore his regular outfit with the helmet but survived re-entry anyway. Having both Gary and Lil' Cato wear those re-entry suits would have been a nice callback.

And it's obvious that Avocato's amnesia is going to have something to do with "Vitamin T" instead of just trauma.

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need a proper hd mega

time travel bullshit tends to make everything worse

Do they finally have a second chance?
Cmon Olan.

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can love bloom on a planet's orbit

Mega yet?

The wait is killing me...

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Avocato's voice actor is such a chad

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Has the voice of a chad too

this guy is going places. Hes a pretty amazing voice actor, incredibly good looking, and has a sexy ass voice.

he kinda feels a little less experienced compared to the rest of the cast but his personality and overall voice makes it forgivable

His voice is pretty amazing, I wouldn't be able to tell he wasn't a professional

>no mega
i dont want to but heres one

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Writers not thinking things through and making shit up as they go makes everything worse. Time-Swap Sammy is the stupidest fucking thing to happen in the show. When Gary messes with time travel it's suddenly a big deal, but Nightfall messing with it for 20 fucking years and all she does when meeting him is stand there stiff like a mannequin as if she's just a background prop. You'd think she'd have something important to say on the subject, but the writers obviously didn't think anything through.


Bless you, based user. Can't wait

maybe it's because they didn't want her to take over yet, but I agree, she should've had something to offer but it seems like their not really using their characters to their advantage.
hopefully the show can make her do more

only grabbing one and its probably gonna disappear from my mega in a few days

to be fair, i have no idea what this show is

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Time swap sammy is the lamest shit

>show thats not good
>show that has potential
>keeps disappointing
>still watch hoping one day it'll get better
>will probably get canceled before it does

so its animated Becker?

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>begging for MEGA
just grab it from here guys

no closed captions, no deal


also bad quality

so, what am i watching exactly?

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It's not the kind of show where you can just jump in and watch any episode. You've basically got to watch them in order.

god damn why is ripping from adult swim so annoying
third time ripping this and finally got the entire thing

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just know i really appreciate what you're doing

bless you user

somebody spoil the show for me

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The shenanigans of Found Family in space led by the man disaster with good heart

so its futurama but worse

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Being better or being worse is a highly subjective thing

It's like more modernized Futurama with bits from other shows

It's worse in basically every way, but it doesn't really try to be Futurama. It's more of a soap opera.

This MEGA looks like it'll be high quality.
I just wish they'd put the show on Blu ray but I know they won't because physical media is a dying format.
It hurts, bros.

I mean Futurama was crude, gross and filled with filler most of the time but go off I guess

A show can only really have filler if it has a plot. There was no overarching plot to Futurama.

Also used for boring episodes not really bringing anything new to the table!46ozxK7I!c7mvJ0TfPpmzbjwMGjgj0eHSz8zuI54ZjRD3iCyFT-o
only 1 episode because i dont want to open another mega account for this
link dies if i end up needing the space

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It was a comedy with no plot. What were you expecting to be "brought to the table"?


Its not really Futurama.
More like Guardians of the Galaxy/Mass Effect

THANK YOU!! We appreciate your help!


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Dear diary: Today user was beautiful and based. I'd cross the street to slap them on the arse I would.

Those people are most likely to buy merchandise and Mooncake is reeeeeally marketable.

i thought Yea Forums had more rippers than just me, and i dont even actively browse this board

No, executives *think* these people are most likely to buy merchandise. They aren't.

Was good enough for me since I just wanted to see the episode. I usually have to stream it anyway though so I probably wouldn't notice a difference. Thank you user.

I beg to differ looking at the SU fandom. That show was criticized out the ass but people still ate up the merch.

NGL I bought a cheeseburger backpack before the show started going seriously downhill fast and regret it, but it's still a cool backpack. I fiigure give it like 5 years after the series is over and no one will immediately recognize it.

i do, fuck the other anons that replied. show's great.

why are you telling someone to go masturbate? what are you, some kind of faggot?

>gary went through 3 years of loneliness again just so little cato doesn't have to deal with that
>our gary is 3 years older now

Has Clarence time travelled before? Why does he seem to know what's gonna happen in this episode?

I thought it was months, was there a 3 year difference between that event and the current episode's time? I missed a couple S2 episodes.

Their first stop (when Cato was alive) was 3 years.
When they retrieve his body, it's months.

god I love KVN

>80's cartoons were just cheap toy commercials
>still managed to be longer and have more consistent animation than current cartoons
>Steven Universe stays on the air despite being shit because of the merch sales
The absolute state of the american animation industry right now.

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Agreed with the potential. Amazing how much he did on his first gig...glad Olan kept him pinned on from the pilot to the final product.

Tika was just as good pulling off where timing and tone is needed - she made Quinn's standing believable as she was introduced and I liked that...kind of a shame that the writing for said character's dynamics/peer chemistry throughout the first season really marred the impression of her performance. Spotted Tika on some movie titled "Ride Along 2" while stumbling upon HBO - she was leagues more approachable and likeable there than as Quinn Hell, even Nightfall was better than her (despite the slight predatory vibes).

Anything bad happening to Avocato, fatal or otherwise, will always be for Gary's suffering.

It is fated to be, forever.

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It's a very grimdarkedge-heavy show, after all.

TBS has that new episodes trailer with the god diety reaching out and mom gary helping guy gary save small cat.

They went back 3 years in the time skip, but then when they went to save Avacato it was only a couple months in the past from "Present."

Shame I kind fo wanted to see more consequences coming from "We have to send someone back in his place" rather than "Gary just has to sit in a cave for a few months.", I'd have loved to see and episode of him doing some Nighthawk 2.0 timeline shenanigans trying to sabotage the lord commander and help guide the efforts of late season 1 through.

I'm enjoying season 2, I don't like Ash very much but I love Fox and Clarence, my only issue with the series is that it doesn't have any of the urgency that season 1 had where they were very much on a clock, this one just seems kinda "Coast around until you find a thingy then get the thingy I guess."

The entire "send someone back in his place" thing just seemed to be to pad out the episode. But it wouldn't surprise me if they decide later on that more time travel bullshit happened and he wasn't actually there the entire 3 years.

can't you fucking read dumbass? he wasn't there for 3 years

I meant months.

>I don't like Ash very much
thank god someone who agrees

What's wrong with Ash? I think Clarence is alright, but Fox is basically just a giant pussy with a lame running bit about ventrexians being at war with tribolians.

>crying about reddit liking a show in a thread for people that like and watch the show on Yea Forums

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i've always hated her character type

Ok, what did he eat and drink all the time??

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There sure are plenty of pigeons...

He ate pigeons

but he befriended with them...

There was an abandoned bad guy base. Still would rather he had been living quietly somewhere else.

Tika is the human cops wife in the upcoming Sonic movie

>next episode said to be dark
>Gary finds out quinn is actually dead
>turns to amnesiac avocato for comfort
>starts falling for him
>realizes this is wrong
>puts Avocato out of his misery

>Far too many higher-ups care more about internet presence and illusion of popularity
Nope. Ratings are actual measurable popularity, look at amphibia for example, no matter how much people shitpost about it here it will still flop every single episode