Could this work?
Hi, I would like to have some of your finest power, please.
That's not too far off what the 2002 reboot attempted from what I recall.
Yeah, I could see it working.
I liked the 2002 version of MOTU but its power sword was fucking hideous. The 80s one was slick and perfect.
Also, that He-Man looks too bland bare-chested, he needs a breastplate.
Shoulders aren't broad enough. Floating pauldron is floating.
They tried to make it a space-age techno sword....which isn't a look that works for an ancient mystic artifact. Kind of weird considering that in most respects, 2002 really downplayed the sci-fi a lot more than the 80s.
They had Roboto and a coupe vehicles, but mostly, it was all magic. They never even went to space once, did they?
What if He-Man and Adam were two separate characters?
>He-Man is the original mini-comics envisioned barbarian, summoned from his village in the wilds to fight evil.
>Adam is the shota in OP pic and the one chosen to wield the power sword,
>The Sorceress charges He-Man with defending the child from his uncle Skeletor, who is hunting him down to steal the sword.
>Together, they journey to Castle Greyskull so Adam can fulfill whatever the fuck his destiny is
I know it's not the most original premise, a older warrior having to defend a child with mystic powers, but it would be a new dynamic for the MOTU universe.
People who like Shota or Loli are no better than pedos
Adam is a twink, He-Man is a hunk
It'd make it more believable that people wouldn't recognize Prince Adam is He-man. Sorta go the Dreamworks She-ra route.
Oh alright. Here ya go kid, don't spend it all on memes
Only if Adam looks like this
I kinda like the Shazam angle, to be honest. If for no other reason than it gives a really good reason why He-Man doesn't just curbstomp Skeletor's forces: Adam doesn't know dick about fighting and pretty much just brute forces everything. Man-At-Arms has to train him and he learns lessons and shit. Yeah, that could work.
Also, you could have Teela be all, "oh jeez I wanna fuck the barbarian so hard" and then later she finds out he's like 12 and it's awkward.
2002 Adam was jacked, he just wasn't Hueg
Sure. It fixes the retarded problem of He-Man just being Adam without a shirt. The issue is that he becomes sword and sorcery Captain Marvel at that point.
I would rather just get a conclusion to 200x though.
Cam Clarke did a good job of making them sound different too, with Adam having a lighter voice and He-Man the deeper one.
Is that kid shaving every morning?
It wouldn't work because He-Man wouldn't be the protagonist and the show's got his name on it. Unless you pull a twist at some point in which you show He-Man is Adam's time-displaced future self.
>because He-Man wouldn't be the protagonist
Why wouldn't he?
It's a Monkey King/Tripitaka kinda deal.
Monkey was only the bodyguard, but he was still the main hero.
Adammight have the magic sword, but He-Man would be the hero doing all the leg work to make sure Adam gets where he's going
You just have to ensure that He-Man has a compelling journey of his own that he's completing by taking on this job. Give him a good reason as to why he opposes Skeletor, so that his goals align with Adam's and oppose Skeletor's.
He's only "not the protagonist" if he has zero stake and is just doing what the Sorceress tells him.
Yes, it'd be a better way to hide Prince Adam is He-Man. Also he cute, both versions. No homo.
The question is, would the female cast be lolis then? If not what about the red head that is considered He-Man's love interest?
What about a new show where shota and the barbarian are separate characters?
Everything below the neck
Zelda's not the protagonist of LoZ
doesn't stop it from being effective
that said, I kinda like the idea of Adam getting buff in the future and his default form being He-Man
this Adam kinda looks like Toon-Link to me
Sure, if you’re a creeper with a /ss/ fetish.
>Everything below the neck
What your implying leads to the gates of hell
Then I shall ride there as a conqueror alongside Alexander the Great there.
>He-man is basically Adam+10 years or so
>eventually, he won't even need to invoke the Power of Greyskull, it'll just be on all the time
>Adam is frequently shown learning how to swordfight, occasionally using the Power Sword
>Occasionally has to solve shit without becoming the fuckhuge barbarian
And I want at least one fist fight where Adam is going at his opponent like he is a 7 foot slab of muscle and not a wiry twink. Just drops into his fighting instincts and goes at it.
It'd be pretty popular then.
>eventually, he won't even need to invoke the Power of Greyskull, it'll just be on all the time
He still invokes the power of greyskull though and its like the 80's version where the only change is that his voice echos and he is shirtless.
>Teela never connects the dots as whenever it's her viewpoint she's focusing on He-Man's chest, muscles or butt