What was his problem?

What was his problem?

Attached: anai-aggretsuko-89.1.jpg (210x240, 18K)

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same as the whole show : boring af

>What was his problem?
he posted on the wrong board

Combination of social anxiety and a really shitty coping mechanism.

He was an incel that needed to have sex

Not all Japanese animation is anime. Aggretsuko is a cartoon.

High self exceptions with an inability to accept female criticism.

Have sex incel.

>Not all Japanese animation is anime.
That is retarded. You are retarded.
I am curious what other anime count as cartoons to you though.

>inability to accept female criticism
He also didn't cooperated well with Haida who is MALE?? Nice try with the incel insinuation there.

Western animated, belonging to a Japanese company.

Only the original shorts are anime.

He represents the young Millennial/older Homelander entering the workforce without much real job experience in a place designed to break your spirit first since those jobs are full of Gen X still.

People who have a lot of expectations of others but get overwhelmed easy themselves, who will take a title promotion over a pay promotion because they have been taught to strive for something to brag about, and who know how to game the system but alienate those around them in the process leaving them with nobody to help them when they need it.

He didn't need to be broken. He was already broken, just in the wrong way. It takes someone kind to fix him, then the Boss to break him in the right way.
You only grow if you break.

>I am curious what other anime count as cartoons to you though.

Miyazaki movies are barely anime, to use a popular example

What a shit opinion, goddamn. I bet you like We Bare Bears.

nice bet

He was literally a kid who was being crushed under personal insecurities in not wanting to suddenly lose his job due to fucking up and was driven mad with paranoia from his fears.

What in the fuck are you even talking about?
How? Explain in detail.
Miyazaki being a narcissistic retard doesn't make his anime movies not anime.

Not being my husband


>not wanting to suddenly lose his job
It is very difficult to be fired in Japan, partly because it implies the company made a mistake in hiring in the first place. Note how Ton never threatens Retusko with being fired. Being bullied until you quit is a more common way of getting rid of unwanted employees.

This season gave me a crush on Kabae.

This video explains it really well

autistic little shithead

She's taken.

His movies just don't share the anime sensibility. You hardly have to explain in detail because it's so obvious. It's like calling A Scanner Darkly a cartoon just because it's animated.

And fictional.

I liked how Kabae got a little spotlight but was a little disappointed how little-used the other secondary characters were.

Like the US EPA.

Can someone explain why Japan is autistic about blood types on dating profiles?

Attached: 68A20E83-8804-4AE7-ADA3-51CBF09EA117.gif (301x398, 627K)

They superstitiously felt to be indicative of aspects of personality and hence compatibility, kind of like caring about someone's zodiac sign.

It's the eastern equivalent of zodiac signs basically, some superstition became culturally ingrained so now people in japan compare blood types as a legitimate compatibility concern

Apparently it's a thing in Japan where people prepare their entire childhood, teenage, and young adult lives to get jobs like this and nothing else. They got zero social skills and can break down easily if ever corrected because they reached their peak by getting a job as a salaryman and assumed that preparing for that job all their lives meant they would know it all on their first day.

Interestingly enough, the same thing has been happening in the west as well. I work in an office and sometimes older coworkers will complain about how it's impossible to constructively criticize or even joke around with younger coworkers. The process is called filing a "cope" so if for example two coworkers are laughing about a dirty joke within earshot of you you are allowed to and sometimes even encouraged to report them for it. Some younger people don't know how to navigate social situations and instead try to shut others down to make everything as they think it should be.

The male version of those "Excuse me are you mansplaining right now??????" tumblr people.

Was about to post this.
It is actually pretty sad and harsh for them