Is it possible for a western media to introduce a character like Puri Puri Prisoner without any opposition?

Is it possible for a western media to introduce a character like Puri Puri Prisoner without any opposition?

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Absolutely not. Perhaps several decades ago.


Boy I didn't understand a word you just said

Chozen bombed HAAAARD

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they did in superjail kinda


Bueno Excelente

Why would they want to?
Maybe an edgefag like Ennis could get away with it. Hell with his sense of humor I am sure he basically has.

>Is it possible for a western media to introduce a character like Puri Puri Prisoner without any opposition?
newfags out

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He is a High level Super hero from One punch man universe. He is a Serial Rapist who rapes the villians . He is in prison for raping villian. He breaks out of prison whenever a Big threat appears and goes back to jail .
He is a joke hero who tries to impress handsome males when fighting .

Thanks. I didnt know that.

>He is a Serial Rapist who rapes the villians . He is in prison for raping villian.


He actually did .

Adult Swim has a similar character in Superjail

Why does a gag character from a shonen anime have more character and likability than the dozens of LGBT characters we got shoved down our throats in the US for the last 5 years?

You don't take him seriously. He's a serial rapist played as a joke.

The Boys is nothing but rapist, and most of those rapist are superheroes. Hell even the show has Not!Aquaman as a rapist in it and it's still highly rated on imbd if that means anything to you.

Yet still he had so many character moments.

Because mild portrayals of queers try too hard to be respectful to them which makes those characters often end up being insufferable since the writers are so afraid of giving them proper flaws

Look man I hate most of those characters too but I will take them over a walking nuance free gay joke any day of the week.
Well most of them. You couldn't force me to read America's solo.

Probably because you think those characters are made specifically to be 'shoved down your throat'.

I mean, Puri Puri is entirely a joke character like majority of homosexual anime characters so yes

It's just a gag character and you don't like it when LGBT characters are played straight

He did, no doubt about that.

No he'd be labeled as far left propaganda

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Found the fags

Aw, someone's triggered.

Looks like the hero I need. Just need to find a way to move him to Arkham.

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>when LGBT characters are played straight

By TERFs maybe. I dont imagine any other type of leftist endorsing such a character.

All the SJW types got mad about Blackluster and forgot about Puri Puri.

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Yep, definitely found one

His origin story was fucking awesome too. He is basically a weak asian guy who trained so hard and attained this strong black shiny skin.

As a gay man myself, I'm fundamentally opposed to portrayals of homosexuality that are patently ridiculous or overly flamboyant. That said, Puri Puri Prisoner is a powerful and competent character and honestly pretty funny. So while I would say it is an offensive portrayal of a gay man it also has some value.

and what's wrong with Blackluster exactly?

And if the answer is only "he has thick lips", someone needs a smack. They aren't cartoonishly thick like a 30's cartoon, and he isn't colored like Mr Popo.
I don't see how the design is anymore "racist" than, say, DCAU Jon Stewart. He had thick lips as well

>He is basically a weak asian guy who trained so hard and attained this strong black shiny skin.
Yeah, galo sengen.

Nothing can be offensive
Only people choose to be offended

Words and letters don't mean anything either. They're just a series of symbols grouped together that people have given significant meaning to.

No because Japan's idea of homosexuality is less inclusive and they're culturally more accepting of it despite having a stereotyped idea of it. Western idea of gayness is really convoluted and rationalized with multiple mental gymnastics and will probably be offensive to actual gays in like 30 years given the cultural identity and perception of it.

Why do morons act like there was never ever any kind of concept of offensiveness or moralistic complaining before social media was a thing?

He's not actually a black guy. He's an asian guy who has a really dark tan and somehow looks exactly like a black bodybuilder.

That's true in a philosophical sense but

1. Things can offend a large number of people
2. There are things that would offend you, personally
3. Things can be objectively incorrect or harmful

This works for literally every emotion

Any mouth design other than bean worms triggers sjws. Remember, the character design should be dark skinned but vague enough that their ancestry could be from anywhere between Colombia and Bangladesh.

>trained so hard he became black

>Any mouth design other than bean worms triggers sjws.
That is retarded user. They are mad because the joke behind is character is that he became black through training.
>Peak human condition is becoming black
Hell that is almost a compliment.

I see nothing wrong with that.

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Add an air of DUDE NIHILISM LMAO and he'll be fine

strip him off his powers and you have a Watchmen character

Yes, just make sure the show is not American
Now it's up for debate if western is only the Americas, America + Europe, America + Western Europe or America + Western Europe but without Germany

SJW have no sense of humor or talent



Bueno Excelente?