Death Battle

Dialcucks BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

Oh yeah, wait did Ghost Rider win? anybody got a RT account?

Yeah, Johnny won. Reasoning was pretty much that Zarathos was too strong for Lobo and that he could just burn his soul while Lobo didn’t have any way to kill Rider.

Next time is Mechagodzilla vs Dragonzord of course.

Yeah, waiting for the user to upload it to mega

>Death Battle
>trying to make up for blatantly getting Captain Marvel v Shazam wrong

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Looks like that user who claimed to be a researcher was just a fake. Meh, doesn’t surprise me.

>>trying to make up for blatantly getting Captain Marvel v Shazam wrong
seethe harder carolcuck

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as if anyone from rooster teeth comes here.

except for kovic. get back to work adam

MalcolmBelmont here - while i do agree with this fight is very close, i ultimately don't agree the way they interperated some of the feats - plus not mentioning the fact that Zarathos had to gain a soul boost to beat Mephisto

'the guy who pays MalcolmBelmont' here-we purposely give false information to MalcomBelmont, as a joke around the office

The guy who jacks off the guy who plays MalcolmBelmont here- he’s got a big dick.

Umm, dude we ain't paid shit at the G1DBFB. We are not assoicated with DEATH BATTLE in any way. We are just fans who like DEATH BATTLE and make prediction blogs. Also if you think i am not Malcolm's the proof i am

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wasn't lobo literally banned from the afterlife and set to autorespawn on death?

Where's the 87 page analysis of Ben vs Hal, Malcolm


They nailed that one pretty well actually

Yes. DB doesn't know what it's talking about. Again.

Seethe harder, Kuro

It was actually 115 Pages.

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>the RT comments on the battle
The salt is real
Give it to us Malcolm, only then we can verify your authenticity

Send it to Kuro then, along with a dick pic

I don't think Kuro likes our prediction blog too much

Send it and the Swan x his gf image to assert dominance

He might like your dick.

Wait what?

>inb4 dc still wins the 5 next death battles

This thing.

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Pretty sure it’s as small as Ben’s chances of winning against Hal.

How come they don't do too many in-universe Death Battles like the Pokemon battle royale?

Eh, CVAnimation has said he's up for a JoJo Battle Royale so maybe that

Attached: Jojo's_Battle_Royale.jpg (1024x576, 676K) you think we will ever get that much salt from a DB again

Literally who?

Giorno is so powerful it’s not even fair

Saitama vs Goku
Asura vs Broly

Big Ben 10 fan, got REALLY pissed when Hal beat him in a Death Battle.

Eh, Johnny broke part Universial Barriers with Act 4 but generally i do prefer JoJo Villains BR. Also EXE was a lot more powerful then the other Megamen yet they still did the MMBR

So where they had both sitting at stat wise?

Doesn't it just end with Giorno vs Johnny? And I doubt Johnny can even last long enough for Tusk Act 4 vs GER to be debatable as he really doesn't have a counter to being punched to death at light speed

Yeah it ends with Act 4 vs GER

Star-level Lobo (above base Ghost Rider), Universal Zarathos

I think it goes

1. Giorno
4.Josuke 8
5.Josuke 4

So they didn't scale Lobo then?

I'm sure there's a "Death Battle Salt" formula that could be extracted from the Ben/Hal fight

They scaled him to Superman i think

But Superman is way higher than Star level.

I knew Lobo couldn’t fucking touch Zarathos

Even 10 Lobos couldn’t

Did they acknowledge how incredibly mismatched they are with raw strength feats?

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Yeah, Lobo's beaten Superman numerious time so at least he should be Solar System Level. Mind you Ghost Rider matched Thor who is Solar System Level

Just because he’s banned from the afterlife doesn’t mean he can’t be erased

Thank fuck. Dialfags were getting a little too up their own ass, thinking no other universe besides DC could be OP in their own right

Wouldn’t you need a soul to be able to go to the afterlife? If what this user said is true, Zarathos basically just do what Fate did to Strange: destroy his tether to the metaverse and send him to the overvoid or something

>at least Solar System Level
Superman punched out the fucking Multiverse

Marvelfag here, I thought Zarathos was not very high on the totem pole when compared to other demonic/ethereal entities.

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Low-Universal for Lobo and Universal for Zarathos

But stats really didn’t matter since Zarathos just eats Lobo’s soul

They disregarded the punisher no-selling the stare!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

A feat done during the time he was amped up by several suns.

Yes they said Lobo was way more physically impressive and even faster than zarathos but it didnt matter since only one was capable of killing the other

Which he can now do manually by just dipping himself into suns repeatedly, with increasing speed.

Even killing Lobo doesn't actually stop him though.

What are they doing in hell?

Not even Lobo's greatest defeat.

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Establishing their position at the feet of the throne of he one below all.

You have to destory his soul

Based. Ghost Rider exists to curbstomp genocidal pricks like Lobo. I'm glad Swan made the right choice.

Only thing they got wrong was that they amped up Carol way too fucking much.

Carol can't even beat Hulk. Billy puts her in the ground without breaking a sweat.

So....What happened to dials?????/ Weren't they supposed to go up to 11????

>Lobo eats Ghost Rider by collapsing the building into a snack
>Ghost Rider explodes inside him
>The result is a whole squad of Lobos
Easily a contender for best fight this season

>genocidal pricks like Lobo
The Czarnians had it coming, they were an oppressive society and a blight on the universe. Lobo did the right thing.

I thought everyone wanted the streak to end?

Obviously not the DC fans. And especially not the Lobo fans.

>GR feeds on sin to get stronger
>His finisher attack fries the soul with all the pain the opponent has caused in his life
>Don't even try to bring up all the stupid jobbing its done.
>Lobo has cosmic, Galactus levels of sin
I don't see why anyone should be surprised GR won.

This is his thing.

This is what he does.

I feel it would've been safer if they just call it Kiryu vs Dragonzord

He is. Marvel cosmic is just stupidly op


It's a guy who exists to punish the fuck out of edge lords against the biggest edge lord in DC.

Zarathos is the DC version of the Specter, especially with the retcon that made him a fallen angel of vengeance.

He's VERY high up on the totem pole.

Wasn’t that just for the movie?

Rate the fight

No man. With the angel retcon in Aaron's run, he's basically DC Specter.

Lobo is a parody
Doesn't count


Sin amps GR

That's not what the word means.

No seriously, he was intended to be a parody of 90s trends
He's been explicitly called that

I honestly thought Lobo would win the moment Zarathos popped out since it was the half way point and super modes tend to be saved for the end if they result in victory

Woah, that’s definitely gotta be in my favorite Death Battle fights list. Thanks.

I never saw anyone convince me that Lobo could kill ghost rider

You need divine weapons, soul manipulation or magic to beat him.

Is that Nubo lore you going on?

>Kiryu vs Dragonzord is out on JDF's birthday
Meme magic strikes again

Leaker user also BTFO.

Pretty decent, but it felt like it didn't go on long enough. It's still one of the better ones this season.

Best part was the little infobox.

>The Punisher famously survived the Penance Stare due to having no regrets. This is inconsistent with its power, and its more likely Ghost Rider let him live


>This is inconsistent with its power, and it's more likely GR let him live
How is this one nerd so based?

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So why Grimace of all people?

And it's still fucking wrong, you don't "parody" something by just doing the exact same fucking thing without irony

Don't get me wrong, I love Lobo and his over the top attitude, but calling him a parody of anything is like calling Texas Chainsaw 2 a parody of slasher movies

Lobo has always been aware, he’s fourth wall broken before, that’s pretty parody

I'm flabbergasted people outside Yea Forums fell for it

Yea Forums always has had fake leakers larping

I would give it an 8/10

People are very stupid, the user was pushing it when he claimed they already decided the winner for the next 10 fights.

Yeah but a Death Battle leak of all things getting attention from outside websites?

"shrugs" maybe because CV wanted him there.

9/10. Lobo army fight and Zarathos dragging Lobo was definitely the best parts. Also enjoyed Grimace being his bounty. One wish would be that it was longer.

I had some great moments, but it felt too quick. Once they hit the city it's just city eating feat to Zarathos to Lobo army to PENANCE'D.

I give it 7/10.

>by just doing the exact same fucking thing without irony
Dude, he had an issue of his comic where he was forced to run around a planet of pregnant women massaging their feet. There was always an exaggerated weirdness to the character

Because its funny.

If Carol of all people can power through it then Lobo should definitely be able to walk it off.

It being too quick is like the opposite of the last fight which is way too slllow

Lobo is inherently a silly character, most comic book characters are, but I wouldn't call him a parody of anything because of that.

He's great because unapologetically over the top

What sites?

By the way for those who didn't watch the RTX Trailer -Dragonzord vs MechaGodzilla is going to be 3D Animated

I think all of the giant fights are, except for Tigerzord vs Epyon. Also does this count as Tommy’s second time?

Mechagodzilla should win

Yes i think it counts as his second time

Also the researchers have confirmed it will be Kiryu compositing

I remember Tommy got those other zords last time to make the Megazord.

>forced to run around a planet of pregnant women massaging their feet
Sounds like the writer had a fetish.

That would be outside help in which case Mechagodzilla gets the White Herons

Swan knows shitty, inconsistent writing when he sees it.

She can't even HURT Hulk. And that wasn't even one of his stronger forms.

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She can't even beat NAMORA.

Carol is strictly B rank in her own universe while Billy ranges from A to S rank in his own.

I think it's been confirmed Dragonzord will get the Battle Mode but not the fusion with the Megazord

>Each Power Ranger has his or her individual Zord, which only they can pilot.
>However, there have been numerous instances when a Ranger has called upon other Zords.
>So Tommy can call upon the Lion, Griffin, Unicorn, and Phoenix Thunderzords to create the Mega Tigerzord

What about compositing between Kiryus two movies? If it doesn't have it's Tokyo SOS claw it might have problems with close range combat.

Yes they are going to be using Kiryu from both movies and his comic apperences

That's really stupid to be honest. I feel like they would give him the Ultrazord combo too if they felt like they could get away with it.

Gonna play Devil's Advocate for Dragonzord
>Dragonzord can fly to the moon which would require escape velocity (Mach 33)
>Kiryu can fly at best around Mach 4 judging by a calc and even then it drains its power a lot
>Dragonzord's best strength feat is lifting the real life Cayan Tower and while this feat did require the Megazord helping out the odds are even half of the Cayan Tower's weight is still more than anything Kiryu has lifted judging by the sheer size of the tower. Especially since Ghost Rider vs Lobo says the average skyscraper is 200,000 tons.
>An unmorphed Tommy defeated an unmorphed Lord Drakkon. Drakkon when unmorphed and weakened from time as prisoner was still fast enough to react to his world's Saba's laser fired at him at point blank and dodged it. This could also apply to the Dragonzord given Goldar should scale to the Rangers and has fought the Megazord and Dragonzord when giant.
>In the Genesis game, the Dragonzord has access to a reflecting energy shield based on unused concept art for Zyuranger
>The Dragonzord can teleport in the comics; while its only been used to do so for entering and exiting a fight like Silver Samurai, its still worth mentioning.
>Tommy's experience in the Dragonzord eclipses Akane's experience in Kiryu
>This one's generous but slightly plausible. In the comics there's a character named Alpha-1 who just barely survived an exploding moon and later fought the Megazord who fired a laser powerful enough to put Alpha-1 in a situation similar to after he survived that moon exploding. Dragonzord scales to the Megazord whom scales to Alpha-1. Even without the scaling, the Dragonzord is still tough enough to survive being thrown into a small mountain.
>When Kiryu is low on power, it needs the assistance of White Herons to fuel it back up which would be a violation of outside help. Tommy just needs to play a few notes and the Dragonzord is back up
Dragonzord has the speed, strength, and experience to outlast Kiryu

Yeah which is why DZ will get the Battle Mode but not the Megazord itself

Wish they wouldn't worry about comics when these are characters almost completely remembered for their toku appearances.

True but both do have some feats and abilities in comics so they will be used

>Lobo has cosmic, Galactus levels of sin
That shouldn't really matter. Enough people have shrugged off the penance stare because they don't give a shit about their sins or don't consider what they've done to be a sin.

By that logic, if Lobo gets flipped of by a space trucker and considers genocide of their species to be a reasonable response there's nothing GR can do about it apart from punch him in the face.

Its inconsistent
In the Green Ranger Year One storyline Jason, Trini, and Kimberly formed the full Megazord but did so only after getting access from the other rangers
I also didn't include the Battle Mode for my Devil's Advocate post because of that and the mode itself doesn't really have that many feats unless they measure the electricity in its finisher like in Falcon vs Cage

Yeah, but it could be cool

No. No. No.

The rules of the Penance Stare and Ghost Rider's relationship to sin were put down way back in the 90's Midnight Sons era. That modern Marvel writers drag their nutsacks across Ghost Rider means nothing.


What was Venom's excuse for not being affected by the stare anyways?

Seems pretty unfair to be honest, pitting every Dragonzord iteration against the Mecha G that probably has the least amount of appearances and exposure, as cool as his design is. I remember growing up it was always a treat when he would show up in something, since it was usually ether the showa version or the second iteration.

Oh hi Giygas

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Found it, Venom had too much sin for Ghost Rider to process.

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>That modern Marvel writers drag their nutsacks across Ghost Rider means nothing.
By that logic Beyonder should be one of the top dogs, but he's not anymore because of modern retcons.

Kiryu came in second for Ben's poll
Composite was first even though Ben himself knew it'd be impossible


Lobo's can't seem to get along

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Symbiotes are bullshit

It’s sorta like when Tom King had the Flashes job to Catwoman, it shouldn’t be included that woman dressed like a cat can beat 3 speedsters.

That's really stupid, since that wasn't even the problem with him using it on Thanos, who has caused way, way more sin and suffering. Thanos just enjoyed it, was the issue, It didn't overload Ghost Rider.

Okay that is a great attention to detail

Fuck Hickman. He always neuters whatever he touches. He turned the Avengers into incompetent crybabies whose only solution to planets colliding was a nuke and he turned the X-Men into a group that's lost 8 timelines to Flatscan created robots.

Hackman gonna hack.

This. What Swan wrote about Punisher tanking the PS was a polite way of saying "that's bullshit."

But it happened in something that has not been made non-canon, so it counts, no matter how dumb it is. Just like Annihilus being used as a punching bag in modern comics.

Well he did wanna kill Slobo I think

I'm not going to say it was the best fight, but they did a good fucking job on it.

Am I wrong in thinking Marvel has a MUCH harder time than DC in keeping its power levels straight?

Say what you will about Catforce, but Catforce bullshit seems to happen all the fucking time in Marvel.

>it'd be impossible
I'm pretty sure you could manage a composition of the earlier Heisei design, since it appeared in so much shit.

Yeah, CVAnimation was working on it the same time as Aang vs Ed and honestly i much prefer this one

I still think Geo should've beat EXE.

Makes me wonder when they will get Swan to write his most requested DEATH BATTLE - Dio vs Alucard

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Anyone else think the fight music is a banger?

>Am I wrong in thinking Marvel has a MUCH harder time than DC in keeping its power levels straight?
You're not wrong at all. A lot of writers think it's cute/funny to have a big villain job and even more writers just want their favorites to have ridiculous feats that make no sense within the context of everything else. Look at Carol's excuse for ignoring Penance Stare. The other ones in this thread may be bullshit but at least the writers tried to come up with excuses. Carol's is nothing but favoritism.

The fact Deadpool and Squirrel Girl exist shows you aren't wrong.

I'm curious what you think they got wrong about how an above average cosmic hero loses to the motherfucker who can keep up with superman and has feats like beating satan then going down to hell to beat his ass again

He picked dio to win so he shouldn’t do it

Man, a lot of Stands could take care of Alucard with relative ease (Man in the Mirror for example) but Dio has no means to really contain.

I mean his opinion could have changed since then

One of the strongest things about death battle in my opinion is the music. Winter sonata is one of my favorites.

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Honestly i really liked how creppy Zarathos was in the final scenes of the animation

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did cates write this? that page is so fucking stupid it could only be written by cates.

>still no ryona episode
I sleep.

Can't wait for dragonzord to beat nerfchagodzilla

Weiss humiliation aint good enough?

We've had two this season.

Yeah i would say Marvel can be much more inconsistant then DC

Have we had someone beg not to die yet?

I guess Lobo

>Yea Forums is majority kiryu supporters

If Battle Mode is used, I can picture the climax being it trying to drill Kiryu's diamond and the verdict being if it can pierce through it

>They break the DC streak by making DC's best character lose
Fucking hell

PR going to the ozone baby!

All you nerds gushing over the Deathbattle meanwhile they haven't made a song all season as good as Wings of Iron or Fight like a Devil. Emerald Heroes is good tho

Alternatively its a recreation of the scene where Godzilla tips a charging Kiryu only this time the Dragonzord Battle Mode throws the spear into the cannon as its charging thus jamming it

Tommy Oliver going to the oxygen club too, probably. He deserves it.

Grimace somehow being wanted dead to the point of Lobo seeking his head and him managing to evade him long enough to end up in the middle of the desert opens a lot of questions

No matter who wins /prg/ is going to Hell

Going "No, No, Nooooo!" is not begging to not die. We've had dozens of deaths like that.

Whose going to join Mighty Morphin in the Ozone club? My guess is Charizard when Ash's Team fights Zatch Bell or Yugi or Tai. I mean Charizard will obviously die but Ash survived a 1000ft drop and parted open a submarine door underwater with his bare hands so who knows

it's already hell

wtf tommybros

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>Zatch Bell
Damn I feel old. If they do a Bobobo one imma flip

Death battle straight up missed the point of Lobo

>counting your chickens before they hatch
Anyways, the only other recurring series that hasn't won yet is Soul Calibur but Voldo vs Vega is an easy win for Voldo but there's a chance Vega vs Baraka may take priority
Ryu Hayabusa is DoA as well and I can see one of the DoA whores losing a match

If they wait a little while, Charizard is probably going to get a Gigantomax form which will finally make him worth something.

When will best JoJo make his debut

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I highly doubt Gigantomax will be that much of an upgrade.

Unless it has feats it'll only make him a bigger target

he did and lost
>What is Mega charizard

Mega Charizard lost last time. Hard.

People wanted him to fight Edward Elric

I was saying Mega charizard is worth a lot in the Meta, I thought that is what you meant

Same thing they did with Mortal Kombat and Johnny Cage. Well, at least they lost to somewhat respectable characters.
>he deserves it
Tommy's cool enough. there were several far shittier Rangers throughout the Morphin' to Space saga.

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Best DB

I agree fully user

Doubt it won't get feats if it appears in the anime, they will want to emphasize the increase in size/power. But we are talking shit that's probably a year or two away.

I remember one of the researchers saying they like Joseph Joestar vs Shikimaru

Do you think they’ll ever use Akuma again?

Unpopular opinion but DB's sound-alikes are underrated, whoever they got for Wolverine and Raiden here did good.

They could do Ike vs Seigfreid

Iron Man vs Lex Luthor is the best. Although I disagree with Raiden's win he should've been saved for Strider or one of the Mortal Kombat robot characters

Which is pretty much bullshit because it's the other way around; Rider has no way of harming Lobo (penance stare just makes him *feelsgoodman*), and Lobo's entire schtick is that he can dish out cartoon physics tier damage.

Plus on top of his hax regen, Lobo is also unkillable because the last time it happened, he wrecked both heaven and hell so hard that they spat him out.

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Spirit of Vengence is Spectre tier broken.

Are you going to argue the Spectre wouldn't merc lobo?

People say he should fight Shao Kahn but the ending is too predictable
The Konqueror taunts and leaves himself wide open for Oni to destroy his soul
I'd rather see Akuma vs Orochi

Alternatively, Genjuro works perfect theme wise given their similar backstories and personalities though Akuma stomps

>Spirit of Vengence is Spectre tier broken.
oh come on now. Spirit of Vengeance broken but not THAT broken.

Do you think we will eventually see The Punisher in DEATH BATTLE? Also which charcter would you like to see him face? Here is my favourite

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Its Punisher vs Punisher with better tech

So I guess Superman could kill Lobo if he really had to.
>disintegrate his body completely
>kill his soul with the attack he used on Darkseid

His heat vision is enough to disintegrate the body, his shout will kill the soul and has on more than one occasion been shown to be able to see souls, so that's not a problem.

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I don't know much about these characters, but wouldn't it be a stomp for Dredd

That's not Jonathan

Eh, doesn’t seem like a fair fight, most would say Red Hood. Maybe get Ismahawk again.

I am not sure due to Punisher scaling to most Marvel Street Levelers

Red Hood is going to fight Winter Solider for sure. Maybe they could do Punisher vs John Wick or Punisher vs Max Payne

you're right it's the Best JoJo

>John Wick
Speaking of Keanu, kinda hoping they do one with Neo.

Zadkiel is literally god's chosen agent of Vengence.

I have a feeling they are going to do Winter Solider vs Red Hood collabrating with Ismahawk eventually

In character it wouldn't even have to come to that. He'd just kick Lobo's ass and freeze him at absolute zero. And if that didn't work, he'd just lob him into the phantom zone.

And GR kicked his ass.

GR basically has all the power of Zadkiel because Angels are stupid.

Zadkiel and Zarathos are the Marvel version (likely because Aaron was a fan of Ostrander's Specter) of Eclipso and Specter.

Modern GR even has the "human host is a limiter and source of mortality" thing Specter has.

Over time, Ghost Rider has evolved from his original self (which didn't even have a named demon attached to Johnny until the very end) to Marvel's Specter.

>Akuma vs Orochi
Orochi from KOF? Holy shit, seeing that overpowered J-pop band member die horribly would make my day. And I'm not even a huge fan of Akuma.
punisher doesn't really scale to anyone important, it's well-established that when superhumans actually try (even lightweights like Wolverine and featherweights like Captain America), he has to back off. You see this in his fights with that Russian guy.

That Orochi
I like MK but I feel like we need more Capcom vs SNK matches

I would say GR is more similar to Spawn then Spectre


>Over time, Ghost Rider has evolved from his original self (which didn't even have a named demon attached to Johnny until the very end) to Marvel's Specter.
that is true but it doesn't mean that he is as strong or broken as the spectre, which was the original claim

While the outcome was correct, the logic behind it wasn't. Yes, raiden would've decapitated logan, but by cutting between the vertebrae, not by powering through adamantium. A high frequency sword, while employing vibrations, wouldn't use the same frequency as that that was used in that comic to disrupt the metal, as it would fuck up the sword itself

Gill vs Orochi also works

Mega Mania

I personally believe Emerald Heroes is just as good.
>The cosmos are mine

Nah, Nubo didn't even really kill his race. According to his backstory the king poisoned a sacred well that was connected to the Czarnians and the planet itself, driving his species insane. He eventually kills the king and also the princess who he was dating, but it was too late, and the planet was destroyed shortly afterwards.


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How would Lobo fare in Tournament of Power?

He'd get himself eliminated by attacking the spectators.

What did they cap his strength as?

I'm schizophrenic, I'm not schizophrenic
There's 10 of me but I swear
We're not schizophrenic

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Juggernaut when?
Aside from a joke DBX against Hermione or something (or just have her get in the crossfire against whoever he's facing)

He would get extremely far - maybe not to Jiren but far

>cody vs iori
What's the theme? Emo fighting game characters?

He'd slip on a banana peel and slid out of bounds

A person who fights with hands tied vs the person who fights with his legs tied together

Cody broke his cuffs, he's the mayor now.

It's honestly not that hard to get far in the ToP since everyone outside of like the top 6-7 are pretty unremarkable despite apparently being the strongest in their universes.
Then again universes in Dragon Ball apparently only consist of inhabited planets nearing the single digits, which I think is one of my least favorite retcons to the series. How the fuck was Frieza running a planet trade on that shit?

He would absolutely destroy some poor guy and get disqualified for killing them

Who would she even fight?

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You know I actually had an idea for a DC/DBZ crossover where Batman and like one other hero were fighting Jiren and Batman would sacrifice himself to get Jiren disqualified.


Carol could just vaporize Billy instantly user.

She can't even manage Wonderman.

Seethe harder Carolfag

Juggs vs OPM has the potential to bring as much salt as Goku vs Supes or Hal vs Ben.

What’s the theme between Juggernaut and Saitama?

So what's the Marvel/DC score now?

What salt? Everyone knows there's only one way for that fight to go. One character has never beaten in combat, the other has.

Both are unstoppable. But Juggernaut has better feats.

Also scaling the Dragonzord to Tommy/Drakkon's reaction timing works considering the Dragonzord defeated the Tigerzord which moves by copying Tommy's movement

I wouldn’t say unstoppable is Saitama’s main thing.

Who was cheering for Ben 10? What kind of people care for fucking Ben 10?

Zoomers and children.

You really can't tell?
Unstoppable force vs immovable object.

Come on now.

Also, really powerful guys that don't do much with their powers. Juggs is fine being a thug and mook and Saitama is fine just coasting through life.

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Could anyone beat him?

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Irresistible force user. One Punch Man? He's the irresistible force to Juggernaut's immovable object.

That fucking bird from the Looney Tunes.

>But Juggernaut has better feats.
He has worse pratfalls too. Unlike Saitama, this is a ring-out for him.

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Skaar is stronger than Saitama so that doesn’t prove your point.

It’s kinda hard to gauge Saitama though hen he’s apparently growing stronger each day.

People around my age (19 but I still rooted for Hal)
Fun fact, Hal vs Ben surpassed both Goku vs Superman episodes in like/dislike ratio and according to Malcolm, the prediction blog that agreed that Hal wins became the most viewed entry they've ever done
You underestimate how huge Ben 10 was in its prime and even the reboot has been a success
Aside from people who grew up with the show, there's also that fanbase of pedos who watched it for Gwen

>Eventually, Marko stopped thinking.

I love(d) Skaar, but no way in hell is he.

Buggs Bunny, maybe. Droopy has the potential.

I’d love to see a group fight between Fleischer Characters and Warner Bros Characters.

Bugs is reserved for Mickey I think.

One of the researchers wants Saitama vs Krillin
Torrian and Luis want Saitama vs Popeye
Leaked episode list (yes it was legit, no one could predict Scrooge vs Shovel Knight) for Season 4 or 5 a while back had Saitama vs Goku as the season finale originally

His best feat has never reached what Skaar can reach. That’s a fact.

Tweety? Daffy? The Dodo?

They probably scrapped it when the researchers realized that OPM is all hype, no feats.

Frieza had the largest army in the Universe and annexing planets into his empire. It all crumbled when he died at the hands of Future Trunks. The movie spells out that he inherited his father's throne, who decided to retire and let Frieza take over.

That's not what he was asking.

Ben comes up with the fights as showrunner (though he does he get help coming up with them)
If the Research Team had it there way we would've gotten shit like Sailor Scout Battle Royale, Travis Touchdown vs Scott Pilgrim, Dio vs Alucard, and one of the researchers has a match involving Grievous IIRC


None of them. Write "omnipotent bird looney tunes" and see the results.

Fine, Freiza own planets as empty real estate that he sells to the highest bidder. That's how he makes his bread and butter. He acts more like a Yazuka Oyabun in contrast to Frost, who's just a PMC.

Even though that leaker user was fake, I still would have wanted to see Homelander (The Boys) vs All-Might (MHA) and Billy Butcher (The Boys) vs Stain (MHA).

Who else would be an ok match-up for Judge Dredd besides Punisher?

>kinda hoping they do one with Neo.
Who could he fight tho? The only character I could see him possibly fighting is Freddy Kruegar.

based taste
Emerald Heroes is so good but I just wished the lyrics part played a few more times

Well for Punisher, a lot of people say red Hood, as for Neo, maybe that kid from Sword Art Online.

That's still not what he was talking about. Re-read the comment.
>Then again universes in Dragon Ball apparently only consist of inhabited planets nearing the single digits

Can Lobo dip in the sun and get more powerful?

I'll only accept Kirito in a fight if he gets curbstomped
Apparently he got massive buffs lately


If Lobo had his weapons blessed by the Church of the Triple Fish-God could they have harmed Ghost Rider?

Going by Death Battle Time Stop is literally the worst power you can have if you can
>Survive Pillars
>Dodge Lightning
>Can tank an atom bomb
>or have Bullets that are specific counters
All of which Alucard has (Don't know if Hamon and UV rays are the only thing to kill Jojo Vampires tho)

>Sailor Scout battle royal
Ah fuck, that could have been fun.!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

Time Stop only works if you can kill your opponent during it.
If you can't, it's just delaying your defeat.

Isn't Sailor Moon the obvious winner?

>implying people give a shit about Green Lantern

Remove her from the equation and that way it'll be more interesting

I'm assuming she's not allowed in and its just between the other inner scouts.

>Don't know if Hamon and UV rays are the only thing to kill Jojo Vampires tho
As near as I can recall, hamon kills vampires because it carries energy from the sun. Effectively, jojo vampires are either sunlight or the vampire doesn't die. Or completely destroying the brain before it can regenerate. Dio mentions when polnareff stabs through his skull he might have won if he had hit him in a slightly better spot and destroyed his brain. That and I think during jotaro's first part of the fight with him he almost beats dio until he gets the joestar juice from johnathan, at which point his regeneration kicks into complete overdrive.
And then there's Santanna whose regeneration was absolutely insane.

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I'm not doubting Frieza's ability to get the job done AT ALL. The problem is if there's not even enough inhabitable planets to exceed my counting digits, then his business is incredibly small. Specially since at least a few of those planets have to be inhabited by clients. Maybe he deals in uninhabited planets too? But we only ever see him fuck with planets with people he can terrorize, even in filler. Frieza's job was clearly intended to paint the picture of a larger universe. Super suddenly tries to dial it back to an incredibly small scale. And for no apparent purpose, ether, just an off hand comment that doesn't add anything to the lore.

Oh no no no Lobros

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Tommy deserves to go to the oxygen club because of his fans desu

I don’t usually get involved in PR stuff, are they that bad?

He did it. He bit him.


And not just a bite, but the whole snack too.

The loud ones are, at least. PR fans pretty much have their entire voice drowned out by Tommy/JDF fans, who manage to convince Saban/Disney/Boom to bend the series over backwards to appeal to them.
But now it turns out there aren't even enough Tommybros (or ones who can put their money where their mouth is) to even fund a kickstarter vanity project for JDF.


I’ve always wondered, are the suits they used for Zords and monsters from MMPR still around?

Dragonzord, Titanus, and Tor

>This season
>Two ryona fights
>Ghost Rider gets his balls back
>Normies get red pilled about Aquaman and Namorfags put on blast
>Kuro put on suicide watch, normies take the green pill
>Billy takes his name back from Carol who enters the oxygen club
>JDF is about to enter the oxygen club

Holy fuck. It's been a great season hasn't it?

Okay so I get Tommy now, but what’s the deal with his actor? Jason David Frank. And yeah it has been great.

I tried

Attached: Ben vs Hal in a nutshell.jpg (1483x1382, 218K)

>oxygen club
What's the "oxygen club"?

0-2, characters who have lost twice

O2. 0-2. zero wins, 2 losses.

Oxygen is O2. It’s when a characters 0 for 2 on Death Battle. Carol, Goku, Charizard, Shadow and the like.

Sometimes chill sometimes a cocky dick who's full of himself
You either love him or hate him
Funnily enough, he calmed down a lot after Drakkon debuted

It refers to a win/loss record 0-2 is no wins and two losses, O2 oxygen, thus 0-2 is the oxygen club.

If Kiryu wins like he should then pr is going to the ozone club, 0-3

>JDF is about to enter the oxygen club
Don't get cocky, nothing has refuted the Devil's Advocate post yet

>DB is sticking with the weakest mechagodzilla with the least appearances while fully compositing dragonzord
They're nerfing the fuck out of him to give dragonzord the win to sate the tommyfags

Fully composited mechag rapes dragonzord to the point where it isn't funny

Fuck yeah, all the Lobofags are btfo, finally Ghost Rider gets some wins and doesn't insta job

Don't forget the best part.

Its what the viewers want
Why bother to complain?

Thank you

because compositing one combatant while nerfing another isn't fair.


>bowing down to anyone
I shiggy diggy

Except you can't composite Kiryu with the other Mechagodzilla incarnations
Its like compositing Utrom Shredder with all the other Shredders
It doesn't work when Utrom Shredder can be decapitated (since its actually an alien in the chest using a human-like mech suit) while the other Shredders would straight up die if such a thing happened to them
Its not like they'd composite the Dragonzord to some hypothetical 10 legged Lionsgate movie Dragonzord if that sequel was made
They're still compositing Kiryu since it does appear in stuff outside of the films

Does that say "inri" on the plaque on that throne...?

Only Mechagodzilla I think stands a chance would be Heisei

>deadpool is hinted for this season

>a combatant in of some of the worst matches in DB history
fuck me

they composited godzilla fully, and he is radically different in every incarnation

Lobo is no fucking slouch, dude is an honest match for the likes of Superman.

How many Marvel characters are in this league besides Ghost Rider? I would have said Hulk, Thor, or Strange were DC-tier but I underestimated their counterparts.

Silver Surfer

>The Power Rangers get a win on Death Battle for once.
>It's only because of Green Ranger Tommy.
Well at least this will probably be the last Death Battle using the MMPR Team.
not that I expect them to use any of the other PR teams since there way less popular then the MMPR team

To be fair, they didn't composite him with his more out-there versions like Godzilla Earth, Zilla, HB Godzilla, etc.

earth and shin didn't exist then lol

I think they'll still be able to use Zedd and maybe Drakkon for a match

>Silver Surfer
has one appearance a year

Well in terms of "matching their counterpart" Ghost Rider doesn't just like Strange and Thor because Specter is exactly the kind of guy to bust up Zarathos (double points since he's an extension of God and thus counts as holy).

In terms of "Heavies that would give a Justice Leaguer a fight" GR is on the list alongside Thor, Hulk, Strange, Sentry, Blue Marvel, Black Bolt, Silver Surfer, Jim Hammond Torch (no seriously), Franklin Richards, etc, etc.

It's not that Marvel doesn't have "dial 11" characters, it's just that you got to REALLY pick from the top to get someone to fight JL level characters.

I didn't mention shin.

Yeah I could see them using Zedd. Drakkon might be a bit more of a stretch since he was made from the comics and not from the original show but yeah he could totally show up.

...You know, it's weird to think of him as such, but Specter does in fact ping as holy.

We here at Yea Forums know the feeling, Wiz.

Who’s Swan?

One of the researchers. That man doesn’t play games.

member of the research team

>TFW used to talk to the research team personally before screwattack nuked their forums

Researcher and writer for the show
Gained a following of fangirls on Yea Forums after writing Ben 10 vs Green Lantern and flying all the way from New York to Texas for a Q&A
He does his best to read every comic featuring a character he has to research for

Oh so wanting him to hold me in his arms makes me a fangirl?

not him but yeah

I'm legit baffled by that actually
The forums were full of some of the rudest individuals in VS debating yet out of all the things that got the forums shut down was that they shared an episode to watch it early.
The very thing Yea Forums did for years
I'm surprised that those guys didn't go here

VSBW and Spacebattles is more their speed.

>he forums were full of some of the rudest individuals in VS debating
Yeah that place was toxic as fuck

I tried to be super nice to everyone but it really didn't help at all. I know at least one other forum member comes here as well, but he's a pretty chill guy

character vs arguments have always been notoriously heated. If there's any civility in any threads about the topic I'd honestly be jaw-droppingly shocked.

I only lurked there but IIRC someone mentioned an incident involving Korean bots
Can you clarify what was that?

He didn't list those fights

that takes me back holy shit

years and years ago korean bots raided the entire forum and spammed new threads in the thousands. We all had to take refuge in a thread pinned by a mod

What threads were they making and why did it even happen?

it was all in Korean so I have no clue what it was saying, and no one now how the breach even happened

Were there any suspects on who did it?

It was some korean virus, we have no clue, it was certainly not anyone from the site

I think Koreans

damn man
the forums sound like a bigger hellhole than I thought (which makes it even more confounding that these same people didn't go here)
thanks for clarifying

it was still a blast because of a couple of the members who were hilarious and knowledgable, too bad they left and the site festered for years

At what year did it went downhill?

ur retard bro

around 2016-2017

or he could do it the way it should have been done....

Attached: How ketch deals with venom.jpg (1000x1537, 199K)

what killed it (quality wise)?

the good members leaving, newbies coming in.At one point I became the last member standing in all the people I knew and it felt like I was babysitting retards and dickheads

Depends on if they take content from Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe.

That’s an alternate universe

>composite every single godzilla ever as of 2014
>even used absurd comic godzillas
>Lol we can't do that for mechagodzilla even though it would be easier
>we won't even use the strongest mechagodzilla anyways


I smell a fix

>Heisei in last place

>The ASJDF fags are here
Abandon thread

I don't even care about power rangers, I just want to talk about dragonzord vs mechagodzilla

Lobo still dies, he just gets revived. It's a battle to the death, which Ghost Rider wins but Lobo comes back from a little later.

Then why the fuck were you in /prg/?

to talk about dragonzord vs mechagodzilla

>still no Super Sentai combatant
>Yea Forums is team Kiryu

>Jim Hammond Torch
What feats does he have?

Beat the Sentry by overloading him.

Attached: Human Torch vs Sentry.jpg (509x800, 148K)

Can’t beat the classics

Was going with Kiryu the right call?

>Old asf but still strong enough to fight people like Sentry

Can you please refute my devil's advocate post so the animals on /prg/ can stop claim rigging in Dragonzord's favor by going with Kiryu?

So when are we getting Goku vs Superman 3 so gocucks can get shit on again?

>Marvel Earth goes on an on about how mutants and superhumans will replace humanity. Muh X-gene. Muh destiny force. The space giants say we're the future.
>A beep-boop granddad from the 1940's BTFO the Sentry
>Sentinels made by normie scientists BTFO mutant kind in 8+ timelines
>In one timeline Ultron gets so advance nothing can stop him and Kang throws superhuman armies gathered from across time and space just to stall against him

Have you taken the robot pill yet anons?


Damn. He did to the Sentry what he did to Adolf Hitler.

>Mutants have literal reality warpers on their side
>Still lose to some shitty robots that government scientists made
Truly mutants would be the most cucked race on the planet if Black Bolt didn't exist

>Machine Man
>Persecuted like mutants
>Doesn't get a victim complex about it
>In Earth-X, Uatu tries to Kunta Kente him and fails specatcularly
>Cucks Uatu
>Proceeds to organize a multiverse team to cuck Celestials on a multiversal scale


Attached: Machine Man.jpg (1009x1600, 620K)

Yea Forums shitposting ruined this for me

That's pretty insane actually.

And now you’ve ruined it for me.

>Everyone thinks he's the traitor
>Is actually the only one that knows what's going on
>Saves the entire team
>Is a total bro


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>Moira on life number X
>"There's no way I'll lose to bot!"
>"In the end, I couldn't beat bot."

Attached: I couldn't win against cock.jpg (600x934, 108K)

Yes, Kiryu is the best designed, best written and just overall best Mecha G

>Armies of reality warpers
>Super geniuses
>Magneto controls fucking metal
>Forge knows machines just by looking at them
>Illyana is queen of her own hellscape
>Now literally have a heads-up years before the first sentinel is a blueprint via Moira


People are complaining in other threads that they should've used Heisei instead for power levels

Heisei is more powerful.
>Fights a stronger Godzilla
>Made with technology from a future humanity that's developed time travel
>Anti-energy weapon coating
>Lotssss of weapons

Pretty dumb when Kiryu already has enough to beat Dragonzord and Kiryu fits the theme better than the other Mecha Gs

How so? Wouldn't Heisei fit the theme better?

Can you please refute

>Truly mutants would be the most cucked race on the planet if Black Bolt didn't exist
>Clones of Emma Frost can't get into the Inhuman Royal Family's minds
>Karnak btfo Jean Grey out of his mind
>Black Bolt btfo'ed Vulcan
Nah there still more cucked then him.

Attached: the sisters can't read there minds.jpg (1041x1600, 609K)

They should do it as a surprise/april fools episode. Give the character rundown as standard, but make the fight really short, 30 seconds. Goku goes Blanco and supes 1 shots him immediately. End vid.

ztards would be screeching for an eternity

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>Yang vs Tifa
>Weiss vs Mitsuru
>Android 18 vs Captain Marvel
>not ryona
I know ryonafags are mentally ill but come on man

I'd rather have Goku (Evolution) vs Dante (Ninja Theory) as the April Fools episode
First time Dragon Ball fans root against Goku

Oh Jesus, fine you giant baby.

>Fly to the moon
We never saw how long it took him to do that.

>Kiryu is mach 4
Lol no. Dude flew to the Sea of Japan in moments.

>Cayan Tower
Godzilla is (varying) around 150,000 tons and Kiryu pulled a SO LONG KING BOWSER on him. Even if you wank Dragonzord with Cayan Tower, he's not THAT much stronger than Kiryu.

>Reaction time
The Flash could be piloting Dragonzord. It doesn't change the fact that even mo-capped (and I'm not sure if Dragonzord even has that like the White Tiger zord) the thing is a big clunker. Just watch its fights, then watch Kiryu jumping all over the place and shoulder checking Godzilla.

Response time IS an issue. It's why the OG Gundam needed magnet coating to keep up with Amuro's reactions.

>Energy shield
Not going to help, especially when its never taken something on the level of the hyper-mazers.

All the rangers and zords can do that, but it's like Mega Man's teleport where its NEVER used in combat.

>Tommy's experience
Actually yeah, he does have the edge here since Akane piloted it like what, two times?

I'd difficult scaling anything to him as he was what Zordan used to do the work of the entire Power Rangers before the Power Rangers. God only knows how much of the MG he could tap into.

>White Herons
Unless Akane spams the absolute zero canon, energy isn't going to be an issue. The fight isn't going to take longer than five minutes or so.

>Who else would be an ok match-up for Judge Dredd besides Punisher?

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Honest to god this. It's the best idea for an April Fool's match I've seen.

>As long as you have enough power to keep accelerating upwards, you can escape a planet's gravity at any speed.

guess who's actually sitting on that chair these days

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>Homelander vs All-Might
Wouldn't Homelander get UNITED STATES OF SMASH'ed?

>It's Kiryu
I'm a Godzilla fan that primarily prefers some of the Millenium stuff but why? He's so much weaker than Dragonzord in every level. Showa version would be a much more appropriate fight desu

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Apparently homelander would have had to have been nuked as a child to be killed and can run over 1000mph, does All-might compare to that?

This. Escape velocity is what you need to "escape gravity" without any external influence. So long as you keep exerting a force behind you, you'll leave Earth regardless of speed, especially when the effect of gravity diminishes with distance.

What? Do Tommyfags think that there's an invisible barrier past the clouds that blocks you unless you hit escape velocity?

Flying to the moon still requires reaching escape velocity (they gave Metal Sonic and Kim that level of speed as well despite no timeframe) and the specific incarnation of Godzilla that Kiryu threw weighs only 25,000 tons
Its like saying the Mewtwo Red's Charizard defeated in Origins is as powerful as the one in the first movie or the Adventures manga despite never showing the same feats for it
Regarding reaction timing, shouldn't Goldar (since he fights them regularly) and Tommy's Tigerzord (since it follows his every move) scale to the Rangers and by extension the Zords scale to that?

*Metal Sonic and Jin

I don't know. I'd love to see Homelander call All-Might a dirty Jap and kill him in front of a bunch of kids though. Would be kino as fuck.

Starscream, though in his case he was being a weasely little shit to try and get a lock onto his target.

True. The weird thing is I usually cheer for the good guy or whoever is the less evil one in Death Battles.

In regards to strength, it seems like the DZ's best strength feat is lifting 200 thousand tons (with support). That's impressive, and I don't have a strictly even number for Kiryu, but there are multiple instances of Kiryu ragdolling kaiju around the 60 thousand ton range, and not just that, but hurling both Gigan and Godzilla as though they were footballs. Dragonzord has the better lifting strength, but Kiryu most likely has the superior striking strength.

Another important issue here is durability, which Dragonzord both loses in direct comparison and will struggle to beat out. Kiryu has tanked Godzilla 2000's atomic breath on multiple occasions, even a direct shot to the face, and remained mostly unphazed. Godzilla 2000 should scale to the small country level Orga, and that's a lowball for Milennium Godzilla. Kiryu definitely can take hits of that level for an extended period of time in base, so there's no way Dragonzord will be able to bust up Kiryu easily.
Dragonzord may well beat Kiryu in reaction speed, sure, but Kiryu can at least dodge near point-blank lasers from Hedorah, and Kiryu is known for blitzing Godzilla and Ghidorah with the infamous shoulder bash. Dragonzord probably also has the better travel speed, but I'd wager Kiryu easily takes combat speed.

Overall, Dragonzord DOES beat Kiryu in some categories: reaction time, travel speed, lifting strength, and experience goes to DZ as well, but Kiryu has demonstrated far better combat speed, more potent striking strength, has FAR better energy output and much greater durability. Dragonzord would be tricky to pin down and definitely isn't a free fight but Kiryu should take it due to superior durability, firepower, and advantages in the relevant fields of speed and strength

The Warf effect is a bitch, eh?

>has one appearance a year
Not really an argument

>Flying to the moon still requires escape velocity
If you're using a rocket, yes. If you can just keep exerting a force beneath you, no.

>They gave Metal Sonic and Kim that level of speed
Then add them to the list of "Ben got a liberal arts degree" goofs.

So they can composite Godzilla but can't composite Mechagodzilla? Why the fuck not? Also, why not use the strongest mechagodzilla if they truly couldn't composite?

It just seems fishy

If Ben could actually do math he'd have a real job instead of Death Battle.

Isn't the Millenium series full of different canons outside of the Kiryu duology?

>So they can composite Godzilla but can't composite Mechagodzilla?
probably because most godzillas are pretty much the same in terms of powers and origins that being giant radioactive ancient dinosaur that was awakened with nukes while to composite mechagodzilla means that it's made by space apes, reverse engineered from mecha ghidorah and also possesses the bones of the original godzilla.
>why not use the strongest mechagodzilla
because poll

>An alien designed robot that can function without a head, has a shit ton of weaponry

>A human-built mech made of future tech. Has a beam coat which absorbs energy-based attacks. Works in tandem with a fighter ship called the Garuda that can become his backpack.

>A fucking Godzilla Eva

There you do dickhead.

They composited Godzilla because all the versions they use weren't --that-- different from one another and because they did the same thing for his opponent Gamera.

Probably because while Godzilla's have had vastly different origins and personalities, their powers are usually more or less the same or comparable, and you could basically just take the strongest Godzilla and anything the others do, he could probably do too through sheer physical/power superiority. Different case from say Link, who, even the strongest Link will miss out on items and circumstantial factors that he can't make up for.
And Kiryu fits the theme better than the space-based Mecha G, and Heisei MechaG is outclassed by Moguera and no one wants to see Moguera vs Dragonzord

Yeah, but Godzilla is usually comparable to other G's anyway, and Mil Godzilla's should definitely be reasonably comparable. Wouldn't even be close to the biggest leap in logic the show has had for these kinds of things.

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i never understood why people draw their favorite characters owning other characters like this image
there are so many and they all come off as really autistic
"The S stands for Sasuke"

I'm surprised we didn't get a "Don't make me remind you what your logo stands for" for Hal vs Ben.

They're some of the best bait images out there. Every now and then I'll drop one in the Yea Forums db thread, or one in a thread here.

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Damnit, now I wanna make one with Steven Universe instead of Sasuke

>tfw Namor jobbed against Aquaman again and died a horrible death
I don't even like the guy but I was still rooting for him

That one's legit funny as fuck though

Speaking of Kang, I'm surprised no one has ever made an edit of Alberto Barbosa for him

Thank you

Yeah but it's making fun of those kind of images
or just so autistic it comes off funny

When will we get Steven vs. Star?

Also you better edit that part with Party Rock Anthem and a vacuum for making me see that

Only if they can both die.

Until we see how much Steven has grown in the movie power-wise, it’s a definite win for Star.


>or just so autistic it comes off funny
Probably that one. Guarantee it originally came from some kids myspace, tumblr or deviantart, who thought it was the coolest thing ever.

only if we get a draw where both die

What about the Megazord fucking up Alpha-1?
Shouldn't harming him scale to the Megazord's fire power?

I gave up making cancer years ago when I stopped making Wojak edits

>their powers are usually more or less the same or comparable
That's not really true though. A lot of them have completely unrelated feats like being able to fly via atomic breath propulsion and magnetizing their own body, to achieving the planet threatening Burning form or somehow coming back from being sent to another dimension with no explanation. When you start putting that shit together for Godzilla it starts creating a brand new character. Even more so if you tried including modern iterations like Shin or the anime trilogy version, who have totally different power sets.

Anime actually has stupid chuuni shit like that in it, is a big reason why.

Ghost Rider will always be one of the coolest thing to come out of Marvel

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I think the whole Punisher tanking the Penance stare really shows the flaw with their feats based power analysis and how it doesnt work ESPECIALLY with comic book characters.
I think it comes off like they pick who's going to win ahead of time because the feats they use to measure seem cherry picked one way or another (The scout vs. Tracer one being one of the more obvious examples of this).

>Lobo is also unkillable because the last time it happened, he wrecked both heaven and hell so hard that they spat him out.
They actually covered the topic at the end. Basically the ruling is that Death can't collect his soul to bring it to any afterlife, but someone like Ghost Rider who outright destroys souls or has Zarathos snack on them like candy can eliminate him that way, and given Lobo can come back from the dead via just being a lingering spirit, all it takes is one specific kind of kill in order to turn him into a tasty morsel.

What is your idea for a Death Battle that will never happen?

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Juggernaut vs Asura

Attached: kuriboh vs magikarp.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

I want a spaceship battle, but I really doubt they're ever going to do one. Like the Enterprise vs a Star Destroyer would be the most obvious normalfag one, but I'd rather see something like the Odyssey/Daedalus from Stargate vs Voyager or a Borg Cube.

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It still surprises me they haven’t done a Star Wars vs Star Trek thing.

The Mach 4 stuff came from this
I know but a calc is a calc

I think they hinted at Han vs Kirk but that's probably another Scott Pilgrim vs Travis situation in where "We'd like to do one but the resources aren't there"

Yujiro Hanma vs Big Boss

You have my curiosity.
Now you have my attentio-
>Vs. Dragonzord instead of Eva-01
Aaaaaand it's gone.

>AVGN vs Captain N
Just give James the call and he'll probably do it to coincide with an actual review of Captain N
>Yamato vs Enterprise
And have the the Yamato crew animated Leiji Matsumoto style and the Enterprise crew animated in Star Trek Animated Series style.

>The rider can only truly be killed by the "true god"
This feels like bullshit.

Would Eva-01 vs anything else /m/ related in Death Battle result in /m/'s own personal Ben vs Hal?

a MC gundam battle royale

A lot of things in comics tend to be .

VSBW and Spacebattles are the Big Bang Theory to Screwattack forums Eltingville Club

Most definitely. You know how autistic Evafags can get.

Attached: a7d.jpg (375x395, 29K)

>TFW ASJDF is just PR Asuka vs Rei but instead of underage anime waifus, its two grown washed up male actors

*Blocks your path*

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Shockingly very few "duos" left that haven't already been used, but how about a battle between two forgotten plat-former duos who recently got brought back?

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just stop and think about all the crazy stuff they could do with this animation wise

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Old school YouTube kino

Popeye with spinach takes it. Bugs is still at the mercy of the troll animator, meanwhile Popeye beats the shit out of the animator after spinach boost

What would you put it against though? Rahxephon?

You just unlocked a gate to the dark side of my memories

But even the Mil Godzillas have their notable differences
Kiryu Saga Godzilla lacks the healing factor of Organizer G-1 and still had the wound from when the Absolute Zero cannon fired at it point blank

Lobo was paid to take a dive

Shinji vs Godzilla
Commander Shepard vs Anakin Skywalker
Phoenix Wright vs Frank West

Well, All-Might has:
>punched a monster that can normally absorb blows so many times that the monster's limit was eventually met and All-Might punched him into the stratosphere
>tanked missle explosions
>took a hit from All For One and was slammed through numerous buildings, and was back to fighting him in seconds
>fast enough to dodge attacks from All For One and Bakugou

What's Homelander's speed and power feat?

Wait is Nubo Yea Forums's equivalent of Donte?

To a fucking T.

So is Kiryu gonna use flying lotus to BTFO Dragonzord?

I used to make these by stealing other video clips and putting my music over them when I was 12

depends on if they use young joseph or old. Old's not a fighter, but young's hamon isn't as strong as johnathan's...however, he's more creative with it.

I'm going to assume the throne is made of at least part of the cross.

Weiss' death wasn't gory because Benfags complained about Ben's death being too gory

So the leaks were real? Kuro is gonna seethe when Yusuke btfos Danny

They aren't
They were never real
It said it would end in a tie

Nope. Leak said tie.

pic related except expanded to most Zerg units vs A variety of Xenos

>AVGN vs Captain N
back in the day, I thought they would do AVGN vs Nostalgia Critic, to conclude their "rivalry"

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Sam confirmed on Reddit that Starscraft and Warcraft matches were tossed around
Back in Season 3 they considered a Warcraft Dragon Battle Royale until they realized the size gap would've made it impossible

I think there was one of two edits made during the first week of shitposting

>Leak said tie
Like two days ago there was a fake leak about lobo vs GR would be a tie, what makes you think this one is real

>that one guy who won't shut up about Shulk vs Lightning

>Demon of the week detective aspect is dropped after the first arc for the better

Why do people want this fight again?

either this or Asta vs Anderson. ends in friendship since asta is the equivalent of catholic in his universe

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I would just run away, no point dealing with that

Iron Fist vs Po from Kung Fu Panda

Definetly eventually

If we composite Kiryu from both the Movies and the comics. He scales to Space Godzilla having fought him who crossed across galaxies in a few minurtes

Sorry, i was alseep so i wasn't able to get back to your comment, i can take a look though

Uh, there’s a mega showing the fight.

>Not going to the gym and Andersen winning because he can bench more