Why is DC suddenly deciding to push Wally after years of trying to make us forget him?

Why is DC suddenly deciding to push Wally after years of trying to make us forget him?
>Getting a solo finally
>Going to be a center piece of a new event for 2020
>Live action version going to be cast in Stargirl
>Bally going coming back to the Flash tv show
What changed in DC's mind??
Also Will Wally finally make Flash great again?

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I want Rebirth back damn it

Why did they make him a mass murderer if they were trying to push him?

Just to shut wallyfags up.

They want to push the new black Wally they don’t give a shit about the ginger one.

Fan backlash led to HiC rewrites. Tom King is an idiot

The ginger wally is getting a solo.

No they don’t you retard. They want to push Barry. Nu Wally was shipped off to a team book and is practically irrelevant

>Fan backlash led to HiC rewrites.
No it didn't.

His new solo is written by Lobdell

That's not a push

DC wasn't trying to make you forget wally. You, like Stephfags and Cassfags, felt so entitled to the character. You can't just pop them back in new continuity, you have to figure out their new place in the world.

A writer perfectly fitted for the mouth breathers.

Because that makes him more relatable in DC's mind. It's why Batman has gotten more and more edgy

Lol, retarded faggot.
>Literally erase him from existence in a random comic issue
>Replace his race
>Bring him back but do nothing with him and writers have even said that DC wont let them include him into their books
KYS faggot

This. And when they don’t buy his new comics and they cancel it expect them to continue to bitch

>make him a crazy serial killer

So Black Wally is Wally and Wally is also Wally?

Yes it did.
It is why the deaths of many characters were changed to “hologram dreams” because King changed it so the speed force killed everyone instead of Wally directly.

What are you talking about?
They made him the villain of Flash War to prop up Barry then made him an unbalanced sociopath that murdered people and tried to pin the blame on others.

That isn’t a a push, that was Didio trying to ruin him.

Wally being demoted and eventually retconned from canon was because they were pushing Barry. And Wally was a threat to Barry being the one true Flash. Well they succeeded. Barry has long been solidified as the one true Flash in all media. Wally is no longer a threat to Barry’s throne. So the powers that be can afford to throw his fans an occasional bone

You are a fucking retard.
They weren’t trying to make Wally “”””relatable””””. Didio was trying to ruin Wally to prop up Barry.

>Implying is not Barry's fault
No one want Wally to be Kid Flash again, he has garduated from that, let Walter be. The main problem is that Barryfags can let him retire.

more than one person can have the same name, user

So Wally is Wally but Wally is not that Wally?

No, that was the plan from the start you retard.

A 6 issue mini series.

He's not a mass murderer. It was an accident. If he's being jailed for any reason it was for setting up Booster and Harley and running away.

So his new mini series is going to make him save the multiverse or something. Supposedly it Absolve of him of what he did. Not sure if Kings Retcon of making him and the rest of the speedsters ticking time bomb is going to be undone. That, aside, you guys like this? All the deaths waved away.

He still committed man slaughter and Thanks to King he and all speedsters are time bombs. Dude needs to be locked up.

A bone with dog shit on top. But something is better than nothing unless it turns out to be shit and then nothing better still.

>Not sure if Kings Retcon of making him and the rest of the speedsters ticking time bomb is going to be undone
It will be ignored. Just like everything else King writes.
Heck, writers are already ignoring his Bane City arc.

If any other writer even wants to pick up on that they'll do a much better job than King. And there's a difference between voluntary and involuntary. Superheroes get off on stuff like that all the time. The only thing that's really going to be against him is that superheroes and the public will not see him in a particularly good light. And that's just the way Didio likes it.

He mutilated multiple corpses after accidentally killing them. He fed Blue Jay to crows. He shoved gag teeth down Commander Steel's throat.

As I said the worst thing he did was set up Harley and Booster and run away. I guess we'll see how that is used against him. But hey, comics!

DC was still mad that everyone like JLU more than their comics

We call the ginger Wally and the black one Walter, is not that hard. They are relatives and both names after the same grandfather,

No I think he should serve jail time. Dan and King open this can of worms it cant be ignored.

That's still the opposite of forgetting someone.

>it can't be ignored
But it can.

What? I just stating it's a mini series.

Of course. What was I thinking. Still feels wrong. This whole situation for Wally is fucked.

Butthurt that Wally’s going to make Flash great again.

Literally impossible. Explain the characters that died in unexplained ways that had nothing to do with the speed force then.

>cant be ignored.
Oh you naive little fool. If it means anything it'll be the start of his mini and likely hang with him for a while but within five or so years it'll be a footnote in his history.

Tom King is a mass murderer and DC pushes him

So is that why King had to apologize and explain the deaths on Twitter of all places?

Tomfags are in hardcore denial

I'm not sure what you mean. Kid Flash was always important from what I could tell.

Wally hasn’t been kidflash n over 30 years

Who is Tom King and what does he have to do with this?

Yeah I don’t care about that.

Wally will only continue to be ruined until DC editorial changes.

For them, only Hal, Barry and Bruce matter.

Is a shitty mini with the worst creative team on DC's roster really pushing him, though?

The Stargirl rumor was a lie. That ginger is Brainwave Jr.

The main reason people like Wally is the good writing the character has had a lot of

Black Wally is being called Wallace now, though they're both Wallace.

i can't wait till someone comes in and retcons it so that wally used future tech to clone the people he supposedly killed and replaced them with dead clone's that never really lived and spirited them away to safety.

>That's not a push
No, it IS a push... Off a cliff.

To give him a big redemption story.

It's written by King?

They're still mad about New 52 broody and brash Superman not being an instant favorite.

I feel like this isn't using the term "fag" properly.


I know King sucks but Lobdell and Booth gave us Bar Tor, a butchering even worse than what King did to Wally

Just let Williamson have the Wally book he clearly desperately wants.



Give Wally to Waid

That’s better.

Because they know people want Wally and they are DC is desperate

Who's this guy in context of the Flash? I only know Barry. What's this guy done?

Making Kid Flash black, wasn't a diversity move. It was simply done as a nail in the coffin move on Wally fags in order to paint them as racists for demanding Wally back. DC is so hell bent on pushing Barry, Hal, and Bruce that they're willing to use colored people as an escape goat just to fuck over fans of legacy characters.


Wallace - Wally

Simon and Baz - Kyle and John

Red Arrow - Arrowette

And Duke was just Didios + Editorials attempt at getting rid of Red Robin/Tim Drake.

If they cant kill a character off because of the backlash from their fandom, they'll just to sabotage those characters by ruining them, making them boring, replacing them, or writing them into irrelevancy through editorial mandates. HiC was just Didio attempting to bury Wally fags and Red Arrow fags in a shallow grave and for the latter, it actually worked.

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fuck. i meant Cruz and Baz.

>You can't just pop them back in new continuity, you have to figure out their new place in the world.
Yeah, like how in New52 Wildstorm's daemonites are a thing that inspired the myths of demons. Also there are still actual demons.
Don't pretend internal coherence has ever been a priority of the DCU under Didio.

Explain how Lagoon Boy was shown to be killed through some projectile/blade piercing him when he showed up after everyone else was already dead, when they were all supposed to have been killed by lightning from the Speed Force?

Lagoon Boy's death. Mutilating corpses to frame Harley and Booster. Time travel fuckery. There is so many holes in HiC that it makes a Bendis comic look perfectly edited.