ITT: Moments before disaster

ITT: Moments before disaster

Attached: 132141.png (482x310, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 8C6C6940-2D03-4643-84E1-622E1DCBD0F6.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Attached: SUCK_MY_DICK_YELLOW_CLOD.png (1920x1080, 630K)

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link to clip pls?

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Attached: 1563023568827.jpg (825x454, 60K)

Can someone explain to me what’s up with this meme

it's a gif of a loli getting her skin torn apart

I would, but it would require me getting out of this chair.

There's a gif of a loli inside that machine being tortured with lasers, including having all her skin ripped off. The meme is just putting unexpected, usually cartoon characters in the torture device.


Attached: 1553938671706.jpg (1124x1102, 480K)

May I see it?

Attached: 0D9977D9-00F7-4321-A87D-82B6F62FE351.jpg (669x748, 73K)

Nice one user

Attached: sense.gif (250x250, 992K)

Pretty brutal, really gets under your skin

Attached: C2A575F6-9021-47ED-8593-EB045AE7E5D9.jpg (600x600, 35K)


I wish there was a mass shooting targeting men

Like someone should go and shoot at a video game convention so that it's the neets and incels that get killed

>Only neets and incels go to cons
I think you'll find it's the other way around these days

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Attached: 2001-01-09_1.jpg (680x376, 88K)

Clarissa is cheating and you know it

I can't help but laugh at Clarissa comics because they're genuinely funny and well drawn, sucks that it had to be a true story.

Attached: mli.png (499x559, 284K)

you'd be more succesful by sneaking into suspected NEET/incel homes at night and murder them in their sleep after fact checking if they browse /pol/, have risky porn on their history, check what they posted on /r9k/ and are above 35 and still seem to live like teens. You can even leave the body there cause most people won't assume it was anything but suicide
Even if you get caught the media wont cover it because incels are the enemy
good luck champ



Attached: CT-KO-1R-02x201.mp4_snapshot_08.11_2019.06.08_12.02.44.png (1659x933, 2.59M)


Whats with the influx of cia niggers and glowniggers on imageboards recently, i know they're trying to target 7 and they already got rid of 8 but god damn it, even here?

>sucks that it had to be a true story.
It is? I know it happens to a lot of kids but I thought Clarissa was fictional.

Artist got molested by her dad on the reg, sorry user.

Attached: economics.jpg (409x480, 80K)

Lord Moldybutt

Attached: x1080.jpg (1440x1080, 166K)

There's also another one that I assume is from the same artist of a loli getting impaled by a spike on a machine


Attached: 1522444345735[1].png (1680x1050, 1.39M)


Attached: grab.webm (1920x1080, 795K)

>Not sure of the exact episode this takes place in
>Realize that literally every instance of Mordecai and Rigby walking into the same room as Benson is a prelude to disaster
I laughed at this image more than I probably should've

That just makes it dumb.

the RTS KIDS watermark really adds to this

what happened here?

The vast majority of people who have been shot in history have been men.


but why?

Attached: check again.png (1274x711, 818K)

Half, if not more, of guro fans are female, just fyi.

>villain gets ass kicked
I don't see the problem.

>High impact sexual violence

Attached: support beam.png (475x358, 295K)

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Oh dear god no!

Attached: YYYYYOOOOOO.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Attached: okay.png (1212x680, 1.52M)

Attached: pl.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Me pasan la ensalada de huevo?

>I wish there was a mass shooting targeting men
There already is, they are called wars.

There should have been more of this persona.

They should have made that red sauce.

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 12K)

This is what the fuzz was all about? Meh.


Attached: ice cream.gif (256x468, 395K)

The only thing that made it weird was when they went "THAT'S SO COOL" when she said she was Rachel now.

Instead they should have said "Ok, can you make the cartoon, Rachel?"


*guitar string breaks*

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I don't even remember what happens here but I do remember it was awful