Name a more iconic image

Name a more iconic image.
You can't. Is there even a marvel equivalent to this?

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It's not iconic for any meaningful, in-universe reason, whatsoever. It is iconic as "Hey that cover is instantly representative of the speculator boom and man they sold a bajjilion copies." But it had no meaningful story value at all. A year of mourning and spin-offs (during which his spirit was already back) pales in comparison to Crisis Clark holding dead Supergirl, Bane breaking Batman's back (also a gimmick but became a notification), maybe Captain Marvel standing over KC Supes, and more. But as far as Marvel... X-Men 1 and Giant size X-Men 1, Spider-Man 1 alone blow it away.

>became a notification
*became a motif

Crisis cover with dead supergirl

Don't need to bother getting it in full res, you know what it is.

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You finished yet?

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Uh, yeah, no

Great argument

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Well, shit, you got me

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>Name a more iconic image.
That piece of shit isn't even the most iconic image for Superman let alone comics in general

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I'd honestly say this cover variant of X-men #1, considering this image was EVERYWHERE and it is still EVERYWHERE.

Like, it's on the sides of that marvel battle dice game so this one cover is still prominently in comic shops THIRTY YEARS LATER.

That superman cover has lost its relevance and is now known because of that max landis video on the death of superman. This image of Magneto has been on more product and more merchandise and more promotional materials than any other single drawing of a comic book character.

And it didn't take, whoopsie

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That thing was on the side of some arcade cabinets too, I think

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>Days of Future Past
>Spider-Man No More

That one Spiderman that McFarlane drew. The ultra detailed crouching one

Correct response

lol no

Good post.

>Name a more iconic image.
There are still lots of people who have never read/watched Death and Return. But every fucking single god damn batman story has to hamfist this in somehow

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Action Comics #1

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