How can sony pictures push out the same stuff year after years and still make money?

How can sony pictures push out the same stuff year after years and still make money?
who asked for this?

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>who asked for this?
The market.

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One of the only times where the sequel is factually better than the original.

spider-man 2?

I dunno. You think after the success of Spider-verse, and the newly hired Disney leads would change the company. Guess not. Cautiously optimistic about their adult animation initiative.

Compared to Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) this is Studio Ghibli gold for a Yea Forums Yea Forums movie. Until Illumination's Super Mario movie shows up.

Wrong. This is a /pol/ movie.

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The first one wasn't terrible

Everyone gives them shit for their animation branch.

i liked spider-verse

Disney is way worse, you should make a thread about that instead.

that wasn't a exactly a high bar

>one year they made The Emoji Movie
>the next year they made Into The Spider Verse
Best redemption arc

>How can sony pictures push out the same stuff year after years and still make money?

Where's this energy for disney?

is Sony the next Dreamworks?

at least disney had some good stuff back in the 90s and their early days

Except in the sequel they make peace in the end.

Sony Pictures Animation didn't work on either of these movies, they just distributed.

>Cautiously optimistic about their adult animation initiative.
user i...

Uhh, they actually did work on both movies and were the primary production company behind them you retard.

I’m just happy Thurop’s still getting work

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user, the Lion King remake made over a billion fucking dollareedoos. This is the world we live in.

Against who? The jews?

> Highest rated video game movie

Wasn't the first one a subtle allegory about the refugee crisis in Europe?

No, that was just /pol/tards jizzing all over it.

Black people.

Spider-Verse was in production longer than The Emoji Movie. Does no one here know how animation studios work?

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Both Angry Birds movies, dingus.

Would this board prefer if Disney owned Sony Pictures instead? Everyone loves Disney nowadays.

> Everyone loves Disney nowadays
Not after their live-action shit

nah, they still do.

Lion King Remake is now the most profitable animated movie of all time.

Ask someone who's watched it anything about the movie

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Normos are stupid, what else is new?

AB2 is definitely hilarious and worth a watch, but the first is still better.

They make peace WITH the Jews (going by your narrative).