Last night's Space Ghost thread went quite well. Let's continue to discuss Space Ghost -- how would you handle a revival of the character? Would you like to see him incorporated into a greater comic-book universe like Marvel or DC? Would he work better as a member of the Justice League or the Avengers?
Last night's Space Ghost thread went quite well...
I want a series that mixes both his original series and Coast to Coast. He’s a competent super hero who also has an intergalactic holo program talk show. Moltar and Zorak are forced to work indefinite community service under his watchful eye
Wouldn't that deprive the series of its more notable villains?
What, no melding Cartoon Planet in there? That was leagues above SGC2C.
>competent super hero
That would be far too dull. What would be perhaps more interesting if, like his original portrayal he was competent, but like in Coast to Coast he was also very easily distracted.
I always liked Space Ghost's power set and thought it was very creative. I think he could be considered a heavy hitter in the Marvel Universe or a medium tier in DC. Personally I like the idea of Space Ghost in Cosmic Marvel shit over DC but the costume screams DC for some reason.
How would you update Space Ghost's costume, if at all?
Not at all
It's a timeless design that never needs a redesign. It's simple yet works
I've always been fond of this.
When drawn well it looks amazing as is. OP's pic is just a small example of what I am talking about. Plus the color scheme is very unique for heroes which I like.
I'd like him to have boots.
Comics/cartoons? Wouldn't update at all.
For life action I would give him a hyper faithful designed suit but made from the same glossy, sculpted & textured leather/rubber the Dceu Superman outfits have been made of.
It's literally already perfect.
Boots work, but they also distract from the "Ghost" aspect. The white bodysuit, tapering to his feet, give the impression of a ghost's wispy "tail" when SG is flying.
Fuck me, that's majestic.
How on earth would you improve on the work of Alex Toth?
Isn't he technically a DC property?
Maybe if there were white boots, so that he wouldn't have that footy-pajama look?
jesus christ space ghost is dead bibleman
I've thought for years now that a Coast to Coast revival comic set in the DC universe would be great. You could do two "episodes" per issue, and bring in a different hero or villain as the guest. Keep the same incompetent awkward style of show running, it'd be a lot of fun to see how the various characters bounce off of that.
Looks to much like a henchmen for spaceghost
The Alex Toth portraits made me think that Space Ghost had blond hair, but he's almost always drawn with dark hair when unmasked.